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SCD4x CO2 Sensor Testing Guideline

Marco Gysel, Product Manager CO2 Sensors; Sebastian Schnoz, Field Application Engineer
Stäfa CH, January 2021

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

SCD4x Testing Guide
1. Overview: Most important testing recommendation

2. Testing Sequence

3. Sensor Qualification
 Qualification Sequence
 Pass / Fail Criteria

4. Dive-in: Forced Recalibration (FRC)
 FRC via ControlCenter
 FRC via I2C

5. Dive-in: Sensor Self-Test

6. Dive-in: Basic performance testing

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

SCD4x Testing Guide
1. Overview: Most important testing recommendation

2. Testing Sequence

3. Sensor Qualification
 Qualification Sequence
 Pass / Fail Criteria

4. Dive-in: Forced Recalibration (FRC)
 FRC via ControlCenter
 FRC via I2C

5. Dive-in: Sensor Self-Test

6. Dive-in: Basic performance testing

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

1. Overview: Most important testing recommendations
Recommended CO2 reference: Perform Forced Recalibration Respect moisture
Edinburgh Gascard NG 0 – 1% before performance testing sensitivity level
(MSL3) and reflow
SCD4x Forced
solder parameters

Assembly Recalibration

Perform performance testing at Power supply according to
peak current & stable
relative humidity (RH) > 10 %
Dry air Air bypass
supply voltage (± 30 mV) 

Reference gas Gas bubbler Air chamber with DUTs

 
© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential
SCD4x Testing Guide
1. Overview: Most important testing recommendation

2. Testing Sequence

3. Sensor Qualification
 Qualification Sequence
 Pass / Fail Criteria

4. Dive-in: Forced Recalibration (FRC)
 FRC via ControlCenter
 FRC via I2C

5. Dive-in: Sensor Self-Test

6. Dive-in: Basic performance testing

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

2. Assembly / Testing Sequence
Incoming SCD4x

Connect SEK-SCD41
Assemble SCD4x on development board to
PCB by reflow soldering either computer or
embedded platform

Execute Forced Recalibration See Chapter 4: Dive-in FRC

(FRC) to restore full accuracy

Do performance testing See Chapter 6: Dive-in: Basic

performance testing
© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential
SCD4x Testing Guide
1. Overview: Most important testing recommendation

2. Testing Sequence

3. Sensor Qualification
 Qualification Sequence
 Pass / Fail Criteria

4. Dive-in: Forced Recalibration (FRC)
 FRC via ControlCenter
 FRC via I2C

5. Dive-in: Sensor Self-Test

6. Dive-in: Basic performance testing

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

3. Sensor Qualification: Qualification Sequence
Execute Forced
1 Recalibration (FRC) to
restore full accuracy

2 Do performance testing

3 Sensor stress sequence

Test sensor functionality: Execute Forced Recalibration

4a 4
‘Pass/Fail criteria 1’ (next slide) (FRC)

Do performance testing:
‘Pass/Fail criteria 2’ (next slide)

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

3. Sensor Qualification: Pass / Fail Criteria
4a 5b
Pass / Fail criteria 1: No FRC applied Pass / Fail criteria 2: FRC applied after sensor stress
after sensor stress sequence sequence
 Compare SCD4x sensor output to reference
(reference sensor or reference gas)
Option 1: Sensor electrically intact Pass/ fail criteria:
 Pass criteria: Sensor responds to  Measurement within: SCD4x accuracy + specified
commands SCD4x drift + Reference sensor accuracy
 SCD40 accuracy: ± (50 ppm + 5 % MV)
Option 2: Conduct self-test with SCD4x  SCD41 accuracy: ± (40 ppm + 5 % MV)
 Pass criteria: No error flag detected  Specified drift: ± (5 ppm + 2 % MV)*simulated years
 See Chapter 5: Dive-in Sensor Self-  Reference sensor accuracy: depends on ref. system
Example: Simulated sensor lifetime = 10 years
 Acceptance criteria = ± (100 ppm + 25 % MV) +
accuracy reference system
© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential
SCD4x Testing Guide
1. Overview: Most important testing recommendation

