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To inform our readers about the importance of Filipino subject in our

school and that Filipino language plays a huge part in our lives.
Purpose/Context Removing the subject is like removing the language that shaped us as
a person and as a Filipino.
Author Perez, R.E. a Filipino student living in the Philippines
Every Filipino. On the first paragraph, the author stated “The Filipino
Audience language plays a huge part in the lives of the countrymen. It is the
heart and soul of the country as it symbolizes oneness in words,
speech, and thought
The exclusion of the Filipino subject in the tertiary level. The revision
of the curriculum has met various violent reactions and oppositions
from stakeholders, linguists, academics, and even students
Topic & Position On the last paragraph account, being a student myself make me think
twice about the revision of GE curriculum in college. Hearing about the
mandatory exclusion of the Filipino subjects in college, mostly
because I cannot see the point if it is really necessary to remove the
Filipino language.
Previous research supports the author’s argument. In the fourth
paragraph, it states that movements from different universities
Research/Sources concerned are currently in motion in order to fight for the life of the
Filipino subjects in the tertiary level.
The proofs and evidence presented by the author came from credible
sources like different universities in the Philippines expressing their
Proof/Evidence concerns. These universities include, De la Salle University Manila,
Ateneo de Manila University and the university of the Philippines. The
author also used his own experience as reference; one evidence that
carries the most weight is this statement from UP DFPP.
The information is organized in order of importance. It uses the
inverted pyramid technique which puts most critical elements of a story
Organization first and then adds supporting facts and details in order of importance.
The authors stand on the topic can be found on the first paragraph.
The organization is also driven by these three combinations: content,
author’s argument and needs of the audience.
The authors choice of words are easy to understand and plain simple.
The author’s style also uses slanted meanings such as this statement
Style in the first paragraph: “Truly, a country’s language paves way for
bigger and better opportunities that will benefit everyone. But what will
happen to this optimistic view of the future.
The author’s perspective is that, as Filipinos, we should take pride of
Drawing our own language and it is something that we should treasure because
Conclusions this is what unites us in achieving a certain goal.
Write your assertion with textual evidence

I agree with the writer that animals are being subjected to cruelty when they are killed to
become our food. This claim of the writer is reflected in the first part of the text wherein the
writer makes the readers think of how the meat ended up on their dinner plates. The writer
deliberately chose to say that whenever he looks at the food on his plate, he also has mental
images of what had to be done to the animal for it to become someone’s food. By using the
phrase “processes that brought it to their plate, “the readers are made to imagine what an
animal goes through just to end up on our dinner plates.

In the assertion above, the reader starts by saying that he or she agrees with the claim of the
writer in the text. This dictates that the statement is an assertion. The reader used
referencing, paraphrasing, and quoting to support his or her statement of all the words in the
text, the reader chooses “processes that brought it to their plate”, to support his or her
assertion. It is effective because the reader explains how the quote supports his or her
assertion about the text.

Write your counterclaim with textual evidence.

I disagree with the writer when he challenged some people to copy predatory behavior of
animals and prey on the weak. This is reflected in the sentence “Prey on the weak. See
where that takes you. “Although he might have been sarcastic to prove a point when he said
this, it paints an unnecessary violent mental picture for the readers and some readers might
actually take it literally.

In the counterclaim above, the reader states his or her counterclaim and identifies the
statement of the writer that he or she opposes. The reader determines the textual evidence
that would support his or her counterclaim by quoting a portion of the text and explaining
how the sentences “Prey on the weak. See where that takes you.” Supports the counterclaim
that the sentences are too violent of all the types of textual evidence, the reader chose
quoting to make his or her statement credible.

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