Wipmykid (1) - Khaled

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Terra Santa College

Comprehension Passage - Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Name: ______________________________________________ Grade 4CP


Read this extract from ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ by Jeff Kinney.

Tuesday, September 18th

First of all, let me get something straight: this is a JOURNAL, not a diary. I
know what it says on the cover, but when Mom went out to buy this thing I
SPECIFICALLY told her to get one that didn’t say ‘diary’ on it. The other thing
I want to clear up right away is that this was Mom’s idea, not mine. But if she
thinks I’m going to write down my ‘feelings’ in here or whatever, she’s very
wrong. So just don’t expect me to be ‘Dear Diary’ this and ‘Dear Diary’ that.

Saturday,Speptember 22nd

Well, the first week of school is finally over, so today I slept in. Most kids
wake up early on Saturday to watch cartoons or whatever, but not me. The only
reason I get out of bed at all at weekends is because eventually I can’t stand
the taste of my own breath any more. Unfortunately, Dad wakes up at 6:00 in
the morning no matter WHAT day of the week it is, and he is not real
considerate of the fact that I am trying to enjoy my Saturday like a normal
person. I didn’t have anything to do today so I just headed up to Rowley’s
house. Rowley is technically my best friend, but that is definitely subject to
change. I’ve been avoiding Rowley since the first day of school, when he did
something that really annoyed me. We were getting our stuff from our lockers
at the end of the day, and Rowley came up to me and said, ‘Want to come over
to my house and play?’ I have told Rowley at least a billion times that now that
we’re in middle school, you’re supposed to say ‘hang out’, not ‘play’. But no
matter how many times I tell him, he always forgets the next time. I’ve been
trying to be a lot more careful about my image ever since I got to middle
school. But having Rowley around is definitely not helping. I met Rowley a few
years ago when he moved into my neighborhood. His mom bought him this book
called ‘How to Make Friends in New Places’ and he came to my house trying all
these dumb gimmicks. I guess I kind of felt sorry for Rowley, and I decided to
take him under my wing. It’s been great having him around, mostly because I
get to use all the tricks my older brother Roderick pulls on ME.

Wednesday, September 26th,

You know how I said I play all sorts of pranks on Rowley? Well, I have a little
brother named Manny, and I could NEVER get away with pulling any of that
stuff on him. Mom and Dad protect Manny like he’s a prince or something. And
he never gets in trouble, even if he really deserves it. Yesterday, Manny drew a
self-portrait on my bedroom door in permanent marker. I thought Mom and Dad
were really going to let him have it, but as usual, I was wrong.

Q 1. Read these statements about the writer of the passage.

Tick ( ) two boxes that we know are TRUE from the passage.

The writer has just returned to school.

The writer likes to get up early at weekends.

The writer likes his best friend very much.

The writer is worried about how he appears to others.

The writer’s little brother acts like a prince.

Q2. What did Rowley do at the lockers to make the writer want to avoid
him? (full answer)

Rowley offered the writer to play not hangout with him.

Q3. Why does the writer say that it’s unfortunate that his dad wakes up at
6:00 in the morning no matter what day of the week it is? (short answer)
Because he wants to enjoy his weekend

Q4. Was the writer happy that his mother bought him a diary?

Tick ( ) one box.



Give evidence from the passage to support your answer.

‘I SPECIFICALLY told her to get one that doesn’t say diary’

Q5. Rowley’s mother bought him a book called ‘How to Make Friends in New

What does this tell you about Rowley’s character? (short answer)

Not socially ingaged.

Q6. Would you like the writer to be your friend? Tick ( ) one box.



Explain your answer . ( short answer)

He is nice

Q 7. Why can’t he play tricks on his little brother? ( full answer)

The writer’s mom and dad protect his little brother alot

Q8. Explain in your own words how the writer’s parents treat him differently
from his younger brother? ( full answer)

They treat his little brother like a prince and blame the writer for everything.

Select evidence from the passage to support your answer

‘but as usual, I am wrong’

Q9. What does the writer think the main difference between a journal and a
diary is? (full answer)

You write your feelings in a diary.

Q10. Mention 3 more features of diary writing you remember from your
English sessions taken during the semester and give a short example:

a) Informal b) written in first person c) uses exclamations

Q11. The sentence below is how the writer describes Rowley.

“I guess I kind of felt sorry for Rowley, and I decided to take him under
my wing.”

This is the example of :

a) simile b) personification c)metaphor d)

c idiom

Q12. The passage is a short extract from the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid. From
the evidence in this extract which genre do you think the story is?

a) fantasy b) ghost story c) realistic fiction d) science fiction

Writing assignment:
Now it’s your time to have some fun writing your own diary entry.
It can be called ‘CORONA DIARY’ or anything else you like. You are asked
to write about 2 days of your own experience during corona time.
( How was your daily routine at that time? Who was there with you? How
did you feel? Any special moments and memories made? ) Feel free to
write about you inner thoughts, feelings, fears, hopes, opinion… After all,
it’s your diary!

Day one
I swam for 5 hours with my family and the sun burned me. It was very
sunny but it was really nice and fun to swim after a long time. I was very happy
and I hoped that corona will be over.

day two
Today we decided to do pizza for lunch, we prepard the dough and the
ingredients, they all were fresh because we used to go to the grocery
everyday and shop fresh vegetables.
The mushroom was yummy I almost finished it before we put it on the
pizza. The pizza was delicious and we all enjoyed it.

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