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HBM | Electronics and software | DAQ systems

catman Easy / AP / PostProcess

FUN: functional enhancement
MOD: modification
FIX: bug fix
PRB: known problem

FIX519: Cyclic data storage module

Under the following condition this data storage mode could cause a memory leak:
 Continuous storage mode: Snapshot only

The memory leak could bring catman to a halt after several hours of measurement.

FIX520: Decimal sample rate domain

In case of the Decimal sample rate domain introduced with the QuantumX B Hardware platform a slight
unsynchronicity in the data stream could occur under certain conditions. The last channel of a module involved
in the DAQ job could show a small time unsynchronicity of up to max. 5 ms with respect to the other channels.
The Classical sample rate domain is not concerned.
FUN: functional enhancement
MOD: modification
FIX: bug fix
PRB: known problem

FIX512: SIE file conversion

If the SIE file contained a Burst data mode, channel data of channels belonging to this data mode were not
converted correctly. Instead of the real signal data they contained timestamps.

FIX513: PMX channel unit

Engineering unit of a channel could get lost after sensor assignment, resulting in a "No unit" display in the
catman channel list.

FIX514: Very low sample rates with QuantumX

In case of very low sample rates < 0.5 Hz channel initialization could fail ("Error during control scan") in the
following cases:
 math channels present
 project contained other device type also (hybrid system)
The normal DAQ job was not affected by this problem.

FIX515: dbA sound pressure filter in analysis mode

The computation was rejected with an "Invalid frequency" error messages in case the "Use db scaling" option
was not activated.

FIX516: Sensor adaptation: Sensors with negative electrical span

Attempting to measure (MEASURE button) the electrical value could result in a "Sensor not supported by
hardware" message.

FIX517: Analysis mode file merger

If the individual files being merged consisted of snapshots (i.e. individual samples stored at a certain point in
time, e.g. via event monitoring), the time channel of the result file contained incorrect values. Timestamps
started new with every individual section.

FIX518: DAQ jobs with digital triggers

Under certain circumstances the trigger bit could be unintentionally changed when selecting the trigger type.
This error only occurred if start and stop triggers were both in use.

Overview about the most important new functions

New functions for noise analysis
 dBA weighing of acoustic signals
 2D colour-frequency spectrum for analysis of dynamic signals over time
 Export of recorded acoustic signals into an audio file (*.wav)
 Quick and easy FFT calculation over a selected region in Post-Process

Improved device support

 Support of the new QuantumX Firmware version 4.2.10
o Decimal sample rates (10kS/s, 100 kS/s) (B hardware revision only)
o PTP (Precision Time Protocol) synchronization of distributed systems (B hardware revision
o New filter domains (FIR, Linear phase)
o High-Speed-Mode (up to 200kHz)
 Video recording with pre-trigger for AVT cameras
 Improved handling and synchronization of Kistler Wheel Force Transducer

For more functions, details, modifications and fixes please read below.

Important notes
With version 4 catmanEasy/AP supports the data acquisition modules of the SomatXR line. These modules are
fully compatible with the QuantumX module family and each operation/function applicable to QuantumX as well
applies to the SomatXR modules! If no particular distinction is made the term SomatXR means the same as

With catmanEasy/AP version 4 several internal performance optimizations have been made. For certain
operations (e.g. data compression in real-time graphs or post process computations) this may speed up your
application significantly.
New functions
FUN 323: New type of online computations: Signal Generator
Signal generator channels are useful to simulate data if no real hardware sensors are connected. The signal
generator provides several waveforms (sine, triangle, rectangle etc.) including frequency sweep, amplitude
modulation and noise.

FUN 324: Playback-Files

The signal generator online computation can also play back existing data during a DAQ job. See Playback-Files
for more details.

FUN 325: Axis colors of graphs

The standard graphs provide a new option "Axes/Auto-Color". If set, the axis labels will be colored in the same
color as the curve belonging to this axis layer. This is particularly useful in case of overlayed axes. If the graph
does not contain any curves the axis color will be reset to the color chosen for the axis.

