08 Task Performance 1OS FINAL

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08 Task Performance 1 – ARG

08 File Management (Final)

Name: Ronald Christopher B. Cruz

Section: BSIT-2A

1. Reanalyze the five (5) different file structures that were discussed and search for other file
structures that are available in books, the Internet, and other resources. Closely analyze the
components, attributes, structure, and operations or implementation guidelines of each file


Sequential Files stored one after another in a sequential manner. Pile File is quite simple, in which
we store the records in a sequence I.E one after other in the order in which they are inserted into
the tables. Indexed file contains records ordered by a record key. Indexed sequential access file,
records are stored randomly on a direct access device such as magnetic disk by a primary key. A
hash file is a file that has been converted into a numerical string by a mathematical algorithm.

2. After gathering all the essential ideas and concepts, propose a unique file organization structure
or a file management system using the guidelines/questions below. Use 3 to 5 sentences in
answering each item. (5 items x 5 points)
a. Enumerate all your desired attributes/features/functionalities for your file organization design.


My desired attributes that will be included in my design one of it will be protection. I add
protection to it so that I can access all private files and that few people are only allowed to
read it. I would also include timestamp so that I can keep records of when information is
being exchanged or created or even deleted.

b. Which specific file system property would you like to focus on: long-term existence, sharable
between processes, or good internal structure? Why?


I would probably focus on good internal structure since it is sustainable. Having good
internal structure evolved and grow without having to be reorganized, or without the folder
turning into a dumping ground. It will be much easier also for people to find what file they
are looking for quickly.

c. Select a particular industry (i.e., education, entertainment, health services, and manufacturing
industry) that would greatly benefit from your file organization design, and explain how it will
be beneficial for your selected industry. Elaborate on your answer.

I think that hospitals would benefit on my file organization. It may be a great help to
hospitals since sets up a way to find files and records quickly and effectively. It can maybe
help to optimize the performance of a hospitals database.

d. Identify what type of records or files would be involved in your design. Elaborate on your


Record of data will be included so that things like personal information will be in data. It will
also be the content and as evidence of communication, decisions, actions, and history.
Database would also be involved since hold information that are needed for a certain thing.

e. What makes your file organization design unique? Rationalize your answer.


I wouldn’t say it is unique since I’m pretty sure there is an idea like this one or it may exist
already. The thing that I want it to be unique would probably be the internal structure of it. I
want to be unique so that it can be more sustainable than any other file systems.

3. Create a simple illustration of your proposed file organization structure. (10 points)

4. List down possible recommendations to improve your file organization structure design. (5 points)


It needed improvement on the structure, I think that it needed more to be clean since my structure
looks like it is a messed so I recommend it to make it cleaner so that it can process properly.

5. Properly cite all relevant references that you have utilized. (5 points)


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