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My name is Sam. I am a monkey. I have five fingers and five toes, just like you. I have long arms
and a long tail. I live in the trees in the rainforest. It is very hot in the Rainforest. I have great fun
swinging from the brunches. I like to much of fruit and leaves. Bananas are my favorite food.
Bananas are good for you. I live with lots of other monkeys, a group of monkeys is called a troop.
I am a very smart animal. My brain is very big.
Vocabulary: have = ter / fingers = dedos / toes = dedos do pé / tail = calda / Live = vivo / tree
= árvore / rainforest = floresta / I have great fun swinging from the branches = Eu me divirto
muito balançando nos galhos / leaves = folhas / food = comida / smart = esperto / brain =
cérebro / troop = bando .
Answer: ( Responda)
1) Who is Sam ? ( QUEM É SAM?)

2) Where Does Sam live? (Onde Sam vive?)

3) What is his favorite food ? ( Qual a comida favorite dele?)

4) Write an example of animal wild in English. ( Escreva um exemplo de animal selvagem em

inglês )

5) Write 2 pets in English. ( Escreva 2 animais de estimação in English )

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