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To acces wpe Sys (©) Library tem calls he service of operating system, the interface is provided by the Axigwet ALL Questions 4 (B) APL . (D) Assembly instrvetions If a process fails, most operating system write the error information to a ‘tae Log fil iC) New file Magnetic dish operating system. bin scheduling ve seheduling (B) Another running process file (D) Exit file im memory allocation (18) Main memory (D) Of fine rtorage which is most duitable scheduling scheme (11). First come first served tcheduling (1) Random scheduling + are used to solve the problem of develop (18) Process synchronization (D) Belady problem than single (FH) Execute each job faster ‘obs in the same time (D). Used only on farge main frame computers {A> Lightweight process switching is low J to speedup paging Fragmentation of file system (A) Occurs only file is not used properly . (B) Can always be prevented (C) Happens in all file system (D) No fragmentation where the (3) Lightweight process where the context switching is high (D)_ Used in deadlocks isascsi0r 9. Dynamic allocation of storage areas with VSAM files is accomplished by (A) Hashing (©) Overflow areas hte Control splits (D) Relative recording 10, Dijkstra’s algorithm deals with fA) Mutual exclusion (B) Deadlock recovery @F Deadlock avoidance {Dy Cache coherence Root direutory of a disk should be placed (A) At the fixed address in the maineGBf” Ata fixed location on the disk memory {C) Atthe fixed location on system disk (D) Anywhere on the disk Disk scheduling includes deciding (A) Which should be accessed next. 448 Order in which direct access request must ‘be serviced (C) The physical locations of the file (D)_ The logical location of the file 13. Dirty bit is used to show * (A) Page with corrupted data (B) Wrong page in memory AEF Page that is modified after being (D) Page that is less frequently accessed loaded in the cache memory i # 14, Fragmentation of a file system occurs when “ (A) File is not used properly “4e7 Unused ‘space or -single file are hot contiguous (C) Used space is not-contiguous (D). Unused space is noo-contiguous To avoid race conditions the number. pf process that may be simultancously inside the critical section is {A) 12 sori B) 3 i . mo 16. Removing computing services anvaived the we of ie sharing and (A) Malfiprocessing (B) Interactive processing (C) Real time processing toy Batch processing 17. ‘The first process launched by the Linx kernel Is WF Init process (C) Boot Process (B) Zombie process (D)- Dateh process 27 18." The chtry of all the PCBs of the current processes i in (A) Process register (C) Programa counter Adify” Process table (D) Process unit’ 19. In segmentation each address is specified by ede A segsvvers umber and offset (B) An offset (C) A value Do, Tae poorer YS: tins wp peried of $0 end G0 saat 0611095599 bale ped 0680 jd ® 3g (D) Akey CPU borst of 35. The total CPU utilizations. (Ay 090 AP O95 ) 0.74 (v) 0.80 wey {D) Spintock 10. The _____ operation decreases the semaphore value (A) Sem signal (B) Senr deer: ¢2}) Sem wait (D) Sem minus 11, A situation in which a runnable process is overlooked indefinitely by the scheduler A" Starvation (B) Race condition oe (C) Mutual exclusion (D) Live lock i 12. The time interval between the submission of the process and the completion is termed as (A) Wait (B) Response time : jt 4@)¢ Turnaround time (D) Throughput i 1 13. The ____is used as an index in the page table be {A) Frame pit {B) Frame offset f -(G}> Page number @) Page offset : ¢ 14. Every address generated by the CPU is divided into two parts. They are (A) Frame bit and page number _ dy, Page number and page offset ({C) Page offset and frame bit (D) Frame offset and page offset i 15. The ____ table contains the base address of each page in physteal memory = ) (B). Frame 4 (C) Memory 4) Page ¢ : i i 16. Each entry in segment table has a ement base (B) Segment peak (C) Segment value (@) Segment offset ider a disk queue with request for 1/0 to block on cyl scheduling i is (A) 620 B) 630 HQ 640 (D) 650 18 In______ algorithm the disk head maves not in both the i (A) Scan (B). C-sean (C) Look @) Coo 19, SSTF algorithm, like SIF ___._ of some request, a : (A) Will cause starvation (B) Does not cause star er May cause starvation (D) Causes ageing 20. A process is moved to wait queue when I/O request is made with 4 Blocking VO {B) Non blocking VO (C) Synchronous /O - (D) Asynchronous YO 3 Page ott : z Hae Lapras sce 33, Tit the mode common classes of ateerapts. “~ 23, Mention any four reasons for process termination. 