FUN326: Sensor selection

The sensor window of the DAQ channel configuration provides new quick access buttons allowing to move
between the main sensor groups (My sensors, HBM sensors, generic sensors, all sensors, CAN sensors and
sensors supported by channel)

FUN327: New hardware option to preserve current device settings

A new option allows control of automatic filter assignment when doing a new DAQ project. In some cases it is
not desirable to change the filters of a device. Another option locks channel parametrization (like sensor
assignment or zero balance). This is to prevent an unintentional change of a preconfigured system like a test
rig. See startup screen "Device types, interfaces and other hardware options".

FUN328: New online computation dBA Sound Pressure Filter

Filters an incoming signal according to the dBA weighing filter. This filter takes into account the frequency
dependency of the sensitivity of the human ear. It has its maximum response at 1000 Hz. Damping at 100 Hz
is about 20 dB. The output of the filter can be obtained in absolute values (Pa) or dB (then denoted as dBA). In
the latter case an RMS is computed with a selectable time window (default is 100 ms).

FUN329: Analysis mode new computation dbA Sound Pressure Filter

Performs the same filtering as described in FUN328 but on data already measured (post process).

FUN330 New visualization object: Spectrogram

The spectrogram shows a color coded map of the frequency of a signal over time. It can be used both in DAQ
mode (live) or in analysis mode (post process). The spectrogram replaces the former waterfall graph object in
DAQ mode (in analysis mode the waterfall display still exists). See "Understanding catmanEasy/AP graph
objects" for more detail. Spectrograms can also be used in analysis mode - just drag a channel to the graph
and the joint time frequency will be computed and displayed. There is no need to do a joint time frequency
computation beforehand - the spectrogram will compute it on the fly.

FUN331: Graph region selector tool

The region selector tool provides a new operation "FFT". If selected, a frequency spectrum will be computed
based upon the data of the region. See "Using the graph region tool" for more details.
This function is only available if the region is selected via mouse drag - it is not supported if the region is
defined via cursors!

FUN332: UDP output

The format of the UDP data can now be selected to be either FLOAT32 or DOUBLE64. The latter is important if
you want to preserve resolution of time channels, in most other cases it is however not necessary and wastes
network bandwidth. Observe that the format applies to ALL channels!

The channel info provides a new utility to display the arriving NMEA messages. Just click to a channel of the
GPS - the message protocol window will appear in the channel info pane. There click START to enable the
logging. The log can be printed.

FUN334: Online computation Electrical Power

A new option has been introduced to automatically correct the phase delay introduced by a current clamp.

FUN335: New data format MDF 4.1

Data can now be saved/exported in the new ASAM MDF 4.1 standard, including data compression, quick
preview and unlimited file size.

FUN336: QuantumX Highspeed-Mode

With version 4 catman allows you to switch a MX410, MX411 or MX403 into the so-called Highspeed-Mode. Only
in this mode the 192 kHz sample rate of the fast sample rate group is supported. Right-click to the
SAMPLERATE/FILTERS column in the channel list to enable/disable Highspeed-Mode. See chapter "QuantumX
Highspeed-Mode" of this knowledgebase for more details on Highspeed-Mode.

FUN337: New online computation

A new computation Linearization of the Fixed Formula group allows linearization of input data according to a
multipoint linearization table of up to 16 points. Interpolation between table points is linear.

FUN338: EasyScript
The method EA_Test.GetStatistics now delivers the RMS of the dataset (in array element Results(8)).

FUN339: Online computation channels: Filtering

A new type of filter computation allows the specification of a cutoff frequency in Hz. Formerly cutoff frequencies
were specified in % of sample rate. The latter are still available and denoted as "Automatic Anti-Alias filters".

FUN340: Online computation channels: Highpass filters

Version 4 provides online highpass Butterworth and Bessel filters.

