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3 – Reactions of metals with oxygen

1. What is an oxidation reaction? Name some metals that are most reactive
and less reactive.
Ans. The reaction of metals with oxygen is known as oxidation reaction.
Metal + oxygen → Metal oxide
Most reactive metals - Potassium, Sodium, Calcium and Magnesium.
Less reactive metals – Platinum, gold, silver and copper
2. Some metals appear dull when they are taken out from the containers. Give
Ans. The shiny surface of the metal becomes dull because the metal reacts
with the oxygen in the air. The surface becomes covered with the metal
oxide, which makes it dull.
3. How do the most reactive metals are stored? Give reason.
Ans. The metals that are so reactive have to be stored under oil to prevent
them from reacting with water vapour in the air.
4. What is rust? How it can be prevented?
Ans. When iron reacts with oxygen iron oxide is formed. This is known as rust.
The reaction between iron and oxygen takes place only in presence of oxygen
and water.
Iron + Oxygen → Iron oxide (rust)
We can prevent rusting by:
- Painting: stops the oxygen in the air reaching the iron.

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-galvanizing: covering the iron with a layer of zinc prevents the oxygen
reaching the iron.

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