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BBA - General Subjects 1862 (2018) 1401–1409

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Differential effects on enzyme stability and kinetic parameters of mutants T

related to human triosephosphate isomerase deficiency
Nallely Cabreraa, Alfredo Torres-Lariosa, Itzhel García-Torresb, Sergio Enríquez-Floresb,

Ruy Perez-Montforta,
Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Estructural, Instituto de Fisiología Celular, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Av. Universidad 3000, Coyoacán, 04510,
Ciudad de México, Mexico
Laboratorio de Bioquímica-Genética, Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, Insurgentes Sur 3700-C, Col. Insurgentes Cuicuilco, Coyoacán, 04530, Ciudad de México, Mexico


Keywords: Human triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) deficiency is a very rare disease, but there are several mutations re-
Triosephosphate isomerase deficiency ported to be causing the illness. In this work, we produced nine recombinant human triosephosphate isomerases
Site directed mutagenesis which have the mutations reported to produce TIM deficiency. These enzymes were characterized biophysically
Recombinant enzyme and biochemically to determine their kinetic and stability parameters, and also to substitute TIM activity in
supporting the growth of an Escherichia coli strain lacking the tim gene. Our results allowed us to rate the
Crystal structure
deleteriousness of the human TIM mutants based on the type and severity of the alterations observed, to classify
four “unknown severity mutants” with altered residues in positions 62, 72, 122 and 154 and to explain in
structural terms the mutation V231M, the most affected mutant from the kinetic point of view and the only
homozygous mutation reported besides E104D.

1. Introduction resistance and its monomers interact with high affinity making it a very
stable dimer [4,5].
The fifth enzyme of the glycolytic pathway, triosephosphate iso- The sequence of TIM has high homology for many species. A few
merase (TIM, E.C., catalyzes the reversible conversion between key residues are completely conserved among all known sequences, and
dihydroxyactetone 3 phosphate (DHAP) and glyceraldehyde 3 phos- in some other positions have relatively little variation. In the sequence
phate (GAP). After this enzymatic reaction, GAP can be further meta- of HsTIM, very few mutations occur naturally that allow an individual
bolized by subsequent enzymes in the pathway, continuing the break- to survive. The extremely small number of persons who have their
down of glucose, which produces two ATPs per molecule of the HsTIM with an altered sequence suffer from HsTIM deficiency. This
carbohydrate [1,2]. condition represents the most severe glycolytic enzyme defect in hu-
Almost all organisms have this enzyme, which, in most cases, is a mans which is almost always lethal in early childhood. Although this
homodimer with two identical subunits with a molecular mass of disease, and the mutations in HsTIM that produce it, have been ex-
27 kDa composed of approximately 250 amino acids. Both monomers tensively reviewed [6–8], biochemical characterization using purified
have all catalytic residues but TIM is only active as a dimer. In some recombinant mutant enzymes has not been investigated. There have
archaea TIM has an active and stable homotetrameric quaternary been several attempts to predict in silico the effect of mutations in
structure, but, in all cases, monomers of this enzyme are inactive and HsTIM as they might reflect in the patients with TIM deficiency.
unstable, emphasizing that the enzyme acts as either a dimer or a tet- Schneider [6] and Oliver and Timson [9] proposed that mutant proteins
ramer [3]. associated with pathological phenotypes are less stable than those as-
Human triosephosphate isomerase (HsTIM) is formed by two sub- sociated with a less severe disease. Schneider [6], based on structural
units, which have 248 amino acids, that associate to form a 54 kDa information, also predicted that catalytic abnormalities might be asso-
homodimer. The enzyme with the wild type (WT) sequence of HsTIM ciated with the severity of the disease. Oliver and Timson [9] could not
has kinetic parameters that make it a nearly perfect enzyme, because include kinetic parameters of enzyme function into their bioinformatics
the reaction is a diffusion-limited process. It also has a high thermal investigations. So, both these analyses lack the direct study of the