FUN341: SomatXR data recorder

Any data recorder CX23R found by a device scan will be listed in the scan results for QuantumX/SomatXR
devices. Doubleclicking to the entry will launch a browser session which gives you full access to the device (e.g.
in order for to download data files). Connecting to this device is not possible.
FUN342: Automatic execution of EasyScript
Execution of script code has been added to the actions performed before DAQ start and after DAQ job stop (see
"Configure DAQ job"). The script code is part of the job settings- no EasyScript project is required. You may use
this functionality to easily generate automatic analyses and reports after a DAQ job.

FUN343: Protection against unwanted re-configuration of hardware

The Hardware options provide two new options which will protect your hardware against unwanted
reconfiguration when catman starts a new DAQ project:
 Do not touch filter settings
Filter frequencies currently setup in the devices will not be changed. If you enable this option be aware
that in this case the filter cutoff frequencies might not be appropriate for the sample rates of your DAQ
 Lock channel configuration
This will prevent any reconfiguration of a channel: no sensor assignment, no filter settings and no
zerobalancing will be allowed.

FUN344: EasyScript
Version 4 provides a script function (EA_Test.ConvertTimeChannel) which allows conversion of a NTP channel
(UNIX origin) from a QuantumX, SomatXR, MGCplus or Optical Interrogator to the OLE format expected for
instance by Microsoft Excel (days since 1.1.1899).

FUN345: EasyScript
Added a script property EA_Panel.FullScreenMode to switch on/off visual panel full screen mode.

FUN346: DAQ project channel list display filter

The display filter dialog now offers several shortcut buttons to filter for "Only active channels", "Only channels
not in overflow", "Only channels with sensor". These options were available in former versions also, but more
complicated to configure.

FUN347: Live FFT displays

These displays provide a new "Averaging" function which allows to perform a running average over a certain
time window on the spectrum. This is useful to identify frequency peaks which are in the range of the noise
floor. Observe that averaging works best in case of stationary signals, i.e. frequency not changing over time!

FUN348: DAQ job status

Additional information has been added to the DAQ status window (click the "Extended" button in the status bar
of the DAQ job if this window is not visible). The most important one probably is the CPU load consumed by
your DQAQ job. This load depends on sample rate, number of channels, number and type of online
computations, hard disk performance, number and type of visualization objects etc. As long as this number is
below 50% your DAQ job runs fine and is able to process the incoming data fast enough. If it increases above
50% you should take measures to reduce the load (e.g. by reducing the number of visualization objects). See
topic How to optimize data acquisition performance for more details.
Also all events occurring during your DAQ job will be reported in this window. This list can be copied to the

FUN349: PTP (Precision Time Protocol) quality check

The "External time sync" dialog allows checking the clock deviation of a QuantumX/SomatXR device configured
for PTP from the PTP master. The status overview of this dialog also lists the PTP master information.
FUN350: Sensor assignment
Version 4 will allow you to assign more than one sensor in one go. Just select the sensors in the sensor list and
select "Assign sensor" from the context menu of this list. Starting with the currently highlighted channel in the
channel list the sensors will be assigned to subsequent channels. Alternatively you may drag the sensors while
holding the mouse button down.

FUN351: Analysis mode data export

Version 4 features two additional export formats:
 .WAV: export data into WAV sound file. This creates one file per channel. It is useful to convert
voltages acquired from a microphone (e.g. with a QuantumX MX410) into an audible format which can
be replayed for instance by the Windows Media Player
 catman Playback format. This creates a single file per channel

FUN352: Analysis mode data import (Test Explorer)

Version 4 allows adding a WAV sound file directly to the analysis project (without conversion).

FUN353: DAQ mode: new online computation "Simple Time At Level"

A new computation Time at level of the Fixed Formula group allows a simple time at level counting of a single
range. This computation counts the total time a signal spends in a range specified by an upper and lower limit.
The output can be in seconds, minutes, hours or days.

