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Deep Dive Solutions Lunch

Advisory Services -- Strategy

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Current Portfolio
Belgium Luxemburg Netherlands

➢ Cloud strategy Interview

Strategy ➢ Cloud Strategy Definition Workshop
➢ Cloud assessment ➢ Cloud Application Migration Assessment
Assess ➢ Cloud Organization readiness Assessment

➢ Azure Landing Zone ➢ Cloud advisory services

Enable ➢ Cloud training services
Transition Consultancy services

➢ Cloud migration re-host ➢ Cloud migration re-platform

Transition ➢ Cloud migration re-factor

➢ Managed express route ➢ Cloud management as a

Engineering Operate ➢ Managed services on Azure service

➢ Cloud insights as a service


!!! ACTION: Create Company agnostics documentation and workflows by end Q2 2021 !!!

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Market evolution
2019 2020 2021 2022

Cloud Application Infrastructure Services

37,512 43,498 +32% 57,337 +26% 72,022

Cloud Application Services (SaaS) 102,064 104,672 120,99 140,629

Cloud System Infrastructure Services

44,457 50,393 64,294 80,98

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) 616 1,203 +62% 1,951 +30% 2,535

Total Market 242,697 257,867 306,948 364,062

-- Worldwide Public Cloud Service Revenue Forecast (Millions of U.S. Dollars) - Gardner

The global Internet of Things (IoT) market size was at $330.6 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $875.0 billion by 2025 …
-- Internet of Things (IoT) market size (2020-2025) Market Data Forecast Sept. 2020

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Evolution of the IT landscape

Data Center

On-Prem PXS managed services Public Cloud

Data Center
Cloud & Edge
Edge Public Cloud

Application lifecycle and requirements defines Define a proper framework for application
Application onboarding and domain specific solutions like
large part of the strategy
driven IoT, ML, analytics,…
Approach ((re-)use existing solutions from PXS
solution houses)

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Market and competition
Focus on E2E IT solutions, services and consultancy
Achieved AS (dc migration) goes for EMSP
Aggressive on BENL market (acquisition Getronics, GridMax and Citymesh)
Employees +- 2000 FOCUS ON 3 AREAS
Growth of 9,7% May 2020
Revenue Cloud infrastructure +- €201Mi ADVISORY
Focus Cloud intelligence and automation (engineering focus) CONSULTANCY
Achieved 2 AS (dc migration/WVD) also achieved EMSP status
Employees +- 30 (13 hiring’s done in 2020) 70% increase
Revenue Cloud +- €2Mi

Cronos Group
Focus on Advisory, Consultancy and Engineering
Achieved AS (DC migration) also achieved EMSP status (Arxus)
Employees +- 6500 Proximus
Arxus revenue 2019 +- €27Mi (increase 24%) Focus on Advisory, Consultancy and Engineering
Growth of Cronos Group revenue > 100% last year Going for AS and EMSP
> 1000 IT experts are Azure certified in 2020

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Strategy and mission

Offer a public Cloud right (Edge, Hybrid, Public) strategy

Become a trusted partner for our customers

Build a multi cloud management platform

Build standardized frameworks for dedicated markets and customers

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Success formula
• Approach customers in the • Solid and scalable operational
beginning of their digital journey framework
• Get the right people and skills
• Business over technology

Success (S)
Trust (T)
Advisory (A)
(A + C + E) x T = S
Consultancy (C)
Engineering (E)
T = People + Process + Products

Focus on building consumable and repeatable frameworks

External support can be provided to speedup the transformation (ISSI) and building up a CCoE
which will cover all levels of the company, currently we have a siloed approach

Sensitivity: Confidential
Proximus transformation journey
Advisory Consultancy Engineering

Strategy Assess Enable Transition Operate Improve

The Cloud Strategy service The Cloud Assessment The Cloud Enablement The Cloud Transition The Cloud Operation The Cloud Improvement
helps to define the target services asses the customer services help the customer services help the customer services are a set of services are a set of
vision for the transformation IT landscape and setup all pre-requisites – to transition their workloads managed services helping consultancy services that
in order to set a clear goal organization in order to draft technical and non-technical to the cloud following the 6 the customer with day-to- help the customer with
for the teams involved in the a transformation roadmap in order to start transitioning R principles. day activities in regard to improving and transforming
journey to achieve success. to the cloud. their cloud infrastructure their IT services.
and services.

Cloud Adoption Framework

Strategy Plan Ready Adopt Govern &Manage

Proximus Sensitivity: Confidential 9

Cloud strategy -- Goals
The goal of the cloud strategy services is to help customers in defining and
documenting following elements

• Why Moving to the Cloud

• Business outcomes

• Business justifications

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Cloud strategy – Deliverables

Critical business events Migration Innovation

Datacentre exit Cost savings Preparation for new technical capabilities

Merger, acquisition, or divestiture Reduction in vendor or technical complexity Building new technical capabilities

Reduction in capital expenses Optimization of internal operations Scaling to meet market demands

End of support for mission-critical technologies Increase in business agility Scaling to meet geographic demands

Response to regulatory compliance changes Preparation for new technical capabilities Improved customer experiences and engagements

New data sovereignty requirements Scaling to meet market demands Transformation of products or services

Reduction of disruptions and improvement of IT stability Scaling to meet geographic demands Market disruption with new products or services

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The Cloud Strategy Journey

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From Vision to Executable Strategy

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Business Strategy
Workshop-goals Info required
• Business Drivers for Cloud Adoption Current Vision and Strategy
Short-Mid-Long term goals
Business ecosystem
• Expected Outcomes
Organisation chart
• FN Herstal Business Ecosystem
Previous topic related projects
• Org Alignment: Portfolio,
commercial, …

• Role of IT within the organisation

• Impact, Constraints, Risk, Key


Proximus Sensitivity: Confidential 14

IT Strategy -> Cloud
Workshop-goals Info required
• Best fit Cloud Model

• Workload Eligibility

• Operational processes

• Traditional IT -> New IT

• Skills -> Upskill/Reskill

• Cloud Adoption Approach

Proximus Sensitivity: Confidential 15

Architecture Workshop
Workshop-goals Info required
Current DC HL architecture
• Platform Architecture Application landscape HL
• Infrastructure Architecture

• Security Architecture

• Eco-System Architecture

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Governance Workshop
Workshop-goals Info required
• EGIT Governance Structures and IT-cost review past 3 years
Processes Current management objectives
Existing portfolio (solutions)
• Sourcing Strategy
IT department overview (structure)
• IT Spent -> Cloud Spent

• Demand Management <> Portfolio

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Compliance and Security
Workshop-outcome Info required
• Security requirements Current regulation requirements
• Compliancy checker Existing security architecture/processes
• Regulation definition

• Cloud Processes and Structures

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Current state -> Future State Proximus advice
Overview strategic ambitions Strategy approach for FN Herstal
• Business strategy • Cloud journey
• IT strategy • Target operation model
• Cloud strategy

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