25, State the conditions for deadlock: sider the | cal adress 0000010111011110 which is page 5 = bere tsi frame 6, then find the phys 7, Define rotational latency. PART ~ See ee, > des ahatstion nf srverati: Ties Three Hours Ag PART - A (20 x 1 = 20 Marks) Answer ALL Questions...) 1. Which of the following is not a component of computer? (A) System bus (B) Registers (©) Memory bApplications 2. The processing required for a single instruction is called (A) An instruction cycle (B)_ An instruction fetch.” amchéay~ An instruction execute (D) A data processing 3. Which of the following is not a step in instruction cycle? {A) Fetch stage (B) Execute stage ——(e}-Error stage (D) Interrupt stage 4. Magnetic disk is an example of ___in memory allocation B (A) Inbound memory (B) Outbound memory > (C) Main memory (D) Off line storage 5. The systems which allows only one process execution at a time are called (A) Unique processing systems {B) Unitasking systems . 1 gramming systems (D) Uniprocessing systems. « 6. In Unix which system cell creates the new process? {A) New ~+tOm Fork ~nLés}m Light weight process where the (B). Light ‘welght process where the conte t switching is low switching is hij (©) Used in deadlocks (D) ‘Used to speed up paging 8. program switches the processor from one process to another. Add Despatcher (B) Job scheduler {C) Process scheduler (D) Swapper Pape Lote DFW SCR 9. Mutual exclusion mechanism in which a process ‘executes in an infinite loop (A) Semaphore - (B) Mutex © Monitor $B Splaloc 10, The operation decreases he semaphore value (A) Sem signal (B) Sem decr ASpSem wait . (D) Sem minus ; i. ‘A siaittion a which a husnable prociie overlooked indefinitely by ‘the scheduler —tAF- Starvation ‘(B) Race condition,” (C) Mutual exclusion (D) Live lock 12, The time interval between the submission of the process and the completion i jermed as {A) Waiting time (B) Respense time ey Tumaround time (D) Throughput 13. The __ ‘is used at an Index inthe page table (A) Frame pit (B) Frame offset fey Page number (D) Page offset 14, Every address generated by the cru is divided into two, parts, ‘They are (A) Frame bit and page number © BY Page number and page o (C) Page offset and frame bit © (D) Frame offset and page 15, The ___table contains the base address of each page in physical me (A) Process OG) Pee (C) Memory, ~ Paap : ow6.. Each entry, ba segment table has.a co. nse tery” Segmeni bas- {C) Segmen’ val eta = Loh eS So ggg (@ ; os ee oa : : “pooy 4S Ol Ff ‘st quswous peal jo Quine [e101 sty “Zuynpoyos SAD s9pisu0; 19 Ss - Cl ‘bl ZCI “LE-“EBI "86 =Stapurjdo Uo 4201q 9} Of1 403 wanbas quai onanb ysip Biapisuoy “oz | — pamao aqua (gq) ~ patusuio ueang (5) 3 paatanto 3D01g Lee” Pawwayo paxiy (y) : SAS Poa Jo Alfensn ate weyp s90/q ut woReuLosul sauoys aoAap “gy oe Of M109) Lape vwa (9) O/LUaAup idrusaquy (gq) - Of pawuraBorg (y) GOA Burmuojiod soy anbruyoo} & OU s} Sumoyjoy ayJo. yor ° 81. Avtop jeuonnioy (q) - SU Yeas ey UU JaysuBLy gq) eu ssanDy (Vy fe : SB UMOUY st 5B op ye pesy amy uontsod 04 sony How a ‘wayshs peoy ajqeaou BUO “LT Adtjod yuawasejdos ainjosqy (q) Aayjod yuswiasejdos [eordoy (5) _ Fes tne 9 Adtjod juawaseydas {e007} -feg= Aaijod quawaoeidas jeqoi (y) ‘aopidal oy oded e Bunoajos up Uney aed a payersugg WW ssadoid a4 Jo sated quapisas am Suowe Ajuo sasooys Vor ial ia Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100 PART ~ A (20 x 1 = 20 Marks) Answer ALL Questions 1. __conttains