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1 Company History
Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation video game console debuted in the United
States in September 1995 after being sold in Japan in December 1994 to resounding critical
acclaim. Titles like Twisted Metal and Ridge Racer were extremely well-liked. The PlayStation
shipped 100 million units for the first time ever in 2005. The PlayStation brand is still highly
well-known and well-liked today

1.2 Mission Statement

The Mission statement of the PlayStation Studios is “to make the best games we can,
advancing the very nature of entertainment through our games and the positive impact they
can have on people’s lives.”

1.3 Product and Service

The PlayStation product and service include PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PlayStation VR,
PlayStation Store, PlayStation Plus, games, accessories such as controllers, headset, cameras
and PlayStation software tittles from PlayStation Studios. The PlayStation also has their
PlayStation Network (PSN) that is an online gaming service for the PlayStation gaming console.
2.0 Demographic
Under the Demographic factors, age and gender were one of the biggest influences for
people to buy the PlayStation products. As most of the Malaysia consumers are in the age
between 18 and 41. Mostly is the Generation Z and Generation Y, this is because the
PlayStation company featured products is all basically game product and this type of product is
very appealing to today’s young or neither middle-aged people.
Other than that the PlayStation also got large group of the male consumers compare with
the female consumers. Based on the data on the internet, we can see the ratio of the male
consumer and female consumer. Which is male 59% and female 41% . One of the reason is
there are more games that male like.

2.1 Economic

In Malaysia, there’s an Income Classification which is used to categories Malaysian by their

household income. These categories are B40, M40 and T20(Appendix 1).T20 is the category
which the income threshold was the highest, income more than RM10971 per month and the
B40 is the household group which earns the lowest income that is below RM4850 per month.
Lastly the M40 is the household group which earn middle income which is between RM 4851 to
RM10970. The categories of Malaysian household income M40 and T20 basically can afford the
PlayStation 4or PlayStation 5 console.

The nation's economy has also been impacted by the Covid-19's global spread. High
unemployment and the depreciation of the Malaysian Ringgit versus the US dollar are two signs
of how Covid-19 has affected Malaysia's economy. There are 508200 unemployed people in
Malaysia as of 2019, according to the country's 3.3% unemployment rate. The unemployment
rate is 3.2% in January 2020; nevertheless, it rises steadily until May 2020, when it hits 5.3%.

Aside from that, Malaysia's currency rate has declined from March 2019 when it was
Rm4.08 to 1 USD, and it will be RM4.26 in July 2020. The people's ability to consume has been
restricted as a result.
Due to the pandemic issue and global economic downturn, the PlayStation company sends
free games such as (Nba 2k21, Brawhalla, Warframe) for there users to play by staying at home
to keep each other safe. This can ensure that the safety of the users and let them enjoy and not
so bored in house.
2.2 Natural

In recent years, due to the development of the science, technology and agriculture, our
natural environment has been seriously polluted and the natural has been shorts of raw
materials in recent years. The government of Malaysia launched the National Green Technology
Policy (NGTP) in July 2009. It targets is to reduce the carbon footprint without compromising
economic growth.

The PlayStation Company's Road to Zero worldwide environmental strategy is to leave no

environmental footprint at any point along the life cycle of its products and business
operations. Road to Zero establishes a number of precise objectives based on four
environmental viewpoints. In order to stop climate change, PlayStation has established targets
from four different environmental perspectives. The PlayStation Corporation aspires to provide
emissions-free goods. They want to encourage renewable energy while offering products and
services that are environmentally friendly. Second, the PlayStation Corporation stops using
virgin materials. They lighten products and increase the effectiveness of workplace resources to
cut down on consumption. the regulation of chemical compounds. For tight control over
chemicals in raw materials, they create their own chemical substance management guidelines.
Finally, encouraging biodiversity Activities related to conservation and business at PlayStation

2.3 Technological

In the ages advances in technology, the 1st generation PlayStation Console to the 5th
generation of PlayStation Console has made a lot of improvements on technology. For the 5 th
generation of PlayStation Console, it has a lot of new and updated functions is the console
specs and the console appearance. The PlayStation 5 has 825gb space for consumer download
their games or other apps such as, Spotify, Netflix and more kind of apps The PlayStation 5 can
provide high graphic quality and high game realism for their users compare to their old
PlayStation models. Overall, the 5th generation of PlayStation Console can lets the consumer
more enjoy playing games in a high specs gaming console and feel valuable for it. As a result ,
the growth of PlayStation will be affected by Technological factors.

Beside of the improve of the PlayStation console, PlayStation also improving its accessories
such like their wireless controller. The PS5 DualSense Controller is the company newest
controller and the most comfortable one. This is because they make a lot of comfortable
adjustment on the controller for many type of games. The controller offers immersive haptic
feedback that can feel physically responsive feedback to your game actions with dual actuators
which replace traditional rumble motor.
2.4 Political and Social
Political and social including public policy that is developed by the government to guide
commerce, which is also called as the Legislation Regulating Business and social codes and
rules of ethics. The aim of business legislation is to protect companies from each other, also to
protect the interests of society against business behavior that is unrestrained and to protect
consumers from unfair business practices.
Politics have a significant impact on PlayStation's long-term viability and profitability. The
corporation is more sensitive to changes in other countries' political contexts as a result of its
position on the global stage. In a political setting, diversifying the systematic risks is essential for
success in a fast-paced, global corporate world. A nation's political climate is composed of
numerous variables. During the strategic planning process, PlayStation

2.4 Cultural

The organizational culture represents the specific pre-defined policies that provide guidance
to the employees and give a sense of direction. It is a complex system that comprises the
shared beliefs, values and assumptions, and governs the employees’ behavior within the
organization. These underlying assumptions, beliefs and values contribute to the unique and
distinct psychological and social environment. In this article, the organizational culture of the
Playstation is analyzed in light of Hofsetede’s organizational culture model.

         The vision statement of Playstation is brief and to the point. This means that the company
has not used long dialects and dialogues to delivers its opinion ad stance to the public and
relevant stakeholders. The vision statement should be brief and comprehensive – it should
communicate the essence of the business, and its future plans to help the stakeholders
understand its business philosophy and business strategy.

           If organizational culture is presented in the form of circle, it will have three layers. The
outermost will be artefacts, middle will be the values and beliefs and inner most will be the
underlying assumptions. Coca-Cola’s organizational culture is its strongest asset, and can be
analyzed on three levels:

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