FUN353: Analysis mode: new computations "Remove DC component"

and "Remove offset"
New computations of the Fixed Formula group allows to subtract the mean value of a channel from each data
point of this channel (Remove DC component) or to subtract the first value of a channel from each data point of
this channel (Remove offset).

FUN354: Devices unavailable when loading a project

Instead of invoking the so called Hardware Mapper (which allows reassigning addresses or removing the device
from the project) you may choose to treat the device as temporarily unavailable (disabled, indicated by a
symbol). In this case the device remains in your DAQ project but all its channels will be deactivated and any
function requiring access to the hardware (sensor assignment, filters, zero balancing etc.) will be blocked. See
OPTIONS/PROGRAM START/<Deactivate devices not connectable>. If the connection is established again,
catman will automatically reactivate the device upon DAQ job start, provided the DAQ job option "Initialize
devices prior to start" is set (DAQ job configuration, register tab General/Automatic actions on start). To
reactivate a device manually use the context menu of the channel list.

FUN353: Devices loose connection while in DAQ channel list

If the connection to a device is lost while you no DAQ job is running (e.g. in the sensor configuration stage of
your project) catman will disable this device (indicated by a symbol), i.e. deactivate all channels and block all
hardware access. To reactivate a device manually if connection has been reestablished, use the context menu
of the channel list.

FUN354: Analysis mode

Instead of adding a complete file to your analysis project you may add individual channels only. Select a file,
switch to the <Details> tab and click "Load" on the channel you want to add to the analysis project.
Note: it is currently not possible to remove an individual channel.

MOD 280: Startup screen

The startup screen of catman has been modified. Large buttons together with comprehensive explanations
make access to the catman functions even easier. In addition, two new functions have been added:
 Resume last session
This will allow you to continue a DAQ project withe same devices last used, all sensors and online
computations configured up so far, as well as all DAQ job settings and visualizations still in place.

 Recent projects list

The Recent Projects list allows quick opening of one of the projects you used recently.

The former dropdown-menu functions "Open Excel-Parametrization" and "Restore last backup project" are now
accessed via the file dialog "File Type" selection of the "Open project" button.

Access to the dialog for the selection of device type, interfaces and additional hardware options is now via the
OPTIONS button of the startup screen. On the following page select "Hardware". Alternatively you may still
open the dialog from the MEASURE startup screen under "New DAQ project" (click the blue text link).

MOD 281: DAQ channel list

Several changes have been made to increase usability of the DAQ project channel list:
 Live display of readings an live TEDS detection enabled by default for QuantumX, PMX, MGCplus and
 The STATUS column (readings and channel status) has been moved immediately right of the channel
NAME column.
 The STATUS column is shown in bold by default - this can be changed via the context menu of this
column (Font bold/normal toggle).
 The SIGNAL column has been renamed to "SAMPLERATE AND FILTER".
 The device description has been shortened to just show the name by default. Use the option "Full
device descriptor" in OPTIONS/CHANNEL LIST to show the full information known from previous
 Automatic filters will now show the frequency selected, not just the text "Auto".
 The device information row has been shortened. It will only display the device name. Other
information (like UUID, IP address etc.) can be found in the channel info pane - just select a device
row and the information will be displayed. Advanced time sync info (Master/Slave) can be seen under
 Height of the device row is increased to give better readability of the list.
 Channel info does not show grid lines and uses a larger font. Resizing the pane to become very narrow
only the content of the fields will be displayed, the description will be hidden.
 Several icons and symbols have been exchanged to give a more pleasant look and avoid too many
 QuantumX/SomatXR only: The channel list STATUS now distinguishes between a channel in
OVERFLOW (i.e. a sensor connected but maybe incorrect parametrization) and no sensor connected at
all. In the latter case NO SIGNAL will be displayed. NO SIGNAL will also be displayed for CAN channels
which do not receive any data.

MOD282: DAQ project channel configuration window

The component windows SENSORS and CHANNEL INFO are now stacked on top of each other by default

MOD 283: Visualization objects

The waterfall graph in DAQ mode has been replaced by the spectrogram object.

