Suhana Safar - Beaches of Karnataka Travel Episode - 1

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Suhana Safar Beaches of Karnataka Travel Episode - 1

The Brief Showcase the beaches of Karnataka- Create a desire for the destination(s) Treatment Blessed with natural beauty, the 320 km coastline of Karnataka, boasts of the most beautiful serene beaches. Untouched they are waiting with raring charm to be discovered and explored. This video epitomizes the beaches and showcases natures special love for Karnataka. In a format that is informative (for a first time traveler) and conversational, the film explores the beauty of the beaches across Karnataka through the experiences of a protagonist. Adventurous on feel, soothing to the heart and inspiring to the mind, the film moves in smooth and quick transitions from one beach to the other interspersed with complete information. The important aspect of this will be the way the camera captures the beauty of beaches with the visually pleasing shots. The Setting The film is dynamic with the protagonist moving from place to place and incidentally taking the viewer through a journey and history of the place. Key Characters ( Anchor) : Arpita / Siddharth A keen traveller, with a penchant to explore places of interest and beauty, has been venturing out singularly to the deepest spots and putting down his/ her experiences that will be a guide to people who would want to visit those places.

VIDEO We begin the episode with an introductory piece on Karnataka- its history and beauty and transitioning into the mainline story setting the tone and pace for the episodes An establishing shot we open the film with a fade in India map ( in sepia tone) and zooming in onto Karnataka , we delve into the history of Karnataka past and its journey into the modern world through the eyes of time capturing the past


Introductory track

MVO: Indias history isnt complete without acknowledging the glorious past of Karnataka. A land of legends with a history that dates to the Paleolithic age was fortunate to be ruled by visionary kings and dynasties ( From the Cholas to the Bahmanies) exposing itself to multi cultural and architectural influences. This not only showcased the keen interest of the rulers in sustaining the beauty but also enhancing it. Being Mother natures most loved child and by the virtue of long history Karnataka hosts numerous spots of interest for tourists. An unending array of ancient sculptured temples, scenic hill ranges unexplored forests and endless virgin beaches. As we move into this exciting journey we bring you most exhilarating and enchanting view of its natural beauty

and culminating into shots of the serene beauty of the beaches ( waves , froth and footsteps on the sand )..and a splash hitting the rocks And a super Beaches of Karnataka fades in. (we could look at picturising this either graphically or a montage of visuals featuring visuals of Kings ./ dynasties/ architecture and landmarks)

Anchor :

We now move to the anchor who is against a backdrop of a beach (alternately this could be shot with cityscapes as a backdrop) taking the audience through this journey. (Dressed casually, he or she must exhibit a sense of excitement, eagerness to discover and a personality that instantly connects with the audience)..

History has been witness to many great people who have fallen for Natures beauty. Poets, Photographers, scientists, film makers have been enamored by the intricate beauty that kindles and inspires them to the depths of their thinking and imagination. As we embark on this journey we will see how we as ordinary people will be affected. Sorry inspired ( smiling) .. But before that we need to find where to go hmmm I know wherecome along

As he/ she moves away from the camera we fade out We now open outside of the KSTDC office As our anchor moves into the office to meet the Tourism official. Set in the KSTDC office, this is across the table conversation as the anchor poses questions on places of interest; the official answers them in detail.

As the official moves to a map in the office and points the coastline and the places

Anchor: I have heard that Karnataka is one of the best destinations for tourism, what is it that is in Karnataka you can talk about and recommend. Official: Karnataka is Natures first love. You have every thing a tourist could wish for, Palaces, Forts, gardens, waterfalls, hill stations and temples but people do not know and have not explored the beaches along the 320 km coastline. Pure, pristine and exhilarating. Anchor: Where do we start ( in excitement) Official : Karwar in northern Karnataka and culminate with Ullal in Mangalore South Karnataka Anchor: Karwar . Here I come

The anchor now looks into the camera in excitement



Karwar Montage shots of Karwar, beginning with the entrance to the town, lanes by lanes, shops , people ,Lighthouse fish market , bus stand and activity Anchor: Hello and good morning I am here in Karwar, the beginning of the Karnatakas coastline, a beautiful town after an overnight comfortable bus journey from Bangalore. You can also take a train from Mangalore or Goa. Deriving its name from a nearby village Kadwad, it was an ancient site of sea trade visited by the Arabs, Dutch, Portuguese, French Rich flora and fauna, very picturesque, the town is sandwiched bet. the western ghats and the Arabian sea. It is the place where river Kali meets the sea Karwar makes a good starting point, for the voyage of discovering the thrills of the sea, sand and sun Let me ask Anchor: What is it that I should see here Local Resident: Naganatha temple Anchor : OK what about beaches which are the good beaches here in Karwar Local resident( Small boy ) : Three Anchor awestruck: THREE!!! Local resident: Yes, Tagore, Tilmati and Devbagh. (showing his fingers indicating the number) Anchor( looking into the camera) : Sounds Interesting( now turning back to the local resident) how far from here and how do I go there Local Resident: Karwar beach near, ( in broken English) Devbagh far go by boat and Tilmati far.. 10kms Anchor: Rs 300/- seems expensive but there seems very little choice unless you risk walking, to me this is the best way