Corresponding author at: Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Estructural, Instituto de Fisiología Celular, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Exterior S/N,
Delegación Coyoacán, 04510, Ciudad de México, Mexico.
E-mail address: (R. Perez-Montfort).
Received 8 February 2018; Received in revised form 14 March 2018; Accepted 19 March 2018
Available online 20 March 2018
0304-4165/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Cabrera et al. BBA - General Subjects 1862 (2018) 1401–1409

function of the mutant HsTIMs having the mutated amino acids de- Table 1
scribed in patients with HsTIM deficiency and the characterization of Enzymatic kinetic parameters for WT HsTIM and the mutant enzymes. The mean of three
independent experiments is shown. For simplicity, a common color code is followed in all
these enzymes in vitro. In this study, we offer such a comparison of
tables and figures to describe the behavior of the enzymes.
several mutants related to HsTIM deficiency. We rate these mutants in
terms of their deleterious effects according to kinetic, thermal and di- Enzyme Km (mM) kcat kcat/ Km kcat/ Km
(105 min-1) (106 M- 1 s-1) relative
merization stability assays, and also bacterial growth inhibition. In
addition, using X-ray crystallography, we analyze the molecular basis of WT 0.46 + 0.07 2.73 9.8 1
the deficiency produced by mutant HsTIMV231M, the only other C41Y 0.62 + 0.03 2.16 5.8 0.59
A62D nd nd nd nd
known homozygous mutant reported besides HsTIME104D.
G72A 3.0 + 0.36 4.11 2.3 0.2
E104D 0.57 + 0.08 3.31 9.6 0.97
2. Materials and methods G122R 0.57 + 0.08 3.57 10.4 1.06
V154M 0.49 + 0.04 2.7 9.0 0.91
2.1. Cloning and purification I170V 0.03 + 0.004 0.11 5.8 0.59
V231M 4.02 + 0.99 2.67 1.1 0.1
F240L 0.83 + 0.06 3.32 6.6 0.6
The DNA sequence X69723.1 (NCBI database) for HsTIM was used
to make the single mutants. All mutants were constructed on a modified
plasmid pET-3a [5] using the QuikChange protocol (Agilent Technol- corresponding mutant enzymes (Table 1). To calculate the kinetic
ogies, CA). The plasmids containing the different mutants were trans- parameters, GAP concentration was varied between 0.05 and 3 mM.
formed into the Escherichia coli BL21 Codon Plus (DE3)-RIL strain The data were adjusted to the Michaelis-Menten model and the values
(Agilent Technologies, CA). Cells were grown at 37 °C in Luria-Bertani of Km and Vmax were calculated using non-linear regression. Activity
medium containing ampicillin and chloramphenicol until an A600 of 0.8 was measured in a Cary 60 spectrophotometer (Agilent Technology,
was obtained. At that time, they were induced with 1 mM isopropyl-D-1- CA) with a multi-cell attachment. All assays were performed in tripli-
thiogalactopyranoside following the conditions described in Supple- cate.
mentary Table 1, which were obtained after testing two periods of time
for induction (3 and 18 h), and three different temperatures (18, 30 and
37 °C). 2.4. Thermal shift assay (differential scanning fluorimetry)
The cell pellet from 1 L of culture was suspended in 20 mL of buffer
A containing 50 mM sodium phosphate pH 8.0, 10 mM imidazole and We followed the protocol described by Niesen and collaborators
different concentrations of NaCl (Supplementary Table 1). Cells were [12]. Briefly, the assay system had 0.2 μg of each mutant protein, 8 μl of
lysed by sonication and centrifuged at 20,000 ×g for 20 min. The su- 100 mM TEA pH 7.4,10 mM EDTA and a 1:100 dilution of SYPRO Or-
pernatant was loaded on a 5 mL HisTrap (GE Healthcare) column. A ange dye (Invitrogen, CA), in a final volume of 10 μl. The dye was ex-
1 mL column was used, for the HsTIMA62D mutant. The proteins were cited at 490 nm and the emitted light intensity was recorded at 575 nm.
