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Amin A-Halim

Tel: Mobile: 966-5-5927-0740


Cover Letter
For the past 20 years of employment with Saudi Oger Limited, I progressed through the ranks using my technical,
supervisory and management skills in contributing to the progress of my management. In addition, I have worked on King
Khaled International Airport Operations and Maintenance and recently PMIA Airport Maintenance, and performed at
KKIA fundamental work to attain ISO certification for the maintenance division in the company. Throughout the years I
was able to gain experience in many areas of work where I became a utility resource to management. The variety of
gained experience coupled with management concern for quality performance have resulted in work satisfaction. I have
learned so much but one thing stands out more than anything else which is “Challenges are potential opportunities” and
the skill comes in how to achieve those opportunities.

1. ULV Superintendent PMIA Airport

2. Provide the Corporate the easiest way to build websites to get company business, organization, personal interest,
or household on the web.
3. Provide Hosting Solution and Web Page Design to allow users to execute and operate a software application
entirely from the cloud and are accessed globally through the Internet.
4. Develop ecommerce solution to sell goods and services, using WordPress, CoffeeCup Shopping Cart Creator Pro
and WebPlus.
5. Build and develop Lightweight Multilingual Web applications (in PHP, JavaScript and HTML) integrated with
google map with wide range of database support, based on relational database structure run through a web
browser such as:
 Maintenance apps with manpower history, Multistore Warehouse Inventory Control, Classified ads,
Knowledge Base, Facilities, Job Listings, News, Cars etc.
 Features:
 Multilanguage support, Wide range of database support,
 Low spec PCs or smart phones can be used, Audit Trail, Encryption, adding Captcha, Facebook Connect,
Google Map and Open Street Map, Mobile Model, QR Barcode, UPC-A, EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-E, STANDARD
 Ability to set internal thresholds/benchmarks for activities and issue an automated notification via e-mail
when benchmarks exceeded, e.g. Work dues dates and work request response time.
6. Provide Training of MS Office Suite 2016 (Access, Excel, Project, Visio, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook),
Windows7, 10, (PHP, HTML Essentials).
7. Develop Corporate Single Sourcing Multi-Channel Publishing Technical Information System (help files, user
guides, Web based on-line manuals with mobile capabilities, and documentations) tailored to respond immediately
to ever changing of SEQ/Corporate needs and or clients requirements
8. SCADA Systems Consultant, King Khaled International Airport.
9. Special Systems Manager Abdali Project Amman
10. Computer & Systems Engineer (SCADA) King Khaled International Airport.
11. Manage the CMMS operation in accordance to appropriate processes/procedures while ensure alignment with
business requirements and priorities (Head Office).
12. Provide CMMS/BAS integrated solution, which is a direct result of real time monitoring and action in association
with automated work order generation. The solution minimizes an employee's time required to read, analyze,
activate and create work orders for alarms. The action is executed quickly, therefore, reducing time and labor cost.
13. Prepare ‘Computerized Maintenance Management System’ (CMMS) request for proposal (RFP) to implement an
effective CMMS for the Company in Saudi Arabia.

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Amin A-Halim
Tel: Mobile: 966-55-9270-740

1 Education:
1.1 Master of Control Engineering
Master of Electrical Engineering, Concordia University, Canada, 1994 (Major: Control).
1.2 Bachelor of Communications & Electronics Engineering
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering BAU Beirut, Lebanon, 1988 (Major: Communications & Electronics)
2 Work Experience:
2.0 ULV Superintendent
September 2016 – Present: Saudi Oger Ltd PMIA Medina Airport, Saudi Arabia.
2.0.1 Main Responsibilities:
1. Managing approximately 30 technicians of various disciplines on a 24 hrs. basis throughout the
airport facilities for the communication and electronic systems ULV. This included field
maintenance and repair activities.
2.1 Information System Manager
November 2015 – August 2016: Saudi Oger Ltd Saudi Arabia.
2.1.1 Main Responsibilities:
1. Provide a Solution in SharePoint Technology to implement and configure an Automation Tools to
optimize and integrate several operations strategies and capitalize on their various strengths and
improve operational efficiency.
2. Provide Training of MS Office Suite 2016 (Access, Excel, Project, Visio, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook),
Windows7, 10, (PHP, HTML Essentials).
3. Provide Hosting Solution and Web Page Design to allow users to execute and operate a software
application entirely from the cloud and are accessed globally through the Internet.
4. Develop ecommerce solution to expose and capability to sell goods and services, using WordPress,
CoffeeCup Shopping Cart Creator Pro, WebPlus
2.1.2 Achievements:
1. Develop SEQ/Corporate Single Sourcing Multi-Channel Publishing Technical Information System
(task list, help files, user guides, Web based on-line manuals, and documentations) tailored to
respond immediately to ever changing of SEQ/Corporate needs and or client’s requirements.
a) Supports conditional and customized output features for different output formats and
b) Generates Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word files and ePUB e-books, the standard format
supported by Apple/Android iPad and iPhone.

