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i Republic of Philippines National Gopital Tudicial Region MUNICIPAL TRIAL CouRT Gueron Cy, Branch 4) oma N. Quezon Plaintiff , SCA No. ODI2% versus— INA SALVADOR and DONA ALICA Oendonts Kener arene nen ene eee COMPLAINT PUAINTIF, by Counsel, respectfully states that 1 Plaintiff and defendants are all of legal age; plointift Fesioes at 198 Capit Hills Subdivision, Conmoweatia, Queion Ciny, while, delowants reside ot Gi £. Rodrigues, New Wiania, Giezon CHy, ond Unit 905 Lone Condominums Wovaliches, Guezon City, spectively, where rey may be served with pertinent notices, 2. On June 10,2020, plaintiff found a cartier bracelet, without knowing who ite te owner is. The bracdet is ttow in the Posesion of ie plaintiff. On or about 15th day of Sune 2020, Cefadants cortackd plaintif€ aid made Rahmann St, Malate, Quezon Cha, Manila, where ‘he may be verved with coples of tices, orders ond other paper of this Honorable Court 5 3. That Reupondent Carvin Tayo, is also a Fiipino citian, oh 1 0g, ATF chairman under of National Defence, with a Lan Lear> Compnund Tayunan, Sia. Cue, Manila, where he, may be served coples of obtives, orders. and others papes of thls fmorable Court, 2. That Petitioner % an Mcoming freshinan of the San Beda Univers thy 4. Tot due to the icsance of Resolution No tut, 2022 by Te abiu. of he ttpondent on May QM, aed, a copy of which is benvin attached as Amex °A”, replat Shidents 40° be "gistered) Yo Phleatin befor. fey be deemed Amited by Universite; for a facr-4o-fae classes, Petitioners enrollment was put on hdd; S- That Petitioner tos a clear and Kegal right ee Sch Resolution ond unkess rertpined will cause grave and inepara Injury 40 petitioner, G That pettioner hereby applies fr a writ of probibitim 4 restrain respondent from further Implementation of IRTF Resokrtion No, Woe, and -for -tnis purpoe herby obfus a tond in such sum as this fmorable court may fix 3. Thue is no appeal fm such or Gry plam, by lot 20u1-B; on +R W, atong Une 4 by lor 2001 -C, on the N, along natimal Road xxx contaning on area of thirty - one a melere (2leq-m) more er IRs, covered by Teaser Corhifiak of, Tile No, woossl in the Nam, of Nlifio L- Ceres. 5. We rms and Conditions OF said mortgage at incorperatid In o Real telat. Mortgage execukcl Ono signed by defendant on October | Loo. Copy oF scid morgage i attached hereto as fnneK “C # Scanned with CamScanner @ Tesaid wortgage i now overdue, but defercant failed and ill fas, to peu, the come, or ony port rence, nt mitsteancing comands ah plaintilt - Copy h demand telker js hereto adtachel ay ben “O° There at. no otter perms hawing oF claiming an inkrot in “THe wenigpged propery, Wioetrnte, premiescmclderd it R most rapectilly prayed fat Judgement be ‘ended against defirdant: q@. To within a puriod gh not more than ninety (40) days fon acing oh rt ert, Pl ch P 1,000, 200.00 with shpulokd inkreot , pus dst ob sut ond atorreyt tes; and b: Ih default of such paymert; the aforementioned propechy be order a gt puis, cucin ty pay oth the mmyoge debt and is auumulakd intrest, plus Morne fees ond cast of cuit. Otter reli Juct ond equitable ot Uikeuite prayed! for. Monila, May I ‘ove . Course, For TH PLGINTIFF Scanned with CamScanner VEURCATION ANO CommATATION HefiNST -WON- Forum, HOPPING Repubhic of the Philippines) Cty oh Mona SS. |, CHARLIE Mm. PINEDA, of legal oge, Filipino ctritn, afke hang been duly cworn to In ocewrdandt with Law do hereby epost, orc say that: {Vom the plaiattf in the obow-entiied come ; 2. The fads staked in the cbove complaint are tne and carect to he bet oh my Lnowkedge dnd autientic revords ; 3: howe wt commenced ony action or fled any clot Inuding the, Some issues in ary court, hribundl or quasi-judice agenay andl, to the best sh my fronted, no sich 6Her actin or daim ® fending W Hem ; andl 4. \€ | should from that the same or similae action or elain hos bun fitd oR pending afer itt fling, 1 shall report tok fact within five days (6) fren ndtig to the ceuct or wheres tL umplaint oF inintony preodig hos pun fled. IM witness WHeRGOe, | hart heewnto fired my signature hic foth Oauy oh May 1092, in the Cry ¢h Memila- CHARLIE Mm. PIneOA Afiout MEGULED AMO Sworn To befme me hic [ofr ay of May 2029 Gfort exhibiting his Tossport Wo. P2006I%, itsued a Manila on November [le)204. Notre PyBuc Doe. Ho- Tage No. Book No Seviey of 202. Scanned with CamScanner Reputic of Hoe Priinpnas Regional “Teal Court Ath Twadal Region Bronch 2, cebu Cihy kaissu uy toner, Gil Cae Wo. 82-10 eer For: Judicial Sortition SUATER UY x ae eee reek COMPLAINT CONES NON, “hk Petitioner, jh the undersigned couse, Orc unto this Honorable, Coury oot rug Goce ed | Wot plointift i of Ieqpl aie, Filipino, with postal addres ot OF Bray - Busoy, Cebu City; 2 That defndart & of legol ag, Filipino, with postal addres Bik.1, Lot 3, Sun His, Boy, Pasay Gu Citys where he may be Served with Summers and oFKer procats” ny hit Amorabke Court 3. That plamtift ond defendant ore co-owners prv-indivigo, in *Wo (@) equal parts oh One pore of land stuckd at Brgy. Busy, Cbu City orcl verte by TCT NO- 42C14 iksued by -the Ragister oh Deeds of Cm City, a copy of which is hereto aleched as ne "4, 4Thot the Oforementimed Paral of land fas a “otal lond area of to Hoe melt more or (eS, Grd tic eoxily aividibk to +wo panesc vot ob ubich can conveniently ene at either residential of Commerviod Premises 5 5: thot plaintiff had Seweral tines notified deltndant of hae desire Ord inketion to partition aid properhy, and, for that purpott had prnid ond submited > degndont 0 projed- plan of partihon, Nihich Was prepared Gnd drafted by BIS Surveyor Firm, a duly Uiconsed surveipr, ond On unpryyand thir party 5 G. That the afcremettion projed- plan oF partition is aren for ord practical divin of the Property in question; 4. That nctwltnctonding —repeatd demands Of the plaintiff, defmdant THuced, and still