the address of an instruction to be fetched. a Program counter (B) Stack pointer (C) Index register (D) Instruction register 2. Non-Volatile memory js also referred as (A). Primary memory ‘Secondary memory (©) Tertiary memory {(D) Off-line memory The central idea behind the simple batch processing scheme is the use of a piece of software known as (A) lnterrupts~ (B) Timer (C) Memory protection 40% Monitor 4. Which is responsible for maintaining all the important abstraction of the operating system? “27 Kernel (B) System libraries (C) System utilities (D) Daemonus _ Program that switches the processor from one process to another. Scheduler BF Dispatcher Monitor (D) Semaphore 6. When the OS creates a process at the explicit request of other process, the action is referred as. {A) Process creation (B) Process termination SGA Process spawning |. (D), Process swapping 7. consists of the contents. ofc ~€3- Processor state information (B) Processor block information (C) Processor status information @) ptrentor coatral information 8. The event for which a state“ dvd soc i we. a 4ée) Thread moves to ready queve ‘Thrted comp! (C) Anew thread is provided (D)_ Thread remains blocked 9. pose erie * vat oe “ (A) ‘Scheduler on @) fncront ss eA ices ali nsec ee Aeon near gg does ne ep Unsafe state @ sic plate (D) Suspended state take on the values 0 and 1. 12 manors may nly (B) Stong ee (D) Hexadecimal , ing system maintains for each process. Oe TB) Page history & (C) Page record (D) Page block 5 14, ____ chooses the block that is closest in size to the request. & (A) Nex fit (B) First fit (C) Order fit * » Priority 11. A direct method of deadlock prevention is to prevent the Occurrence of (A) Mutual exclusion (B) Hold and wait wo REP ircular waits 4D} Non preemption 12. Mutex is similar to (A) Spin locks (B) Event blocks ~¢€ Binary semaphore (D) Condition Variable 13. The system spends most of its time Swapping pieces ) s rat : . called me ther than executing instruca, (A) Simple paging Thrashing (@) Segmentation > Peing 14. A process refers to 5 pages A, B, C, D. E in the order: A, B C.D, eat tt Ws * AA, B,C,D, A, B, E, the page replacement algorithm is FIFO, the number of ABC, DE store of 3 frames is iver OF Page transfers with an empty intra si (A) 10 By 9 : () 8 @) 7. 15. Physical memory is broken into fixed sized blocks called _ fA Frames (B) Pages - is (C) Segments (D) Tracks: Pah ee 16. The is used as an index into the page table. : (A) Page offset . (C) Page count In A is a collection of related fields that can be treated as unit b apticaion —_— s that x yy some program. s Se ae (A) Database (B) File | ~+@¥ Record -.(D) Table 18. When to users keep a sub directory in their own | 19. The set of tracks that are at on . Mutex is similar to 42}> Circular waits (D) Non preemption {A)_ Spin locks (B) Event blocks {©)~ Binary semaphore (D) Condition variable directories, the structure being reluredio (A) Tree structure e 5. (BY. Cyclic graph directory structure 2 (C) Two level directory structure o> Acyclic graph directory ¢ am Position make up i 3 (B) ' Electrical disks. ; (@). Assemblies (A) Magnetic disks See~Cylinders Leen fo] | TET TEL TL B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2018 1" to 6" Semester 15CS302J — OPERATING SYSTEMS (For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2015-2016 to 2017-2 Note: (i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR shi over to hall invigilator at the end of 45" minute. (ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet. Time: Three Hours PART - A (20 x 1 = 20 Marks) Answer ALL Questions 1. The API gives a program access to the resources (A) Software oh) Hardware (C) Process (D) Application © The primary job of an operating syste (A) Command resources (C). Provide utilities an BY) Manage resources (D) Be user friendly (A) Process state = (C) - Process control ® Bpewning ~ Abr: Rispatsh cher ee The completion > ~ robin sheeting aPi, P2, P3 Which of the folog tte acti FOllowing is not me a, Semaphore” ared memory Which of the followin, g is not vithe a, The base register contains i ppystcal address for ment FI 7 Contiguous memory aloe fragmentation, a The set of all logical address a logical address spate: =| a. Memory management. Kee “memory location’ b. The run-time mapping fro i ‘js done by a hardware di -8 _ management unit (MMU), & it tracks whenever sof ated and correspon jnen memory: is divid " partitions, each partition atonce. i What are Spinlocks? ee a. CPU cycles wasting locks over citical section progr! 