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“Better Safe Than Sorry”

The article is about the prevention of fires in our homes. It says that we must
lower the risk of causing fires because there are many people who lose houses
because of a fire. Taking notes of items when cooking and using hot appliances is a
must. Being aware of where you smoke is also something that needs to take note of
because if the fire reaches something that can be caught in fire easily, like
styrofoam, then it will immediately start a fire and will spread quickly. Having a
smoke alarm is also important, even if you’re only at home, but don’t place it in
the kitchen because it will cause a false alarm. Place the smoke alarm inside the
bedroom and living room because, except for the kitchen, that’s where fires usually
start. The cause of fires can be because of an outlet that exploded, candles, etc.
Learning fire prevention is a must because fire is deadly to everyone and
there is no living beings that is a fire proof. Learning these helped me undestand a
more detailed a fire prevention and making an escape plan in case a fire started. I
also learned that having a smoke alarm can be a thing because that didn’t come
into my mind until I read this article. Even if I used a fire extinguisher once on a
fire drill when I was a kid, I don’t really know what I am doing that time and this
article helped me remind how to use fire extinguisher and what needs to take note
when using it. Like, Fire extinguisher only works on small fires and doesn’t work
when the whole house is already on fire, but it can still make way for you to
escape. There was also a word called PASS. It means Pull the Pin, Aim low at the
base of fire, Squeeze the handle slowly, Sweep the nozzle side to side.
I believe that knowing these things is beneficial to us, even if we may not
use them throughout our lives. This knowledge can also be passed to others who
don’t know, and it’s a must because knowing this can help us escape in case of
emergencies. When anxiety and panic kick in during fires, you will immediately do
what you think you must do to keep yourself safe. When this knowledge is
engraved in our minds, it will be the first thing we will do. There was also a
saying, "Better safe than sorry."


Submitted by John Antonio S. Esguerra

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