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Edberg Jan J.

Legore BSHM 3-C 2/20/2023

1. Considering the culture of the youth today, what Augustinian Values you can consider
seems a challenge in the works of students formation? Why?
The devotion to study and pursuit of wisdom is in my opinion the most challenging thing for
student formation because base on my experience as a student myself I experience this type of
problem. I also notice that many has this kind of problem as well it is like they are just force to
do things and that in school and some of them doesn’t seem to care about what they learn
from school and don’t apply it to their daily life basis. The devotion to study is a big challenge
for the youth today as there are many distractions everywhere that will entertain students to
make them lose focus and just want to relax and have fun.

2. As a student, what culture styles can you consider your strength? What culture values
competencies you think you need to grow?
I consider keeping in mind of social norms as a strength of mine as student because every time I
want to get to know a certain kind of countries culture I always research first about their
traditions. As a person I want to be aware on what are the do’s and dont’s since I do really have
a lot of respect to each of everyone’s traditions no matter how weird and hilarious it may be.
Having the sense that I do not want to disrespect what they practice for a really long time is the
kind of strength that I consider my own as a student.
If keeping in mind of social norms is my strength there are tons of things that I also need to
work on especially in spiritual culture values since I grew up and adapted the roman catholic
religion I tend to become bias in this type of religion as I find those other religions sometimes
odd as the teachings does not align together with both religions. I think I need to be more
understanding and not compare different religions starting from now and just respect each
other and let it be.

3. What concrete steps you will take in becoming student leaders?

To become a fully fledge student leader the most concrete step that a student must take is to
have the initiative to do it. Becoming a student leader requires tremendous amount of
motivation to carry others responsibilities, lifting them up together as a team to achieve the
certain goal. In order to carry those responsibilities having the initiative to do it is required for it
is the source of foundation in becoming a student leader.

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