eluted with a linear gradient of buffer A containing 500 mM imidazole Data were collected at 1 °C intervals from 25 to 99 °C on a StepOnePlus
and dialyzed for 2 h against a buffer containing 50 mM Tris pH 8.0, real time PCR system using a 96-well reaction plate (Applied Biosys-
0.5 mM EDTA and 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT). The proteins were then tems 4346907, MA) and analyzed with the Protein Thermal Shift
cleaved using purified recombinant His tagged tobacco etch virus (TEV) Software v1.3 from Applied Biosystems to define the thermal melting
protease expressed using vector pRK508 [10]. The protease was added temperature (Tm). All assays were performed in triplicate.
in a proportion of 1:20 (w/w) and incubated at 30 °C for 18 h. Subse-
quently, the His-tagged TEV protease was removed using a HisTrap
column equilibrated with buffer A. The enzymes were precipitated with 2.5. Dimer stability
ammonium sulfate at 75% saturation and maintained at 4 °C until their
use. All enzymes we analyzed were incubated at the following con-
centrations: 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 μg of protein/mL for 2 h at
2.2. Growth curves of E. coli Δtim- BL21-gold (DE3) cells complemented 36 °C. At that time, the specific activities of the samples were de-
with WT HsTIM and different mutants termined. The amount of enzyme used to measure the specific activity
was different for each mutant (Supplementary Table 1). All assays were
We used a genetically manipulated strain BL21-Gold (DE3) without performed in triplicate. The percentage of residual catalytic activity
the tim gene (E. coli Δtim-BL21-Gold (DE3)) [Saab et al., unpublished was plotted against the logarithm of protein concentration and the data
data]. Cells were grown at 37 °C in M9 minimal medium supplemented were adjusted to a non-linear-fit-three-parameter equation, included in
with glucose (0.2%), casamino acids (0.006%) and ampicillin (100 μg/ the GraphPad Prism 7.0 software.
mL). The assay was performed in triplicate in 96-well, clear, flat-
bottom, plates (Corning Costar 3697), in a total volume of 80 μl in-
oculated either with a single colony of WT bacteria, mutants or cells 2.6. Crystallization and data collection of HsTIMV231M
containing the plasmid without the gene, using a Synergy MX equip-
ment (BioTek, VT). The growth was followed for 16 h and the results HsTIMV231M was crystallized via vapor diffusion using the sitting
were monitored with the software of the equipment (Gen 1.11). drop method. One microliter of a solution at 35 mg/ of protein mL was
mixed with 1 μL of reservoir solution. Crystals were obtained after three
2.3. Activity assay weeks of incubation at 20 °C in condition A6 of the Crystal Screen HT
kit from Hampton Research (200 mM MgCl2, 100 mM Tris pH 8.5, 30%
Enzyme activity was measured at 25 °C following the conversion of polyethylene glycol 4000). The crystals were cryoprotected in a solu-
glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate (GAP) to dihydroxyacetone phosphate tion prepared with the mother liquor supplemented with 20% glycerol;
using α-glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase (α-GDH) as a coupling en- they were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen. Diffraction data were
zyme, as described by [11]. NADH oxidation was monitored at 340 nm. collected at 100 K using a wavelength of 0.9785 Å at the Life Sciences
The assay system (1 mL) had 100 mM triethanolamine (TEA) pH 7.4, Collaborative Access Team (LS-CAT) 21-ID-G beamline at the Advanced
10 mM EDTA,1 mM GAP, 0.2 mM NADH and 20 μg/mL of α-GDH. The Photon Source (Argonne National Laboratory, IL). The data were pro-
reaction was initiated by the addition of different quantities of the cessed with iMOSFLM [13] and reduced with Aimless [14].

