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Ethical consideration

The researcher observed fully the ethical standards in the manner of the study,

followed the study protocol assessment and standardized principles, particularly in

managing the population and data and observed the principles of voluntarily

participation, privacy and confidentiality, informed consent, process risks benefits, and

bio-safety among others.

Voluntarily Participation. All respondents have the prerogative to voluntarily

participate. They were approached by the researcher one by one and recruited to be

respondents of the study. They were given the free-will to join in the study without any

conditions and consequences. Thus, after the purpose and benefits of the study were

presented to the respondents, they were given the authority to participate and contribute

to the study; all of their responses were considered and adhered.

Privacy and Confidentiality. The respondent’s choice of privacy and

confidentiality was respected; any personal or professional information gathered in the

course of study were kept in private and treated with utmost confidentiality.

Informed Consent Process. The research instrument was free from technical

terms and can easily be understood. It provided a clear view to the respondents on their

benefits after the conduct of the study. No research instrument was given without the

permission from the authorized command channel.

Recruitment. All of the respondents were courteously approached and were

asked if they can participate in the study as a respondents by answering the

questionnaire. The concept of the study was explained to the respondents and once
they agree, they were given a questionnaire and the researcher guided them in


Risks. The study did not contain any risk to those who were involved; they did not

experience any physical, psychological or socio- economic harm.

Benefits. Barangay officials and functionaries in the selected barangays of Kidapawan

City will be given more information on their role in crime prevention and to help them

realize that combating crimes is a joint responsibility of the citizens and police.

Plagiarism. Acknowledgement of the works of other authors was observed in this

paper. American Psychological Association (APA) format was used to properly cite

the sources of information and ideas. The manuscript was also submitted to turn it in

software for plagiarism checking and to ensure proper attribution of references.

Fabrication. No tampering of data took place and no false data are incorporated in the

study. Only the results of the study are included to ensure accuracy and objectivity.

Falsification. Data gathered were not manipulated and documents attached to the

manuscript particularly in the appendices are genuine and are not just manufactured

and no forgery is committed in the making of study.

Conflict of Interest. No conflict of interest on the part of the researcher is hidden,

except that the main motive of the study is to augment the educational attainment of the

researcher to continue serving the people more effectively.

Deceit. No deception was employed in convincing the respondents to participate in the

study. All the purpose, motive, and intention in conducting the study were disclosed to

them honestly.

Permission from Organization/ Location. All the necessary letters were forwarded to

the proper authorities to secure permission to conduct the study, particularly from the

Mayor of Kidapawan City down to the selected barangays.

Authorship. No copyright law was violated by this research and the researcher vouch

that he was the sole author of this research study and willing to publish this research

work if so advised by his adviser, panelists or any individual in the graduate studies who

would recommend it.

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