2. Build and develop Lightweight Multilingual Web applications (in PHP, JavaScript and HTML)
integrated with google map with wide range of database support, based on relational database
structure run through a web browser such as:
a) Maintenance System with manpower history, Multistore Warehouse Inventory Control,
Classified ads, Knowledge base, facilities, job listings, news, etc.
b) Features:
1) Multilanguage support, Wide range of database support,
2) Low spec PCs or smart phones can be used, Advanced security setting including
Active Directory Support, Audit Trail, Encryption, adding captcha, Facebook
connect, Google Map and Open Street Map, Mobile Model, QR Barcode, UPC-
3) Ability to set internal thresholds/benchmarks for activities and issue an
automated notification via e-mail when benchmarks exceeded, e.g. Work dues
dates and work request response time.

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2.2 Maintenance Management System Manager (HOB) and Systems consultant (KKIA)
October 2012 – October 2015.
2.2.1 Main Responsibilities: (Maintenance Management System Manager, HOB)
1. Manage MMS operation in accordance to appropriate processes/procedures while ensure
alignment with business requirements and priorities.
2. Analyze database Structure, Relationship and input/output to improve the service delivery.
3. Review the process of input data maintenance yearly generation process to ensure proper
information input it in the system.
4. Review maintenance frequencies and duration for the equipment and facilities to improve the
maintenance work quality.
5. Review and Automate maintenance task lists to ensure the desired output is fulfilled.
6. Review and Analyze statistical reports to update, repair or modify the existing programs.
7. Analyze and Identify improvement opportunities for CMMS, and recommends cost effective
solutions contributing towards business bottom line.
2.2.2 Achievements:
1. Prepare ‘Computerized Maintenance Management System’ (CMMS) request for proposal (RFP) to
implement an effective CMMS in Saudi Arabia in order to manage asset maintenance in a
professional manner, by means of integrating all related transactions (financial, material,
purchasing) and maintenance activities (work requests, work orders) and converting them into high
level information to drive users towards best practices, optimize cost, improve asset availability,
accelerating shared business processes, and facilitating information-sharing across boundaries for
better business insight.
2.2.3 Main Responsibilities: (Systems Consultant, King Khaled International Airport)
1. Check and Assess of new designs for control systems and introducing improvements and new
products where possible.
2. Develop System applications and drawings in order to reduce the complexity of such critical systems
through breakdown to smallest system component and logic in an abstract manner showing the
interface between various subsystems and main control system as a graphical object to include the
type of the control and monitoring, points identification, transformation type, hardware type and
model type when available (etc.) on a graphics format.
a) Document early decisions about high-level design.
b) Provide the management and supervision with enhanced capabilities to troubleshoot the
systems and project future needs (Automation).
c) Easy to understand configuration parameters and Sequence of Operations.
d) Easy technical orientation.
e) Minimize training time via use of the graphics format.
f) Expedite system Operations.
g) Problems of complexity were solved by applying the concept of separation of concerns.
h) All the above translates into higher availability rates.

2.3 Special Systems Manager (SCADA)

July 2009 – September 2012: Saudi Oger Ltd., Jordan.
2.3.1 Main Responsibilities:
1. Ensure design specifications are met, Development, installation, configuration, implementation,
deployment, troubleshooting, testing & commissioning and Systems Integrations of various Systems
including all subsystems processes.
2. Review the development, testing and implementation of Automation Station, Human Machine
Interface (HMI) operator interfaces and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
application software for utility processes, equipment and systems during and after construction.