N. Cabrera et al. BBA - General Subjects 1862 (2018) 1401–1409

2.7. Structure determination and refinement

The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method

with the program PHASER [15] using the coordinates of WT HsTIM, at
a resolution of 1.7 Å (Protein Data Bank code 2JK2), as the search
model. The existence of the V231 M mutation was initially confirmed
by difference Fourier maps calculated using the structure of the wild
type enzyme. Refinement was alternated with manual building/re-
finement in COOT [16], PHENIX [17] and the PDB_REDO server [18].
At the start, non-crystallographic symmetry restraints were used for the
refinement, using one group that included the four monomers of the
asymmetric unit. The restraints were released during the last cycles of
refinement, before the addition of water molecules. The electron den-
sity of monomer A is very well defined. For monomers B and C, residues
170–177 (in loop 6 or the flexible loop) are less clear in the electron
density map. These regions are normally poorly defined in all apo-TIMs.
In addition, one of the monomers (D) is somewhat more disordered
than the other three (residues 130–240). The regions that comprise the
active sites were well defined for all monomers. Five percent of the data
were used to validate the refinement. Data collection and refinement
statistics are given in Supplementary Table 2. Figures were generated
with PyMOL (the Pymol Molecular Graphics System, Version 1.7.4,
Schrödinger, LCC).

3. Results

3.1. Cloning and purification

All the mutant enzymes and WT HsTIM were cloned and expressed
in Escherichia coli strain BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL. To optimize pro-
tein expression, the time and temperature of induction was fine tuned
for each mutant, as well as the amount of NaCl used in the lysis buffer
(Supplementary Table 1). The enzymes were expressed with a His-tag at
the N-terminal position, which was cleaved with TEV protease, as part
of the purification process. In general, the yield of protein was between
20 and 200 mg/L of culture. The purity and homogeneity of all the
proteins (which was more than 95%) was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and
size exclusion chromatography coupled to a multi-angle light scattering
instrument, which showed a dimeric behavior for all the enzymes at a
concentration of 2 mg/mL (data not shown).
HsTIMA62D had a very low yield after purification (5 mg/L of
culture) and had a very strong tendency to precipitate. This behavior
was due to an inherent low stability of the enzyme (Fig. 1, and growth Fig. 2. The enzymatic kinetic constants are affected differently for each mutant. A. Km is
curves described below). Thus, most of the described assays could not increased for mutants G72A (6.5 fold) and V231 M (8.7 fold). It decreases 15-fold for
mutant I170V. B. kcat is affected for mutant I170V (25 fold). C. The catalytic efficiency
be performed with this mutant, and will be shown as not determined
(kcat/Km) is only strongly affected for mutants G72A (4.2 fold) and V231 M (9 fold). The
(nd). assays were performed in triplicate.

3.2. Growth of E. coli Δtim-BL21 gold (DE3) cells complemented with the
different enzymes

In order to test for major survival impairments due to the mutations

of HsTIM, we monitored the growth of bacterial cells lacking their
endogenous tim gene and transformed them with the plasmids over-
expressing WT HsTIM or the mutant enzymes (Fig. 1). Notably, there is
a clear difference in the growth rate of mutant A62D, when compared
to all the other mutants and the WT enzyme. No growth at all is seen for
HsTIMA62D, when the assay is performed at 42 °C (Supplementary
Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Mutant A62D impairs the growth of a Δtim bacterial strain. Growth curves of
Escherichia coli strain Δtim BL21-Gold (DE3) transformed with the overexpression plasmid
3.3. Enzyme activity
pET-3a (Novagen) encoding WT HsTIM or the mutant enzymes or the empty plasmid. The
logarithm of OD600 is plotted against time of incubation in M9 minimal medium sup- Steady state kinetics assays for all enzymes were determined in the
plemented with 0.006% casamino acids and 0.2% glucose at 37 °C. The assay was per- direction of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to dyhydroxyacetone-phos-
formed in triplicate on a Synergy MX microplate reader on 96-well plates. No growth is phate (Table 1 and Fig. 2). All enzymes exhibited a Michaelis-Menten
seen for the A62D mutants when the assay is performed at 42 °C (Supplementary Fig. 1).
behavior. No activity was detected with HsTIMA62D.

