5A Reading Greek

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ὁ Στρεψιάδης ὀλοφυρομενος ... οὐκ ἔχει τὸν πατέρα.

Strepsiades happens to be lamenting because he

owes much money. For his son, who is horse-mad, always takes much money. Now his son happens to
be deeply sleeping, while sleep doesn’t have the father.

ΣΤΡ. ἰοὺ ἰοὺ... παύεται καθεύδων. Alas, alas! Oh king Zeus! The length of the nights, how great it is:
And day happens not yet. Look, my son sleeps deeply and he doesn’t stop sleeping.

οἴμοι τάλας. ... δίκην λαμβάνουσιν ἀεί. Alas unhappy me! But deep sleep doesn’t have me yet. I am the
sleepless unlucky one. The debts worry me, who am sleepless, since these are heavy. For I owe much
money on account of my son here, the creditors are pursuing me as I owe them and are always
punishing me.

ἀλλ'ἔτι ἄγρυπνός ... τάς δίκας ταύτας ἀεὶ ἔφευγον, ... (20) But I am still sleepless, and I am at a loss.
Yesterday I was also sleepless, nearly all of the night. For I was sleeping some few time. But when I
was sleeping, the creditors kept on pursuing me then in my dreams and they kept trying to exact their
due on account of my son. And in perplexity nobody was saving as it was me, but I was always running
away from these lawsuits all of the night,

(20) … ὁ δ'υἱὸς οὑτοσὶ ... ἤκουε καὶ ἐμάνθανεν. (25) My son this here always kept taking much money,
as he is horse-mad. And moreover while sleeping the young man dreams of horses. Certainly as he is
still a child he used to dream of the horses. Alas! What was he responsible for? My wife is responsible;
I know that well. For that woman always kept taking my son and she used to converse about horses. So
my son always used to hear and learn about horses.

σὺ δέ, ὥσπερ ἔχεις, ... πικροὺς ποιεῖς; … (30) You, just as you are, sleep deeply: for the debts, I know
well that, turn themselves into my head, alas! For both I and my wife never used to stop arguing about
the child: for we always kept arguing. But king Zeus, why do you make our marriage bitter in this way?

(30)... ἀεὶ γὰρ πικρὸν ... καὶ νυν͂ διαφθείρει. For my wife always makes my life bitter. But how sweet
my life from the country was! But how bitter my marriage! For my own wife is actually from Athens
and, since she is from the city, she started to cause many expenses. This expense then was by now
ruining me. And it is ruining me even now.

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