Eu Anomaly

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Europium Anomaly in Plagioclase Feldspar: Experimental Results and Semiquantitative

Author(s): Daniel F. Weill and Michael J. Drake
Source: Science , Jun. 8, 1973, New Series, Vol. 180, No. 4090 (Jun. 8, 1973), pp. 1059-
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science

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11568452658 192O.06..56>0-81233.10.0172S3125.37.21954-

uropium Allomaly in Plapeclase Feldspar: Experamental chosen to express the equilibrium are
always dominant, but only assumes that
Result# and Semiquantitative Model the ratios of their activities are ap-
proximated by the concentration ratios
Abstract. The partition of europiuzn between plagioclase feldspar and mag- of the two ions in each phase. The
matic liquid is considered in terms of the distribution coegoients for divalent formulation we have used emphasizes
snd trivalent eu-ropium. A model equvtzon is deroved gving the europium anomAly the fact thatS if most of the Bu2+ and
in plagioclase as a function of tetnperature and oxygen fugacity. The model Eu3+ ions in plagioclase occupy large
explains europium anomalies in plagioclase synthesxzed under controlled tJoratory cation lattice sites, the exchange equilib-
conditions vs well as the variations of the anomaly observed in naltural ter rium must also involve A13+ and Si4+
restrial and extraterrestriZl igneous rocks. subsltitution. To the extent that this ap-
proximation is valid we might expect

The rare earth elements (REE) potentiaL Much of thls confusion is Q to be relatierely constant (at a fixed

behave during most natural processes unnecessary and can be reconciled by temperature) in systems with a limited

as a coherent geochemical group, a an explicit consideration of the relevant range of SiZAl variations in the liquid.

consequence of their closely related chemical,equilibria and a few controlled It has not usuaIly been recognized that

electronic structures. Exceptional be- experiments. Eu partition between plagioclase and

havior is observed only-for those REE The partition of divaIent and trivalent liquid may depend on the ratio of

which can be stabilized in an oxidation Eu between plagioclase (s) and liquid silica and alumina activities in the

state other than the predominant tri- (1) may be considered in terms of liquid, and such a dependence may

vaIent one. It has long been recognized the reaction prove to be an interesting point for

(1) that amon, the REE only Eu can future study (8). For the present discus
Euof 1 ) + SiO2( 13 -t EuAl3SiO8(s) = sion we limit ourselves gto systems where
be stabilized in gthe divaIent state with-
EuAl2Si208(s) + EuOl.6(l) + A101.ffi(1) this effect is likely to be smaIl
out resorting to extreme reducin, con-
ditions and that this wouId lead to a Routine analytical methods do not

separation of EDu irom the other REE The equiIibrium constant ior reaction distinguish the vaIence states of Eur
durin, natural processes. More recent 1 Kj, defined in the usual wayS- can so it is convenient at this point to de

investigations (2-7) have confirmed be rearranged, yielding Kl(SiO2/AlOl 5) fine the measurabIe or "effective' Eu

that the abundance of Eu in terrestrial Q -D2/D3 where D2 and D3 are distribution coefficient Df = (SEu)#/

and extraterrestrial rocks and minerals the distribution coeicients for divalent (LEu)l, where LEu is the total con-

can depart significantly from the and trivalent Eu. centration -of Eu. We can obtain D3 by

smooth trend established by its neigh- iIlterpolation from a smooth curve in

bors in the periodic table (when all (Eu2+)
a plot of the distribution coefflcients
o = (Eu3+)
abundances are normalized to the
92= (Eu2+)1
for all the REE against ionic radius.
Thus, Df/D3 is directly determinable
S * * * *

abundances in chondrites). There is 1 ne approxlmatlon slgn 1S necessaw

general agreement that the problem of because we have replaced activity from a series of partition experiments
ratlos wlth concentration ratios. Equa- or analyses of natural materialse It is
, . .

explaining the anomalous behavior of

Eu is reduced to one of explaining the tion 1 is only one out of many possible a measure of the Eu anomaly in plagio
differences in geochemical behavior be- valid chemical reactions that can be clase C9), and may also be used to

