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BSN 1- 13 RAY
(SHE = HE/Gender Equality by Seesaw productions)

The short film is all about gender equality in India. In the first part of the
film, we have seen a picture posted on board. It is a picture of a girl nurse,
teacher, sweeper, helper, and milkman. Then next to it is a man preparing food in
lunchboxes then he places it on the table by color. One by one people get the
lunchbox and one of them got nothing but, there is one who approaches that
person and gave him a lunchbox that is color blue, but it fell then, there are
another two people who approach him and give him a blue and pink lunchbox.

In the film blue symbolizes blue for a boy and pink is a girl. In the part of the
movie when a person gave a blue lunchbox to the person who got nothing
without knowing the true gender to that person gave me the thought that I
should be sensitive in approaching a person that, instead of helping that person
we even hurt that person. It is the one that this film wants to encourage people,
especially this generation that we should be sensitive about the way we approach
a person because we don’t know their true gender. This short film gives me a
reminder to be equal at all things and all the time. Let us not reject or hate people
that are in the LGBTQ+ community. This film tough me to don’t estimate a
person’s ability by its gender. According to the film, it is very easy to treat equally.
We should give equal treatment to all human beings because we have the same
right to be treated.

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