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3. Review Software requirements specification (SRS), Software Product Description (SPD), Test
Plans/Procedures, User Manuals, “How to” Guides, etc.
2.3.2 Achievements:
1. Manage/Prepare ‘Document Control System’ request for proposal (RFP) to implement an effective
Document Control System (DCS) for Saudi Oger Limited in Jordan in order to help improve
organizational and operational effectiveness by providing comprehensive content management and
enterprise search, accelerating shared business processes, and facilitating information-sharing
across boundaries for better business insight.
2. Manage/Prepare RFP roadmap/guideline of control systems for the entire Saraya Aqaba project
and apply to all control systems as required.
RFP guideline for control systems that was provided include:
a) “Aqaba Building Operating System (BOS) Proposed System Conceptual Architecture
b) “Aqaba BOS Design Guidelines and Requirements.
3. Manage/Develop the following in order to provide the management and supervision with
capabilities during installation, configuration, testing & commissioning and simplify troubleshooting
the systems at ‘Abdali’ Boulevard project in Amman:
a) Topology drawings for the various Special systems.
b) BMS Network Actual Sample Structure Hardware Configuration.
c) Proposed enhanced BMS Topology.
4. Manage/Develop a fully comprehensive proposal to improve the performance of the BMS
management level and enhance automation level connectivity to prevent and avoid single point

2.4 Computer & Systems Engineer (SCADA)

Sept. 1995 – Feb. 1996 & July 1997 –June 2009: Saudi Oger Ltd., King Khaled International Airport. Riyadh, Saudi
2.4.1 System Description:
1. Six top level servers arranged in three sets for dual dynamic redundancy and four additional
computers used for off line software and hardware testing and repair, constitute the top hierarchy
of the SCADA system’s network.
2. Four hundred Remote Multiplex Terminals (RMT) computers/controllers, also arranged in dual
redundancy configuration and linked via a triaxial bus with multi drop links, constitute the next
lower level of the SCADA system’s field network, which is spread over most KKIA facilities.
3. Over 1700 remotely located control panels, supervising twelve subsystems, constitute the lower
level of the SCADA system’s field network with Over 24,000 points.
2.4.2 Main Responsibilities:
1. Responsible for the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) scope of work of the Digital Data System
(DDS), a hierarchical SCADA network divided into two categories:
a) The Central Control Systems (CCS).
b) The Local Control Systems (LCS).
2. CCS Scope of Work is to maintain the communication within and between all the computers to
within 0.1% or less, error rate. The communication between the computers is accomplished via
modem to modem, over triaxial cable, using SDLC protocol.
3. LCS Scope of Work is to maintain the communication within and between the local control panels
on one hand and the CCS RMT on the other. The communication at the LCS level is accomplished by
transmitting a signal (Digital or Analogue) through various types of hard wire.
4. Provide field maintenance assistance by troubleshooting the on-line Central Computers and their
associated local panels by analyzing the data provided by them. Also responsible for archiving all
computer events to provide operational analysis and history. Design software applications as
required by management to enhance the Maintenance performance at the Airport.
5. Provide Installation and operation supervision and testing of various complex low current systems.
6. Provide QA/QC support, guidance and assistance in the Special Systems areas.
7. Supervise the operation of the Airport Monitoring Center, which provides Quality Assurance (QA)
capability to the O&M project by monitoring, testing and troubleshooting all major airport control
systems and subsystems; some of which are:
I. Power Supervisory System (PSS).
II. Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC).
III. Aramco’s Fuel Farm (FF).
IV. Security System (SEC).
V. Fire, Life & Safety System (FLSS).
VI. Emergency Fuel Shutdown System (EFS).
VII. Central Plant (CP) operations.
VIII. Water Treatment Plants (WTP) operations.
IX. Early Warning System (EWS).
X. Airfield Lighting System (AFL).

