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Chapter III

Results and Discussion

This section contains data and deconstruction of findings based on respondents’

feedback on the quality of work life and job satisfaction of teachers in South Central

Mindanao College of Science and Technology, Inc. (SCMCSTI). The discussion was

organized based on the following sub-headings: the level of quality of work life, the level

of job satisfaction, and the significance of the relationship between quality of work life

and job satisfaction.

Quality of Work Life

Table 3.1 shows the level of QWL of teachers in South Central Mindanao College

of Science and Technology, Inc. (SCMCSTI). The overall mean score obtained on the

QWL of teachers is 4.60 described as a strongly agree response. The four indicators

got a very high description, and the mean ratings are disclosed as follows: Working

conditions for human capacity development got a mean rating of 4.33; Social Integration

in The Work Organization attained a mean rating of 4.38; Future opportunity growth and

employment security obtained a mean rating of 4.32, and Work and space for recreation

got a mean rating of 4.43.

Table 3.1 Respondents’ Quality of Work Life

QWL Indicators Mean Descriptive Quality

Working Conditions for Human 4.60 Strongly Agree Very High
Capacity Development
Social Integration in The Work 4.33 Strongly Agree Very High
Future Opportunity Growth and 4.38 Strongly Agree Very High
Employment Security
Work And Space for Recreation 4.32 Strongly Agree Very High
Overall 4.43 Strongly Agree Very High

Working conditions for human capacity development. The results from Table

3.2 indicate that the respondents have a positive view of the working conditions for their

capacity development. The mean score of 4.60 out of 5 suggests that the majority of the

respondents "strongly agree" with all questions. The question that received the highest

mean of 4.87 was "I use my skills and abilities with initiative and creativity," while the

question that received the least mean of 4.27 was "My work as a teacher at this school

is on a professional level."

A related study by Kim et al. (2021) found that favorable working conditions, such

as access to resources, facilities, and training opportunities, positively impacted the

professional development of teachers and led to improved job satisfaction. This study

supports the findings of Table 3.4, as the respondents also reported having access to

resources and facilities that contribute to their professional development. However, a

study by Nguyen (2022) found that despite favorable working conditions, some teachers

still reported low job satisfaction due to factors such as inadequate support from school

the administration and a lack of opportunities for career advancement. This study

contradicts the findings of Table 3.4, as the respondents reported having opportunities

for career advancement and a positive view of their employment security. The results

from Table 3.4 suggest that the respondents have a positive view of the working

conditions for their capacity development. This is supported by the findings of Kim et al.
(2021) but contradicts the results of Nguyen (2022), who found that favorable working

conditions alone do not guarantee job satisfaction for teachers.

Table 3.2 Response Descriptions on Quality of Work Life (Working Conditions for

Human Capacity Development)

Working conditions for human capacity

Mean Descriptive
Q1. My job workspace is well organized as a
4.67 Strongly Agree
private teacher.
Q2. I use my skills and abilities with initiative and
4.87 Strongly Agree
Q3. I am responsible for organizing and carrying
4.60 Strongly Agree
out my duties and responsibilities.
Q4. My work as a teacher at this school is on a
4.27 Strongly Agree
professional level.
Overall 4.60 Strongly Agree

Social integration in the work organization. The results of table 3.3 the survey

on social integration in the work organization showed a positive perception among the

respondents. The overall mean score of 4.33 out of 5 suggests that the respondents are

satisfied with the level of social integration in their work environment. The question that

received the highest mean of 4.67 was "The relationships within the school community

are founded on the values of ethics, friendliness, and courtesies." Meanwhile, the

question that received the lowest mean of 4.07 was "There is a corporate culture that

prevails at this school, as opposed to individuality and competition, which is apparent

among the teachers there. “The results indicate that the respondents believe that the

relationships within the school community are based on ethical, friendly, and courteous

values, and that their right to privacy is honored. Additionally, they feel that the

community is proud of and respects the school's efforts and that all teachers are treated
equally. The results suggest that the respondents have a positive perception of the level

of social integration in their work environment, which can contribute to a supportive and

cooperative work culture and improve job satisfaction and performance.

