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ECE 421/599 FALL 2014 - MIDTERM EXAM

Problem 1 (20 points): A load ZL=10+j5 is supported by a 100V rms, 60-Hz source
through a line with impedance ZT=j5.
a. Find the current I, voltage VL, real power, reactive power and power factor of load ZL
b. Find the capacitance of the shunt capacitor making overall unity power factor (PF=1)
on the load size. What is the new voltage VL on the load side?
c. Respectively for the conditions with and without the capacitor, draw two phasor
diagrams about V, VL, I, and the voltage of ZT.

a. ZLnew=ZL//jXC=12.5  (1)
Z=ZT+ZL=10+j10 (1) Inew=V/(ZT+ZLnew)=6.90-j2.76=7.43-21.8 o A (1)
I=V/Z=100/(10+j10)=5-j5A (2) VLnew=ZLnewxInew= 86.20-j34.48
VL=IZL=75-j25=79.057-18.435 V (2) =92.85-21.80o V (2)
SL=PL+jQL=VLI*=(75-j25)(5+j5)=500+j250 c.
VA VZT=ZTxI=j5 (5-j5)=25+j25 V (1)
PL=500W (1) VZTnew= ZTxInew= j5x(6.90-j2.76)=13.8+j34.5V (1)
QL=250var (1)
|SL|=559.0W Phasor diagrams: (2 each)
PF=PL/|SL|=0.894 (1)

If the load with capacitor has a terminal voltage
QL+QC=0  QC=-QL=-250Mvar (1)
XC=|VL| /QC=-25 (1)
C=-1/(XC)= -1/(377XC)=106.1F (1)

Problem 2 (25 points): Short answers
a. True or false for each statement? Briefly explain why. (5 points)
(1 each; 0.5 for T/F, and 0.5 for reason)
i. The top-3 energy resources of electricity generation for the overall US power grid are coal, nature
gas and hydro. False. Coal, Nature Gas and Nuclear

ii. A “bulk electric system” defined by NERC generally means the portion of system operated at
voltage of 69kV or higher. False. 100kV instead of 69kV

iii. The generation resources utilizing steam turbines are such as combined-cycle power plants,
parabolic dish concentrators, pressurized water reactors, geothermal power plants and tidal power
plants. False. Exclude tidal power.

iv. Hydroelectric power plants usually adopt round rotor generators for high speed operation
False. Salient-pole generators

v. Reactive power sources include capacitors, generators and regulating transformers

False. Transformers are not.

b. What are reliability concerns in integration of wind generation into a power grid? Give two concerns.
(2.5 points for one and 5 points for any two)
1) Congestion issues due to long distance transmission between wind generation and load centers.
2) Mismatch in supply-time and demand-time curves
3) Errors in wind forecast
c. Which statements about the per-unit system are correct? (Total 6 points)
i. The circuit laws are still valid in per-unit systems.
Correct (1)

ii. A minimum of four base quantities, i.e. SB, VB, IB and ZB, have to be given for a per-unit system
Incorrect (1). Giving any two is the minimum (1)

iii. A bus with voltage at 0.8pu must mean that its actual voltage is as low as 80% of the nominal value
Incorrect (1). Only when the nominal value is chosen as the base (1)

iv. The per-unit values of impedance, voltage and current of a transformer are the same regardless of
whether they are referred to the primary or the secondary side
Correct. (1)

d. For a 3-phase transmission line with line-to-line voltages Vab , Vbc, and Vca, phase voltages Van , Vbn, and
Vcn, and currents Ia, Ib and Ic, which of the following formulas can calculate its 3-phase complex power?
(Total 4 points)
i. Yes
3V a n I a

ii. Yes
3V b n I b

iii. No
3 (V a b  1  3 0 ) I a

iv. 3 (V a b  1  9 0 ) I c Yes

e. A 3-phase transposed transmission line has 2 bundled identical conductors
per phase placed at a distance of d. Which of the following will necessarily
increase its inductance? Briefly explain why. (total 5; 0.5+0.5 each)
GMD D 12 D 23 D 13
L  0 .2 l n  0 .2 l n m H /k m

i. Moving the left line to the left while fixing the other two
Yes. GMD  L
ii. Moving the middle line to the left while fixing the other two
No. L if D12 becomes too small
iii. Moving the middle line upward while fixing the other two
Yes. GMD  L
iv. Increasing d between the two bundled conductors of each phase
No. GMR  L
v. Add a 3rd conductor which is identical to the existing two conductors
such that each phase has symmetric 3 bundled conductors.
No. GMR  L
G M R2  Ds  d G M R3  3
Ds  d
1/ 6
 d 
1/3 2 /3 1/ 6
G M R3 Ds  d d
 1/ 2 1/ 2
 1/ 6
   1
G M R2 Ds  d Ds D
 s 

This question is for ECE599 students only (5 points):

f. A salient-pole synchronous machine has internal emf E, Ra0, and Xd=2Xq. It is operated as a
synchronous motor load. Draw phasor diagrams with E, V, Id, Iq, jXdId and jXqIq to respectively
illustrate two conditions having |E|=|V| and |E|<|V|. Does the machine supply or absorb reactive
power for each condition?