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XI. Maintenance System (MNT).
XII. Monitoring CPU Status System (CPU).
2.4.3 Achievements:
Due to experience gained in the development of the Maintenance Commander Systems (MCS) many
achievements were made of which are:
1. At the request of HOB, I provided solutions to solve the following:
c) Inability to open more than one file at a time for his Excellency’s electronics signature file.
d) Inability to open more than 20 files simultaneously.
The solution was provided where his Excellency would be able to open unlimited number of files
simultaneously for his electronic signature files.
2. Graphical User Interface (GUI) and dialog box were too small on the screen during high computer
resolution making it difficult to read the data. The solution was provided by developing an
application to be embedded in the GUI screen to make GUI screen independent of the computer
3. At the request of the Project Manager, I Developed ‘Monthly Overtime Request’, which controls,
limits and traces the amount of Overtime Hours spent per month per employee with an
accumulated and previous Overtime Hours per employee per month.
4. At the request of HOB ISO Department, I developed security capability for data encoding for ISO
5. At the request of HOB, Tools and Assets Inventory module of the MCS (developed and used by the
low current department at KKIA) where it was distributed to various sites.
6. At the request of HOB, I provided solutions to combine data from different platforms and sources
without duplication of data.
7. The MCS enhanced the O&M functions through increased efficiency and by providing a very
powerful reporting system which is supported by a very advanced statistical functions and
equations. This application Comprises six main automated parts:
I. Work Control: Including labor, cost, payments, amount due, parts used, Purchase Orders
and work orders process among others.
II. Inventory Control: Including Parts transactions starting from component level and up to a
complete system, Substitute parts, List of all equipment by a number of ways including
Serial & Part Numbers, balance on hand and reorder levels among others.
III. Tools and Assets Control: Including History and control of each tool or asset from the time
of its purchase until its disposal.
IV. Procurement: Including Vendors transactions and all procurement transactions, parts
approval history and buyer’s efficiency among others.
V. Personnel Management: This part of the application provides the management and
supervision with a complete history on each employee from the date of hire to the last
date worked including all personnel transactions. It also includes ‘Leave Schedule Chart’
with predetermined criteria to insure availability of personnel on the job site, ‘Automated
Roasters and Monthly Working Hours’, ‘Personnel Organization Chart’ (Export to Visio)
VI. Calibration: Developed to gain ISO certification, this part of the application provides the
management and supervision with a complete history and traceability. Full automation
for recall notice, reminders where distributed and grouped automatically by Department,
Section and Subsection for each equipment or tool that needs calibration, from the last
date calibrated to the last due date worked, including all personnel transactions.
The above six parts constitute the core of the MCS application which management and supervision
utilize to enhance the overall project operation and maintain ISO certification.
8. Develop Applications and enhance drawings for the various low current systems in order to provide
the management and supervision with enhanced capabilities to troubleshoot the systems and
project future needs (Automation).
9. Develop logic drawings for various low current, HVAC, power and other electrical, mechanical and
electronic systems.
10. Develop a large Database application ‘Power Supervisory System Commander’ for all the electrical
points available in the KKIA facilities interfaced with vector drawing format which comes under
Power Supervisory System (PSS). The design of the application is such that the user can get
information about the situation prevailing under a power outage at a power source. Similar projects
are done for other Subsystems.
11. Develop ‘PSS SOES Animator’ where the converted data, is interfaced to a screen with hundreds of
controls. It provides filtering, sorting importing and exporting capabilities.
12. Develop a date Converter called ‘Hijri Gregorian Date Converter’ for 9999 Years (starting
01/01/1200 and ending 31/12/9999) to support maintenance scheduling in hijri vs. Gregorian dates
as required by the authorities of the airport. It provides monthly calendar in both directions, and
yearly calendar, export capabilities (MS Excel (Data), MS Word, Word Pad, Paintbrush, Clipboard)
with lots more advanced features using the International Standard Formula (ISF).
13. Develop a fully automated ‘FIDS Advertiser Commander’ where pictures, videos and instructions