cchues, without justificde aux or egce, to accede to the partition of said property Scanned with CamScanner WHEWFORE, premises ooncidtred, it % mest expect ytd uh pi Honoree Court that, alter hearing, Naor eee as ann a; Ordering, “2 gorftion of, fhe parcel oh Lond ertiowed ia paragraph > oh Wn® compat, odeyting, for the gutpese of, Suidl partition, the Pmlh-pian prepared vy WE Sirvegeg Fire 5 be Drdering that 4 deserminchin, as to which of fe two (2) pareuls ‘in said prope plan should pertain 40 either party be done, by ane dia, of te Qartien 5 © Cost oh suit ond thor reliefs Just ond equitable ore bwite ped for Ceou Gty. Philippines, Nay 2, 80% COUNSEL FOR PermMOn A, Scanned with CamScanner VERIRCATION AND CEITEICATION oN NON- Fou Storing PeRuuc oF THe pAtUPPINES) Ch of Gou JSS 1, HRISY IM, oh leqpl age, Filipino cihzen, single, offer having boeen diy smo fo in cecontaner with lant hereky depose Gnd Jay: (Trot lam toe pbinkft in yee atone: entitled care 5 2. Trot | hove caused the preparation oh tu -fireqn i Paitin nd hae read ie alkgations untaned fein 7 3 Trot he akegotion. Jn the suid complaint/ pation are tre and Gnect ob fin frewvkdge and cutentic teanok 5 4 A hereby ty, “hat V hove not commend any offer action oe proseding, involving thy same cues in the Supreme, Court, Gort ch Appeal, or ony ther tribunal oF ageray ; D-That if | should theredr amed thal @ similar achon or x29 hos been fied, | hereby undertake to regort that Aithin fire GF) dows theretron to the court or agency virerala the origind plead ond avon curkficatim ankapiakd ern howe ben fied - IW MIMS WHEE, | foe hereunto arficed my signature fas jot clo, Ob Many 0m2, Coda Cy, Philippines ~ busy uy SUBCHELO AND SOL TD before me us (th clay Oh May aoa2, in re OM ah Gon, with affiamt exhibiting ty mm her Driwerd (oase with 19 No. Xy- WIel-p Isued om Jay 6.2090 at Qby City Homey queuc Doc. No Page No. Serie of 2002, Scanned with CamScanner Lic of the Philippines National Capital Judicial Region Vetropotton Trial Court Broneh 4, manila CHARLIE M. PINEDA Plaintiff, Guill Case No. 22-20001 Vetus For: Unlawful Oetainer NINO L. Cetes Defendant, Xe ee cee ne x ComPLAINT COMET WoW! the plotatift, ‘hvough +e undersignes! ecunse| andl unto hie Honorable Court, most rapectfully aver hat: F The plaintiff i cf kgal age and a resident of 21 Bonifacio st, Quem chy wile the defendant ic alo of Regal oge, with resicence at tay dela Fientt St. Gmpaloc, Mona, where he may be Served with Sunmos ard sther Couch precenes 5 A The plaintiff is the obsoluk owner and lewor oh a certain building loaned ot 824 dela fuenk, ct. Sanpatoc, Manda, curreetiy. being, lemed and owupied by tie ckfendant ; 3-The defendant eaves ond ccoupies the said building yader ee apres obligation ab payleg a monty cent of TETEEN ThoycANO PHO (15,000.00). Rape within te fit fing (5) aye each woth; 4. The detmdant has failed to pay the cents for the months * Janvory *0 Apeil 2022, which ameynt to STU THUAN Pesos (? Go;00 09), SS.Withowd ony legal jpsttreatton defodart continuously eefusec to the said amount dexpike repeated oral and wri semonde. A ha demand leer war sent ond eceired personally by aefindent on 120% copy oh the tinal clenond tetee “to fay se area ord fo vaca. the premies is het alached ac Annex “A.” WHDUETORE, premises considered, it ic rerpectfully prayed unto fig ferorobe, Cowt that, offs due hearing, judgement be tendered ia favor Of the plankiff Scanned with CamScanner a. For the rtitution of the abovementioned premises ; and difor tke payment of ONG thunDRD THIAND pens (P 190/90 0) eptexating, “Hie orcas ond with Hoa) interest from fu, fling of this complaint anh Lost of sti. Cer robles jst and emuitae ot Ulenite prayed for. Cy of Manila, Philippines, — May Ik) ous « Count FORME ALAIMFE VETURORTION ANO CeICIFORTION «OF NON-FORUM SOPH Republic of the Philippiner ) Giy of Monta, Yeo. Vcinkus M, PNEDA, Fipiog, of oat age, residing at 261 Bonifacio St, Gueron City, offer peng sworn 40 in Octordance with law, depose, ond Says that : 1am the pontiff in the above-enttted case; aThe Lock std in the atove complalor ore tug and comet to the best of my erculedge ond auittenie corde ; 5-1 hove wot pmmened any action on filed ony claim) Invotwing, the same sues id Ony court, tribunal or quasi-judicia{ Opprey and, to the best et my tacwledge, 90 such other arin of dim i peeing in them: ond 4. \stould learn that te come or stmilor acho or clain hac been filed o ie fercling afer i filing, I shall report that foct vathin fie (2) days fem otic f° the cort or whee the, complaint or initiators pleading has ben filed . Cry of Monila, Philippines, May I¢, 2on2 GIARUE Mn. PINEDA, Afint SUBSLLIEED AND SWORN TD before me this 18th day of May in the Gy of Manila, Philippines, affant exhibiting fp Me ie dompetat cider. of entity by way of Passport with aunbee Pooop2e, , isued Scanned with CamScanner a Moriig, Pritippines on Novanben Mes Zo1a Nowy PuBUc Doc. No Rie Ho. Bock No. Suits of 2002. Scanned with CamScanner Republic. of the Phitippires Munvcipat Trial Court in Ghes Hh Tidal Region Branch 3, Cebu Cy VICTORIA. c. TRumag Poi iil Case No.2 -c0 9054 teres for: Forcible tinky SUAN METAS. Ovlront Meare eee x ComPvaInt PLAIITIFF, +thromgh te underigned counsel, and unto ‘this tonorcote Court, moct recpecttully allege tat: \ Plaintiff VICTORIA C.TRUNAG, of tegal age, Fpino, with esidence at Bik 1, Lot 4. Sto. Nifo Uilage, Boniiad, Goa cry, whee he may be Served with notices ord oft court provecces 5 {Defendant JUAN MAMAS, of Kegol age, Filipino, with residence at 209 Bigy. Luv. Gebu Gly, where he may be sered with votives ond other Court processes 5 2. Phik#f, by vice of a Deed of Gieakie Ghie, sbttined onexship of a certain parcel Of fand from the Original owner RACHEL ONG. A copy of tre Deed of Sak ie hereto atached as frnnex “A” 4 The parcel oh lod is ctuated in Bray luz, Cebu Cty, covered boy Transfer Gurtficale, oh THe No. 403 Boued