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The influence of permeability changes for a 7-serpentine

channel pem fuel cell performance

Elena Carcadea a,*, D.B. Ingham b, I. Stefanescu a, R. Ionete a, H. Ene c

National R & D Institute for Cryogenics & Isotopic Technologies, 240050 Rm.Valcea, Romania
University of Leeds, Centre for Computational Fluid Dynamics, LS2 9JT Leeds, UK
Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, 010702 Bucharest, Romania

article info abstract

Article history: The performance of a fuel cell is determined by several parameters, which describe the
Received 22 February 2010 fundamental, electrochemical and physical properties of the fuel cell layers, operational
Received in revised form conditions, geometry/structure of the flow field. One of these parameters is the perme-
27 July 2010 ability of the porous layers.
Accepted 16 September 2010 The paper presents results obtained for different cases in which we vary the permeability
Available online 9 October 2010 of the gas diffusion/catalyst layers of a 7-serpentine channel fuel cell. Simulations have
been carried out for permeability’s values 109 to 1012 (m2), in order to investigate the
Keywords: influence of this parameter on the water formation and transport. Taking into account
Performance some results related to: water mass fraction distributions at the interface between the
Fuel cell anode/cathode and the membrane, water content, liquid water activity and current
Permeability density, we obtained a range for the optimum permeability (1012 to 1010). The main goal
Numerical simulation was to obtain an optimum value of the permeability that will lead to a uniform distribution
of reactant species and current density over the fuel cell active area.
Copyright ª 2010, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction evaporation and condensation), or the interaction between

the single- and two-phase zones effects on the gas transport/
The operation of a PEM fuel cell depends on numerous distribution are topics that remain to be explored. In two-
transport phenomena (charge-transport and multi-compo- phase porous systems, it is necessary to account for the effect
nent, multi-phase flow in porous media, heat and mass of the many different variables (e.g. structure of porous
transfer) and on the different physical properties or operating matrix, fluid properties and pore blockage) can have on the
parameters (permeability, porosity, relative humidity). To flow of each phase.
incorporate all relevant phenomena that take place in the Recent studies indicate that the PEM fuel cell performance
various fuel cell components, the model must be three- may be strongly influenced by the permeability of the gas
dimensional, non-isothermal, multi-component and multi- diffusion layer (GDL). The permeability is a material property
phase. In addition, the model should take into account charge that characterizes the resistance to the flow of gas exhibited
transfer, change of phase, electrochemical reactions. This by the porous media. It is considered that the permeability of
results in a highly complicated model. The transport the GDL components is an important parameter that must be
processes then becomes significantly more complicated due analyzed for understanding the relationship between the GDL
to the coupled flow of liquid water and gaseous reactants in chemical and structural properties and its function in the PEM
the porous media. The liquid water transport (capillary action, fuel cell.

* Corresponding author. Fax: þ40250732746.

E-mail addresses: lili@icsi.ro, lilicarcadea@yahoo.com (E. Carcadea), D.B.Ingham@leeds.ac.uk (D.B. Ingham), Ene@imar.ro (H. Ene).
0360-3199/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2010, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 0 3 7 6 e1 0 3 8 3 10377

The relative permeability depends on the parameters, such

as: the structure of the porous media, the saturation of the
media (s), the surface tension of the fluid (s), the contact angle
of the fluid with the solid phase (qc), and the history of flow
through the media. Typically, when a parameter depends on so
many variables it is simplified to a more manageable expres-
sion which captures the most dominant interactions [1]. It has
become common practice in the porous media literature to
assume the relative permeability is a function of the saturation
only, and that is why the model used must describe the two-
phase flow in order to capture the formation, phase change and
transport of water, both in the liquid and gas phases.
In a recent review on gas diffusion layer characterization,
Mathias [2] considered that the permeability is a relevant
parameter in the fuel cell performance. The same parameter
was analyzed analytically by Feser [3] and numerically by
Pharaoh [4], particularly with respect to PEM fuel cells that
employ serpentine flow fields.
Values of the porous media permeability vary greatly in the Fig. 1 e Schematic of the bipolar plate and of fuel channel
modeling literature, spanning a few orders of magnitude, of the simulated PEM fuel cell.
from 1019 m2 [5] to 106 m2 [6]. Experimental determination of
through-plane permeability is reported by Mathias [2] to be of
the order of 5e10  1012 m2. Prasanna [7] report
1e8  1011 m2 and show a significant decrease if the Teflon
loading of gas diffusion layer is increased. 2.1. Model equations
It is important to understand the link between the gas
diffusion layer permeability and the transport or reactants and Fuel cell operation is governed by the conservation of mass,
water (vapor and liquid) through this layer. There are many momentum, species and charge. Note that the Navier-Stokes
papers that considered the two phase flow modeling needed equations, the species and charge transport equations, and
for the prediction of the liquid water and for minimization of its the electrochemical equations applied are presented in our
detrimental effect on fuel cell performance. Nam and Kaviany previous work [9] and therefore are not repeated here. The
[8] have modeled the two-phase transport in the multi-layered present paper accounts for the liquid water transport and
cathode GDL using the unsaturated flow theory (UFT), which formation in order to determine the influence of the satura-
assumes a constant gas-phase pressure throughout, and tion for the relative permeability. Therefore, the equations
which therefore neglects the gas flow which is counter to the presented in this section simply describe the aspects related
liquid flow. The UFT theory was also used in this paper to to the two-phase flow in a PEM fuel cell.
account for a 7-serpentine channel PEM fuel cell performance Based on the above assumptions, the liquid water forma-
when we vary the permeability of the porous media. tion and transport is governed by the following conservation

