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Edberg Jan J.

Legore BSHM 3-C

1. As a LCCian student, how important wisdom is in achieving your true happiness in life?
As a student of LCC my perspective regarding how important wisdom is in finding my true
happiness in life is that it is like the key to the door of my self’s unanswered questions in life.
Which makes it why it is very important as you cant open the door if you don’t have the key for
it. Wisdom cannot be attained overnight, it takes a lot of time learning and experiencing
different situations in life for it to be achieved. Attaining the wisdom and unlocking those un-
answered questions about my life’s purpose and what I truly want to do (passion) would be the
truest happiness in life. We only live once and we cannot re-do our life’s story that is why
knowing one’s purpose (it could be being a cook, athlete, entrepreneur, and etc.) serves as the
answer to what true happiness truly means in life.

2. As an Augustinian who values Truth, how would you concretize this value to our
brothers and sister who are living in the state of dishonesty?
I am not the type of person to be nosy in others business but if someone I truly care about is
living the state of dishonesty I would just simply say this “living a poor life with clear conscience
is better than being rich but haunted by conscience”. Everyone in this world lies no matter how
small or big it is depending on what the results would be at their own self. Lieng in general is
inevitable so as any form of dishonesty but all we can do is lessen it by hearing the right words
and having a strong faith in God. It may not be much of a doing but at the end of the day those
words are facts and its better to be at peace than being troubled by your conscience every day.

3. What do you think is the biggest issue our country is facing right now in relation to
morality? Why?
For me the biggest issue that our country is facing right now is the abuse of power that they
have in the government positions. They exploit those privilege that they have for their own
advantage, instead of using those position to help the people who voted and trusted for them
what they do is make money out of it or do something worse for their own benefit. Practically
speaking I don’t mean it to everyone I know that there are some out there who truly cares for
their people, but the majority of our officials are guilty on this problem. Without a proper
leader who truly loves and cares for its people I don’t think this problem will be fixed anytime
soon, this will stay in generations and centuries to come for it to be fixed. That’s why for me it is
in my ranked 1 as the biggest issue of our country as fixing it would require tremendous
amount of change not just to the community but for the whole country Itself.

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