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Give three (3) reasons why Placencia's Customs of the Tagalogs important
to the grand narratives of Philippine history?

Placencia’s Customs of the Tagalogs is important to the grant narrative of the

Philippines history since it largely describes the way of life of the Filipino people
before to the arrival of the Spanish. According to Placencia, social stratification is
based on three bases: wealth, political influence, and social privileges.

Second, the “Customs of Tagalogs” was regarded as a primary source, starring

as a standard source for references to the locals who existed before the Spanish
conquest. The institution of slavery, marriage, etc. is recorded in Placencia.

The third reason is that without Placencia’s accounts, it would be impossible to

establish a connection between past and present practices because no one
would be aware of the various Tagalog traditions. Additionally, it is impossible to
distinguish the origins of the current traditions and practices.

2. Describe the community of the Tagalogs prior to the arrival of the

Spaniards in terms of;

a. Religious Practices

They worship many gods and goddesses like; Diiyan Masalanta – god of love,
balangyaw – god of war, ikapate – god of agriculture, and Agni – god of fire,
Lalahon – god of hell which also called siginarungan and Wayen – god of harvest
and the host of other gods. Among of these, they have faith that Bathala was the
supreme god, the creator of heavens, earth, and man. Since they also believed
in the life after death, it was said that the good soul will go to Kaluwanhatian and
the bad soul will go to the place called Kasamaan.

b. Laws and political system

The unit of government is called Barangay came from the word ‘balangay’ by
boat rules by a chieftain. Disputes between individuals were settled by a court
made up of the chieftain and council of elders. As there were no lawyers yet, the
whole trials were conducted straight away. Both accuser and the accused will
face each other with the individual witnesses and take an oath to show their
honesty and sincerity.

c. Economic system

Early Filipinos promote the method of agriculture in the plane lands: planting of
corn, rice, and other kinds of vegetables and fruits was evident currently. Even
hunting in high lands, and fishing in riverbanks since agriculture was the primary
source of their living.
1.    Give three (3) reasons why Placencia's Customs of the Tagalogs
important to the grand narratives of Philippine history?

1. Placencia’s Customs of the Tagalogs is important to the grant narrative of

the Philippines history since it largely describes the way of life of the Filipino
people. And it also tells the social stratification according to Placencia are on
three bases which are; wealth, political influence, and social privileges that
described the hierarchy of the pre-colonial people in the barangay.

2. Second, the “Customs of Tagalogs” was regarded as a standard source for

references to the locals who existed before the Spanish conquest. The
institution of slavery, marriage, etc. is recorded in Placencia.

3. The third reason is that without Placencia’s accounts, it would be

impossible to establish a connection between past and present practices
because no one would be aware of the various Tagalog traditions.
Additionally, it is impossible to distinguish the origins of the current traditions
and practices.

2.    Describe the community of the Tagalogs prior to the arrival of the

Spaniards in terms of;

a.    Religious Practices

They worship many gods and goddesses like; Diiyan Masalanta – god of love,
balangyaw – god of war, ikapate – god of agriculture, and Agni – god of fire,
Lalahon – god of hell which also called siginarungan and Wayen – god of
harvest and the host of other gods. Among of these, they have faith that
Bathala was the supreme god, the creator of heavens, earth, and man. Since
they also believed in the life after death, it was said that the good soul will go
to Kaluwalhatian and the bad soul will go to the place called Kasamaan.

b. Laws and political system

The unit of government is called Barangay came from the word ‘balangay’ by
boat rules by a chieftain. Disputes between individuals were settled by a court
made up of the chieftain and council of elders. As there were no lawyers yet,
the whole trials were conducted straight away. Both accuser and the accused
will face each other with the individual witnesses and take an oath to show
their honesty and sincerity.

c. Economic system

Early Filipinos promote the method of agriculture in the plane lands: planting
of corn, rice, and other kinds of vegetables and fruits was evident currently.
Even hunting in high lands, and fishing in riverbanks since agriculture was the
primary source of their living.

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