MOD 284: DAQ channel settings

In case of an invalid configuration (e.g. sample rate not supported) the channel is no longer deactivated

MOD285: Channel list display filter

The display filter dialog now provides dedicated command buttons for the most important filters:
 Only show active channels
 Only show channels with a valid signal (not in OVFL and not NO SIGNAL)
 Only show channels with sensor assigned

MOD286: DAQ job configuration

The list boxes for several options (like start mode, trigger, storage mode, file formats) do no longer show icons.
These have been removed for better readability. The file format list entries have been reordered.

MOD287: Online computations

Fixed formula - replaced combo box entry "log(…)" with "ln(…)" to make clear that it is the logarithm to base e.

MOD288: Graph region tool

The computation channels created will show additional information in their name. Instead of just
"TempEdit_xxx" they display for instance "TempEdit_xxx_REGION_COPY_FROM_TO" where FROM and TO are
the point indices of the region's limits.

MOD289: Kistler RoaDyn WheelForce

Synchronization of the Kistler RoaDyn system will now occur via dedicated trigger and clock lines connected to
the QuantumX system. The former NTP synchronization mechanism is no longer supported. See the
corresponding TechNote on your catman CD.

MOD290: Meter and bar indicators

Templates for these objects have been reworked to give a more pleasing appearance. The user may change the
templates by saving an object under the name "HB_Meter1.meter","HB_Meter2.meter", ..... resp.
"HBM_Bar1.meter", "HBM_Bar2.meter"...........into the \TEMPLATES folder of his user directory
MOD291: Event monitoring - digital outputs
With version 4 catman will now reset a digital output if a level crossing event condition is no longer met. The
state of the output will be inverted. The hysteresis of the event is taken into account.

MOD292: QuantumX modules connected via FireWire and Ethernet

With version 4 the FireWire connection will take precedence. In former versions the Ethernet connection was

MOD293: Copy&Paste of Meter/Bar/Digit/LED indicator objects

Objects will take over the copied display source (channel) instead of assigning a default source (channel).

MOD294: Online computation channels of type Algebra

Replaced function combo box entry "log(…)" with "ln(…)" to make clear that it is the natural logarithm to base

MOD295: Default sample rates in a new DAQ project for

The default rates have been changed (slow/standard/fast):
 Classic rates: 10/300/4800 Hz
 Decimal rates: 10/200/5000 Hz

MOD296: DAQ job configuration

The storage mode "None..." has been renamed to "Controlled by event monitoring/script".

MOD297: Video capture

 The DAQ status window will now display the video file size during recording.
 If the user choses to discard the measurement data after job termination, any video data will also be

MOD298: Test Explorer

Added the file merging to the context menu of Test Explorer file list.

MOD298: Sensor list

The sub group depth for "My sensors" has been increased from 1 to 3 sub levels.

MOD299: DAQ job test parameters

The "=" character is no longer allowed in a test parameter name. In addition "=" characters appearing in the
parameter value will now be handled correctly.

MOD300: DAQ project channel list

Added "Auto" display format to ribbon and context menu "Signal reading / Display format".

MOD301: Live refresh of indicators during DAQ job

The refresh rate calculated from the "With each new data block" setting was too high. It doesn't make sense to
update every 50 ms (in case of high sample rates). The minimum update interval is now limited to 150 ms.
MOD302: Loading a DAQ project with QuantumX modules
When loading a project catman might incorrectly state that the modules were not available and the Hardware
Mapper showed up. This could happen even if the hardware connected to the computer was not changed at all,
i.e. the modules connected did not change since the time the project was created. This happened if the
modules were configured to use DHCP but no DHCP server was available or if a DHCP lease expired.

With version 4 catman will now check the UUID of the modules and automatically adjust IP addresses if

MOD303: Limit and event monitoring with action Digital-OUT

The state of the output line will now be reset to LOW again if after occurrence of a level crossing event the
signal leaves the hysteresis range. I.e. in case of a high level crossing event, the digital output will be rest if
the signal falls below the Level - Hysteresis. This reset only is done in case of level crossing events - in all other
cases the line state remains HIGH.