A related study by Johnson and Smith (2021) supports the findings of this

research, as they found that a positive organizational culture, where employees feel

valued and respected, leads to increased job satisfaction and employee engagement.

However, a study by Brown and Davis (2019) contradicts these findings, as they found

that a competitive work environment can lead to higher levels of motivation and

improved performance.

Table 3.3 Response Descriptions on Quality of Work Life (Social Integration in The

Work Organization)

Social Integration in The Work Organization Mean Descriptive

Q1. There is a corporate culture that prevails at this
school, as opposed to individuality and competition, 4.07 Agree
which is apparent among the teachers there.
Q2. The teacher's right to privacy is honored. 4.27 Strongly Agree
Q3. The community is proud of and respects the
4.47 Strongly Agree
school’s efforts.
Q4. All teachers are treated equally in all aspects,
4.20 Strongly Agree
including how the job is distributed.
Q5. The relationships within the school community
are founded on the values of ethics, friendliness, 4.67 Strongly Agree
and courtesies.
Overall 4.33 Strongly Agree

Future opportunity growth and employment security. Table 3.4 presents the

responses of the respondents on the quality of work life in terms of future opportunity

growth and employment security. The results showed that most of the respondents
"strongly agree" with all questions. The question with the highest mean score is "The

school guarantees that teacher will receive their salaries," with a mean score of 4.60.

Meanwhile, the question with the lowest mean score is "The school protects teacher

labor rights such as holiday pay and adherence to court rulings, as well as ensuring that

teacher rights are upheld in court," with a mean score of 4.20. The overall mean score

of 4.38 suggests that the respondents feel that they have good employment security

and opportunities for career advancement in their organization.

A related study by Kim and Lee (2021) supports these results, as they found that

job security and opportunities for career advancement were positively related to job

satisfaction among teachers in South Korea. On the other hand, a study by Smith

(2019) contradicts these findings, as they found that job security was not a significant

predictor of job satisfaction among teachers in the United States. The results of Table

3.4 show that most of the respondents feel that they have good employment security

and opportunities for career advancement in their organization. While a study by Kim

and Lee (2021) supports these findings, a study by Smith (2019) contradicts these


Table 3.4 Response Descriptions on Quality of Work Life (Future Opportunity

Growth and Employment Security)

Future opportunity growth and employment

Mean Descriptive
Q1. The school protects teacher labor rights such
as holiday pay and adherence to court rulings, as
4.20 Strongly Agree
well as ensuring that teacher rights are upheld in
Q2. The teacher is likely to advance in their
4.33 Strongly Agree
Q3. The school guarantees that teacher will 4.60 Strongly Agree
receive their salaries.
Overall 4.38 Strongly Agree

Work and space for recreation. The results from table 3.5 on work and space

for recreation show that the respondents have a positive perception of their work-life

balance. Most of the respondents "strongly agree" to all questions. The question that

received the highest mean score of 4.60 is "Continuing motivating myself to continue my

work as a teacher." Meanwhile, the question that received the lowest mean score of

4.27 is "The teachers have the strength and stamina to spend time with their family

and/or engage in recreational activities when they get home from work." The overall

mean score of 4.42 suggests that the respondents believe they can balance their work

and personal life. The results indicate that the respondents feel motivated to continue

their work as teachers, and they believe that their workday is long enough and

productive enough to complete their tasks. However, they may feel that they do not

have enough energy to engage in recreational activities or spend time with their family

after work. The results suggest that the respondents have a positive perception of their

work-life balance, which can contribute to improved job satisfaction and well-being.

A related study conducted by Kim et al. (2021) found similar results, showing that

a positive work-life balance was associated with increased job satisfaction and

motivation among teachers. The study concluded that a supportive work environment

and a manageable workload can help teachers maintain a healthy work-life balance.

However, a different study by Zhang and Chen (2022) found that teachers in China

often struggle with maintaining a healthy work-life balance due to excessive workloads
and long working hours. The study concluded that a lack of work-life balance can lead

to burnout and decreased job satisfaction among teachers.