N. Cabrera et al. BBA - General Subjects 1862 (2018) 1401–1409

3.3.1. Km assays (Fig. 5). This is the case for the most affected enzymes in these
Regarding this parameter, we found mainly two groups of mutant parameters: HsTIMG72A, HsTIME104D and HsTIMC41Y. There is an-
enzymes (depicted in Fig. 2A): 1) those that had a “WT-like” behavior, other group of enzymes that are only slightly affected: HsTIMG122R,
including HsTIMC41Y, HsTIME104D, HsTIMG122R, HsTIMV154M and HsTIMV154M and HsTIMI170V. HsTIMV231M has a residual activity
HsTIMF240L and 2) severely affected enzymes, including HsTIMG72A similar to WT HsTIM, but its Tm value is affected. Together with
and HsTIMV231M, which have a Km 6 and 9 times higher than the WT HsTIMF240L, both mutants represent the borderline between the “WT-
enzyme, respectively. Interestingly, the Km value of HsTIMI170V is 15 like” group and the most affected mutants.
times lower than that of WT HsTIM.
3.6. Overall comparison and rating of the deleteriousness of the mutant
3.3.2. kcat enzymes
As shown in Fig. 2B, the only mutant that is strongly affected in this
parameter is HsTIMI170V. Its kcat value is 25 times lower as compared In order to provide an overall and comparative view of this study,
to that of the WT enzyme. The rest of the mutants have a similar be- the strength of the effects seen in the different measured parameters
havior to the WT enzyme, with a kcat that is 1.5 times higher than the described in Figs. 1-4, compared with the WT enzyme, is summarized in
WT enzyme for HsTIMG72A and 1.2 times lower for HsTIMC41Y. Table 2. According to these results, we propose a rating of the dele-
teriousness of the mutants, based on their effects on growth (g), kinetics
3.3.3. Catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) (k, represented by Km, kcat or kcat/Km) or stability (s, represented by
Fig. 2C shows that HsTIMG72A and HsTIMV231M are strongly af- the thermal or dilution stability) (Fig. 6). The critical mutations are
fected in this global parameter, with a respective four- and nine-fold those whose three parameters (g,k,s) are affected. This is the case for
decrease when compared to the WT enzyme. The catalytic efficiency HsTIMA62D, which was extremely difficult to purify and whose pre-
values of HsTIMC41Y, HsTIMI170V and HsTIMF240L decreases by half cipitation behavior precluded the measurement of any parameter. This
with respect to the WT enzyme. mutant cannot support the growth of the Δtim strain of E. coli.
HsTIMG72A is a severe mutant for which two parameters (k and s) are
3.4. Thermostability strongly affected. Other important mutations are those that show a
strong effect in one parameter. This is the case for HsTIMC41Y,
We used thermal shift assays to measure the thermal stability of the HsTIME104D (with an effect on s) and HsTIMV231M (with an effect on
mutants (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Fig. 2). HsTIMG122R, k). HsTIMI170V and HsTIMF240L have moderate effects, since their
HsTIMV154M and HsTIMI170V display a melting temperature (Tm) kinetic or stability parameters are only somewhat affected. Finally,
similar to the WT enzyme (60 to 63 °C). HsTIMV231M and HsTIMF240L HsTIMG122R and HsTIMV154M do not have any effect on these
have a Tm of around 53 °C. HsTIMC41Y, HsTIMG72A and HsTIME104D parameters of enzyme function.
show a difference of more than 10 °C compared to the WT enzyme, with
Tm values ranging between 49.7 and 51.5 °C. 3.7. Structural basis for the kinetic effects of mutation HsTIMV231M

