Laws of Thoughts

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- 1 ½.e., \cu.u c.S- Ld E> n.\_1\: 'j ~~u\._os ..,\- C\Y\\ \"
p~~t-ios'~~ on I s -\:~I..\ i ~ \ s \.6 \.\ ~ • "I \- d rn,l:lpc-

5 1 ~ o n I s en c.e.. bu~ 1 7b C\ \ UJ 0,L~ ~ l "b 1.1 <.: .

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Jte.m c~ns oC\rn Q. 1 ,·t \S f") OS$'\b\0_ "\Q""lS us ·\l) c\1:iaw
Lf\-b€5>l~n t--e.. -Foof'\, it.
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said -\ \ri a1- o. vr~ DpOS\t,Dl"i r n~ be \.-isue Qt I

o ne~~ and ra.\oe Cl\:- Qnc:r\.he.o .

- ]'_n -fo.cJ- , C\ p-a Q po~~ban. L0b c::f::)£._\.,n..\\:h-v C\6.
_ ~-\,;"l) ~·lh 0~ .. Jn\s'd:liJ o..p ~ Q..)l'=> to C:h cm ~e... w\ ~h \., m e_
) IC:) l \1 l8rnp~e. te17'-_ex_p)S' ~$e G~. •
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-{u\~y.. -e.'il~e.ssec\ ,Ch)~ "\he. \u.w cS- \0€.f\\;\_l\
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:- Th <.'. \o.w .of~ 1den-\.. ; lli 10 o\s o ~,~!D~\Q.d. -'co
__ a s _-Ln e. h ~n c.,. p\e. u\:- T d e.n b l.lj . ____
-_--__fi).Tue. kw.u ; .\=- (on-(na.pic_\ioa ·.-" 1 ~ _· _L" ;, 1~', -~·-_ f-
-::-_lhe LOll.J _oF _C.on_t ~a6 \ c., L! (:)n_ 2>\-0. l es ~o.\_-, n o __
.. · f)1YOposr-t1<Jn C.D I""\ b e. bo\:n t1Su e, o--( fo\~~lh~b.
~Q.\J e, Ltj- p"tr\9 pc:61{.; ~ ri c \ CllM S -l-u ~ e.. -\?!u e 1 \..U-e _c.a ()Obi_
- .C LSS~Lt i t~ l?i\.lt'~ w1-lhnut- lrY\p\.~~n~ t½o..-t-.oome o\h,..

p~ap~---~l"10~ 1r-, \'c\\se.. -

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C0n·\.Qnc\1c,\.0:-1..1.,\ p'"l'.l~pa~~ on CQn na\7 be. \11\..\-€ •- - -
Oc,c. CC~ f\f\O l- ~C.U:\ oom e.·\.,'-'~ f\R -=\. vxi \* ,s on.c\..
\. \1C\ \,-~o 00 \; 1\"\ ·\.\\e SC\rne. J\.~ v'ec:t C\nc\ o\ \'ne.
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r Whil e effo rts are been mad e to
avoid any mistake or omission
you ca n alert on any errors,
queries, doubt, dissc ussion on
our telegram handle ... @kal

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