Control System1

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i) In closed loop control system, what is the sensitivity of the gain of the overall system,

M to the variation in G?
a) G/1GH
b) 1/1+GH
c) G/1+G
d) 1/1+G

ii) A particular control system yielded a steady state error of 0.20 for unit step input. A
unit integrator is cascaded to this system and unit ramp input is applied to this
modified system. What is the value of steady-state error for this modified system?
a) 0.15
b) 0.20
c) 0.25
d) 0.10

iii) A linear system at rest is subject to an input signal r(t)=1-e-t. The response of the
system for t>0 is given by c(t)=1-e-2t. The transfer function of the system is:
a) (s+2)/(s+1)
b) (s+1)/(s+2)
c) 2(s+1)/(s+2)
d) (s+1)/2(s+2)
10 10
iv) In the following block diagram, G1= , G2= , H1=s+3, H2=1. The overall
𝑠 𝑠+1
transfer function is given by :

a) 11𝑠2 +31𝑠+10
b) 11𝑠2 +31𝑠+100
11𝑠2 +31𝑠+10
d) 11𝑠2 +31𝑠

v) The relationship between an input and output variable of a signal flow graph is given
by the net gain between the input and output node is known as the
a) Overall gain of the system
b) Stability
c) Bandwidth
d) Speed

vi) The closed system has higher ________ than open loop control system, this implies
increased speed of response.
a) Gain
b) Bandwidth
c) Frequency
d) Speed

vii) Multiple signals as input can be used in which systems:

a) Feedback systems
b) Non feedback systems
c) Feedforward systems
d) None of the above

viii) Which principle does the linear system follow?

a) Principle of energy conservation
b) Principle of mass conservation
c) Principle of electromagnetism
d) Principle of superposition

ix) The nature of transient response is revealed by ______________

a) Sine wave
b) Cos wave
c) Tan wave
d) Test signals

x) The disadvantages of the error constants are:

a) They do not give the information of the steady state error when the inputs are other
than the three basic types
b) Error constant fail to indicate the exact manner in which the error function change
with time.
c) They do not give information of the steady state error and fail to indicate the exact
manner in which the error function change with time
d) They give information of the steady state error

xi) The characteristic equation of a system is given ass3+25s2+10s+50=0. What is the

number of the roots in the right half s-plane and the imaginary axis respectively?
a) 1,1
b) 0,0
d) 1,2

xii) If the gain of the system is reduced to a zero value, the roots of the system in the s-
a) Coincide with zero
b) Move away from zero
c) Move away from poles
d) Coincide with the poles

xiii) A system has poles at 0.01 Hz, 1 Hz and 80Hz, zeroes at 5Hz, 100Hz and 200Hz. The
approximate phase of the system response at 20 Hz is :
a) -90°
b) 0°
c) 90°
d) -180°

xiv) The concepts used to measure relative stability are:

a) Phase margin
b) Gain margin
c) Phase and Gain margin
d) Stable

xv) A system has a single pole at origin. Its impulse response will be:
a) Constant
b) Ramp
c) Decaying exponential
d) Oscillatory
i) What is the relation between output response and input signal in closed loop system?
a) Nonlinear
b) Linear
c) Exponential
d) Parabolic

ii) Time response c(t) equal to?

a) the transient response - the steady state response
b) the transient response / the steady state response
c) the transient response * the steady state response
d) the transient response + the steady state response

iii) A system is said to be stable, if its _________ is under control.

a) input
b) output
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

iv) In root locus , if K = 0 then?

a) the closed loop poles are greater to open loop poles
b) the closed loop poles are equal to open loop poles
c) the closed loop poles are less to open loop poles
d) the closed loop poles are not equal to open loop poles

v) The capacitance, in force – current analogy,is analogous to

a) momentum
b) velocity
c) displacement
d) mass

vi) By which of the following the system response can be tested better?
a) Ramp input signal
b) Sinusoidal input signal
c) Unit impulse input signal
d) Exponentially decaying signal

vii) State model representation is possible using _________

a) Physical variables
b) Phase variables
c) Canonical state variables
d) All of the above

viii) A control system whose step response is -0.5(1+e-2t) is cascaded to another control
block whose impulse response is e-t. What is the transfer function of the cascaded
a) 1/(s+1)s
b) 0.5/(s+1) (s+2)
c) 1/(s+2) (s+1)
d) 1/(s+3)

ix) If a Nyquist plot of G (jω) H (jω) for a closed loop system passes through (-2, j0)
point in GH plane, what would be the value of gain margin of the system in dB?
a) 0 dB
b) 2.0201 dB
c) 4 dB
d) 6.0205 dB

x) Loop which do not possess any common node are said to be ___________ loops.
a) Forward gain
b) Touching loops
c) Non touching loops
d) Feedback gain

xi) According to Hurwitz criterion the characteristic equation

s2+ 8 s3+18 s2+16 s + 5 = 0 is
a) Unstable
b) Marginally stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Unstable

xii) Consider the loop transfer function K(s+6)/(s+3)(s+5) In the root locus diagram the
centroid will be located at:
a) -4
b) -1
c) -2
d) -3
xiii) The critical value of gain for the system is 40. The system is operating at a gain of 20.
The gain margin of the system is :
a) 2 dB
b) 6 dB
c) 3 dB
d) 4 dB
xiv) According to the property of state transition method, e0 is equal to _____
a) L
b) A
c) e-At
d) - eAt

xv) What is the value of M for the constant M circle represented by the equation
a) 0.5
b) 2
c) 3
d) 8


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