by the. bagisler of Deeds of Cebu City. A copy of 4 TOT No. 814G7 Ls hereto ottached & Amex “8; 5. Herein detendant, throug stealth and strakegy, cctupied the, parcel i od refwses to vocal, Hie some chupitt. repeakd coal and ceemards A OF “the writen demand i atcha OC Arne °C, ae fe G-The ome acts of the Defendant —compullect he Plaichtt +o incur damages consisting an fer in tHe amount of Fer THusno Pees (PSO ,c00.05), ord filing ee ond otter personal expenses to be inane in alteading “the hearings of this cate in the Omount of Run THmMCano Pes0s ( #10,600.00) This action is ovemed ay the Rules ov Gamma Provedu re, ‘Scanned with CamScanner Prover mineReroee, Prturices cowsiderec, it is eapectily praugd of this tronoraibie. Court that, Ofer procerdings, judgement be tendered in favor & the Pointift and ordering the Deferclan’ and all pegonc chiming, Aaghis urder kim to: |: Poemanentiy VACATE the premises in Question ond give Immediate right of posession fo the Painttf ; 2Ray Plaiatift The amount Of Fey toousand pax (Progoo.c) by Woy oF aitwreys ns avct “Ten thousand Pesos (P0000), by way OF oft Litigation expunec; and > Poy tha cot of “tris sult. Cteor reli¢ge just ancl equitable under Hine premises over Litemice Proyed for. IM withers utoeor, | have hereunto set my and this Ish day A May 2092, at Gu Chy, Prilierines. COUNSeA FOR PLOWTIFE Scanned with CamScanner VEWHOATION ANO CeRMROATION OF NON- Forum SHOPPING REPUBLIC OF THE PHUPPINes) cm oF oreu —-) 9S. |, ViCTORR C. TRUNAG, of legal ag, OFer having been dbly worn in gcvordowt with low, derose and stak that ; {Lom he Plain in the obove-entited cas and hare caused) ‘Yee prmration OF Re -regoing coniph aint ; Q-| have read the contents thereo- and the facts ciated there Ore true and correct of may PRRONC KAowieeke of baked on Outhembic teords; 3-1 have act commented any offer action or prowediing inveluing the came WHS in he Guypreme Covet, “the Grurt oh peal or any tle fribauned or aqureyy ; 4-To the best oh muy krovtedg? Gnd belie, no such action or preerding 1 pending in $e Supees Caurt, Court of Appenti, orcmy other ‘oyna ageney; olf | stould thereafter Rann that @ similar action om preceeding ros been Fike or ic pending before re Siysreme Court, the Court Of fppeals, Or ony otter tribunal or , | undertake to reat sich fick within fire (8) days Sreon on iS Fab Gort. W WIS wHeReOF, | hon henwnto cet my hand this Ist dam of May aorr,at Cemu Chy, Dailippines Vooua c. tAUnAG SURKUERD AND SWOW TO befre me This rst cay Of May aoe, in Ae Cty & CM, Offiont extrilating to ne” her Drivers: Weenge No XY-IZp0-D expiring om July G, 2020. KoTARY PKBUC ‘Dee: to, Rage Wo. Bock No: Series of 2022. Scanned with CamScanner Republic of the Prilippines PBoIONOL TUOL COURT ath TUOIGAL GeO Bronch —, Cebu ity SP. PROC. NO. CoN22 Now cuimes fefinener, the Cy Prosecutor ol, (eeu CAM ond in lehalF of he CM of GERM, unio this Atmovabte, Court, tapectfully avers: tat. L-That DANDY ON was ob Kegal age, singh, o Filipino cifien, and o raideat of 261 Orgy. Gusay, cu cay. LThat DAN one ded infestok. in Coo Gity on the ed day of ‘Tuy $021. A copy oh WS death curtipiak. ik herein attached as Annex “AY at the time ah tic cath he Ft real priperty in the, Giy sh Gigu 40 vt TCT No. 194-0017 A gorcel Of land (Lot No. 8112--9) OF the subdivision plan (SO sain, sthurted in tow crty of Cor, Bounded on tre, N by Wt No Gii2-B-1, of West by Let No. ¢lla-C-1; on S. by Lat No. 8IB-D-15 Pod -B2 ond on the £. by Lot Wo. $N-c-2. Containing on areq of five tunokeT) (50) 69. meltrs, more or Ki. % copy of TAL, ceeunt Tox Declaration crowing ‘re oboe, assessed value 1<¢ herein ofadhed as finned *p,” and a cory of TH No- 198 -o0124y Ye ein attached os Annex scr ATMat OANWY ONG ic tne only child of Pavid Ong and Gran. Ong. ptr David Ong died of nOtural cousec on aitth of November 205. A copy of his death cartificak Ic herein attached a Scanned with CamScanner frvex “D", ond Grae, ied oh heart attack on the fot oh Seplember 2010+ copy oh her cath certificak is heen atached as Amex *E* F-That Oanny Org died witind am desendant nor asiendarts who boy low ore, entitled 10 inhentt hk neal prperty PRAYER WHHELEROLE, premises concidered, it i upecttul powed that, wpm due chic ond enring and after “the payment of is just debky ond chorea, he, catak oh He cemased OAK ono be declared escheateal infouroy oh ty Goxmment in oturdamce with law. Calou City, Piligpives, th of May 2022 - PRETTY C. Vasque? Gy Prosecutor Scanned with CamScanner Republic of the Phitippines ) Cty oF Coo SS. VEURCATION FNO CERTIFICATION OF WOn- Fou STOPPING 1, PRET c- VaSQUEe, of legal age, marrid, Filipino ctieen, aA with Offic, addres at Chiet Fernan fal) of Just, Capifpl Compound Und, Gbu Gy, after having been duly swon to in accordance, With law do heey depo nd Jay: That (an the Petitioner in tie obove-entiitd mse ; LTH \ howe, coused the preparation of +e foregoing petihon ; > Thot | howe read fhe foregoing petition and all the allt gations herein are true ond comet ond of my own pecongl Knowledge or based on authentic teoords ; | That | toe, wot fied ony cae Inuciving “Ane come iccues os hh tte aut, ot tor before, any court, agemuy or sriowral ; : TThat there i¢ 00 Pending cae, involving the some iscues ac in tre case ot bor with ony court, agerey or ‘tnbungl ar any stake whatcoeer ; G Trot Hf | receleg amy information 4p the contrary, | under- fake fo inform “ris tororatht Court within Says. tec fom WW WITS Hector, | we hereunts affixed muy signature his 4th of May 2022 id Cebu Cry, Philippines, Pret C. vacquer Aint SWOSCLIEED AN SWORN fp beh me, ot Cebu Cy, Pritipprnes, “his Gh of Mou 202%, affiant exhibiting +y me her bearing PP No. Vi%wOO20 expiring, on 4th of “Tune 2o24 . NOTA Pua Dov. No Yok No. Series of, 02a Scanned with CamScanner Republic. of fhe Philippines Regional Tral Court Hn Tudidal Agi rach 12, Cebu City INTHE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF