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Senior High School Department

Roxas City

Dear Respondents,

The researchers from HUMSS 12 love - Group 6 will be conducting a study entitled
"The Effects of Social Media Exposure to the Moral Values of the FCU HUMSS Students ".
This is a survey sought to answer if there is a significant difference and relationship
between the Effects of Social Media Exposure to the Moral Values of students. Please be
honest and base your answer on your personal observation.
According to 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2021, all personal and/or sensitive
information solicited and disclosed from these questionnaires shall only be used for the
study alone. Rest assured that your responses in this instrument will be kept
confidential. Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
Furthermore, your answers will also help improve the services offered by the Senior
High Department of Filamer Christian University. Your time, effort and honesty will truly
contribute to the success at this study. With this, we are hoping for your cooperation to
make our study successful. Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,
HUMSS Love 12 group 6

Personal Data Sheet (PDS)

Direction: Kindly fill out the following and put a check mark on the given information
which implies your personal data.
Name(Optional):_____________________________ Strand:_________

1. Age
( ) 17 to 19 years old
( ) More than 19 years old

2. Sex
( ) Female
( ) Male

2. Strand & Section

( ) ABM
( ) STEM
( ) TVL

4. My level of social media platform usage in a day is approximately

( ) Less than 2 hours
( ) 3-6 hours
( ) More than 7 hours
Directions: You will see a series of 30 statements. Please select your level of agreement
to the following questions in each item as to the extent that best represents the effect
of Social Media Exposure to the Moral Values.
Your Response:

5-Strongly Agree (SA) 3- Neutral (N)

4-Agree (A) 2- Disagree (D)
1-Strongly Disagree (SD


Questionnaire About Social Media 5 4 3 2 1

1. Social Media Platforms have given me big impact to my beliefs
in this time of pandemic.
2. Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok
influence my behavior, attitude, and beliefs.

3.Social Media such as Facebook

Instagram, TikTok could easily take my attention and spend a lot of
time to the particular issue.
4. I am easily influenced by the personable characters of influencers
on social media.
Social Media gave me a clear understanding of what I didn't

6. Social Media has given me the credibility to know whether

the source is true or not.
7. Social Media has given me enough information on a specific

8. Playing games (on my own) on the internet influences my behaviour.

9. Social media is more effective for entertainment.

10. Male and Female students use

Social media platforms differently in different frequencies.
11. How do you think social media mold the mind of netizens.

12. I obtained knowledge about many concerns from social media.

13. I consider myself addicted or expose to social media.

14. Lately, I feel more attracted toward social media compared to
15. I think the use of social media has affected my behaviors.

Questionnaire about Moral Values

16. Please indicate your level of "morally
acceptable" or "morally wrong.”
a. I agree to Gay or Lesbian Relation

b. Divorce is always wrong

c. Normalize suicide
d. Did you ever lose time from school
due to gambling?

e. Birth control should be available to


f. Freedom of speech should always be
g. Marijuana and other illegal drugs
use should be legalized.
h. Smoking and vaping are safe

i. Abortion should always be a matter
of choice

J. The government has a moral
obligation to promote human rights
around the world
k. The government needs to do more to
protect biodiversity and the
l. The government needs to do more
to protect us from corporate corruption

28. I should respect other individuals’


29. I think Religion helps people be better

To what degree loyalty, trust, and
honesty are important nowadays

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