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1-It’s hard to imagine what life was like when shoes weren’t discovered yet.

Everything started because

of a real and practical need to protect the feet from outside effects. This seemingly simple human need
turned into a quickly growing industry in which design was just as important as functionality.

2-The models of shoes varied depending on social classes. 1991 is an important date in the history of
footwear because this is the year when, at the border of Austria and Italy, archeologists found a naturally
mummified human named Oetzi from the Stone Age who died about 3300 years before our era. This
Alpine traveler was wearing shoes made from deerskin with a sole made from bearskin and stuffed with
hay. This is how it’s thought that the Stone Age footwear production technique was like: the fewer
stitches, the dryer and warmer the legs, therefore, they wrinkled the leather. The stitches were small and
they were not very reliable given the tools people had at that time.

3-The first and one of the most popular Greek and Roman shoe models were sandals. Unlike with the
Egyptians, these sandals were long, went halfway up the knees and had many laces. In both countries,
footwear wasn’t divided into men’s and women’s. They were made from palm leaves, papyrus fiber and
raw leather

4-Although the Middle Ages are considered the dark ages, it was during this time that a lot of new
footwear trends and fashion appeared. The heel was discovered and was only worn by men at first. Also,
pointed shoes, the first footwear structures and a primitive Goodyear structure appeared. This type of
footwear was made from different materials, such as velvet, and it was decorated with fancy elements.

5-Men were the first to wear shoes with heels. Up until the end of the 18th century, men’s legs were
considered to be the standard of beauty. Although women also wore fancy shoes, they were hidden under
long skirts. During the Renaissance period, kings in Europe often wore shoes with very high heels
in order to demonstrate their supremacy. Also, they could calmly walk straight through puddles
as their heels were as high as 30 cm.

6-There was a huge breakthrough in footwear in the second part of the 20th century with the
establishment and prosperity of American pop culture which was associated with the desire to be
different. With the increasing number of working women, high-heel trends began changing. The
name “Sneaker’’ came from the English word “sneak”. Paradoxically, from the very first steps, sports
shoes did not go quietly, but proudly and loudly declared to the whole world: "We are here!".

7-In order to continue this evolution we decided to launch these two models for both genres that despite
their appearance are extremely comfortable. Their colour is due to the fact that they are reusable because
they feed on solar energy.

These shoes are available on the market for only €122

8-Imagine you’re at your senior prom and your Crush asks you to dance and you suck at it and you don’t
want to embarrass yourself, having your Magic shoes would be great because just turn them on and
they’d make you dance like a pro.

9-If you compare yourself to a turtle while you’re out on a school run and you’re always on the bottom,
here’s a chance to shine and get over the hares.

10 e 11-With these shoes, you can go around the world, meet whoever you want and travel as far as you
want. Because of the photovoltaic cells in your shoes, you can both save the planet’s natural resources and
save money.

12 e 13-Just for you we have a super discount of 50%. Staying only for 61€.
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