THE Mimo JuuE PNO Spec Proc No- 22-0802 Sps. Mery Dy, and Geoge 04, For: Adgption of a minor Pohtioners Reson oe wm SRR PETITION FOR ROOPTION OF MINOR The Petitioners, through the nderuigned camncel, and uate this Hororgbie Court, respectfully awe’ that: 1 The Petionerc Werry Dy and George Oy ore hutand and wife, 31 and 32 yeor of age, seapectively, Fupinos and eesideth of gor Queens 54. Bonita, Cedu Ghy A That Pettioners har to legitinak, childien or deserdatte ond hereby desire +o jointly adopt a minor nomed JUUE PING, four (4) wor old, fegitimat, gmid of Wey Pino and Jake Fito , 3. the father of wid minor ig row dead. ond only his mother, Lucy Bir9, \c live 4 Trot cid moter, Lavy Pino, i not intone, nor intemperate ond has excuited a Deed of voluntary Commitment, os evidence by Anaex “A” hereto attached and made on integral port of “this petton- 5- The Ceportment of Social Welfore ond Qevelopment tas issued a Ceehficats of Aualabitay for Adoption, axtifying that te mor, Julie Piao ic owailable for adoption, Os cidenud by Annex "2" hereto ahacled and mode an inegral part of this fettion G. That Petitiones Ort in possesion of full avil capacty and tegol fights; of geod worl charackr ; has Nol ban cant of any crime iwoling moral turpitude 5 phycicoly, firandoty, emchonaly and psychologically oe & canng Br he said minor ; thot tty Ore at least sixteen (oy yes, older than Said minor Petitioner spouses are both earning their inwme by their profescion, of Dentist: 3. thus, Petitioners have all Qualifications and wone of the diiqual- Fcatin under the tan to adopt Jule, who i not disqualified by Scanned with CamScanner on 40 be adopkd. | will be for the best interest of the minor did 40 be adopkd by the Petionec. PRAYER WROGFORE, it x mat respectully praytd of this Honorable, Court that oHer due fohce, publication, Ond hearing, judgment be rendered to ty effet thet henceforth, jie Pino be free fom legal diigations of obediene ond manknana with respect to her natural porest, ard be, 40 all Kegal inten onc purposes, he petition@s, and rot fhe surname of the child be changed fo Julie Oy, which is Tre symame of the — petinoners Other celitfs Just and equitable under the premiste ore Vwi. prayed for Cebu City, Philippines, May 30,2022 COUNSEL FOK TH PETTIORRS Scanned with CamScanner Republic. of the Philippines Regional Trial Court, Hh Judi Regn Branch Cera City YHYRRUL BueNnoth SP Case No. 21 -CovIg Retioner For: Change of Nome Keee ee ee ee nek PETTION FOR CHANGE OF NAME Price, theagh counstl, unio this Homorable Cpurt sapectfuly avea : v Thoh Petfioner i of aye, single, ond a recidemt of Urpo, Cebu ay; 8. Twat Pettioner hax been a onafide resident of Cebu City. since 2oo1 oF for ct feast thee (3) yeas prion te dak of filing of “tis petition, 9That ter present nome is XINRAYL BuRNOA, 4. Thak such name ig ridiculous, hard to pronounce and spell, ond has curd embarassment and bullying to pettionur trough the year: 5-That petitioner tequests that her pesent name be changed to Chery) Buendia ; That doe relative oF petting have idemtified her by that tome and at petitioner has identified heel by that name f° a couple years Wow PRAYER WHOIRORE, it ic respectfully prayed that, afer che action, ard hearing and publicthon in Octordance wrth the Rules of Court, this tonorablt. Court adjudge ‘vot te pettioners name be changed fron YANERNL BUEDIA to CHEK GUENDIA. Other rehefs just ond equitabte, ore Urwwise, frayed fire Glow Ghy, Prilippines, May 90,200 COUWeL Foe PertrioneR Scanned with CamScanner Republic of the Prilanpines REGIONAL TwAL couer National Capital Judicial Region Branch 1A, Manila SELENA come? Plaintiff, Givil Case to. ~ Versus Yor: Collection of (un of Morey TAY SWIFT Oefendant Recetas COMPLAINT WITH PRAYER foe PRELININORY RITROKMENT Phintiff, thragh counsel, ond unto this Honomble Court, respecttuly overs that: 1 Goth Plaintiff ond defendant are of oge and recidtnk of Guerm City: & That defendant bemin owes plantiff +e amount of NINE fUNoZED Titusrino e505 (® 400,000.00) skmming fiom oO sole trantaction entered tay the portics fir “the sak of @ second hand car, 3 That the frelon bes eetued 40 pay tie um, decpite timely orch carsicent demand of he plainkft 4. That tte court, in on earlier case ckaded in September 29, 202) tox already adjutged the plaintiff destrving of the ameunt prayed —berein. D-Dekndant is about to remove or dicpose oh his property, with intent to defrowtd nic creditors ; Gere aout dx to the plaintiff ic a mich as fhe sum for nibich an order 6h attachment ic cought ty be grankd, the deterdant’s §— 1DIR SUBAE XV, above all fegal counterclaims on the. Port of the defendant ; FPhinttt ic willing to pA up o bord for the isuonce of a preliminary Gfockment jn on omcut fo be fixed by the court, pot exceed ing the gm oh MME HuRiOREN THeusANP Pesos (F A0,000.00) equal fo the cnount of the plaiditfts claim, upon the condition that the plainkit will poy the costs that meu be adjudged to the Scanned with CamScanner deGrdant and all damage, whith he may custain by mason eb He aiewhment, if Ys Court wo Oded that TRL apiu‘ounb wes hat ected pedo. WHRMROUE, iT is wept prec dha: + Peediog eu tearing af tht cane a writ th preliminwy, atlachment oS sour cook foun 4 took a Oh ry prclgpmen mag Aer due feeds he kee oS at be rendered incl “Ye deherdant fr Hs oP Aenaw a yh inher Os nay Ke guar ae § Fro he tines oe ififation aed ark, plus cart ‘ > Ole esis jt K eotebe or, Likewice pried fr. Wowimnes,, witerr, TF have huewnto hme set may hand on “tu Ist dam al April tore, in Quer city, mse To, COUnNseL FoR PUMnNTIFF Scanned with CamScanner Republic. of he Phitiprines Regional ‘Trio! Court Hh Judicial Region Gronch 12, Cebu Cty keissy uy, Plaintiff, Civil. CASE No, 22 30600) eeu for: epication for Preliminary Drew TAO —_ ‘Defendant. Xeweae oes ae COMPLAINT PLAINTIFF, hough counsel and 40 this Honorable court alleges: PAITIES \-Thot athe