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Wales is not represented in the Union Flag because, when the first version of

the flag appeared, Wales was not independent but it was part of England. The
national flag of Wales, a red dragon on a field white and green dates from 15th
century and is widely used throughout the Principality.
FLAG Nearly one hundred years later, another country was added to the Union flag.
After the Act of Union of Ireland with England (and Wales) and Scotland on
It’s the flag of the United Kingdom.
January 1st 1801, the cross of St. ___________________________ of Northern
The UK includes four countries: I_________________________ was combined with the Union Flag of St. George
and St. Andrew, to create the Union Flag that has been flown ever since.


Northern I__________________

It is a symbol of union and respect. St. _________________

Union of different countries, respect for the traditions of the Original Union Flag (1606) of _________________
countries and for their national identities.
The flag was born on 12th April 1606. In 1603 King James VI of Scotland
This flag was called
inherited the English throne and became King James I of England. He wanted to
the Union Jack
make England and Scotland a united kingdom, so a new country was born: Great
(meaning union of nations)
Britain. A new flag represented this regal union. The flag of the new kingdom
was made up of two crosses:
My new name is
England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland are now all joined together and called the
_____________ + United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

England (+Wales)+ Scotland: _______________________________

St. _________________ St. _________________ Great Britain + Northern Ireland: ______________________________
of _________________ of _________________

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