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Some people think spoken communication is more powerful than

written communication. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In this day and age, communication has become one of the most vital parts
with human beings. Spoken communication is believed to be more
influential than writing. I completely agree with the statement and the
reasons will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

First of all, verbal communication is an uncomplicated method to

exchange information for people in any situation. It is obvious that speaking
is a direct way which causes them to communicate precisely. For instance,
while a person is in his company but he left his crucial document at home,
calling his wife and asking her for help is more efficient than sending her a
message. In addition to that, there are not any particular ways which can
convey information as timely as spoken communication. It is evidenced by
the fact that not only is speaking mainly enables the populace to interact
with others. This benefit leads them to update news constantly without
missing it before.
 Certain ( more formal )
 ?
On the other hand, writing could not be replaced by speaking to some
extent. While oral communication mode needs the brief presentation,
writing skill requires high accuracy and concise content. For example, when
a person intends to apply for a vacancy in a company, the first step he
must do is formally creating a Curriculum Vitae with the necessay
information which is sensible with the vacancy. However, speaking skill is a
great help for an individual to be time-saving. Manifestly, writing needs a
process but conversing is in contrast. To exemplify, when a person is in a
hurry and needs support, it is faster to speak than to write.
 Necessary ( replaced by precise and detailed )
 Due to a time saving feature of it

In conclusion, for the reasons mentioned above, it seems that spoken

words are more effective in situations when it is necessary to use gestures
and show emotions, while written communication is preferable in law and
business. It would be great if people can balance and use them reasonably
in daily life.

2. Some people think news has no connection to people’s lives. So then

it is a waste of time to read the newspaper and watch television news
programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In an era of advanced technology, udating news has become an essential

part of our daily life. Some people argue that it is pointless to read news
since it is irrelevant with the populace's life. I completely disagree with this
statement and the reasons will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

First of all, the majority of reputational newspapers cover current affairs

that have direct effects on the lives of most people. Whenever the news
coverage is launched, it is a new short lesson for readers and viewers to
ponder and take corresponding actions. For instance, those who kept
themselves informed of the latest news related to the outbreak of
Coronavirus, a lethal pandemic the world over, can ensure the safety of
themselves and their families. In addtion to that, news keeps people
updated with the latest news , many of which can be applied in various
aspects of life. For example, after watching a program on TV about the
application of the house cleaning robot, a man who is busy with his job full
week decides to buy the robot to help him tidy up his house.
 it is released with a purpose of implying a short new lesson for
 with the cutting edge and innovative applications and equipment got
 can be used in various aspects of life to facilitate human beings
On the other hand, it is admitted that valueless news does exist but it is
actually released by irresponsible and untrustworthy tabloids. The news
coverage of those sites often revolves around the lives of celebrities and
their fabulous lifestyles, which is purely entertaining and meaningless to
ordinary people. On the contrary, useful newa shapes perception of human
beings. When they read about the negative news, the conclusion is that the
world is a dangerous place. They encourage people to take enough
precautions. For example, when people witness cyber crime information on
TV, they become more conscious about sharing their personal and financial
information online.
In conclusion, it seems meaningless to deplore news in the media.
However, every individula should get into the habit of reading news to keep
abreast of any developments or threats.
 Develop ( instead of get into )
3. Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is
more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Enjoying a performance such as a play, concert or sporting event has

been an integral part of the entertainment life of human beings since time
immemorial. Numerous people claim that it is more joyful when they join a
live performance in persom than watching it on TV. I entirely disagree with
this statement and the reasons will be discussed in the following

To begin with, observing a stage on TV brings the viewer a pleasant

atmosphere. It is obvious that not only does watching a recorded program
enable observers to have an optional seat but also they can communicate
with the others comfortably. To exemplify, while a foodball match is
broadcasting on the screen, a boy and his family are easily able to discuss
about the players in this event without the deafening noise. In addition to
that, events which are sent out on TV save home audience a number of
things. People can stint their money and time when they enjoy a
broadcasted show. For instance, it is almost necessary for the fans to buy
tickets and take the check-in procedure if they want to go to the concert
which has their idol while the recorded verson doesn’t cost as much money
and time as that process.
 Generates a pleasant atmosphere for the views
On the other hand, it is undeniable that being in a live performance helps
us to feel the atmosphere there. Observing shows in person, individuals are
able to interact with artists, players or celebrities and join the ovation with
spectators. For example, the fans can directly take photographs and shake
the hands with idols when they approach them in the live concert. However,
these cases only happen for a very short moment. Since the TV screen
always zooms scenes of the program, observers can clearly see what is
happening and sometimes feel like they are so close to performers. For
instance, the camera usually focuses on a singer’s face when he shows up.
Therefore, enjoying his real handsomeness becomes more accessible.
 Immerse in

In conclusion, there are variable choices for populace to attend a

performance and they both deliver the pros and cons.Addtionaly, choices
should be chose when people did take their finance and time resource into

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