tw,een Eu2+ and Eu3+ but beyond written to express the exchange equilib- calculate- the Eu anomaly in the resid-
this point published explanations differr rium of divalent and trivalent Eu in ual liquid if ithe relative amounts of
Thus, Chase et xal. (2 ), attributed nega- the plagioclase-liquid system. The deri- plagioclase and liquid are known
tive Eu anomalies in granites to the vation of a semiquan!titative model
Dr = Q {EU2+\ + (EUS+\
stabilization of Eu2+ by sulfate ion in equation for the Eu anomaly in plagio-
Da \ 2Eu J \ 2Eu J g
the magma. Towell et al. (3) associ clase which follows is not critically
ated the Eu anomaly with the enrich- dependent on whether the species Equation 2 is useful for sorting out
ment of Eu2+ in feldspars and tenta- the lrariables that are likely to control
tively suggested that magmatic systems the size of the Eu anomaly in plagio
could be suffici,ently reducing to stabi- Table 1. Experimentally obserlred (11 ) and clase. The ratio Q is independent o£
calculated Eu arlamalies irl plagioclase feld oxidation potential and reRects the dew
lize an appreciable fraction of Eu in
spar-liquid systems. Each measured value of
the divalent state. Philpotts and Schnet- gree of crystal chemical control (S)e
D/D3 is the average for several experiments
zler (5) emphasized the stabilization over a range of total Eu concentrations, D3 The crystal chemistry of feldspar tells
= O.QS (12). us khat it is reasonable to expect Eu2+
and concentration of Eu2+ in feldspar
(crystal chemical control) but did not to be preferentially incorporated in the
T L)¢/Da
believe that the magnitude of the Eu °K) log fo large cation sites. Its ionic radius in
( 2 Meved CSciated
anomaly is strongly coupled to differ- eightfold coordination is identical to
ences in Eu2+/Eu3+ in the magmatic 1568 -0.618 1.O 1.2 that c)f Sr2+ (10) which is known to
liquid (redox control). ToweIl et d. have a distribution coeflicient (plagio-
(6) h,eld that I>oth factors should be clase/liquid) greater than unity under
1568 -12.5 l9.3 21.5 magmatic conditions. The incorpora-
considered together. Subsequently, Phil-
potts ( 7) argued that crystal chemistry tion of EU3+ iS energetically less Avor-
could not be all-important and that the able because of local charge balance
Eu anomaly must (at least in part) be probIems This contrast is £orcibly

