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Consent for Background Verification

Through this document, First Advantage - MultiLatin Background Screeningreceives the permission of Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia ,
who has the intention of being hired by POSEIDON MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA , and who manifests that understands the internal policies
of the same, related to the background check process, and who has consented that POSEIDON MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA alone or
through First Advantage - MultiLatin Background Screening, conduct the background check on references, features, past jobs, including jobs in
public and private companies.
Similarly, Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia acknowledges and consents to First Advantage - MultiLatin Background Screeningand
POSEIDON MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA for treatment of his/her personal data, including sensitive data during verification and to treat such
personal data even if the Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia is not hired.
Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia expressly gives his consent to First Advantage - MultiLatin Background Screeningand POSEIDON
MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA, to collect process and render an interpretation of Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia reliability, in relation
to the obtained sensitive personal data, in order to comply with the background check procedure established by POSEIDON MANAGEMENT
OF FLORIDA and which Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia voluntarily accepts, acknowledges and consents.
Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia has been informedthat the information provided and obtained by First Advantage - MultiLatin
Background Screeningand POSEIDON MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA may be transferred and treated by any third party other than its
employees or domestic or foreign third parties indefinitely. The transfer of personal information to third parties shall be carried out in terms of the
provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (LFPDPPP). Due to the above, Estrada Maidana
Victoria Patricia gives express permission to First Advantage - MultiLatin Background Screeningand POSEIDON MANAGEMENT OF
FLORIDA already mentioned for the transfer of personal data and sensitive personal data to those persons designated by First Advantage -
MultiLatin Background Screeningand POSEIDON MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA.
Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia is aware of his/her rights and procedures to execute these.

Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia is aware of his/her rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (ARCO) related to the
protection of personal data, and has been informed and understands the procedures and means for exercise. Also has had access and manifested
his agreement with the privacy notices of First Advantage - MultiLatin Background Screeningand POSEIDON MANAGEMENT OF
Accordingto the provisions herein, Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia releases First Advantage - MultiLatin Background
Screeningand POSEIDON MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA of any claim, complaint, lawsuit or other legal action against them, related to the
information obtained and the treatment, except those arising from the LFPDPPP, having to do with the exercise of ARCO rights, personal data
processing and collection thereof.
Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia certifies that the following information is true so being the case, allows First Advantage - MultiLatin
to obtain a copy of the necesary documents in accordance with the
provisions herein.

Estrada Maidana Victoria Patricia

1/24/2023 12:20:22 PM

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