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The overriding purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting

consumers product reference specifically the quality vs quantity. To accomplish the

goal, The researchers have gathered data to support the claims in this research. The

researchers have also made recommendations for the betterment of ecommerce and

online shopping.

The survey questionnaire have received responses from all over the world,

not just within the Philippines itself. The researchers chose random sampling in order

to obtain a variety of outcomes. A qualitative research technique was used to

perform the study.

Summary of Findings

This chapter presents the summary and conclusion derived from the study's

conduct, the factors in purchasing online on a general level and reviews of the

perceived quality versus quantity of clothing. Integrating the key concepts of quality

and quantity from the statement of the problem, the relevant aspects are assembled

into a conceptual map (Figure 1, Chapter I) that represents particularly a users’ point

of view to evaluating quality and quantity. It aims to illustrate that for a consumer,

assessing quality and quantity is a process that is shaped by the expectations of the

quality objective and preferences in quantity of the product, and further by the factors

experience of purchasing it. The conceptual map presents aspects gathered from the

statement of the problem, yet it does not place them in any order regarding their

priority, as the significance and weight of different quality and quantity attributes may

be individual and related to the context. However, there is an assumption that certain
concepts concern more either the first or the second phase of the assessment in

evaluating the factors. While this paper focuses on product preferences, the

importance of objective quality and preferences in quantity is not overlooked as well

as the factors; in order to have a general view of quality versus quantity, both

perspectives are necessary.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender; and

1.3 Educational level?

The researchers studied the elements that encompasses consumers

behavior. After processing all the data and inputs the following findings were


a. Out of a total 100 respondents, 75% of which are female and the remaining

encompasses the male kind. Which clearly states that female kind

outnumbered males.

b. Majority of the respondents belonged to the young class with 16-20 age group

(52%) then the 21-26 (48%) enlist in the adults.

c. In terms of occupation, most of our repondents are still students, a college

level, a senior high and a highschool with combined 89%, 8% comprises the

employed group among those are freelance call center, cashier, live seller,

secretary and laborer and then the remaining 3% are unemployed.

d. As to the customers preferred site in purchasing, shopee (95%) top the most

favourite online sites.

e. In terms of approximate amount the repondents would spend, 60% of them

chose to utilize less than Php300, 37% have a minimum spend of 300-1500

and the 2% for more than 1500.

f. Consumers are more likely to purchase cheaper products than expensive


g. Majority of repondents where 71% had experience problems while conducting

online shopping, delay in delivery, product damage and cheap quality of the

product are some issue to name it. 33% of those hasn't experienced atleast


Based on the given facts and findings consumers vary naturally in every state

which is also one of the tools why and how they purchase online. It creates major

distinction and preferability. The respondents tend to be cautious in purchasing, they

give importance to credibility and efficiency.

2. As assessed by the respondents, what is the extent to which the decision of

consumers when buying online is influenced in the areas of:

2.1 Convenience

2.2 Time Saving

2.3 Security and Privacy

2.4 Accessibility

2.5 Quality Attributes

2.6 Quantity Evaluation

The researchers were able to make a comparison and can be able to distinguish

how aforementioned factors greatly contributes to decisions made by consumers.

The most distinct social media platforms characteristics have been examined to
further apprehend and perceive which among them have been possess or harbour

the traits which online apps needed. The result of survey makes way to clearer state

that most people give importance to all of its elements even in a single or slice

attributes incorporate it. According to the result of evaluation, Convenience,

accessibility and time saving drives and mostly encourages people to fall on

purchasing, aside from this money saving as one factor also urge them in the form of

rewards and discounts. Another factor is product quality attributes where excellence

and standard is also measured and needed to persuade consumers, our

respondents are delighted to see and purchase products on its superb condition.

Evaluating and examining products quality is the first step to make according to

customers before making a bigger step yet on our study it is really hard to made it

because its due online. To shorten, all of it affects consumers’ decisions, mostly

respondents are neutral on the said factor if their purchasing ability is really

influenced by it.

3. How is the perceived quality of RTW clothing related to the quantity of the

product and the aspects it entails?

For researches, it provides a reference to several themes to be explored further.

For example, whether consumers will purchase less clothing if the quality was better.

Also, as producing better quality might raise the price point, how much would

consumers be willing to pay more for better quality. Further studies could also

examine particularly consumers’ perceptions and desires on quality and quantity

requirements; in other words, what exactly is the level of quality they are satisfied

with. One stream of research could focus on the challenges related to the evaluation

of quality in online shopping, as the assessment does not involve the tactile cues,

such as feeling the fabric.

4. What are the challenges that consumers have had to face since going


The researchers have determined that 54% of the respondents have

encountered a problem while purchasing online. These problems include delivery

delay, product damages and usually far from consumer’s expectation based on the

information given. In terms of the level of problem they have encountered, this

reached a weighted mean of 1.45, meaning unsatisfactory.

The researchers have also determined that most consumers hesitate to make

online purchases due to risk of credit card transactions, identity theft as well as

internet literacy.

5. Are there significant differences in consumer preferences when grouped

according to age, gender, income and education?

