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Before the Conference

1. Complete a “Country Profile”, researching your assigned country.
2. Research your topic
2.1. Researching Topic Background
After researching your country, you should begin looking into the topic that you’re going to
be discussing. It’s important to have a good base of understanding about your topic before
you dive in and try to decipher how your country feels about that topic.
2.2. Researching Past International Action and Country Policy
To understand how to represent your country at the UN, you need to know two things
• what the international community has already done about the topic.
• what your country wants to do about it.
To find Past International Action, you can read
• past UN reports and resolutions on the issue (The UN Official Documentation
• websites of your country’s government, foreign ministry, or UN mission, you can find
statements and actions related to the topic you’re discussing.
2.3. Researching Solutions
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) can be great resources to find solutions to the
topic you’re researching. Also, Think Tanks (Viện Chính sách) and University Researchers
may have published ideas on how the issue can be fixed.
3. How to write a Position Paper (bản báo cáo về chủ đề đã nghiên cứu nộp lên hội đồng)
Position Papers are normally 1-2 pages per topic, and should have 3-4 paragraphs. They
should be written from the perspective of the government of your country.
• Template
• Sample
4. How to write a resolution
Resolutions have two main functions: to determine what the United Nations will do about
the issue, and to recommend or request that individual Member States undertake actions to
help solve the issue. There is a very specific format to resolutions, and three main sections:
the header, the preamble, and the the operative section.
• Guide
• Sample
5. Write your Opening Speech!
5.1. Hook
The beginning of a speech should grab your audience’s attention – otherwise they will zone
out, especially in a virtual environment. An attention-grabbing introduction is often called a
“hook.” There are many different types of hooks, but here are a few common ones that work
well in MUN.
• Quotes
You can state some famous quotes related to the topic briefly to buld the atmosphere of the
conference itself.
E.g. Fiffty years ago, US president John F.Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do
for you. But what you can do for your country.” Today, ask not what the world cn do for
you, but what you can do for the world.
• Numbers
E.g. Over 1 billion people around the world live on less than US$1 a day. Over 1 billion
people live in extreme poverty.”
• Questions
Another thing that’s quite powerful to attract the audiences is by asking a question.
E.g. “Do you think it is possible for us to live in a world without poverty? Because the
people in our country think it’s still possible. We believe we can achieve the end of poverty.
• Stories
In 2012, in rural Pakistan, a girl was walking to school when a gunshot rang out - and she
was shot in the head. But that girl survived, and today, she fights for girls’ right to education
around the world. That girl’s name is Malala.
5.2. Point
The point is the purpose of your speech. It is your main message. It is your answer to the
prompt. It is the reason why you’re speaking. Once you have your audience’s attention, you
should deliver your point. State it succinctly in one sentence. MUN speeches are often short,
so stick to one point. Make it significant but simple to understand. It is better to say one
thing well than many things poorly. In opening speeches in MUN, the “point” is to state
your country policy on the topic. Then offer 2-3 reasons explaining why your country had
adopted this policy.
5.3. Action
Good speeches end with a “call to action,” which is when you tell your audience to go and
do something. If your point was convincing, then your audience should be ready to do
something they would not have otherwise done before. In opening speeches, a good call to
action would be proposing one of your possible solutions. You want to call the committee,
the United Nations, and the international community to action by adopting one of your
possible solutions to the topic.

In the Conference
Session Detail Time
1. Giới thiệu về Mở đầu phiên 1: ROLL CALL. 20-30 mins
các quốc gia Chủ tọa (Chair) sẽ gọi quốc gia
theo bảng chữ cái và các đại biểu
(Delegates) sẽ nói “Present”.
Chủ tọa sẽ chiếu Danh sách diễn
giả (General Speaker’s List)
Những đại biểu được chọn sẽ phát
biểu bài Opening Speech.
2. Tranh luận 2 Đại diện của mỗi quốc gia sẽ 50-60 mins
trình bày Position Paper và
Resolution. (20-30 mins)
Các đại biểu khác phản biện sau
khi đại diện hoàn thành bài nói. (30
3. Bỏ phiếu Sau khi kết thúc phần Tranh luận, 5-10 mins
những người tham gia trong
phiên họp* sẽ bỏ phiếu (hình thức
giơ tay) cho QG mà họ cho là có
giải pháp hợp lý.
Các Admin sẽ đếm số phiếu bầu và
báo lại Chủ tọa. Chủ tọa thông báo
kết quả.
*bao gồm Chủ tọa, các Admin,
Đại diện của mỗi QG.
4. Kết thúc Các Admin sẽ đưa ra những 10-15 mins
feedback về buổi tranh luận (khả
năng sử dụng kiến thức, kỹ năng nói
và sử dụng Tiếng Anh, những
phương án sử dụng khác trong quá
trình phản biện…) và đưa ra BTVN
IELTS Writing. Kết thúc chương

❖ Diplomacy in MUN
Always use the word “the delegate of your country, we, and our” instead of using the word
“I or my”.
It’s simply because you’re not only representing yourself but also your assigned country as
well. By doing that, you’ll show to others that you have that diplomatic attitude, so please
bear in mind with the word “we”.
E.g. “Dear Honorable Chairs and distinguished Delegates, the Delegates of Sweden want to
encourage the other delegates to solve the problem of global warming by reducing and
recycling the plastic usage and stopping the emission of greenhouse gases. Because we
believe that it is the one of the most significant solutions to overcome this issue”.

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