Plointiff, KRISSY UY, 1s of legal age, Firipino citizen, singe, and 0 resident of 219 Rahmyann St, Gororto Avenue Cebu City; That Oekrdant herein, DARWIN TRYO, Is of legal age, Fuipino diiten, single ond a resident Of MT Padila Street, Cebu City 5 PACTS OF tht CAS 3. Trot the plointiff ig the defndart in a confisection Case filed in Ane Lord Tonsportation OFfice,; AcThat the defendant herein, os head of the Confiscation Bureau, has used 40 be eonfiscated three (2) wns belonging +> the plaintiff hertin, + aeging such automdbilts to have expired O2/CR or bring fake ; S-Thot the vans’ OR/CR were in fact duly renewed and the, Imgukd allegations or, without merits G Thot_plantift is enfitied to the relief demanded ond tie whde or part of such relief oonelsts in Restraining the commision or continuance of the ack compoined of, either for a limited period or perpetually; oF That the comission or wortiauonce of some act congioined of during the Utigation would pray work injustice to plaintiff since such trucking semites ore the plaintiff! only source of Income ; & "Tat the plaintiff teacky opptes for a writ of prelininany inection 4o restrain the deftndont from he. act hecin wml ond or hit purpose eacby, fs a bond in auch dun ane o Honorable Court may fix. Scanned with CamScanner PRAYER WHOREPORE, it is recpectfull of his Honorable Court to Gecice in favor of the plaintif Mo aonee the “filowing: | Trot after due wotice ond hearing, a preliminary injunction be isued forthwith to restrain deftedant fom doing the ack herein complained of, Namely the Uonticarting of the vant Subject of Litigation; 2-Thot afer rial, soid injunction be made permanent, with costs; 3 Aind such reliefs Juct and equitable under the premises. Cebu Cihy, Philippines, May 40, 2022. Counsel. for Tht PURITTIFE Scanned with CamScanner Cepubvic of He, Phitgpies ReGinoL TuaL CORT Hh Judi Region Bran on, Cobu Chy ABBY C. DONRLOO Planer, Gui Cae No. 021234 ~verus- For: Comaainr wart APPUCATION FOR RECUR CARS C. eve Defendant. Kersten oe onan x COMPLAINT Pont, 4 crunsel ond 4p hic Honorable Court, respectfully tals. tat: | Pintif€, ABBY C. DONALDO, i oF legal age, Fupino citien, single, wth resident ond portal addres at 216 Brgy. Guadalupe, Cebu Cy; 2. Deftedont, CARDS C.PEREC, ic of legal age, Filipino citizen, cing with Resides and postal address at — 919 Brgy Guadalupe, bn Cty, Where re my be sured with summons nc other court process 5 J That plonhft is the quner a6 te pro-indiviio ouner with the defandont © prperty in Utgatm focakd in OF Brgy. Guadalupe, Cebu Gy, which har a for worket value of TWO muon pesor (2,000,220) ‘Trot the detndant in achat poststion of the a) Higa ard a auch, he ein sone) ot poe he propery peadry gon, Sat the iauome from said Property ore in danger of being lock, como, gr mattrialy iajatd unlecr O tcciver be Gppaitd to guard ond prann, tre came, Ghat he deftndart ic hopelesiy iawivent for he ic Peavily indebkd +o various persons 5 aThat plait ft is willing ond ready to fie 9 bond in the arrowt whch ns torte owt may fic in fear of he deferdont oopinct whom ai reciverslup is presented to fhe Heck Hot he, the point fp te defandast oll damages weich wil sutton by ream of the OpPOIRIMEN OF dg receiver i cat the plainhit hall hae procured such. appoinhmest without cuter owe, and such ‘ether bord’ which Waich fais ftonoralte, Cant may require Wim to fle here Scanned with CamScanner Ofer, Oc eeurttA for such dlamacyes PRAYER Witeerron, pointiff prays that: + An order be icsued appointing a receiver; 1. Ber heaving, a judgment be rendered dedaring that plamtgt it enttied 4p fhe peperty, ord proceeds nd sein te deherdant 40 pay the amount of te Income from the Pry, he is entitted ty receive plue Liquidatecl oamagec, Perales, ancl intereat un filly paid ; 2-\n either coe, to order herein defendant +o pay ate plainhft re Sum of One Hundred “Thousand Pens (100,000.00) as omens Fees. 4 Cher welief as may be deemed st and equitable in the premises are Uinwire- prayed for Goa Gy, flpril 2; 2022 COUNSEL FOR PURKNE Scanned with CamScanner Republic. of the. Philippines jena) Teal Hh Judidal Region Branch 12, Cebu Cay Wscy Uy lai Gwil Cote No -12-00110 -vessus- For Repleuin Groce LIM Defendont . COMPLAINT PLANT, through he undesigned urced ond unto this Honorable, Court, respectiully aver that: ¥ Plaintiff is of legal oge, Flip and residing at 2% Kahmon S+, Goordo Meme, Ceo Chy 5 2. Defindont I< abo ob legal age, FUpino ond residing a oI Brgy. Kamagayan, Cebu Ghy ; 3. Plainhff i the owner of GF Bridals located ot Soncangko St Bigy Kamagayan, Ceoa Cty; 4. On May 10,2022, defendant went to GF Bridalc to rent a @tain borg and block shoes, as evidenced by the rental contract, herein attached as finnex “A’, 5. That on tHe do defindand is dbiged 40 return the. rerkd moterals, it failed ond shil fails to return the rend Heme. G. Alointtt has demanded fiom defurdant through a lefer doked Troy Bet, but tre later refuse and Continue to refuse to teed the nds of fhe former | +. Plaithft hos offered to pact @ bond ar this tororatte Gourt may fx. WiEIeEFOCe, it iS mat reopectully prayed frat Gree due nchce ond hearing, the subed property be derverel 4 the plainhft ; and hut defrdont be mode for the cast ot this suit. Other reliefs just and tquitgole ore Uke wise prayed for Coa, City, Philippines, May fF, 2022. Comet Fok PLONE Scanned with CamScanner Republic of the Philippines Reciona, THA CouRT Ath Judicial Ragion Branch 9 Cebu City SUSAN AROON Plaintiff , tse Cuil Gase No. Zone CARLO ARDON Oeferdont ee eee x COMPLIANT FoR SUPPORT WITH “ALIMONY PENOtITE LITE” PLANTIFF, thm counse) alleges. = 1 That phinttf, SUCAN ARDON. 