2. Mathematical model e governing

equations Table 1 e Material properties and transport parameters.
Property Value
Using as a basis our one-phase model [9], a two-phase model
Hydrophobic GDL contact angle, c 100
that accounts for both the gas and liquid phases has been
Hydrophilic CL contact angle, c 70
developed. This model takes into consideration the phase Porosity of GCL 0.5
change inside the gas diffusion layer and this allows us to Porosity of CL 0.5
approximate the liquid water transport in the fuel cell.
Mass Flow (Kg/s)
The assumptions made in the two-phase model take into
Anode 1.5ee05
account the assumptions made in the single phase model plus Cathode 1.3ee04
the assumptions needed for implementing the phase change
Mass fraction of H2
of water:
Anode 0.9
Cathode 0
 the fuel cell operates under steady-state conditions
Mass fraction of H2O
 the flow in the channels is considered to be laminar
Anode 0.1
 the membrane is considered impermeable for the gas-phase Cathode 0.22
 the produced water is assumed to be in the liquid phase
Mass fraction of O2
 no other species exist in the liquid phase, i.e. it consists of
Anode 0
liquid water only
Cathode 0.25
 phase change occurs only within the porous electrodes.
10378 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 0 3 7 6 e1 0 3 8 3

Fig. 2 e Water mass fraction distribution at the interface between the anode CL and the membrane.

equation for the volume fraction of liquid water, s, or water It is assumed that the liquid velocity !
u l is equivalent to the
saturation [10]: gas velocity inside the gas channel. Inside the highly resistant
porous zones, the liquid-phase flux is expressed by Darcy’s
V$ðrl !
u l sÞ ¼ Sl (1) law using the relative permeability of the individual phases:
where the subscript l stands for liquid water, rl is the liquid
density, s is the saturation, !
u l is the liquid water velocity and ! Kkrl
ul ¼  Vpl (4)
the source term Sl is the condensation rate that is modeled ml
according to the following formula:
where krl represents the relative permeability of the liquid
pwv  psat
Sl ¼ cr max ð1  sÞ Mw;H2 O ; ½srl  (2) In this paper, the GDL is assumed to be isotropic and the
relative permeability of each individual phase is proportional
This source term in not applied in the PEM fuel cell
to the cube of the phase saturation:
membrane, it is used just in the porous electrodes. The constant
condensation rate cr is given by the expression:cr ¼ 100s1 .
Equation (2) models various physical processes related to krl ¼ s3 ; krg ¼ ð1  sÞ3 (5)
two-phase flow that can take place inside a fuel cell The unsaturated flow approximation involves a constant
(condensation, vaporization, capillary diffusion, and surface gas-phase pressure across the porous media, and thus the
tension). liquid pressure can be expressed by:
Many fuel cell models that account for two-phase transport
in the gas diffusion layer are based on the unsaturated flow pl ¼ pc þ pg ; Vpl ¼ Vpc ; (6)
theory (UFT). UFT entails an essential assumption, namely: the Thus, using the above equations for replacing the convec-
gas-phase pressure is constant across the porous medium; tive term in Eq. (1), we obtain:
therefore the liquid-phase pressure simply becomes the nega-
tive of capillary pressure between the gas and liquid phases:  
Ks3 dpc
V$ rl Vs ¼ Sl (7)
pc ¼ pg  pl (3) ml ds
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 0 3 7 6 e1 0 3 8 3 10379

Fig. 3 e Water mass fraction distribution at the interface between the cathode CL and the membrane.