Cut to the Anchor who is now amidst people and talks into the camera and she moves around interacting with the crowd

Cut to the Anchor in the rickshaw on her way to the Tilmati beach, looking into the camera and talking As the rickshaw moves into the horizon

to reach and also save up your energy ( smiling) Cut to some splendid shots of the beach ( waves, froth, horizon and people the camera pans across the beach capturing the beauty and breeze) we also have the shots of the anchor walking along the sand and speaks into the camera with the sea as a backdrop As she bends down and picks up a handful of sand and shows it into the camera

Anchor: I am here in the midst of Tilmati beach. This beach actually divides the two states of Karnataka and Goa. It is also the start point of the coastline of Karnataka. Not many of you know the uniqueness of this beach. Well this is the only beach in the world with black sand probably because of waves colliding with the near by rocks For those interested in water sports a resort nearby offers you some of the exhilarating stuff Interesting isnt it well, thats what this journey is all about surprises and beauty that inspire not just ussome others too!! We will tell you who that was as we move on to the next .

As she moves to a nearby rickshaw and moves into the horizon.

We now show the anchor in the rickshaw nearing a beach . As we near the beach we show people walking around, engrossed in activities around the beach with our anchor participating in some ..

Well, we are now at a beach that has surely inspired a great personality

We now show the anchor actually moving into the frame with bust of Tagore in the background

Yes, the beauty of this beach named after Rabindranath Tagore mesmerized him so much he quotes The sea beach of Karwar is a fit place in which to realize that the beauty of nature is not a mirage of imagination but reflects joy of the infinite

It inspires to pen his first play As the camera pans the beach stretch capturing the beauty in all its glory the waves, the froth etc. As we see the anchor walking along the beach indulging in eating some roadside food etc And why not . This crescent shaped beach with gentle waves, palm-laced beaches, silver sand, and calm, peaceful valleys can match any beach in the world. As we go to the end of this beach River Kali joins and forms sangam and viewing sun set on the bridge across River Kali is an unforgettable experience. We will now move onto the next unforgettable experience that of a sumptuous lunch off we go We now cut to Hotel Amruth (known to be the best restaurant in the town serving authentic cuisine both Veg. and Non-Veg.) As the anchor moves around the aisle and speaking into the camera.. ( Camera pans across the restaurant capturing people eating and some of the celebrity pictures who have visited the place to eat )

As she moves into the frame she looks at her watch indicating the time for lunch

Here I am in the most talked about restaurant in Karwar. Hotel Amruth run by the goldsmith community is famous all over for its characteristic coastal cuisine. And heres the proof ( showing the pictures of the celebrities) If you are a non-veg , there is the authentic fish curry with rice, the " bangda masala fry "is supposed to be good , the Tisrya sukka( clams) Prawn, calamari(squid) dishes are all tasty because the ingredients procured are said to be fresh There is also an interesting fare if you are veg. The traditional North Karnataka food Wellif you excuse me, I need to get going .. To eat I mean.. That was a very sumptuous meal that didnt cost me the earth. Well getting back to work, we now move to the most exciting part of our journey. Moving away from Karwar we will chase

We now see the anchor standing outside the restaurant and speaks to the camera

As the anchor moves to negotiate with the boats to ferry them to Devbagh.

Devbagh Island - is a short distance of 7 Kms from Karwar it is located near

Next shot is of the anchor in the boat and moving towards the she looks into camera and the horizon alternately

the confluence of River Kali and can be reached by boat.

As she stretches out and gets down from the boat she walks into he camera on the island . Camera pans around capturing the beauty in all its forms.. rocks, water, trees, etc.. Camera moves around and captures the details of the island as the anchor speaks

Devbagh Island the name which literally means the garden of Gods. is beautiful in a peaceful setting full of casuarinas. With its own exclusive beaches and limited accommodation in attractive log huts on stilts, this island is for idyllic seaside holidays. Besides the sun, sea and sand, the place also offers adventurous rides to the nearby islands and some interesting Dolphin spotting ridesin the sea. There are some more interesting places to move around and see- four islands, forts and temples etc.. One can dive deep into the seas and explore the exotic ocean life and a rare opportunity to experience first hand life of the marine communities

As we show shots of the people enjoying the water sports with the anchor also participating As she comes closer and into the frame in a life jacket and speaks.

