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q 1872 Cavite Mutiny

q Martyrdom of the Three

§ The Cavite Mutiny of 1872, according to many experts, was the beginning of
Filipino nationalism and the precursor to the Philippine Revolution of 1896.
§ It was a revolt by Filipino soldiers stationed at Cavite's Spanish arsenal, Fort San
Felipe, on January 20, 1872.
§ Around 200 colonial soldiers and workers who had been recruited locally rose-
up, hoping the rebellion would spread to the entire country.
§ The mutiny was unsuccessful, the Spanish administration, led by the conservative
governor Rafael de Izquierdo, dramatized the episode and used it as reason to
crack down on Filipinos who had been advocating for political change.
§ Following a brief trial, three priests accused of subversion related to the 1872
Cavite mutiny—José Burgos, Jacinto Zamora, and Mariano Gómez, the
“GOMBURZA"—were publicly killed.
§ He was appointed Governor-
General of the Philippines on
April 04, 1871.
§ During the mutiny, he served as
the General-Governor, which
resulted the death of 41 soldiers,
including the GomBurZa.
§ He passed away in 1882 in
Madrid, Spain. Governor-General
Rafael Izquierdo
§ A mestizo sergeant, served
as their commander.

§ He started and led the

Cavite Mutiny of 1872.
Fernando Lamadrid
§ One of the most significant
historical accounts in the
Philippine History

§ It describes the insurrection of the Filipino

soldiers and workers at the Cavite Arsenal
due to the removal of the privileges:
Exemption from the tribute
Exemption from forced labor
Tributo (Tribute)
Ø Filipinos were compelled to pay
tax or tribute called Tributo, to
the Spanish government.
Ø It was imposed as a sign of the
Filipinos’ loyalty to the king of
Ø Ages 16 – 60 years old (required to pay tribute)
Ø 8 reales (P1.00)/yearly (1571-1884)
Ø Other forms of payment: Gold, chicken, textile, cotton and rice.
Cedula (Personal Identification Paper)
Ø Tribute was nullified and
replaced by the Cedula.
Ø It was a certificate that identifies
the taxpayer.
Ø Cedula contains the ff.: Name,
Diezmos Prediales or Tithes age, birthplace, marital status,
Ø A tax consisting one-tenth address, nationality, and sex.
(1/10) of the production or
product of one’s land.
also known as Polo y Servicios
Ø Polo from this term refers to community work and the
laborer, was called polista.
Ø All male Filipinos ages 16 – 60 years old were required
to give their free labor, called polo, to the Spanish
Ø This labor was for 40 days yearly. But in 1884, it
became 15 days yearly.
Ø Polistas were obliged to do:
- Constructions of buildings and churches
- Cutting trees to make logs
- Can be placed on any work the Spanish wanted
Ø To be exempted:
- Pay FALLA = 1 ½ reales
ØFathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Apolonio Burgos, and
Jacinto Zamora collectively referred to as GOMBURZA.
ØThree martyred priests
were killed by garrote by the Spaniards in Bagumbayan
February 17, 1872, in connection
with the Cavite Mutiny.
ØGomBurZa were accused and found guilty of allegedly
orchestrating the mutiny. Then, sentenced with treason
and sedition by Spanish authorities.
ØJose Rizal’s second novel, El Filibusterismo (1891), was
dedicated to the three martyr priests.
q 1872 Cavite Mutiny:
Spanish Perspective
q A Response to Injustice:
The Filipino Version of the Incident
§ A prolific Spanish historian,
who wrote the Spanish
perspective of the mutiny.

§ A government official residing

in Manila when the mutiny
Jose Montero y Vidal
§ The idea of be overthrow the Spanish through a revolt that comes from the
propaganda, pamphlets, and idea of liberal thinkers in Europe.
§ There was a conspiracy between the Filipino priests and the rebels and enemies of the
Spanish to plan the revolt or the mass revolution against the Spaniards.
§ This priest attracted the rebels and enemies of the Spaniards, promise them money,
power, and even better life if the Spaniards will be expelled in the Philippines.
§ It turns out that the Cavite Mutiny started by exploding or firing rockets in Intramuros.
The two’s reports indicate that on January 20,1872, the Sampaloc district in the
commemorated the feast of the virgin of Loreto, but regretted, those who attended the
feast celebration with customary fire works shows. People in Cavite Mutiny allegedly
mistook the fireworks for the signal for assault, and accordance with the arrangement,
the 200 man contingent led by Sergeant Lamadrid launched an attacked targeting
Spanish officers at sight and seized the arsenal.
§ A Filipino scholar and
researcher, who wrote the
Filipino version of the bloody
§ De Tevera rejected and
disagreed his version because he
said that Vidal did not speak as a
historian, he speaks as Spaniard
Dr. Trinidad de Tavera perverting facts.
§ The incident occurred because of government
§ On January 20, 1872, there were 200 people(soldiers and
laborers) who rebelled.
§ The central government in Madrid said that they have the
intention to remove the power of the priest
§ The priest fears that the power they have will be removed
§ The people who are involved will be in jail for a lifetime
§ After killing the three martyr priests the Filipino’s desire for
freedom has intensified.
q Dissatisfaction
q Rigid and Strict Policies
q Central Government failures
q Friars were deprived with power to intervene
q Participation on the secularization movement
q Filipinos are active participant and respondents
q Execution of GomBurZa
Geoup 2
- Otani, Haruki
- Maniebog, Arjhay
- Medina, Patricia Claire
- Navarro, John Wesly
- Nebria, Carl Adrian

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