1s of legal age and a eesident of 11 ‘Sitio Cangkal, Tolambar, Cebu C4y ond ” cefendant CARLO FROON ic tense of yal age and a resident of G91 Calvary 4Hils, Ponilad, Guu City 5 A That defendant _anct point cre husband and wi having been duly mared on Tune ag, &010 ord before the Parish Prest o Ragennptorist Church, Cebu City, copy Ob their sromiage certficak tein attacked to this complaitt os Annex “AY; 5 That oot oh said mariage were tom 2 legitimak, children, samely Taylor Ardon, now 6 yeas of oge and Sweetie Adon, now > yeas of Ae ; 4 That, on or about “th of ovenker 20H, defendatt witout jutihable Gute or eeacon, abandoned th, congal howe, kaving “the two Oforemeationed minor childre with Plaiatft, id since then, defendatt hod failed ond rehised onc chill faib ond refuts, to provide for fe support and mainknane of painiff onl the two children ; 5. That ppintff ie totaly without any Sure of invome, while defendant ic a Brand manag» of Metrdnank earning gn average month inwone of 45,000-00, more or és i G That considering me present cost of living, PaichFf ond her two miner qhildren ated a monthly allowance of, at leat 0,00 for thue maiteron ond Suppo Scanned with CamScanner 2. That in support of plaintiff? claim or alimony pence lite, the folowing affidavits, dispostion or otter ic douments are, attached to this pointif Affidavit ty Support —Uemplaint, erein akached gs Amex “P"; b.cemificak of Live Birth Of Taylor Adon, hein attached ar Annex ‘C's acer of live Bien of Sweetie Ardon, hertin afjached at “O% d- (atest \ncome Tox Retum of Carlo Ardom, herein otacked ac fimex “E", WHEREOF, plintiff prays for judgment : + Ordering defendant fo gine plainttf a monthy allowance of P.20,000.00 ty be paid on o before the 5th day of every month, os alimony pendenk lite; a fitter atrial, Ordering the said monty support to te nade 5. Ordering ceferdont 40 reiabyse plainktf for atomeys ec in the amount oF #1000; and 4. Other just and equiable remedicn Cebu City, Pritippines, 44h of May 2092 Mt! htt Scanned with CamScanner Republic of the Prtiopines * ReelonoL Wal Cover th Tudidal Region Branch © Cela Cry PEOPLE oF ‘THE PHILIPPINES Phaintift -pppelke, Gmina) Ge No. 72510 era for: Vidation of Sec-5, Aetile BL ck RAQIOS GrORGE Um toe oe Acuna teens. Novice OF APPEAL COMES NOW, AcculeD GEDRGE UM, Hough undersigned counsel and unto this tnorabie Court terety fies nis Notice of Appeal and avers that \ heewed fechy gives notice that ste is appealing the Decision of he thonorcble Court dakd It April 2022 to the Court of Appeals. 2. Gid Decision was received by Accud - Appellant jh Counsel on 7 Bpril 2022, “thus she has Ba on May ‘on wie which tp file ond submit her Noice of Appel, thus Finely filing of the. Same « 3. Helo attached at tte Original i aad Ti we. Offical Receipts for Appeal Fee, Respectfully submited . Gy of Bou, Prilippices 29 April 2022. COUNSEL FOK ACUIKED - APPELAINT Copy Furnished. Cre of tre hy Prosewtor. Scanned with CamScanner Repubio of the Pritippings SUPREME COURT Manila KRISSY Uy Pettioner ii GR.! ARMIN TRYO A gespondent kee ee ek PETITION FoR ReWEW(aule 45) PETITIONER, though coun Od +o this Hovoroble, Court, alleges: NATURE OF THE CASE Tis 6 a pettion for review prmact to ule 45 of the Kula of Cort OF he decicion of the Regional Trial Court ef Cebu, Branch ¢, enfittd Fess) Uy ws. ,ORRMIN THO, which digmissed ploimlfté (won pesttioner) complain gon defendant (row respondent) motion 4o dismiss on tne ground that fale) vo valid couse of action, which dicaisal was offimed by the. ol court when it dered the motion for reconiceration , Only Questions of law at rived, thot being to factual issues involved , ie _Pheaneg_ Petitioner is oh Heqal age and ts te plaintifé in said Civil Case No. fou, FICK 8, a On : : : Respondent Is also of legal age and is the defendant in Quil Case, No. dom2, RIC ORS, CM CH. He may ke served with Kegol pve nragh is ounce, Ay Ken Timo, with offi. addrecs at SDA Building, Juan luna St, bu Cy. IMSS OF PETITION On Seprarber 28, 2001, petttioner received copy of the decision of she ATC Be. 8, eee Guil Case Soe1-12. Ceetified copy of scid secislon ig attached ac finnex “A. On October 20,%021 or nifhin the 15-day period from receipt of said decision ctakd in Annex “Ay petitioner -fitd ic motion for reconsidetion of said decision, py of which motion for revoncideatin jc attacked nett as Annex BY On Nowunber & 2021 petitioner revived a copy of the order ening fae motion for rxonsideration. Certified tue copy Of suid order “ic atuchtd hertlo os finnex “Cl “Thi instant petition ic filed within the doy puicd from receiph on November ¢, 2023 denying A motion for rexoncidteation « Scanned with CamScanner STATEMENT_OF FACTS MAMRKS IMVOLWED. Tre fuctwal backgrund and proceedings are as follows : + Somedime, on July tv dong, esgondent contrackd a loon from petitioner in dhe amount OF “THRET mito Pesos ( 4000,t00.0) at “FUe PKGONT IMPRET PE ANU payoble ia three yearly indallments, which contrac’ is hertin atiaded as fnnex “D" 5, 2. On febovony 19, 2021, herein respondent oiled B py fis onthly Obligations. A demand teller dated February 35,2020, was made oy petitioner to demand gayment of tae same wich was Personally Reotived by herein respondent. “The Same is hertin ckached ac Annex *E”s > Despite Said danand eter, respondent faikd 4o pay. On March 03,2021, 4 seumnd demand leer nas ent ond pasonaly received by respmdent, oid denand Keer is herd attached os flanex “'F”. 4 Dewitt. repeated demands, both vertol and writen, respondent filed ond tetnes to fail a ctl, I eigating 4p tern. gener, 40 the Prejudice, of the fake 5 5. On June 15,2001, Petition fied a colecton case ogdinst the. respondent hefore te RIC BK. ¢, 6} Cebu City ond was dockekd as Ql Case tio. soar R, besein attached os fnnex “6} 6 On Sepkmber Face, the RTC BR.