MOD304: catmanEasy/AP termination

Terminating a DAQ or Analysis project will now bring you back to the startup screen. Formerly catmanEasy/AP
was terminated completely.

MOD305: QuantumX Firmware Update

The firmware update dialog will now allow you to select a specific firmware file, browse the HBM web site for
new firmware and also allow a downgrade (i.e. replacing current firmware with older one).

These enhancements only apply to upgrades from version 4.0 on!

MOD306: License request

The license request dialog will now show the number of remaining starts in EVAL(uation) mode.

MOD307: Live FFT in DAQ mode

The default FFT size for all objects displaying Live FFT has been increased from 1024 to 2048.

MOD308: Channel naming

A comma (",") is no longer allowed in a channel name.

MOD309: Live FFT graph

The peak detection display can now be moved around with the mouse.

MOD310: Analysis mode filter computations

The computations for MEAN and RMS over time window do no longer offer to automatically apply a lowpass
filter to the results. If necessary this filter can be created in a second computation.

FIX 448: Graph region selector tool

 Multiple plots are no longer possible
 DataView: region selection via zoom did not work, only selection via cursor was possible.
 DataView: point index did not work (channel dt was still used).
 DataView: region selector tool was not blocked for xy graphs.

FIX 449: Live TEDS detection in DAQ channel list

 If a TEDS was disconnected, the transducer type was not shown correctly - instead OFF was displayed.
 Due to synchronization problems it could happen that the settings enforced by the TEDS were not
updated correctly in catman (e.g. channel name or unit)

FIX450: MGCplus sensor adaptation

Measuring the electrical value could deliver an incorrect reading if the sensor characteristics electrical point 1
was different from zero.

FIX451: QuantumX sensor configuration

If the physical range of the sensor was mapped to a negative electrical value (e.g. 100 N = -2 mV/V) an
incorrect electrical range was computed. This could cause the module to refuse the sensor.

FIX 452: QuantumX CAN MX471

The STATUS column of the DAQ channel list could incorrectly display TESTSIGNAL if the ISO(isochronous) flag
for the channel was ON.

FIX453: Online computations of type MIN/MAX of channel range

- The time base (dt) of these channels was not correct
- The last channel of the range was ignored

FIX 454: PMX digital IO in EasyScript

The method EA_IO.ReadDigitalIn failed in case of pin No. > 0.

FIX 455: Optical interrogators

The spectrum display (ribbon tab "Optical functions") showed incorrect peak locations in case more than one
connector was selected for display. This only happened for DI interrogators not supporting a full spectrum. In
all other cases the display was correct.

FIX456: Optical interrogators

The single value display in the channel list caused an error (Control DAQ failed) in case of static SI

FIX457: Optical interrogators

The channel list ChanInfo pane's "Send command" utility did not work for optical interrogators.
FIX458: TEDS detection
Automatic adaptation of channel names in visual objects has been improved (in case the TEDS changes a
channel name).

FIX460: Online computation Min/Max of channel range (group Fixed

 The last channel of the range was not considered
 Time base of the resulting channel incorrect

FIX461: Graph region selector tool

 Zooming did not work in DataView preview graph
 The tool did not work if the x-axis was set to hh:mm:ss scale

FIX462: Cursor window

Region selector function buttons became visible in DAQ mode after switching back from annotation tab,
statistics button was not invisible. Reference annotation was no longer visible after redraw (e.g. after modifying
section values). Tools did not work on x-axis in Date-Time format.

FIX463: Indicators of type Digital, Bar and Analog Meter

The minimum/maximum indicator modes failed for MAX if value became negative and never worked for MIN if
value negative.

TEDS/Sensor database: fixes the problem with the excitation voltage parameters sometimes changing to a
different value (e.g. entered 5 V - TEDS e.g. shows 4.8 V).

