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1. Communication Is Unavoidable
Communication is avoidable, as you can communicate aside from oral and written through any
gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, even silence. Inside the classroom, when you ask the children if
they understand what you are teaching and they nod. A student's sleep in the classroom conveys the
message that he or she is tired, not feeling well or bored.

2. Communication Operates on Two Levels

The content  message you give information or details about the topic under discussion,
example in conducting seminar and workshops, conversation during meetings and planning. In
relational message, the impact of this will determine how they receive the content of the
message. So if you have asked them to do the photocopying in a brisk tone, they may well
conclude that you don’t respect them and they may not receive the content of the message (do
the photocopying today) in a way that bring out their best for you. Giving direction to a loud and
loud voice may make the person you are talking to think you have no respect for them.

3. Communication Is Irreversible
There are times when we can utter hurtful words that hurt others that we later regret. One
time, I was able to speak bad words to my fellow teacher out of anger. He was very hurt by what
I said. I deeply regret what I said to her. I realized that even if I apologize to her, she will never
forget what I did and said. Another instance was when I misinformed the information provided
which caused a rift among my schoolmates. We failed to attain our goals and we lost the
competition which I deeply regret.

4. Communication Is a Process
My principal is a natural joker and is sometimes serious. There was a time when he called
me "balasubas," but she was smiling. I wondered if this was a joke or serious? I observed what
her mood was that day. I asked my companions what she was doing. I discovered that she was
happy and in a good mood, so I did not take it seriously. Maybe if I hadn't asked and observed, I
would have seriously taken her by calling me "balasubas".

5. Communication Is Not a Panacea

Group chat is one of the most effective tools for conveying information and messages,
but its irresponsible use can lead to conflict and misunderstanding. As an example in our school,
one teacher sends a message about another teacher about a misunderstanding. Some teachers are
curious and do not know what they are talking about. Until they got to the point where they were
already fighting in group chat, and some teachers were also affected. Communication will lead to
misunderstandings if not done correctly.

6. Communication Often Presents Ethical Challenges

The Golden Rule Standard: Is this the way in which I would want to be treated by others?
There are times when in the middle of communication, you are able to comment on what the
speaker is saying; sometimes, it even looks like an insult to the speaker. For instance, in the
middle of the meeting, some of the attendees were laughing and whispering. This behavior is
unethical, even if he is not the one you are talking about

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