Module 5-6

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MODULE 5-6  ACQUISITION of services is

widely called CONTRACTING

Purchasing Management
 The traditional purchasing
 The major function of purchasing function of receiving requisition
Department is to assist the and issuing purchasing orders is
identification, selection, and no longer adequate.
acquisition of required materials  Purchasing remains the core
and services. activity of supply management
 Purchasing strives to accomplish  Supply Management – is
as economically as possible increasingly being place of
 Utilizing professional ethics purchasing to describe the
 Acceptable standards of quality expanded set of responsibilities
and service of purchasing professional.
 Best Business Practices
Key Activities of Supply Management
throughout the process
 Negotiations
Purchasing – is a profession defined as
 Logistics
the act of obtaining merchandise; capital
 Contract Development and
equipment; raw materials; services or
maintenance, repair, and operating
supplies in exchange for money or its  Inventory Control and
equivalent. Management
 Supplier Management
Purchasing profession are classified into
two: Procurement – is frequently used in
place of purchasing
1. Merchants
2. Industrial Buyers

 Merchants – includes wholesaler

and retailers who primarily for
resale purposes.
 Industrial Buyers – primary task is
to purchase raw materials for
conversion purposes

A Brief History of Purchasing Terms

 Purchasing is a key business
function that is responsible for
ACQUISITION of the required
materials, service and equipment
Material Requisition
 Material requisition MR
 Material users initiate a
request for material in
duplicate Purchase
Requisition PR
 Travelling Requisition
 Is used for materials and
standards parts that are
requested on recurring
 Planned Order Release
 This approach is suitable
for firms that use the same
components to make
standard goods over a
relatively long period of

The Request for Quotation and The

Request for Proposal
 Request for a Quotational RFQ

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