As the evening sets in with a glorious shot of deep orange sky and silhouettes of people , rocks and trees as it transforms into nightfall with people gathered around a campfire and singing and dancing as the anchor who now is sitting amongst the people stretches out , looks into the camera and speaks

Soft music complimenting the visuals .. One cannot resist the soothing sensation offered by nature as Gods gift, available plenty in Devbagh. The beauty of the nature, sparkling azure waters and the ivory beach, exciting water sports are some of the wonderful offers from Devbagh. Totally secluded, literally marooned, castaway from the cares of the world, an experience one can't forget.

As she gets on to her feet

The excitement doesnt end here for I am going to take you on our next hot beach in

Karnataka..but thats after I have a good rest.. Stay with us ( background track )

Shot of sun rise ( indicative of the time lapse and the next day) . Quick shots of her getting onto the boat and to the vehicle And moving to then next destinations. Shots of beautiful country side .. Gokarna Montage shots of Gokarna, beginning with the entrance to the town, lanes by lanes, shops , people , bus stand and activity Cut to the Anchor who is now amidst people and talks into the camera and she moves around interacting with the crowd

The anchor : We are now moving to the temple town of Gokarna about 55 kms down south of Karwar. The town boasts not just of beautiful temples but of beautiful beaches lets find out Anchor: Hello and good morning I am here in Gokarna, the beautiful temple town after an overnight comfortable bus journey from Bangalore. You can also take a train from Mangalore or Karwar. Its the most scenic journey I have had in the recent past. Let me ask What is it that I should see here Local Resident: Mahabaleshwara temple Anchor : How many beaches are here in Gokarna Local resident: Four Anchor awestruck: FOUR!!! Local resident: Yes, Kudlee, OM, Half Moon and Paradise beach Anchor( looking into the camera) : Sounds Interesting( now turning back to the local resident) how far from here and how do I go there Local Resident: Kudlee and OM near, ( in broken English) Half Moon and Paradise far You can walk or go by rickshaw Anchor: Rs 100/- seems expensive but there seems to be very little choice unless you risk walking, to me this is the best way to reach and also save up your energy ( smiling) Anchor: I am here in the midst of natures most beautiful surroundings, the hills, the greenery and the bluish green waters of KUDLE beach a true confluence water so clean and cool you have to be here to experience it.

Cut to the Anchor in the rickshaw on her way to the OM beach .. looking into the camera and talking As the rickshaw moves into the horizon

Cut to some splendid shots of the beach ( waves, froth, horizon and people the camera pans across the beach capturing the beauty and breeze) we also have the shots of he anchor walking along the sand and the water caressing her / his feet and speaks into the camera with the sea as a


Not many people to disturb your thoughts except the shacks who beckon you for some quenching.. That reminds me . I need a drink The shacks here compliment the beach with some great options on drinks and food at some reasonable costs well it depends what you define reasonable as Ahhh this is life my place my pace

We now show the anchor with a glass of chilled beer/ juice etc at the shack as she describes what is available in the shacks Looks into the camera sheepishly as she sips the cool contents from her glass and settles down on the chair

Cut to the anchor sleeping on the couch being woken up by a gentle breeze / noise

OMG I have actually been sleeping hmmm if only life was as simple I have a job to do Onto the next beach OM here I come.. We are now heading south of KUDLE beach to see even more amazing OM beach. A 20 minute walk or Rs 100 /bargain your choice.. As for me.. you can see For the seekers of nirvana the OM beach , so named, because the shape is like that of the religious symbol "OM". My experiences from KUDLE beach just got extended if there is a place that transports you to another world here it is ( background track ) The OM beach seems to be more popular than the KUDLE beach as you can see more number of people and more shacks..

As she packs her/his back and walks to the rickshaw and gets into an animated conversation bargaining the fare We now cut to the rickshaw as the anchor speaks out to the camera As she stretches out .. The camera takes a tour of the OM beach probably from top of the hill or a long shot exposing the beach and the beach itself in all its splendor with our anchor talking into the camera against the backdrop of the hills as she points to the beach Shots of people including the anchor sitting and enjoying the silence and sound of waves walking around the sand and in the waters picking up a shell As the anchor culminates describing the beach looks at her watch indicating time for food As she moves to the shack and interacts to chose the food

The food here seems to be good if you like the cuisine for first timers it may take some more time to get used to the palate.. and the cost seems to be pretty reasonable too..hmmmmmm

The anchor now moves into the frame as she walks looks at the camera and speaks

Anchor moves away form the camera into the horizon..

Well, it is sad but I need to say good bye after that wonderful , tasty food with a promise that I will be back to continue this amazing journey bringing you some more exciting, inspiring beaches of Gokarna and the towns history and I am sure that after that this place will be a must visit on her holidays Until then good bye and good luck

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