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2.2 How Seeds are spread

Seedlings - the new plants that grows from a germinated seed

Seed dispersal - When seeds are spread or scattered away from the plant where
they are formed (parent plant)
Alien plant - Plants that are not native and come from other places

Methods of seed dispersal

1. Wind
2. Water
3. Explosion
4. Animal

Seeds dispersed by animal

1. Droppings
2. Burying
3. Sticking
4. Discarding

Question (page 21)

1. The seeds from a tomato left on the plant would grow right next to the parent
plant. Those in a tomato eaten by a bird would be carried away from the
parent plant and dispersed in the bird’s droppings. Seeds must be dispersed
so they have enough space, water and light to grow into healthy plants.
Therefore, those eaten by a bird would grow better.
2. Yes. Animals would eat peach fruits and leave the seeds at other sites away
from parent plant.


Talk about it (page 21)

▪ Many animals do not eat avocado because avocado contain a substance
called persin which irritate animal’s stomach. It is dispersed mainly by
human who eat the fruit and discard the seed or plant it.

2.3 Other ways seeds are spread

Seeds dispersal by wind

▪ Seeds are light and dry.
▪ Sometimes have parachute or wings or rotor blade structure.

Seeds dispersal by water

▪ Seeds must float.
▪ They have a spongy covering that sometime fill with air.
▪ Useful to many plants living near moving water.
Seeds dispersal by explosion
▪ It is a way that fruits disperse their seeds by themselves.
▪ They usually explode in hot weather or in high pressure.
▪ Fruits need energy to explode and shoot out their seeds.
▪ Sometimes produces a popping sound.

Questions (page 23)

1. Water lily has a spongy seed coat that fill with air and this helps the seed to
float on water.

2. If the weather gets hot and dry, the bean pods will explode and spread the
bean seeds. At that time, we cannot pick them to eat.

3. It is dispersed by wind because it has wing-like structure that allows the

wind to carry it away.

Talk about it (page 23)

▪ Seed dispersal by water (ocean wave) or birds or by human’s discarding

2.7 Plant Life Cycles

Cycle Diagram – does not have beginning or end and shows process that are
Life Cycle - the different stages in a plant’s life from when it grows from a seed
until it makes its own seeds
Life cycle of a flowering plant


Seed Plant
production Growth


Questions (page 30)

Seed Seedling

Bean Adult
pod plant


3. We make a circle because it doesn’t have beginning and end and want to
show ongoing process.

4. a. Rice, wheat
b. Mango, Coconut

Talk about it (page 31)

▪ Annual plants are plants that die after they have flowered and produced
fruits and seeds. They live for only one growing season.
▪ Perennial plants live more than two year and they produce flower and make
seeds every year.

Check your progress (page 32 & 33)

a. Seed dispersal
b. It spreads the seed away from the parent plant to where they can get enough
water, space and sunlight.
c. Droppings – Animals eat the fruit and the seed pass through their body and
spread in their droppings.
Burying – Animals store fruit under the ground to eat it later and they forget
Sticking – When the seeds have spines and hooks, they can stick to the fur of
the animals or clothes of people.

d. A. By wind because it has wing-like structure.

B. By explosion because it is a pod which explode and shoot out their seeds.

e. By water. For example, coconut which can float on water because it has
spongy covering that fill with air

Germination Growth



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