Consumers seek information to determine whether a product or service will

satisfy particular criteria when assessing it. The researchers looked at how age,

gender, income, and education affected people's perceptions of the importance of

the various elements that drive consumers to purchasing a product or service.

The survey questionnaire mostly reached individuals between ages 17-23,

meaning that the respondents are mostly students, college students to be specific.

And have also discovered that females give into online shopping more than males.

The researchers have concluded that there is a significant difference when grouped

that mainly revolves around the respondents’ budgets.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were fulfilled:

The objective of the study was to conduct an empirical investigation in

relationship between the two variables which are the Quality Objective and

Preferences in Quantity. These are the variables that will consider examining and

analyzed the factors affecting the consumers’ product preferences. The research

questions were “What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender and

educational level?”, “As assessed by the respondents, what is the extent to which

the decision of consumers when buying online is influenced in the areas of

convenience, time saving, security and privacy, accessibility, quality attributes and

quantity evaluation?”, “How is the perceived quality of RTW clothing related to the

quantity of the product and the aspects it entails?”, “What are the challenges that

consumers have had to face since going online?”, “Are there significant differences

in consumer preferences when grouped according to age, gender, income and

education?”. The results will be appeared in two ways of analysis which considerable

by the quality and quantity of the product purchases by the customers through online

website. As a result, the study's outcomes determine whether the research questions

were addressed or the target was met. From the summary of the results, it could be

seen that the research questions will be answered by the respondents completely.

Purchasing Ready-to-Wear (RTW) clothing means that, in the broadest sense, you

will get a finished garment that been made to a standard size. As the online shop will

conclude, providing discounts to the customers that can pampered them to buy as

the products are much cheaper than the actual walk-in mall.

The researchers will able to determine the factors affecting consumers’

product preference: Quality vs. Quantity. In which the preference of a customer’s

towards the quality of a product got a weighted mean of 3.07 which means that they

meet the expectations of a customer’s specifically in terms of saving time and risky.
Their performance tells that 41-60% successful when purchasing a product using the

online website. While in the category of the preference in Quantity of a product got a

weighted mean of 3.53 which means that they exceed the expectations of a

customer specifically in terms of money savings and the discounts of a product,

indicating that they got a 61-80% in achieving their product preference compare to

quality. This research examines the role of fit in Ready to Wear (RTW) clothing

using the quantity and quality of a product. Majority of the respondents from doing

online shopping participated in data interviews were analyze resulting to confirm the

assumption that RTW clothing are preferable nowadays.

Finally, the researchers determine the overall performance of a quality and

quantity towards online shopping through E-commerce activities. In Chapter 4 Table

3 shows the Overall Weighted Mean and Descriptive Category for the preferences

towards the quality and quantity of products which they got a weighted mean of 3.3,

which means they got 41-60% success rate as a result of a meet expectation. The

results will be in the middle of ratings in a process of offering a superior customer

experience and keeping customers brand loyal.

The researchers concluded that the Factors affecting consumers’ product

preference in terms of Quality and Quantity, which the Quantity product has a

highest weighted mean compare to the Quality of the product. This means RTW

clothing can be described as a way of making a couture high fashion that can more

accessible to everyone even if it’s a cheaper price. It explained the garments is

made in a small production runs to guarantee the uniqueness and quality, rather

than mass produced in factories. This analyze that ready-to-wear clothing is intended

to be worn without major alterations as it is made to standard sizes from a base

pattern. However, small alterations can be made to ensure a more precise, finished

fit for the wearer.


The researchers made the following recommendations in reference to the results

and conclusion:

1. Considering that this research is knuckling down in the midst of pandemic

difficulties, confusion and complications are expected, the wealth of

information online makes it to consumers become overwhelmed. So, you

need to criticize the online environment both the internal and external. On the

other hand, the researcher may perhaps recommend applying Statistical and

Survey research where it helps to establish all of the concern and to better

understand their customers.

2. Make it easy to shop online. Since the number of RTW sellers are increasing

providing a better user, and customer, experience is the key to increasing

sales volume and revenue and most of it boils down to thinking like your


3. To the online sellers and CEO’s. Strive to be more transparent in handling

online complaints, do not delete their comments and listen, apologize, solve

and thank. No matter the size of your business, your success will always lie in

your ability to deal with customers. Furthermore, Be Honest in Your Sales

Copy Don’t make claims you can’t substantiate, and don’t use hyperbole

lightly. Not only is honesty in your copy crucial to your business’ reputation, it

also fosters and encourages trust in your brand.

4. The Ecommerce Website in the Philippines. Poor Tracking, Logistics, Long

Delivery and not having a flexible return policy are one of the troubles of the

customers. Strive to fix these issues like if a customer knows how many days

are left until their package arrives when it will be delivered, where it currently

is, they are much more likely to be satisfied with this purchase and become

repeat customers. Make your return policy as flexible as you can. If your

product and services are reliably good, you will rarely ever have to handle


5. To the Ecommerce Manager and customer service. In today’s ecommerce

world, a world shattered and remodelled by the undeniable impact of the

COVID-19 pandemic. Managers should focus on their customers and their

problems; this means you should be flexible on traditional seasonality.

Ecommerce managers should be going out of their way to ensure the

functionality of their platforms.

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