& released judgement in favor oh oe, which peiondr reatved on Seem bir 10,200K, hich deution i, erin attached as inne "HS % On per 20,202, mspodert filed a motion or reconsideration, haan attached at frnex 1" $ On Seplmier 28,2021, petitioner received th onder ot RIC Br. 8, Gu Cty granting the motion for reuneiderctim oh Repondeat, herein tached as Annex", %- On Octobyr 15, 20N1, pttitioner filed medion for rcuorsideration, for he decision grand, of here attached Os finnex "Bs 1 On November @, 20%, the PL Gr. 8, Cebu City denied me mation for yeonsiderdtion by petitioner, Juch is hertin attached as Annex “C'; \k Qh November 92, petifioner fed this inctont petitin for rwiew under Rule 4S of the 1997 Rukes af Civil Padre. Scanned with CamScanner ERRORS COMMITTED BY TRIAL COUT 1. THE TOIL CouRT ERRED WHEN IT GRANTED THE moTION FoR RECON SIOERATION OF THE WecePoNOENT FoR FAIRE OF PeTmONeR JO cme A cAUst OF ACTION; A. THE TIAL COURT ERRED WHEN IP INORED THE FACT THAT Res PonioENT IW PRT AKO INDETD, OREO VALIOLY, NETHOUT FORCE Ge MTIMIOATION, THe CONTACT OF LOAN ; W. THE TUR, GOUT ERRED WED ITD Not aut COUNRANLE to THE Doumeniry Xe PREENTED CARLY stom, He COUGATIONS NinUt GspondeNT suBTyURD timsAF 70. GRANDS Of TLEAGONS Ce \ The appeal should be granted ac tere % no ploin, speedy, ond adequate remedy auilable to the petitioner 2. The appeal shovid be qranitcl OS substantial injustice was vommited aginst the rights of ‘the peltioner, which rights were, ignored by ‘the trial count. 3 The appeal should be granbed as manifest violation of petitonert tights to property Were nc protedtd. PRAYE iteeeFare, promises considered, tt is most respectful dof the fororable Court tat dguminh be rendered in favor of Ne potone and for fry grant of following: \ Thot petifim be given due course , © Thok after dae ings, Ju " questioned, enon od a fa ae aud wae a ofa, 3. Ordering the reepordint tp pouy tHe Filloviing, Sune: O. tre amount OF Oe MUON FAFTY THONSAND Pe505 (P 1,080,c0000) represerting repondenti outstanding Yoon balance, with inet; b. wot of suit. 4 Other ies Just and equitaick, are (wise prayed for. Clo City, Phibippines , November &2i 021 COUNSEL FOC PLAINTIFF Scanned with CamScanner Republic of the Prine) Giy of Cebu) 6S. COMPLAINT: AFFIDAVIT \, KRISM UY, of legal age Gnd q resident of Mb Rahmana St, Gorordo Ae Cebu City, affer being duly swom 4o in acuordance. with law, hereby depose and say: + Trot 1 am Fling a complaint against Geokce Um, of legal Age, businessman, and a peicant of Lanug, Goa Cry, wher he can 1 Served Summons ond aohies, for tkTmFA and violation of BP22. 2. That somehing in February 2022, respondent vontakd me fo loan cach in the amount of TWo #unDIe~ TrousealD tb cupport his capital - 3 That on Febuary YU, 2022, afler oscuring rat his check was well find, | agreed ty reaitsud 4 Chinatank “check with check no. {00361 with -face amount of TWO tynoKedTIOUsAN D PESOS (# 3p0 000.20) with watwity dak on April 20,2022, the said chek was rclicconta in the qmounl of One HunbkeO tity THouAND (P o,000-) which I handed to hin ot my reaickace ; 4. That Apri 20,2022, uid check was deposited ia my BP! Guount, however, fw Sane was alishonord by drawec bank by reqcon 64 Drawn fyaintt Insufficient Fund (DAI); That | jmedioky contoiokl —reapondent ond informed him of the dishonored check and ated him 4 make gooe) his Check or poy + pecomally, howurer he rfued tb pay cespie mgentd demand, That | aan 00 longer contact tepurcnt thragh his number to my prejudin.- IW Wwimness ittaeeoF, 1 ton howunto affix my signe thic 20th doy of fil 2022 in Cola Gly. Phibppines fo akut trnthfulmes of the tq0779 and to ik my formal complaint agaist Boece um for tetofa and Vivato af BP 22. kRissY uy Scanned with CamScanner Republic of he. Pritippines Department of Tucice, Notiona| Prosecution Service OFFICE OF THE PROSEWTOR Creu c™ INVENICATION PATA FORM (To be accomplished by the Offs) OATE RECaVED Nes Docker No.: (Comped and ieitioted): Timed received Assigned to: Receiving Sak: Dak asigned: To be owonpiched by tre complainants / Come, Lon Enforcer (we tock portion if gnce ic dot suffer?) COMPLAINANTS: Name, Sex. Age Address RESPOND: Nome, Sex, Age Address SARA ALIWIO, female, of egal age, RUA] JOE ALGA ond ROA ALIGA, both ciiten, ond seaiding at 12 Samibag2, | of legal ages, residing ot 25> & Urqeio, ou City Dede St. Batava, Gbu Ghy 1 OrrENcE is commen [LAWS OURO ummesstafes : Nome % Alene « TUE AY oA: for W909, for ESTAFA,for| JANE T. CAMLON and ARIK DAW whol Moliciog. tnicchiek are bath sidng at 316. Sorta, 2, i Urqdio, Gow Cty ROKR ALOR Fy -Ethafa, For Malicious Mich DATE TINE OF Commission PLACE OF commission Feo 2001 to _PRaLeTIT Cee cy 3 VHas a similar conplaint been filed before, amy other office 7 YB NO 2-4 the complaint ia toe rohin. of a cour -offidaith 7 Ye yo AE yess indicate detail bugw , 345 Ahi complaint relate 40 Oncltier case belye hi offic? Ya No ops, indice dela, beh (:S.JNPS Oodut No. Handlieg, Prosecutor Scanned with CamScanner REPUBLIC OF THE PHypPing, Muriipa | Trial Courts in Cities Ath Judical Rogion Branch 5 @by City POOPLE OF “THE AHUPYITES, Poiatift, ~Vyernus- Ceiwinal Case NO. for: The TJUUAN SoRRO Pecused. ore en ee eee eK INFORMATION The undersigned Prosecutor acuKes JULIAN SORRO of the crime of “theft, commited as lone: That on or about Moy 01,2029 in the City of Cebu, Priigpines, within “i jurisdiction of his court, the said accused did then and ‘here wilfuly , unlawfully and felonious, wit iment to gan ond witht consent & -the owner thereof, take, skal, ond carry tre folowing peroral belonging to one TAYLOR SWIFT to wit: an ‘Pore % ee aghne the total vale of FIFTY- lekT THOUGAAD Pes (P.5¥,000.e0). Philippine cumrenci. CONTA to LAW Cebu City, Phiippinec. May 90,2022 fity. Demi Torres Ast. Cy Proscarton APPROVED * Ay. JUN ALYARES Gry Proscator. Scanned with CamScanner ee Republic of he Philippines National Capitol Judicial Rigion Regiowal Trial Court Banc 41, Manila PEDPLE oF THE PthyprInes anu Ciminal Case No. 0100261 ~veaus- for: Violation of CGhy Ordinance, Wo. & ANoRe W c. YLAYR Oefendomtt ---e------x x MOTION To QuaAsH Comes NOW “the acased, throvgh undecigned counse|, ond +0 This Honorable, Court, retpect{ully moves tv quash the information fied by te Fical of Manila on the gromd that: TC fonoWaeLe cover ta to