2. Testing Sequence

3. Sensor Qualification
 Qualification Sequence
 Pass / Fail Criteria

4. Dive-in: Forced Recalibration (FRC)
 FRC via ControlCenter
 FRC via I2C

5. Dive-in: Sensor Self-Test

6. Dive-in: Basic performance testing

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

4. Dive-in: Forced Recalibration (FRC) via ControlCenter
Operate SCD4x Stop continuous Perform forced CO2 concentration must

1 2 3 be constant throughout
for > 3 minutes measurement recalibration the process. Use well-
calibrated reference
sensor as FRC-input
CO2 concentration.



© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

4. Dive-in: Forced Recalibration (FRC) via I2C

Operate SCD4x Send start_periodic_measurement command: 0x21 0xb1 CO2 concentration

1 for > 3 minutes [0x21 0xb1 = command] must be constant
throughout the
process. Use well-
Stop continuous Send stop_periodic_measurement command: 0x3f 0x86 calibrated
2 reference sensor
measurement [0x3f 0x86 = command] as FRC-input
CO2 concentration.

Send perform_forced_recalibration command:
Perform forced 0x36 0x2f 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX
3 [0x36 0x2f = command; 0xXX 0xXX = CO2 value reference; 0xXX =
CRC (CO2 MSB and LSB)] → See next slide

Process Operate SCD4x for > 3 minutes (start_periodic_measurement) and

validation compare SCD4x output with reference sensor

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

4. Dive-in: Forced Recalibration (FRC) via I2C Example
Operate SCD40
1 for > 5 minutes

Stop continuous

Perform forced

Process SCD4x Datasheet:


© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

SCD4x Testing Guide
1. Overview: Most important testing recommendation

2. Testing Sequence

3. Sensor Qualification
 Qualification Sequence
 Pass / Fail Criteria

4. Dive-in: Forced Recalibration (FRC)
 FRC via ControlCenter
 FRC via I2C

5. Dive-in: Sensor Self-Test

6. Dive-in: Basic performance testing

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

5. Dive-in: Sensor Self-Test

 The built-in sensor self-test feature
allows to test whether the sensor is
 A sensor response of 0x0000
indicates that no malfunction was
 Any other response than 0x0000
indicates that either the sensor is
malfunctioning or the supply
voltage / current is unstable / not SCD4x Datasheet:

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

SCD4x Testing Guide
1. Overview: Most important testing recommendation

2. Testing Sequence

3. Sensor Qualification
 Qualification Sequence
 Pass / Fail Criteria

4. Dive-in: Forced Recalibration (FRC)
 FRC via ControlCenter
 FRC via I2C

5. Dive-in: Sensor Self-Test

6. Dive-in: Basic performance testing

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

6. Dive-in: Basic performance testing
CO2 concentration-jump with reference Field study with reference sensor
Set-up: Place SCD4x sensors and reference Set-up: Place SCD4x sensors and reference
sensor inside closed air chamber or box sensor inside a confined room that is
Procedure: sometimes occupied by people
1. Perform FRC with the DUTs Procedure:
2. Start and record measurement 1. Perform FRC with the DUTs
3. Inject CO2 (100 %, no air mixture) into the 2. Start and record measurement
air chamber to realize higher concentration 3. Let the sensors run for several days /
(ideally 3k – 5k ppm) weeks
4. Allow CO2 to slowly diffuse out of the box

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential
Recommended CO2 Reference: Edinburgh Gascard NG 0 – 1%
Where to take reference value from?
 Having a good reference value is crucial!
 Sealed environment with known concentration in range 400 ppm – 2000 ppm
 Open space with a good reference sensor
 Keep away from sources and drains (humans, windows, ventilation)
 Put reference sensor close to SCD4x
 Good referencere. Recommendation:
 Edinburgh Gascard NG 0 – 1% & gas bottles with certified CO2
concentration at 0 and 10000 ppm for recalibration.

© Copyright Sensirion AG, Switzerland Confidential


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