FIX465: Meter and bar indicators in EasyScript

The EA_Panel.SetValue method did not properly update the min/max pointers.

FIX466: Indicators of type Bar

If the object possessed a horizontal orientation it was not correctly restored after project load.

FIX467: FastStream data storage

Conversion of FastStream files to standard .BIN files failed if the FastStream file had a size between 2 and 4

FIX468: PMX data acquisition

In case of a defective channel the PMX could deliver a non-valid floating point number (NaN or #INF). This
could cause unpredictable effects in catman. For instance, saving of data after a DAQ job failed with an error
and vo valid file was created.

FIX469: Loading a project with QuantumX modules

In some cases the modules were reported as "not found" and the project hardware mapper opened, even if the
modules were properly connected to the PC. This happened for instance in case automatic APIPA adresses were
assigned by the PC or if a DHCP lease expired. With version 4 catman will now do a device scan prior to
connecting to the modules and, if necessary, replace the IP addresses in the project by the new ones.
FIX470: Floating panes
If the panel contained only a single video live display the configuration dialog was not accessible.

FIX471: TEDS and Pt100

A Pt100 sensor could not be converted to TEDS from sensor database.

FIX472: Indicators of type Digital, Bar and Analog Meter

The time window (for Min, Max, RMS) will now allow 0 as input value also. Formerly this was forced to 1 always.

FIX473: TEDS with linearization table

Unwanted rounding effects could cause the electrical points to be truncated to three decimal places before they
were written to the TEDS.

FIX474: Sensor type Potentiometer

Traceability data returned "V" (incorrect) instead of correct "mV/V".

FIX475: CX27 digital OUT

When setting the digital outputs of a CX27 via EasyScript a wrong pin number was used (1 instead of 0).

FIX476: Analysis mode - using a channel's auto format (precision)

The format was always taken from the first loaded test.

FIX477: Error message "Export path must not be empty".

This could occur if switching from DAQ mode to Analysis mode while in the DAQ job configuration window.

FIX478: EasyScript - MGCplus Analog OUT

The script method EA_IO.SetAnalogOut for did not work correctly for MGCplus (wrong command sent to the
device). The way EA_IO.SetAnalogOut worked it was not possible to address a specific analog output on the
board. A new optional parameter has been added to the method, if missing 1 is used.

FIX479: Visualization objects containing pictures

If the pictures were contained in a project and extracted to the default \Image location or if a picture file was
searched for in the default folder the picture information could get lost when afterwards saving the project.

FIX480: Background image of standard graphs

The background image of a standard graph was not included in the project save routine. (background images
weren't supported until 3.5.1) and thus the image was not transported with the project.

FIX481: Visual panel channel selector window

 Time channels of collapsed devices were unintentionally made visible even if the option "Hide time
channels" was set.
 Adding QuantumX/SomatXR modules to the DAQ project could corrupt the channel selector list .

FIX482: Option "Start script on DAQ start"
This option was not saved between sessions.
FIX483: Analysis mode - merging of test files
The merger did not work for files containing data stored in 4 Byte Float format. There existed however a
workaround: load files to be merged into Analysis Project before merging.

FIX484: Modification of an existing computation in Analysis mode

 Class count functions using the modified computation as input were not updated
 Name of modified computation was not modified in computations using it as an argument (name could
have been changed).
 DataViewer column names were not updated
 Cursor graphs did not perform a redraw
 Visualization objects could be redrawn more often then necessary

FIX485: QuantumX device scan

The device scan could crash catman in case of "unusual" network adapters configured on the computer (e.g.
virtual machines).

FIX486: Live FFT graphs containing more than one channel

Under some circumstances (low number of FFT points and high sample rates > 10 kHz) FFT's of channels other
than the first one were not drawn.

FIX487: Analysis mode TestExplorer

If a test file to be loaded resided on a non-writeable drive (like a CD/DVD drive) or if the file or folder was
write-protected, catman failed to correctly add the file to the analysis project. The file appeared in the project
list but no channels appeared (all channel names empty).