The capillary pressure between the gas and liquid phases is where the saturation pressure can be computed as follows:
computed as a function of the saturation, s, by the formula:
log10 psat ¼ 2:1794 þ 0:02953$ðT  273:15Þ  9:1837  105 ðT
 3 1=2
pc ¼ scosðqÞ JðsÞ (8)  273:15Þ2 þ1:4454  107 ðT  273:15Þ3 (12)
where the Leverett function, J(s), is given by: nd ¼ 0:0028$l þ 0:05l  3:5  1019 (13)

JðsÞ ¼ 1:417ð1  sÞ  2:120ð1  sÞ2 þ1:263ð1  sÞ3 if q < 90 (9) nd $jk
1:417s  2:120s2 þ 1:263s3 if q > 90 a¼  Dw VCw (14)

In the formula (8), q is the contact angle of the gas diffusion where k is the anode or cathode, Dw and Cw are the water
layer and is dependent upon the hydrophilic ð0 < q < 90 Þ or diffusion coefficient and water concentration across the
hydrophobic ð90 < q < 180 Þ nature of the material used in the membrane, respectively.
GDL fabrication. The surface tensions, for the liquid water air The expressions for the water concentration and water
system is a constant, s ¼ 0:0625 N/m. diffusion coefficient from Eq. (14) are given by [12]:
Properties important in a two-phase flow study and taken rmodry
into consideration in this paper, such as the molar flux of Cwk ¼ lk (15)
water, a, and the osmotic drag coefficient, nd , are evaluated as
functions of the water content, l, and water activity, a. All  
1 1
these parameters are given by the expressions [11]: Dw ¼ Dl exp 2416 
303 T
Dl ¼ 1010 l < 2
pwv Dl ¼ 1010 ð1 þ 2ðl  2ÞÞ2  l  3
a¼ þ 2s (10) Dl ¼ 1010 ð3  1:67ðl  3ÞÞ3  l  4:5
Dl ¼ 1:25  1010 l  4:5

0:043 þ 17:18$a  39:85a2 þ 36:0a3 0 < a  1 where rm,dry is the dry membrane density, and Mm,dry is the
l¼ (11)
14 þ 1:4$ða  1Þ for 1  a  3 membrane equivalent weight.
10380 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 0 3 7 6 e1 0 3 8 3

Fig. 4 e Liquid water activity in the membrane.

computational cells used in the model was about 2.2 million

3. Numerical algorithm cells. The geometry analyzed in this paper will be also tested
experimentally and a schematic of the bipolar plate and of
The CFD software Fluent was used for all the numerical fuel channel of the simulated PEM fuel cell is shown in Fig. 1.
calculations performed, using appropriately specified Table 1 summarizes few material properties and transport
boundary conditions of the fuel cell under investigation in parameters used in the CFD calculations, which are assumed
order to analyze the fluid flow dynamics and fuel cell perfor- based on the data that will be used in experiments. The
mance. Thus, the solution to the governing partial differential feeding gases has a relative humidity of 2.65% for hydrogen
equations is uniquely determined. at the anode side (fuel composition in mass fraction terms is
The numerical simulation model is based on the SIMPLEC 0.9/0.1 for H2/H2O) and 65% for air in the cathode side
(semi-implicit method for pressure linked equations consis- (oxidant composition in mass fraction terms is 0.25/0.22/0.53
tent) algorithm using a segregated solver in Fluent 6.3 [13]. The for O2/H2O/N2) and entered the cell at 80 Celsius. From Table
source terms generated by the electrochemical reaction are 1, we can see that values for the mass flow rate and mass
inserted in to the mass, momentum and species conservation fraction were prescribed at the inlet of both the anode and
equations using a User Define Function (UDF) included in the cathode flow channels in order to solve the problem
Fuel Cell Module. The coupled set of equations was solved described.
iteratively until the relative error in each field reached Regarding the boundary conditions for the outlets, since
a specific convergent standard (usually 108). the reactant gas flow channels are separate and generally
The geometry analyzed in this work has GDL, CL and MEA have different pressures then pressure boundary conditions
width  length equal to 10 cm  10 cm and on the borders are used. The interfaces between the layers are interior faces,
there is a sponge rubber of size 1.52 cm (width)  1.52 cm and therefore no boundary conditions are prescribed. Dirich-
(length). The length of the flow path geometry is 49.17 cm for let boundary conditions with constant values are set for the
each channel. The cross-sectional flow area is 1.5 cm solid phase potential on the lateral sides of the fuel cell (0V to
(height)  1.5 cm (width). The rib between two adjacent the anode and 0.5V to the cathode side) and zero flux condi-
channels is 1.3 cm (in the y-direction). The number of tions are applied at the inlet and outlet.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 0 3 7 6 e1 0 3 8 3 10381

