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2da Traducción

Ingles Instrumental
Valor 10%
Fecha tope de entrega: Lunes 29 de Junio 2020
Teacher: Víctor Lemus

a) Realice la traducción inglés - español de la siguiente lectura.

b) Extraiga 3 interrogantes de dicha lectura. (cuestionario)

c) Elabore un dibujo indicando las partes del cuerpo a evaluar en caso de aplicar los primeros auxilios

NOTA: la actividad podrá ser realizada de manera digital en formato .docx ó .pdf

General rules for providing first aid in emergencies

Evaluation of the site of the event

When approaching the site of the event, evaluate it from the following points of view:

1) for their own safety, that of other rescuers and of accident victims (traffic, fire, danger of explosion or electrocution,
unfavourable atmospheric conditions, aggression, presence of smoke, risk of poisoning by inhalation); if necessary,
notify the technical services, fire brigade or police
2) the characteristic of the event; in case of trauma, its mechanism must be considered (direct trauma, sudden braking,
fall from height), which may facilitate the diagnosis of non-obvious internal injuries
3) of the number of victims
4) of the risk of blood-borne infection (e.g. HBV, HCV, HIV)
5) the need to obtain additional assistance or equipment.

Notification to medical emergencies

In the event of a medical emergency due to illness or accident, immediately call an ambulance or have someone else do
it, to continue providing first aid to the victim. Calmly provide the following information to the emergency service

1) place of the event and the easiest way to get there (important in urbanizations, villages and in non-populated places)
2) who is calling
3) type of event (accident, mass accident, sudden illness)
4) number of victims (even if approximate) and their condition (if they are able to move)
5) whether any danger exists and whether intervention by other services is necessary.
Do not interrupt communication until the operator makes his decisions.

Evaluation of the patient's condition

1. Initial evaluation - short examination to determine if there is a threat to life, according to the scheme:

A) To airway (obstruction)
B) breathing (respiratory failure)
C) circulation (bleeding, shock, heart failure)
D) decreased level of consciousness (muscle relaxation can lead to airway obstruction as a result of the collapse of the
epiglottis, soft palate, and tongue)

Patient management:

1) When approaching the patient to evaluate:

(a) its general appearance

(b) the colour of the skin (pallor, cyanosis
(c) the ability to travel
(d) speech (if speech, if airways are permeable
(e) breathing (if breathing or breathing with difficulty, and breathing rate)
(f) possible evidence of external bleeding.

2) When in doubt about breathing, lean over the patient and bring the ear and cheek closer to his lips, simultaneously
observing his ribcage. Evaluate if:

(a) the ribcage is raised

(b) the murmur of exhaled air is heard
(c) air is felt on the cheek
Only visible, audible and perceptible breathing guarantees the gaseous exchange. If the patient is not breathing, ensure
the permeability of the airways. If the patient is still not breathing, start CPR.

3) Evaluate the patient's awareness on the following scale:

A conscious (oriented in person, place and time)

V reacts to voice
P reaction to pain
Or without any answers.

4) If the patient is conscious, introduce yourself and declare your willingness to help, and if you are an accident victim,
say: "please do not move until I have examined you" (this may prevent further injury, e.g. in case of pelvic or spinal

5) Assess the pulse in the radial artery (filling, frequency, regularity): if noticeable, the blood pressure is probably >60
mm Hg.

First aid of utmost importance

1. Permeate the airways

2. Assist with breathing or initiate CPR
3. Control bleeding from wounds
4. Place the patient properly (safety position in unconscious patient without suspicion of trauma or not allow touching
(especially if there is suspicion of pelvic or spinal trauma).
5. Protect against extreme temperatures
6. Immobilize the damaged limbs or spine, when the mechanism of the trauma indicates the possibility of their injury
(always in unconscious patients after road accidents and falls from height).
7. Call for backup and stay with the patient.

3ra Traducción
Ingles Instrumental
Valor 8%
Fecha tope de entrega: Lunes 6 de Julio 2020
Teacher: Víctor Lemus

a) Realice la traducción inglés - español de la lectura.

b) Extraiga 3 interrogantes de dicha lectura. (cuestionario)

c) Elabore un dibujo relacionado a la lectura

NOTA: la actividad podrá ser realizada de manera digital en formato .docx ó .pdf

TEMA DE LA TRADUCCION: LIBRE (usted puede elegir la lectura a traducir) única condición: AREA DE LA SALUD

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