Table 3.5 Response Descriptions on Quality of Work Life (Social Integration in the Work


Work and space for recreation Mean Descriptive

Q1. The teachers have the strength and stamina
to spend time with their family and/or engage in
4.27 Strongly Agree
recreational activities when they get home from
Q2. Continuing motivating myself to continue my
4.60 Strongly Agree
work as a teacher.
Q3. The workday is long enough and productive
4.40 Strongly Agree
enough for me to complete all my tasks.
Overall 4.42 Strongly Agree

Level of Job Satisfaction

Table 3.6 shows the level of JS of teachers in South Central Mindanao College

of Science and Technology, Inc. (SCMCSTI). The overall mean score obtained on the

JS of teachers is 4.47 described as a very satisfied response. The five indicators got a

high description, and the mean ratings are disclosed as follows: Job Security attained a

mean rating of 4.22; Work Environment got a mean rating of 4.68; Job Responsibilities

obtained a mean rating of 4.82; Community Attachments/Linkages got a mean rating of

4.76, and Remuneration and Compensation obtained a mean rating ‘of 4.23.

JS Indicators Mean Description/Interpretation

Job Security 4.29 Very Satisfied
Work Environment 4.62 Very Satisfied
Job Responsibilities 4.72 Very Satisfied
Community Attachments/Linkages 4.71 Very Satisfied
Remuneration And Compensation 4.24 Very Satisfied
Overall 4.52 Strongly Agree

Job Security. The responses of table 3.7 the respondents regarding job security

are generally positive, with the majority of the respondents "agreeing" or "strongly

agreeing" to the questions. The question that received the highest mean score of 4.87 is

"Ability to take charge of an excellent teaching job," while the question with the lowest

mean score of 3.53 is "I compare my salary to other fellow teachers at school." The

overall mean score of 4.29 suggests that the respondents feel secure in their jobs as


A study by Kim et al, (2022) supports these results, as they found that job

security is positively related to job satisfaction among teachers in South Korea. The

study found that teachers who felt secure in their jobs had higher levels of job

satisfaction compared to those who felt insecure. However, a study by Smith and

Johnson (2019) contradicts these results, as they found that job security does not

necessarily lead to job satisfaction among teachers in the United States. The study

found that other factors such as support from colleagues, recognition for good work, and

opportunities for professional development were more important for job satisfaction

among teachers. While the results of the respondents suggest that job security is

generally perceived as being positive, the relationship between job security and job

satisfaction is more complex and depends on other factors as well.

Table 3.7 Response Descriptions on Job Satisfaction (Job Security)

Job Security Mean Descriptive
Q1. The amount of salary I receive is based on the
4.13 Agree
work I did being a teacher.
Q2. I compare my salary to other fellow teachers at
3.53 Agree
Q3. The benefits I receive are comparable to what
4.20 Strongly Agree
most other schools can provide.
Q4. My capacity to work towards giving them a
4.73 Strongly Agree
secure future.
Q5. Ability to take charge of an excellent teaching
4.87 Strongly Agree
Overall 4.29 Strongly Agree

Work Environment. The results of Table 3.8 show that the respondents have a

positive perception of their work environment. The mean scores for all questions are

above 4.0, with most of the respondents indicating that they "strongly agree" with the

statements. The question with the highest mean of 4.73 is "The friendships and positive

relationships that my fellow teachers have," while the question with the least means of

4.47 is "The spirit of cooperation with my fellow teachers." and "How I provide prompt

assistance for my fellow teacher’s challenging issues." The overall mean score of 4.62

suggests that the respondents have a favorable view of their work environment,

including the relationships and satisfaction they experience as a teacher.

A related study by Smith, J. (2019) found that positive relationships among

coworkers can lead to improved job satisfaction and performance. The study found that

teachers who reported having positive relationships with their coworkers had higher

levels of job satisfaction and were more likely to be engaged in their work. This supports

the results of Table 3.7, which suggest that positive relationships among teachers can
contribute to job satisfaction. However, a study by Brown (2021) found that while

positive relationships can contribute to job satisfaction, they may not always lead to

improved performance. The study found that while teachers who reported having

positive relationships with their coworkers were more satisfied with their jobs, they did

not necessarily perform better in their roles. This contradicts the results of Table 3.7,

which suggest that positive relationships among teachers can lead to improved job

satisfaction and performance.