related to the magmatic oxidation demonstrated by dired analogy wiffi

8 JUSE 1973

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us D2 = exp(9489/T B). AlsoS Ds a -/ w
Fig. 1. The Eu anomaly, D/D3, as a func- creases with decreasing temperature of
tion cyf teinperature and oxygen fugacity. crystallization.
(Solid curves) Constant D/D3 contours
Irl spite of the necessary approxima-
calculated from Eq. 4. (Curve L) Wustite-
iron-oxygen equilibrium curve, representa- tions involved in its construction the
tive of lunar oxygen fugacity during mag- model presented here provides a rea-
matic crystallization. (Curve T) Olivine- sonable explanation for the Eu anomaly
pyroxene-magnetite-oxygen equilibrium in plagioclase, as observed in natural
curve with arariable solid solution composi-
and experimentally controlled systems.
tions, representatiare of terrestrial oxygen
w-'o AL The "anomalous" behavior of Eu is a
£ugacity during magmatic crystallization in
a closed, water-poor system. predictable function of temperature and
oxygen fugacity, and the variations of
the Eu anomaly observed in natural
15 _ \
the other trivalent REE for which all 2O
plagioclase crystals are compatible with
distribution coefficients measured to the conditions of temperature and oxy-
date are appreciably less than unity. gen fugacity generally operative during
- 20 1 1 1 magmatic crystallization. We hope that
Crystal chemical control of the Eu
looo lloo i200 1300 1400
anomaly simply means that we expect T (°C)
the model will contribute quantitatively
Q to be significantly greater than unitye to the interpretation of the geochemical
Oxidation potential control of the Eu behavior of the REE which have
anomaly (6^ 7) is reflected in the liquid 8(11) yielded DSr-exp(9489/T already proven so useful in unraveling
phase composition terms of Eq. 2 which 5.52).] These values have been used to the geochemical evolution of terrestrial
are related to the equilibrium calculate the predicted Eu anomalies and extraterrestrial material.
also listed in Table 1. DANIEL F. WEILL
EuO(l) + l/40n(g) = EuO1 6(1) (3) MICHAEL J. DRAKE*
The general dependenee of the Eu
The equilibrium constant for this re axlomaly on temperature and oxygen Center for Volcanology, University of
action, K3, may be incorporated into fugacity can best be visualized with the Oregon, Eugene 97403
Eq. 2 to give aid of the Eu anomaly contours drawxs
References and Notes
in Fig. 1. The magnitude of the
1. V. Goldschmidt, Geochemistry (Oxford Univ.
Df/D3= (gf°2l,4+ 1, (4) anomaly is strongly dependent on the Press7 London, 1954).
2. Js Chase, J. Winchester, C. Coryelll J.
oxidation potential existing in the
Geophys. Res. 68, 567 (1963).
If Q and K3 can be -determined as magma system at the time of crystal 3. D. Towell, J. Winchester, R. Spirn, ibid. 70,
functions of temperature, Eq. 4 serves lization. Furthermore, the oxygen fugae-- 3485 (1965).
4. R. Schmitt, R Smith, D. Olehy, Geochim.
as a model for predicting the magn;- ities considered typical for many ter Cosmochim. Acra 28, 67 (1964).
tude of the Eu anomaly. Distribution 5. J. Philpotts and C. Schnetzler, Chem. Geot.
restrial as well as lunar magmas are 4, 464 (1969).
coefficient D2 has never been measured su-ciently reducing to cause large 6. D. Towell, R Spirn, J. Winchester, ibxd.,
p. 461.
directly but has sometimes been as anomalies. The line L represents ap 7. J. Philpotts, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 9 257
sumed to be identical to the distribu proximately the oxygen fugacity preva (1970).
8. L. Haskin and co-workers (private commu-
tion coefficient of Sr, DSr, because of lent during the crystallization of the nication) are currently conducting experiments
the similar ionic radii of Eu2 + and lunar igneous rocks returned to date. investigating the effect of compositional varia-
tions on Eu2+/Eu3+ tin magmatic liquid.
Sr2+ (l, 7). In developing our model The large Eu anomalies obsemed in 9. The Eu anomaly in plagioclase is sometimes
it will not be necessary to assume that lunar plagioclases are predicted by the also defined by the concentration ratio
ZEu/Eut in plagioclase, where Eu* is inter-
D2 = DSr but only that these two dis- model. The line T gieres a general indi polated from a norm.alized REE concentra
tribution coefficients have a similar tion plot. The magnitude of the Eu anomaly
cation of the beharrior of exygen fugac- defined in this manner is dependent on the
temperature dependence Values of DSr ity during terrestrial magmatic crystal- previous history of the .system. For example,
a magmatic liquid already heir to an
have been experimentally determined lization in closed, water-poor systems. anomalous REE concentr.ation pattern would
(11) between 1150° and 1400°C, givmg The model predicts relatively small Eu crystaIlize phases displaying Eu concentra-
tion anomalies even under conditions such
anomalies at high crystallization tem- that Df = D3. .Since we are primarily inter
has been experimentally determined peratures and larger anomalies (D/DX ested in explaining and relating the Eu
anomaly to measurable thennodynamic pa-
(12). -1S to 20) at temperatures representa- rameters we restrict our discussion to the
From the Van't Hoff equation tive of more acidic magmase Dudas
distribution coecient anomaly, D/D3. ..
10. R. Shrannon and C. Prewitt, Actuz Crystallogre
alnK3/0T-/xH°/RT2 and the ther- et al. (14) have recently tneasured REE Sect. B 25, 925 (1969).
modynamic approximations of Mc- 11* iM. {Drakes thesis, IJniversity of Oregon
concentrations in plagioclases and their (1972).
Carthy and White (13), the temperature host matrix in a series o£ arolcanic tocks . t2. A valw for D3 has been obtained by inter-
polation between DSm and D.d in a separate
dependence of K8 is approximated by Their data can be directly converted to series of exper}ments described in (11). Ihe
K8 = exp(26,000/T-A). The experi- Df/D8 values and indicate a range of average value obtained in 12 experiments in
thc temperature range 1150° to 1343°C is
mental results 1(11) summarized in 5*4 to 19.7> in good agreemerlt with 0.06. Ths temperature dependence of Da is
Table 1 have beez used in conjunction the prediction of the tnodel A strong negligible for the present discussion.
13. Ck. McCarthy and W. White, J. LesstommoX
with Eq. 4 to solve for the constants positive correlation betweetl the magni MetaZs 22 409 (1970).
A and B. A nonlinear least squares fit :14. M. Dudas, R. Schmitt, M. Harsvard, Exth
tude of the Eu anomaly and the albite Planet. Sci. Lett. 11, 440 (1971).
of the data in Table 1 to Eq. 4 yields concentration of plagieclase has been 15. C. Schnetzler and J. Philpotts Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 34 331 (1970).
the solution A = 11.6 and B = 5.70. noted (14, IS). This correlation also :16. Supported by NASA grants NGL 38-003-020
[For comparison} the direct experi- follows directly from the model of and 38-003-022.
* Present address: Smithsonian Astrophysical
mental determination of the Sr distri- Fig. 1 if we allow that in genera1 the Observatory, CamWidge, Massachusetts 02138.
bution between plagioclase and liquid albite concentration of plagioclase in 19 January 1973

xow SCIENSCE,, YOL. 180

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