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can be displayed on the Flight Information Display System (FIDS), with turn on/off any screen
remotely or by schedule through the software. Pictures, movies can be downloaded, updated,
sorted, and monitored remotely. Also display time for each frame can be modified remotely.
14. Develop ‘FIDS News Bar Commander’ where broadcasts of information such as news, directions,
safety instructions, First Aid Telephone numbers, etc. can be displayed on airport FIDS screens with
duration time capability adjustment is done remotely.
15. Develop ‘Web Based FIDS Commander’ where online browsing through internet explorer all active
departure and arrival flights and Staff Display Terminal (SDT).
16. Develop ‘Slice Maker Commander’ where a file can be sliced into any number of slices and make a
batch file in order to glue the slices back together again.
17. Develop 'PC Logger' application (with rerouting capabilities) which eliminates or reduce the use of
paper and ribbon at the Operator Stations, by eliminating the ON Line Printer, which is usually
running 24 hours/day, and instead to use a PC in order to receive the data as raw binary data (Digital
Signal) and automating the archiving process for future analysis, field support, and generating
reports for top management and technical stuff and finally store this data on a hard disk for archiving
purposes from the Remote Coaxial Driver Receiver (RCDR). Variable Parameters: Comm. Port, Speed
(Baud Rate), Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, Flow Control, and Echo.
18. Develop ‘Text To Database Converter’ where the captured text in 'PC Logger' is converted to
Database with very useful features and full capabilities (filtering, generating automated and scalable
reports) using an advanced technique where we used COM (Component Object Modelling) API
(Application and Programming Interface) VBA, OLE, SQL etc.
19. Develop ‘Backup Commander’ a tool that enables the user to schedule (daily, weekly, monthly)
backup tasks (such as copying folder and it’s all contents from one place 'Source' to another place
'Destination') to run regularly, when it's most convenient for users with lot more advanced features.
20. Develop ‘Win Popup Commander For Fids’ a tool that enables the user to communicate between
two computers (such as online chatting, sending messages with logging capabilities). It provides
remote watching where the user can monitor a remote computer on the network with capturing
capabilities. It also provides remote control of some hardware devices like CD-ROM, Rebooting and
restarting computers, Wake on LAN, Simple Network Time Protocol Synchronization,
enabling/disabling some devices etc. Protocol used in this application is User Datagram Protocol
(UDP) is a connectionless protocol.
21. Develop ‘Mail Commander’ which provides easy connectivity to other computers. It provides a
simple interface for sending notes back and forth, messages to users can check whether anyone else
is editing a particular entry, compare notes on workflow, and so forth.
22. At the request of management, I developed ‘Material Requisition Commander’ which controls the
following: Material Requisition, Assets, Parts, Buyers, Vendors and Manufacturers and provides
reports for the following: Monthly Purchases and cost estimate, total Items purchased and material
cost, Advanced bar chart yearly and monthly etc.
23. Develop ‘Daily Activities Commander’, ‘Tools and Assets Commander’, ‘Screen Saver
Commander’, ‘Cable Commander’, ‘Locations Commander’, ‘Delta Base Commander’, ‘AMC
Activities Commander’ etc.

2.5 Communication & Electronic Systems Supervisor.

March 1996 – June 1997: Saudi Oger Ltd., King Khaled International Airport. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
2.5.1 Main Responsibilities:
 Supervising approximately 50 technicians of various disciplines on a 24 hrs. basis throughout the
airport facilities for the communication and electronic systems. This supervision included field and
repair lab operations.
2.5.2 Achievements
 Reconfiguration of the CATV System from head station to all residential areas at KKIA. Accepted,
approved by KKIA and implemented by Saudi Oger.

3 Training Experience:
3.1 LabView Training (Basic I & II, Intermediate I, Real-Time)
2008: July 2008
Course Objective: Learn about LabView programming concepts, techniques, features, VIs, and functions to build
test and measurement, data acquisition, instrument control, data logging, measurement analysis, and report
generation applications.

3.2 3COM Training (Configuring and deploying Routers 5000/6000 & Switches 8800/5500)
2007: October to November 2007.
Course Objective: System & management, Architecture, Fabrics and I/O Modules, CLI, VLAN Technology and Link
Aggregation overview, Layer 3 switching & routing protocol (OSPF, RIP), ACL administration and configuration,
System maintenance and troubleshooting, Spanning tree and rapid spanning tree.

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4 Teaching Experience:
4.1 College Teacher
1989-1992: C.E.C (Computer & Electronic Centre), Beirut, Lebanon.
Taught a number of courses in Math, Physics, Electricity & Electronics hardware principles and several software
applications including:
MS Windows, MS-Dos, FORTRAN, Basic.

5 Computer Skills:
5.1 Languages
FORTRAN, Basic, Visual Basic (Including SQL, MySQL), PHP, JavaScript, HTML
5.2 Software
Office 2016, Access + VBA Advanced, SQL Server 2005, Camtasia Studio 8.6, Serif WebPlus X8, Winautomation 5
(UI Automation technology that allows direct handling of the different controls within a window), Shopping Cart
Designer Pro 3.9, Wondershare Filmora 7.2.
5.3 Environments
MS-DOS, Windows 3.11, 95/98, Windows Me/XP, Windows 7, 8, 10, 2000/2008 Server.

6 Personal:
6.1 Citizenship
Canadian Citizen.
6.2 Marital Status
6.3 Languages
Multi-lingual, fluent in Arabic, English and French.

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