TAKE-HOME PROBLEMS (Due by today midnight 12:00AM)

Problem 3 (15 points): As shown in the figure, a three phase bundled line has two conductors per phase. D=10m and d=0.1m.
Each conductor has radius r=0.02m. The line spacing is shown in the figure, which is measured from the center of the bundle.
Consider transposition,

a. Calculate the GMR of each conductor, and GMD, GMRL

and GMRC of the line.
b. Determine the inductance and capacitance per phase per

GMR=r’=re-1/4=0.02e-1/4=0.0156m (2)

GMD=(2DD)1/3=(2010)1/3=12.60m (3)

GMRL=(r’d)1/2=(0.01560.1)1/2=0.0395 (3)
GMRC=(rd)1/2=(0.02.1)1/2=0.0447 (3)

L=0.2ln(GMD/GMRL)=0.2ln(12.6/0.0395)=1.153mH/km (2)

C=0.0556/[ln(GMD/GMRC)]=.0556/[ln(12.6/0.0447)]=0.00986F/km (2)

Problem 4 (20 points): A 3-phase line has an impedance of ZT=j3 and feeds two
parallel, balanced 3-phase loads respectively in  and Y connections. Z1= j30 and
Z2=5. The line is energized at the sending end from a 3-phase balanced supply with
line-to-line voltage |VL|=346.41V.
a. Determine 3-phase real and reactive powers drawn from the supply, and the
power factors on the supply and load sides.
b. Determine the total real and reactive powers absorbed by the 3-phase line and
each 3-phase load
c. Take the phase voltage Van on the load side as the reference, i.e. Van=|Van|0o. Determine VAB, IA, Vab, and Van. Draw a
phasor diagram about those phasors together with the voltage of ZT in phase a.

a. b.
Z1Y=-j30/3=-j10 (1) Sline =3|Ia|2ZT=j21176var (1)
ZL=Z1Y//Z2=-j1015/(-j10+15)=4-j2 (1) S31= P31+jQ31=3|Van|2/Z1*=-j14118var (1)
First, use VAB as the reference: VAB=346.41V S2= P32+jQ32=3|Van|2/Z2*=28235W (1)
VAn lags VAB by 30o, so VAn=346.41/3-30o=200-30o V c.
Z=ZT+ZL= 4+j1 (1) Vab=Van330o =285.28-j244.52=375.7-
Ia=VAn/Z=34.87-j33.72=48.51-44.04o (1) 40.6oV (1)
Ss3=3VAnIa*=28235W+j7059var=2910414.04o Using Van =216.9-70.60o as the reference:
Ps3=28235W (1) Qs3=7059var (1) Van= 216.9 V
PFs=Ps3/|Ss3|=0.9701 lagging (1) Ia=48.51(-44.04+70.60)o =48.5126.56o A
Van=IaZL=72.05-j204.62=216.9-70.60o V (1) (0.5)
SR3=3VAnIa*=28235W-j14118var=31568-26.57o (1) Vab=375.730o V (0.5)
PS3=28235W (1) QS3=-14118var (1) VAB=346.4170.60o V (0.5)
PFR= PR3/|SR3|=0.8944 leading (1) VTa=ZTIa=145.5116.6oV (0.5)
Phasor diagram (3)

Problem 5 (20 points): Two round-rotor generators, G1 and G2, are connected to support a load. The 3-phase power and line-
line ratings are given below. The stator resistances of generators are ignored
G1: 80MVA 20kV X=10%
T1: 125MVA 20/200kV X=15%
T2: 80MVA 200/20kV X=20%
G2: 75MVA 22kV X=12.5%
Line: 200kV Z=j100
Load: 200kV S=120MW+j40Mvar
a. Draw an impedance circuit diagram showing all per-unit impedances on a common base of 100MVA and 20kV on the G1
b. G2 supplies 60MW+j30Mvar with a terminal voltage of 20kV at bus 4. Take that voltage as the reference. Determine
voltages at buses 1, 2 and 3 in per-unit and kV, and the internal emfs of G1 and G2 in per-unit and kV.
These two questions are for ECE599 students (10 points):
c. Under the system condition in b, draw a phasor diagram including the following quantities in per-unit:
i. The emfs of the generator and motor
ii. The voltages at buses 1, 2, 3 and 4
iii. The currents of the line, load and G2
d. Assume that the load changes at bus 3, a capacitor bank is added to bus 3 to maintain its voltage in the range of
180~200kV, and the internal emfs of G1 and G2 are constant. What is the maximum real power of the load that G1 and
G2 are able to support without violating their theoretical power transfer limits?
VB1=20kV (1)
VB2=VB3=20(200/20)=200 kV (1)
VB4=200 (20/200)=20 kV (1)
ZB=(VB2)2/SB=(200)2/100=400  (1)
XG1=0.1 (100/80) =0.125 pu (1)
XT1=0.15 (100/125) =0.12 pu (1)
XT2=0.2 (100/80) =0.25 pu (1)
XG2=0.125 (100/75)  (22/20)2=0.2017
pu (1)
ZT=ZT/ZB=j0.25 pu (1)
ZL=2002/(120-j40)=300+j100 (1)
ZL=ZL/ZB=0.75+j0.25 pu (1)
Circuit diagram (1)

b. IG1= I3-IG2=0.45-0.25j
SG2=(60+j30)/100=0.6+j0.3 pu (1) =0.515-29.05 o pu (2)
Take V4 as the reference
V4=20/VB4=1pu (1) V2=V3+ZTIG1=0.9875-0.0375j
IG2=SG2*/V4*=0.6-j0.3=0.67-26.6o pu (1) =0.9882-2.175o pu (1)
=0.9371-9.21o pu (1) c
I3=V3/ZL=1.05-0.55j=1.185 -27.65 o pu (2) Phasor diagram (3)


Let V3=1pu
Pmax=3|EG11/(XG1+XT1+ZT)|+ 3|EG21/(XG2+XT2)|=13.46pu=1346MW (3)


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