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Refreshers Training

Employee No.:

 The pass mark for this test is 80 %.

 You need above 8 marks out of 10 to pass this exam.
 This is a CLOSED BOOK assessment.
 Once you have finished, leave the assessment FACE DOWN on the table.
 If you have any questions about the assessment RAISE YOUR HAND and the instructor will answer your question
 You have 15 Minutes to complete the assessment
 Tick the appropriate box for the multiple choice questions.
 Write in a legible handwriting.
Total Marks: / 10 Percent: %

Candidate’s Remarks: Assessor’s Remarks:

…………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………
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Assessed By: Designation: Date: Signature:

Candidates Name: Designation: Date: Signature:

Question 1 Grooming refers to the things that people do to keep themselves clean and make Marks
their face, hair, and skin look nice.
True: □
False: □ /1

Question 2 What is not expected from a security guard while on duty: Marks
A:Putting hands in pocket
B:Chewing & eating
Answer C:Above all /1
Question 3 A good customer service is: Marks
A:Failing to do what you have promised
Answer B:Be polite /1
C:Using Poor communication skills
Question 4 Phonetic Alphabets being used for: Marks
A. Writing Letters
B. Radio communication
Answer /1
C. Mobile communication
D. None of the above
Incident report is written based on:
Question 5 Marks
A. 2W & 1H
B. 6Ws & 2H
Answer C. 5Ws & 1H /1
D. All of the above
Question 6 In radio communication, word “Out” is used for : Marks
A:Transmission continue
Answer B:Transmission ends /1
C:Non of the above
Question 7 Hand over Take over briefing is not mandatory in security environment? Marks
Answer /1
Question 8 A client has a system of access control to reduce : Marks
A:Entry of people
B:Crime & unlawful activities
Answer C:Non of the above /1
Question 9 “PASS” method is used for :
Answer A:MCP /1
B:Fire hose
C:Fire extinguishers
Question 10 Removal of people from an endangered area to the nearest safest place is an evacuation:
Answer /1
True □
False □

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