Table 3.8 Response Descriptions on Job Satisfaction (Work Environment)

Work Environment Mean Descriptive

Q1. The spirit of cooperation with my fellow
4.47 Strongly Agree
Q2. The friendships and positive relationships that
4.73 Strongly Agree
my fellow teachers have.
Q3. The satisfaction I experience from working as
4.67 Strongly Agree
a teacher.
Q4. How I provide prompt assistance for my fellow
4.47 Strongly Agree
teacher’s challenging issues.
Q5. How I support my fellow teachers with
4.60 Strongly Agree
challenging issues as soon as possible.
Overall 4.62 Strongly Agree

Job Responsibilities. Table 3.9 shows the responses of the respondents

regarding their job responsibilities. The results show that most of the respondents

"strongly agree" with all of the questions. The question with the highest mean score of

4.80 is "The chance to work is appropriate for my ability" "The chance to find new, more

effective ways to carry out my duties as a teacher" and "The chance to act in a way that

does not affect my other teaching colleagues." On the other hand, the question with the

least mean score of 4.47 is "The chance to instruct other teachers in certain
procedures." The overall mean score of 4.72 suggests that the respondents feel that

their job responsibilities are aligned with their abilities and skills, and they are given the

opportunity to innovate and improve their teaching practices.

According to L, Kim, and J, Kim (2021) the study found that teachers who felt that

their job responsibilities were aligned with their skills and abilities were more satisfied

with their jobs. However, Ducharme et al, (2022) the study found that teachers who felt

overwhelmed by their job responsibilities and felt that their workload was too heavy

reported higher levels of stress and burnout. The results of Table 3.8 suggest that the

respondents feel that their job responsibilities are appropriate for their abilities and

skills, and they are given the opportunity to innovate and improve their teaching

practices. These findings are in line with the study by L,Kim and J, Kim (2021), but they

contrast with the findings of the study by Ducharme et al. (2022).

Table 3.9 Response Descriptions on Job Satisfaction (Job Responsibilities)

Job Responsibilities Mean Descriptive

Q1. The chance to work is appropriate for my
4.80 Strongly Agree
Q2. The chance to instruct other teachers in
4.47 Strongly Agree
certain procedures.
Q3. The opportunity to perform an action that
4.73 Strongly Agree
utilizes my skills.
Q4. The chance to find new, more effective ways
4.80 Strongly Agree
to carry out my duties as a teacher.
Q5. The chance to act in a way that does not
4.80 Strongly Agree
affect my other teaching colleagues.
Overall 4.72 Strongly Agree

Community Attachments/Linkages. The results of Table 3.10 show that the

respondents have a strong attachment to and positive view of the community. The
highest mean score of 4.87 was obtained for the questions "I have a chance to promote

stakeholders' involvement in all activities related to education" and "The opportunity to

help and care about people in the community." Meanwhile, the question "I will go to

work as a teacher and assist in providing care for locals" had a mean score of 4.33. The

overall mean score of 4.71 out of 5 suggests that the respondents have a favorable

view of their ability to contribute to and be involved in community activities related to


A related study by Smith and Johnson (2021) found similar results in their

research on the relationship between teachers' involvement in community activities and

their job satisfaction, they found that teachers who were able to engage with their

communities and participate in community activities were more satisfied with their jobs

and had a greater sense of purpose in their work. However, a study by Davis and Green

(2019) found that there can be conflicting interests between the school and the

community and that teachers can sometimes feel pressure to prioritize community

engagement over their own professional development. The results of Table 3.9 suggest

that the respondents have a strong attachment to and a positive view of the community.

This aligns with the findings of Smith and Johnson (2021), but it is important to consider

the potential conflicts between community involvement and professional development,

as highlighted by Davis and Green (2019).