5 b, Locks that avoid time wastage in conte! i that work better on rl ssi fe be ly it ul ‘upda’ ates th into several "hited ‘sized ontain multiple process a Which of the following is not true “ath respect to deadlock | prevention and deadlock avoidance schemes? ‘lL afh deadiock prevention, the request for resources is ilways granted if regulting'state 1s safe ; "in deadlock avoidance, the, request for resources Is; Iways granted, if the resulting state is safe F eadlock avoidance requir knowledge of resources aH “requirements a priori _d-Deadlock prevention 's mete avoidance c External fragmentation will No a, first fit ts used ef b, best fit is used | c, worstfitisused matter which algorithm Is use Consider a system having 7 resource process may need 3 resources. How processes should be inthe system t ai : : many (maximum) o be deadlock free? a. There will pen aiihe present among eThere will be no deadlock among d. None of the above.options. By a , CO-Course Outedme generally refe the course successfully, 2 « Alaam's Level (BL)= Bloom’s | j i | i & % ar, 2097 77 oh uo. items ititute of sel yl Ik ncR came. de f Computer 7 The processes that are residing in main memory and are ready and Waiting to execute are kept ona list galled A) UO Queue BY Ready Queue C) Device Queue D) Blocked Queuc 8. Which of the following task is not performed by operating systems? 38) ILeontrols and coordinates the computer H/W ‘onverts the program from high level language to low level language “C) It specifies how various resources like hardware and software can be used in an efficient manner. D) It manages the memory and processes 9. Users view of operating system does not care about A) ease of use B) good performance C) highly convenience DF resource utilization 10, 3 process cannot affect or be affected by the execution of another process A) Cooperative ei Independent C) Subprocess D) Childprocess Part B (Short answer type) Attempt any three Questions — (*4=12 Marks) “ATC What is the main purpose operating system? 12. Define Process Control Blocks with diagram. 13. Write the Difference between Process and Thread: UA-What are the two models of inter process ‘communication? \ r G Part C (Long. aaswer type) a 3 Attempt any one Questions (Q*8-8 Marks) — se in detail about the Process state model See OR : _ 16. Explain the key design issues for Multiprocessor and Multicore. owith 2 suspended sti 95/09/2022 te fon: 24s # ares: 89 [Ree ia ala] o) tlc lo lo fo [slo lav | SRM Institute of Science & Technology Delhi NCR Campus, Modinagar, Ghaziabad CYCLE T ~1 (SET-A) Course/Branch: B.Tech) CSE Session: 2021-2022 Subject: Operating Systems Code: 18CSC205) Duration: 1 hoar Max. Marks: 30 Part A (MCQs) Attempt all questions (10*1=10 Marks) |, -------— Scheduler selects the jobs from the pool of jobs and loads into the ready queuc, Long term aie term C) Medium term D) Dispatcher 2. When the event for which a thread is blocked occurs? AX) thread moves to the ready queue B) thread remains blocked C) thread completes D) anew tyes is provided 3. Termination of the process terminates : A) first thread of the process B) first two cents of the process fall threads within the process D) no thread ana he process 4, Assume a scenario, when a process fails, geenly operating eysien writes error information to a : A) New File CF Log File 5. The Process Control Block is: A) Process type variable YA Block in memory: : 6. Message passing sy: See with ed B) communicate with C) share data © D)name the recipient ‘ SRM Institute