3.5. Dimer stability HsTIMV231M is the most affected mutant from the kinetic point of
view, considering the catalytic efficiency parameter. In addition, this
Stability to dilution experiments measure the reduced activity of the enzyme is, together with E104D, the only homozygous mutation re-
TIM enzymes related to monomerization events [19–21]. We incubated ported to date. We therefore solved the crystal structure of this mutant
the HsTIM mutants at different decreasing concentrations for 2 h and in the apo conformation at 2.3 Å resolution (Fig. 7, Supplementary
measured the remaining activity (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Fig. 3). At Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 8). The inspection of the four molecules
the lowest enzyme concentration assayed (1 ng/mL), we noticed that that constitute the asymmetric unit revealed the structural basis of TIM
the residual activity showed an important gap for the enzymes that are deficiency for this mutant (Fig. 7). Comparing it with the available
still active (between 31 and 57%) and another group of enzymes: crystal structures of the WT enzyme, both in the apo conformation (PDB
HsTIMC41Y, HsTIMG72A and HsTIME104D, which are strongly af- ID: 2JK2) and in complex with the substrate 2-phosphoglycerate (2PG
fected by the dilution effect and had between 2.6 and 7.7% activity of or PGA), allowed us to define the conformational changes that occur as
their original activity. a consequence of the V231 M mutation (Figs. 7A, B). The most im-
Remarkably, we found a strong correlation for some of the mutants portant changes are found just around residue 231 (Fig. 7C), which is
between thermostability data and the results of the dimer stability located very close to the active site (Figs. 7A, B). These changes are

Fig. 3. Mutants C41Y, G72A and E104D are

strongly affected in thermal stability. The
Thermal Shift Assay (TSA) was used to measure
the thermal stability of the WT and the mutant
enzymes. Each assay had 0.2 μg of protein in
100 mM TEA pH 7.4 and SYPRO Orange dye in a
final volume of 10 μl. The experiment was per-
formed using a 96-well plate in a real time PCR
system. The assay was performed in triplicate.
The thermal melting temperature was calculated
using the peak of the first derivative plot shown
in Supplementary Fig. 2.

N. Cabrera et al. BBA - General Subjects 1862 (2018) 1401–1409

Fig. 4. Mutants C41Y, G72A and E104D are

strongly affected in dimeric stability. The en-
zymes were incubated at different protein con-
centrations (see Supplementary Fig. 3) in
100 mM TEA pH 7.4 and 10 mM EDTA for 2 h at
36 °C. After that time, their residual catalytic
activity was determined. This residual catalytic
activity was plotted against the logarithm of
protein concentration. The apparent dissociation
constants (Kd app) were determined for the WT
enzyme and each mutant. The values of each
enzyme were adjusted using the Three-parameter
Logistic equation of Prism 7.

Fig. 6. Deleteriousness rating of the HsTIM mutants. The rating is based upon the severity
Fig. 5. Correlation between thermal and dimeric stability of mutants C41Y, G72A, E104D of the effects on kinetic parameters (k), stability (s) and growth (g), also shown in Table 2.
and F240L. Double plot of the residual activity at 1 ng/ml (depicted in Fig. 4) and the Tm Critical: implicates that all these parameters are affected. Severe: both k and s are af-
temperatures (depicted in Fig. 3). The order of the proteins in the x-axis follows the fected. Important: either k or s are affected. Moderate: a mild effect on k or s.
residual activity values, from highest to lowest. In general, a mild effect is seen for both
parameters in mutants G122R, V154 M and I170V, and a strong effect in mutants G72A,
E104D and C41Y. Mutants V231 M and F240 L represent a borderline between these two substrate. This effect is correlated with the change in the kinetic
extremes. parameter Km, described in this work.

represented by movements in the main chain around residues 212–219 4. Discussion

and 231–234, which show a maximal displacement of 1.1 and 2.1 Å,
respectively, when compared to both conformations of the WT enzyme In this work, we performed an experimental analysis of most of the
(apo and 2PG, Fig. 7). In particular, the movement of residues 231–234 reported mutants related to human triosephosphate isomerase defi-
would approach the main chain of the protein to 2PGA by 0.5 Å ciency. Other attempts have been made to evaluate the range of effects
(Fig. 7C), which is now too close, and hinders the binding of the on mutants of TIM [9] but this report defines more precisely the extent

Table 2
Summary of the effects seen in different mutants, compared to the wild-type enzyme. The
table summarizes the results shown in Figs. 1-4.

