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<html><head></head><body style="overflow-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode:

space; line-break: after-white-space;"><div>My detective is not a simple detective,

he is a detective who does not want the doxa, the pains, enough with the little and
the good.</div><div>We went to tell the story of Ms. Ritsants</div><div>Ms.
Ritsantrs is a secret detective who wanted to be a detective from a young age but
was not a good enough student to succeed, so she decided to become a police
officer, the director one day gave her a mission that she had to work undercover,
so she wanted a cover, she couldn't say she was a police officer because no bad guy
would believe her, so she decided to become an English teacher as a cover. In the
morning she made cards with the verb be and in the evening she worked as a secret
agent!!</div><div>Mrs Ritsants really liked the chocolates (remember this is
important)</div><div>She was very close to finding enough evidence to incriminate
the secret organization "Chocolatomafia" someone took her lightly, started watching
her and even though Mrs. Ritsants is very good at her job, the chocolates. her
favorite thing in the world betrayed her. As he went to get his morning milk ion
from the kiosk, the kiosk inadvertently knowing Mrs. Ritsants asked her</div><div>-
What does the best police officer do?</div><div>- Don't call me that, don't you
know that you can't call me a policeman, I'll get drunk and I'll be in
trouble</div><div>-Sorry Mrs. Ritsants, it won't happen again, you're
right</div><div>However, the bad guy who was watching her had heard the word
"policeman" and had called an emergency council with the agents of
Chocolatomafia</div><div>The agents after his session came to a horrible decision.
They called Mrs. Ritsants and told her:</div><div>- We know who she is</div><div>-
What do you have in common?</div><div>- We know you are no ordinary English
teacher</div><div>-And what are you going to do about it? Are you going to kill
me??</div><div>- Something worse</div><div>You can never eat chocolate
again!</div><div>-What;!</div><div>- Yes, and now he's gone</div><div>Mrs. Ritsants
could not believe it</div><div>She went to the police station to talk to her
manager, but he wasn't happy, he fired her because she couldn't keep her identity
hidden.</div><div>Now Mrs. Ritsantrs is a simple English teacher who can't eat any

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