of sche Delhl- nor cam? f io R pepartment of Compute : cadomlc Your: 2023-22, cena iene , UNG 1 oSOMmk : rect: TheOry CLA. Bovey mae SOT OU FONT TEE I OE, MET If 400 | sipisu (p yy pue | og ks TT Aju (q Tau ary Sy S19 aouds dems sqnouy Surppe (yy | i. ve ‘stp A Jo Suonniwdas(y fo vl » £4 A[uo poppe aq uve soeds dems asout ‘Suruonpied 3s! SUMP prieasd s} doeds dums yo suaowe poxy ¥ UIUAN | Pauonusur om so auou (p |. : powonuau ayy Jo [TR (O- Asopanp oqy s9}seur uo SU a.usoop uraIsAS arn (q ° Atop a]1J 495N UMo soY/sTY sty sos yore ge | Camanys Goanp [Past omy 240 UY uaddeg PAC IeyAy | . . pouonuaur arp jo ire (pe | saseds oFesoys UIAYIP UO. opm om Xoy) (9 | UoUDIEd yes 0} poppe S! SOLE INogE UONCULIOZUy (G+ Suounud a20Ut 40 2uO O1MT ujds 16 Cone 2 ASIP UO swsa|sKs OIF ZIULTIO oO} | — roO"(T}- —e : —— WOOTD( ONVOSDG@* NVOsS& AOOTE . 4 du winjas aq Uo sysanbau Aue Furspas9s Mowwar ysyp-sin jo Buu oun “ | , | , ' 0) susmjas Ajyerpausuut H “Pus 49yI0 ay) Sayeaa pro ap USUAL “Aum ou Buoje ssanbas Bupo}Aads *sdyjo Ip OF PUP 9UO WOYy SPAOW PUY ASIP OUD SwnHoayy: beh es | Surge soenea(p _-—- UONRAITS asniwo you s90P © ut pig} 4 UOT AsEIS OSNUD [ILM (Q uONwAIyS asnus KUWse . \ | “sysonbau awWos Jo ALS OM ayLOs[e -LLSS | > cas ——Fauonuaue ou JO ep aunpasoid peyoads & © ay zis |} a | uia)sds Bunnsodo ayy 01 [19 WAIsAS Nad yp 04 yTws woIsAs ( 2 | | == g sansst I YIP B WOY 40 OF O/] Spoou seddouKl w S9ASUIUAL uae] [EUOHTTOA (p oui spo (9 eg / uit) $89998 WopuRS (q sup Susuon sod (& ~ pajqea st peoy xpssp aq oF 918904 OF JOID9 pasysop oyy 4cy-U9YE) UAE PLL mot s19puyyAa (P~ | 1 soriquiass : b a sysip jwourssia (qq ssyp oNUsY . edn ayew vonisod wuw oun ae aut yuly #490 SO os out | t na - ds @ | PeuoHusW a jo ouoU (Pp youn (> uu wipsa opel oyun | _ a BSE SPESY 2Up [|e SAW YEE)” w O} poLUNE aue YsIp spouse oyrso spuod Mu. ain SATA MQ) (20°F = 20 Marks) lnstraet Question east scion PPONS 32-bit Virtual addresses av well as 32-bit physical adaressey Fess space is Of the same size as the physical Wheh ps of the ignets decide to Ret rid of the virtual ontirely ich onc _ A COMPULET System sy Since the virtual add eperating system des; following is true? ‘} > Efficient implementation of multi-user support is no longer possible gy Processor cache organization can be made more efficient now S)Tlardware suppon for memory managenint is ne longer needed 4) CPU scheduling. can be made more efficient now i pes A system uses FIFO. licy for replacement. It has 4 page frames with no pag loaded to begin with. The seiten fin scoossse 100 distinct pages in some order and he accesses the same 100 Pages but now in the reverse order How many page faults ¥ occur. ay 196 b)192 e197 dd 195 Consider a machine with 64 MB physical memory and a 32-bit virtual address space. If the page size is 4 KB, what is the approximate size of the page table? 16MB by SMB 2MB_@)24MB a) Has not been used for the longest time in the past. 1234215$6212376321236 : | 6 For FIFO page replacement algoi vith 4 frames, the number of page fsults is? a) 16 by 1S 14 OAL | Whatis a locality? © rs E ne es 7 ‘ayo 0: pages’ tal re nevsty cd topes ‘b) a space in memory i: ¢) an area near & set of processes » d) none ofthe mentioned A swapper manipulates _ whereas the pager is concemed with individual of a process.” CaaS +| a) the entire process, parts b) all the pages ofa process, segments entire process, pages d) none of the mentioned ‘ Virtual memory allows 2. % _a} Giecution of a process that may not be completely in memory a 6) a program to be smaller than the physical memory i i ~ c) 4 program to be larger than the secondary storage ie -d) execution of a process without being in physical memory ——— Overlay is: 7 x (8) Apart of an operating system os cag oge® SEE " single Contiguous taenrpry that is used in olden days for running lange progruns by swapping. = © Overloading he system with many user files ‘(d) None of ie Al ‘ a = Tat nove the heads .to the cylinder containing the desired ; aS

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