FIX488: Bar indicators, sliders, LED strip

If loaded from project/panel indicators stored with horizontal orientation did not retain their proportions after

FIX489: EasyScript
The method EA.GetObject did not consider 3D graphs.

In case of GPS with high transfer rates > 5Hz every 2nd NMEA data block was ignored, i.e. a sample in catman
appeared always twice (plateau in signal).

FIX491: Sensor list

If the group "My sensors" contained sub-groups, sensors in these groups were not displayed in the list if one
clicked to "Show My sensors". If "All sensors". was selected the sensors were shown.

FIX492: Channel health check (shunt) for PMX and MGCplus

 The shunt manager failed to correctly address the sub-channels of a multichannel board.
 The channel shunt manager incorrectly assumed that slots 2 and 4 of a PX460 were able to do
shunting. Correct is however slots 1 and 3.
FIX493: EasyScript editor
In case of a script project with more than one code module, in rare cases it could happen that the content of
one module was overwritten by the content of another module or was completely empty after running the

FIX494: EasyScript
The method EA_Panel.SetValue did not update the Min/Max pointers for bar indicators and analog meters.

FIX495: QuantumX MX471 together with analog modules

In case of changing filter or sample rate the analog channels might not be initialized properly. If, at the
moment at which the dialog was opened, the selected row of the channel list was a CAN channel, no analog
channel was initialized. This could lead to mismatches between the internal settings of the analog modules and
the catman configuration. This in turn could lead to unpredictable behaviour or prevent the DAQ job to start at

FIX496: Loading a DAQ project with QuantumX modules

When loading a project catman might incorrectly state that the modules were not available and the Hardware
Mapper showed up. This could happen even if the hardware connected to the computer was not changed at all,
i.e. the modules connected did not change since the time the project was created. This happened if the
modules were configured to use DHCP but no DHCP server was available or if a DHCP lease expired.

With version 4 catman will now check the UUID of the modules and adjust IP addresses if necessary.

FIX497: QuantumX Firmware update

 Status messages missing or status of the wrong module shown if not all modules in the project were
 Update progress value was not always shown correctly.

FIX498:EasyScript - PlotArrayXY method

The method EA_Graph.PlotArrayXY has been extended to support the polar diagram.

FIX499: EasyScript - SetPlotProperty method

The method EA_Graph.SetPlotProperty failed in case of polar diagrams.

FIX500: Sensors with multipoint linearization table

Fixes a traceability data display problem: in case of a channel with a multipoint lintab scaling the shown
MaxPhysRange was incorrect in case the straight line defined by the first and the last point of the table did not
pass to zero.

FIX501: QuantumX and sensors with special characters (e.g. "ü") in

sensor name
After assigning such a sensor, some auxiliary functions like AutoCal configuration did not work.

FIX502: Projects with MGCplus or PMX show strange behaviour after

This could happen if the project was created from a scenario where a device had been added manually to a
DAQ project.
FIX503: Cursors in Scope and Floating Panels
When switching to cursor mode after a DAQ project has been loaded, the cursors did not become visible.

FIX504: Standard graph properties

Several graph properties were not considered during copy/paste of visual object.

FIX506: MX879
Math function selection (RMS or AddMul) was not possible for this module type.

FIX507: DMP41 filters

The filter set in the device had a slightly higher cutoff frequency than specified in catman.

FIX508: Automatic channel deactivation in case of initialization errors

In some cases additional (non-defective) channels could be deactivated unintentionally.

FIX509: Statistics journal

The statistics journal will now be copied into the same directory as the TST and BIN file in case the location for
these files is specified manually after test stop.

FIX510: Main window caption

After saving a project under a new name, this name was not immediately reflected in the main window title bar.

FIX511:eDAQ - Sensor database RangeMin property

An error introduced with version 3.5.1 caused this property to be set incorrectly. Concerns eDAQ devices only.

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