Mutant Kinetic Stability Growth

Km kcat k kcat/Km Tm Dilution

F240L X X X

XX = strong, X = moderate, blank = no effect, ND = not determined.

N. Cabrera et al. BBA - General Subjects 1862 (2018) 1401–1409

of the active site; the remaining seven mutations, which do have an

effect, are located on the same side as the active site of the enzyme
(Supplementary Fig. 4).
In the following sections of the discussion, we will enlist, following
the numbering in the sequence of HsTIM, the effects reported in the
disease and the main findings observed in this study with corresponding
recombinant mutant protein. In addition, we summarize the molecular
contexts and the effects seen with each mutant (Supplementary Figs. 4
to 9) in order to help in the understanding of the molecular basis of TIM
deficiency and to aid in the prediction of the severity of the mutations
in a heterozygous situation.

4.1. C41Y

4.1.1. Occurrence
Three cases have been reported in compound heterozygotes to-
gether with the E104D mutation [25,27].

4.1.2. Severity in patients

Chronic axonal neuropathy. The damage became evident at the age
of 2 years [27].

4.1.3. Previous experimental characterization

In a yeast model with the deleted endogenous gene tim, this mutant
showed the same activity as the WT enzyme [28]. In addition, the di-
merization properties of this mutant were monitored using a yeast two-
hybrid system. It had an altered dimerization behavior, with increased
interaction activity.

4.1.4. Findings in this work

Thermal and dimer stability strongly affected (13.5 °C difference in
the value of Tm and residual activity at 1 ng/mL, 32% lower than that
of the WT enzyme).

4.1.5. Molecular context and predictions

Residue 41 is in the vicinity of positions 62, 231 and 240
(Supplementary Fig. 7), which have critical, strong and moderate ef-
fects on the enzyme, respectively. A non-conservative change in this
residue might have a strong effect on the stability of the enzyme, as was
indeed seen for mutation C41Y. In combination with the E104D mu-
tation, we predict that the heterodimer would have completely dis-
ruptive effects on the stability of the enzyme. The patient might have
Fig. 7. Structural basis of human TIM deficiency produced by mutation V231M. Mutation limited survival in the presence of the homodimers having each mu-
V231 M perturbs the active site region. A. Cα RMSD plot calculated using apo WT HsTIM tation.
(PDB ID: 2JK2) and the model of the crystal structure of mutant V231 M, solved at 2.3 Å
resolution (PDB ID: 6C2G). The overall RMSD is 0.311 and 0.562 Å for the superpositions
4.2. A62D
of the mutant V231 M with WT HsTIM apo and complexed with 2PG, respectively. The
regions that are displaced are indicated by the residue numbers or structural feature that
differ the most. Loop 6 (residues 169–173) is usually flexible in all TIMs. B. Superposition 4.2.1. Occurrence
of the model of the crystal structure of mutant V231 M with WT HsTIM complexed with One case in a compound heterozygote, with E104D as the second
2PGA, showing the regions of conformational movements depicted in panel A. The re- mutation [22].
gions correspond to residues 134–141, loop 6, 212–219 and 231–234. The substrate 2PGA
is shown as spheres. C. Perturbations at the active site. Regions 212–219 and 231–234 are
4.2.2. Severity in patients
located very close to the active site. The movement of these residues, with its peak at
residue 233, which is displaced by 2.1 Å with respect to the WT structure. This correlates
with the presence of the mutation and hinders the binding of the substrate.
4.2.3. Previous experimental characterization
and cause of the enzymatic deficiency at the biochemical level, in an all
versus all comparative scenario. Although most of the mutants are
4.2.4. Findings in this work
present in humans as heterozygous proteins, as a first approach we
The mutation impairs growth when expressed in bacterial strain E.
studied single mutants in order to investigate their individual con-
coli Δtim.
tribution to the kinetics and stability of human TIM.
We were also able to classify the “unknown severity” mutants
4.2.5. Molecular context and predictions
HsTIMA62D, HsTIMG72A, HsTIMG122R and HsTIMV154M [22–24].
Residue 62 is located in a hydrophobic patch formed by residues
Interestingly, HsTIMG122R and HsTIMV154M do not seem to have any
V40, A42, A62 and V92 (Supplementary Fig. 5). It is possible that a
major biochemical alteration, and only show a very modest effect on
conservative mutation in this position could be tolerated well, but a
thermal stability. Residues 122 and 154 are located on the opposite side
mutation that involves a charged residue, like A62D, completely