Fig. 5 e Water content at the interface anode/membrane.

obstructs the transport of reactants to the active catalyst sites

4. Results and discussions and thus reducing the performance. At the same time, liquid
water is important for the polymer membrane because it
To investigate the effects on the cell performance of perme- maintains the hydration level needed for good conductivity
ability variations, we conducted numerical analyses based on and hence for a better performance.
a two-phase flow study and four different permeability values Fig. 4 presents the liquid water activity at the interface
of the porous layers resulting in four cases, namely 1012 (m2) between the anode and the membrane for the cases investi-
(case 1), 1011 (m2) (case 2), 1010 (m2) (case 3), and 109 (m2) gated. It can be noticed that a large value for this coefficient
(case 4). In the cases considered we wanted to see the influ- and a uniform profile is obtained for the cases with a smaller
ence of this parameter for the water formation and transport, permeability of the porous media, especially cases 2 and 3. A
for the uniformity of reactant species distribution and of lower permeability in the gas diffusion and catalyst layers
current density over the active area. means that there will be more liquid water in the Nafion phase
Figs. 2 and 3 present the distributions of the water mass (membrane) and this can lead to a performance improvement.
fraction at the interface between the anode catalyst layer and To achieve high performance, the amount of water content
the membrane, respectively and between cathode catalyst in the PEMFC should be in a suitable range that is adequate to
layer and the membrane for the cases investigated. It can be hydrate the membrane but not disturb the transportation of
noticed that more water appears on the interface between the the reactant gas. The maximum value of the water content
anode and the membrane, and also a more uniform profile is obtained from the Eq. (11) is 16.8, the fully hydrated level,
obtained for the case when the permeability of the porous a value essentially for a liquid equilibrated membrane. From
layers under investigation is smaller (1012 m2 and 1011 m2). Fig. 5 we can notice that the maximum value of the water
Liquid phase transport in a PEM fuel cell is believed to be content obtained for the cases simulated is 5.58, which cannot
the most important process for removing water from fuel cell be sufficient for a good hydrated membrane. In this case, it is
cathodes. Liquid water must be prevented from accumulating possible that the inlet gases should be humidified.
on the electrode surfaces, in the pores of the gas diffusion The performance characteristics of the fuel cell, based on
layers, and in the gas channels. Liquid water in these regions a certain parameter can be obtained by varying that
10382 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 6 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 1 0 3 7 6 e1 0 3 8 3

The numerical simulations and results presented and

analyzed in this paper were obtained using the commercial
code Fluent 6.3 and the Fuel Cell Module 2.2.
This study is part of a parameter sensitivity investigation
of PEMFC models that aims to determine the relative impor-
tance of each parameter analyzed on the modeling results. In
this context, the parameter sensitivity means how the
parameters influence the global performance of a PEM fuel cell
represented by the polarization curve. Some key parameters
used in this type of study are, foe example, the parameters
that characterize the porous layers of the PEM fuel cell, like:
Fig. 6 e Calculated current density at various permeability permeability, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity or
values of the porous layers. porosity. Also, a comprehensive parameter sensitivity exam-
ination must be carrying out, the reason being the comparison
between the simulation and the future experimental results.
Two-phase flow in low-temperature PEM fuel cells is an
important research subject. Currently, this is still a largely
parameter while keeping all other parameters constant.
unexplored area and many issues are needed to be investi-
Results obtained for the current density of the fuel cell when
gated. A fundamental understanding of two-phase transport,
we vary the permeability of the porous layers are presented in
especially in porous gas diffusion layers of PEM fuel cells, is
the Fig. 6. The results obtained from these types of para-
essential in order to improve the overall performance of this
metrical studies can allow us to identify the optimum
parameters for the fuel cell performance. From Fig. 6 and the
results presented above we can notice that using low perme-
ability values (1012, 1010), there is an increase in the
uniformity of the reactant species distribution and in the
current density over the active area, so the optimum value can
a water vapor activity
be considered in this range. Usually, low isotropic perme-
S source terms
ability has a much grater effect on cell performance than
s volume fraction of liquid water
higher isotropic permeability, because the reactants and
water are eventually trapped in the porous media of gas Greek Letters
diffusion and catalyst layers with low permeability. 4 phase potential, V
From Fig. 6 we can notice that the tendency for the average l water content of the membrane
current density values is to decrease with an increase in the a molar flux of water
porous layers permeability, so we can conclude that is very
important to know the effect of different parameters on the Subscripts
performance of fuel cell. k anode/cathode
sat saturation value
wv water vapour
c capillary
5. Conclusions rl relative to liquid phase
rg relative to gas phase
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