TutusmICTON OF THE OASE. ArcumenT Ci Ordinance. No-> imposes a Maximyin penalty of six (G) months imprsonmemtt ond P1,000-00 fine which is within the excsive, jprsdichion of the Ghy Gourt oh Manila. fence, this Court hes no jprisdidion ree the instant one. WHMLFONE, it ic eeapectilly prayed that te infmation ve quésred and the acuied be relented immediatly fim dekntion Manila, Pritippines, April 24, 2022 Counter Foe THe ACOUED Scanned with CamScanner CERTIFICATION \ CRETE, uncer oath, all the information on this sheet or tue ond correct 40 the best of my knowledge and belief, that | hae not commenced ony actin or fied any clin involving the same ictuts in ony court, tribunal, or quaci-judicial agency, ancl that | ctoud thee~ aftr eam tot a vimlar adion hat been fled and/or ic pending, 1 tal report that foot fo this Honowithy Court within fe (5) days fron lonledge thereof SUeSCRADED AWD swoR To before me this 4¢4h of ‘Apel 2042, in Gbu hy “1 Scanned with CamScanner Republic of the Prilippines HIRD JUMUAL Keb eegiona! Trial Court CARS BANTOUNO Plaintiff, =Vesus- Quil Cose No. are i fot: Collection of Sun Money, Atpgen one Oxferdant Kore enn ean k Motion FoR fem) Tat Comes NOW, the defendant, through counsel respectfully pray : 1 The judgment of His nut in the above - entitled car was served on fim on Moy o1, 4022, which WAS ocquired by plaintiff though FRAUD, 4 Sine Hun, defendant has disvovortl ew evidence, which he could. not with reastable diignnic, have disunent and pmdiced at the tral ond if omciderd would otter tu cotton, of -M cae; 2 alne-mentiond ditoered evidene amit of the foilaving, to it’ Wo (@) LETS ating Hat the caid obugatim has ban pod Taduding the wleregt tet forth in the frst “promissory note signed ; 4 That te obfidavik oh X and Y ore attached hereto as Arexes “Ae. etc., 40 swostantiak the afsrementined newly -discovered tal 3 Phot cid ten disrered evidercr,, Hf promkd for this case, would tr Ht. Nhat of the decision af the thor Court WHERE, defndomt pray that tke judgment ia this caw be set asidy and 0 new tial be ordered for thi teteption Ob the Tewhy- Atcovered evidene wnentioned above . Othur relief ond eemedliag 05 ray by deumed ‘pst and equitable, veder 4h. Punite ary Vkuwke pruned for - City of San ferando, May 1), 202t ity. Kenny Ponce Cou ei Scanned with CamScanner VEUFICATION Repupc OF THE PIUPPINES ) GM OF SAN) FEMNONCD ss. \ Paden Org, of Kegal age, Filipino tien, maried and a resident of 9-28 St. Froné Vilage, Balibago, Aropks Cy, afte howing ben duly swom ty in aderdane with law do hereey depose ond say 4 That tom +e defindant in the aboe-tited casey A That | howe coused fe preparation of te foregoing Motion for Now Trial and howe cecal He ategpttionn contained fervin > The alegations in said complaint Ore tre and comect of my onh nowkege and authentic —revorels NW wines wien, I have hereunto dfixed my signature tlc loth Coy Gh May 8022, in te City oh San Femando Alden Ong Suascuser ond worn + befere me this Wom day oh May fond, in he Cy oh Sam mand, jumt exhibiting to Wis Driver iamce No. GY-M-012% sued at [ID San fernondo on Ceember Ov, 20no. NOTARY PuBUC, peer 9 FEE Scanned with CamScanner Reputric OF ‘the Pritippines REGIONAL TuaL CouRT Hh Sudidal Region Branch (2, Gbu Cy PEOPLE oF The PitUPeREZ Plaintift, CR. Cit NO. 22. coI861 for: Violation of So.5, vera = Attic. I of RA G5 ALDO BLANCA Aceusep. Yor en een ewe ek PETITION For BAIL RCOUSED, -througn the undersigned counsel, unto “this Honorable. Court, reapectfuly, states: That accused is curretthy defined at the Bureau of Jail management and Penology for the change of Violation of section 5, Artick sl Of RA A165 ard as betn behind bors since his amest on Noy 2, 2072 ; 2 That no boil has been mmommended for his temporary release on ‘the assumption tht tte evidence of quilt is chong; 3+ That the burden of showing ‘that evidence of quilt is stong is on the proseution, and since this fact i¢ not wntisfactorily shown, fesused it enfitd 4 ball as a mater of right: during tre, Perdency of the crimind case. WHEREFORe, ia the interest of sibstatial justice, His most respectfilly prayed of this Hororabit. Court that he instant Petition for Gail be Grankd and the Aoused be allowed 4p post bail, afer heari in uch Omount as may be fixed and determined by this Honorable Court. iter rele ond emedies, just and equtabke under the premises, are ylawise, prayed for. Cebu Cty, Pritippines, May is, 2022. COUNGEL FoR ACCUSED Scanned with CamScanner Republic of He Philippines Hh Judicial Kegion Rewona, TAL coueT Bronch 48, Mandaue, Gy PepAe OF TH PriuePINES Plaintiff , CrimCase No. ORdH = yercus- for: Violation of RA 9233 firson Beiber Pecused See eta er eos x APPUCATION FoR PROBATION Comes, now, Arsm Beiter, hh Puiic Atorney's Offia. Mandane Cty Ost Offiin, by the underigned Publi, Alereys, unto hic Honorabk, Court, mat respectully stoke that : ‘Ing Bacon promulgad by his trunabie Court on Ail 28, 20%”, Anson Beer was eld guilty ot “He crime of Wiol- of Sec-3, par.(a) of PA ANF ard wos suikned to suRtr “He penalty ob Imprisonment of forty-fire. (49) doug os inimum 4o ning (40) days as maximum ; The ocused, thigh runiels, herdlay manifeete WN cevirt to outil of fe benabi ground by the Previdenhial Decree No.06, athorwive, Yaown as au “Probation law Ob 1936, ax amended *; 2That_ te is nok amg fose dequaltied obpenders as enunerakd in Gee. 4 oh PD. A a amended by RA iot0 ; 4That We utdertates to comply with such Yermc ond conditions gs hic Honorable Ceurt way impose if Wc appication fr pretaation will be ganed. WHEREFORE, in Light oh tite -fregoing, it i mect respectfully prayed & At foe Cant oh He exe op cones ab eaten ‘ho Piper be suspended and Hot he’ be plod on probation. Ctr relics just ond equitobiey ose Ukuwile, prayd for. May 6, 2022. Mandawe City, Prii pines Wen Fone Course) for tan Prcused, Scanned with CamScanner

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