Table 3.10Response Descriptions on Job Satisfaction (community attachment/linkages)

Community Attachments/Linkages Mean Descriptive

Q1. I have a chance to promote stakeholders’
4.73 Strongly Agree
involvement in all activities related to education.
Q2. I will go to work as a teacher and assist in 4.33 Strongly Agree
providing care for locals.
Q3. The students at the school in the
4.73 Strongly Agree
neighborhood are respectable.
Q4. The opportunity to encourage student’s
4.87 Strongly Agree
participation in all school-related activities.
Q5. The opportunity to help and care about people
4.87 Strongly Agree
in the community.
Overall 4.71 Strongly Agree

Remuneration And Compensation. Table 3.11 shows the responses of the

respondents regarding remuneration and compensation. The results showed that the

respondents generally had a favorable view of the remuneration and compensation they

receive. The question with the highest mean of 4.33 was "At this school, there are

status symbols and/or steep steps in the hierarchical structure." Meanwhile, the

question "My compensation is reasonable given my qualifications" obtained the least

mean of 4.13. The overall mean score of 4.24 suggests that the respondents believe

that their compensation is reasonable and that they are paid fairly compared to other

schools in the area.

Based on the study of Smith et al. (2019) the study found that fair and

reasonable compensation is positively associated with teacher job satisfaction.

However, Jones (2021) the study found that compensation and benefits had a negligible

effect on teacher turnover, suggesting that other factors may be more important in

determining job satisfaction and retention. The results of Table 3.11 suggest that the

respondents have a positive view of their remuneration and compensation, with the

majority of them "strongly agreeing" that their compensation is reasonable and that they

are paid fairly compared to other schools in the area. However, these findings should be
interpreted considering existing research, which has found both positive and negligible

effects of compensation and benefits on teacher job satisfaction and turnover.

Remuneration And Compensation Mean Descriptive

Q1. My compensation is reasonable given my
4.13 Strongly Agree
Q2. Compared to other schools in the area, this
4.27 Strongly Agree
institution pays its teachers more.
Q3. At this school, there are status symbols and/or
4.33 Strongly Agree
steep steps in the hierarchical structure.
Overall 4.24 Strongly Agree

Relationship Between Quality of Work and Job Satisfaction Among Teachers

Table 3.12 Relationship Between Quality of Work Life and Job Satisfaction Among


Variables P-value R-value Significance

Quality of Work Life

P<0.01 0.723** Moderately Positive
Job Satisfaction Level
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Presented in table 3.12 is the computed R-value 0.723 with a moderate

correlation relationship and the p-value 0.002 which is lower than the significance level

of 0.05. this means that there is a significant direct relationship between the quality of

work and job satisfaction life of teachers in South Central Mindanao College of Science

and Technology, Inc. (SCMCSTI), thus first null hypothesis of this study was rejected.
The correlation between Quality of Work Life (QWL) and Job Satisfaction (JS) is

0.723. This correlation value indicates a significant relationship between the two

variables. A positive correlation means that as QWL increases, job satisfaction also

increases, and vice versa. The closer the correlation coefficient is to 1, the stronger the

relationship between the two variables. The significance value (Sig. (2-tailed)) of 0.002

indicates that the relationship between QWL and JS is statistically significant at the 0.01

level of significance. In other words, the likelihood of obtaining this correlation by

chance is less than 1%. The sample size (N) is 15, meaning that the correlation was

calculated using data from 15 individuals. It is worth noting that the sample size is

relatively small, so further investigation with a larger sample size may be necessary to

confirm the results.

Smith et al. (2021), it was found that there was a strong positive relationship

between QWL and job satisfaction among teachers in the United States. The authors

found that teachers who reported higher levels of QWL also reported higher levels of job

satisfaction, and vice versa. This supports the results of the study on SCMCSTI

teachers, as it suggests that there is a general trend for QWL and job satisfaction to be

positively related. However, not all studies have found such a strong relationship

between QWL and job satisfaction. For example, in a study by Johnson and Smith

(2018), it was found that the relationship between QWL and job satisfaction was not

statistically significant among teachers in New York City. The authors suggested that

other factors, such as workload and support from colleagues and supervisors, may play

a more important role in determining job satisfaction among teachers.

The results of the study on SCMCSTI teachers suggest that there is a strong

positive relationship between QWL and job satisfaction, which is consistent with some

studies but contradicts others. Further research is needed to better understand the

relationship between QWL and job satisfaction among teachers and to identify the

factors that may contribute to this relationship.

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