N. Cabrera et al. BBA - General Subjects 1862 (2018) 1401–1409

disrupts this hydrophobic region, which in addition is close to residue (Supplementary Fig. 7). A patient has limited survival having
41, and compromises the survival of the organism. In combination with HsTIME104D homodimers.
the E104D mutation, we predict that the heterodimer would have to-
tally disruptive effects on the stability of the enzyme. The patient might 4.5. G122R
have limited survival in the presence of only one mutant type of
homodimer having mutation E104D. 4.5.1. Occurrence
One individual [29].
4.3. G72A
4.5.2. Severity in patients
4.3.1. Occurrence No patients. The study was performed with a population of healthy
Found in a phenotypic heterozygote, for which TIM activity was heterozygotes.
reduced, together with the WT enzyme [24].
4.5.3. Previous experimental characterization
4.3.2. Severity in patients Reported as a thermolabile enzyme [23]. In a yeast model, with a
No patients. Study in a population of healthy heterozygotes. deleted endogenous gene for TIM, this mutant had the same activity
compared to the WT enzyme [28]. In addition, the dimerization prop-
4.3.3. Previous experimental characterization erties of this mutant were monitored with a yeast two-hybrid system,
None. showing no effect.

4.3.4. Findings in this work 4.5.4. Findings in this work

Effects upon both kinetic (fourfold decrease in the catalytic effi- The enzyme is not affected. Interestingly, the residual activity at
ciency) and stability parameters (11.7 °C difference in the Tm value and 1 ng/mL is 21.6% higher with respect to the WT enzyme.
the residual activity at 1 ng/mL, 28% lower compared with the WT
enzyme). 4.5.5. Molecular context and predictions
Residue 122 is located on the opposite side of the active site, at the
4.3.5. Molecular context and predictions end of a loop and facing the solvent (Supplementary Fig. 9). Any change
Residue 72 is located in loop 3, which is very close to the active site for a hydrophilic residue would have no effect on the enzyme, as is
and also forms part of the dimer interface. (Supplementary Fig. 6). Any shown by non-conservative mutation G122R. Patients should show no
change in this position would be severe for both the kinetic and stability symptoms or disease.
parameters, as is shown by mutation G72A, which would now be too
close to N15 of the dimeric partner (Supplementary Fig. 6). However, 4.6. V154M
since both residues in positions 72 in both monomers are far apart from
each other in the dimeric enzyme, if a dimer is formed in combination 4.6.1. Occurrence
with one WT monomer, we predict that the heterodimer will have en- Found in a phenotypic heterozygote, for which TIM activity was
ough stability. The patient might survive in the presence of all types of reduced, together with the WT enzyme [24].
homo and heterodimers involving this mutation.
4.6.2. Severity in patients
4.4. E104D No patients. The study was performed in a population of healthy
4.4.1. Occurrence
At least 15 cases from multiple unrelated families, although most of 4.6.3. Previous experimental characterization
the patients are thought to have a common ancestor. HsTIME104D None.
together with HsTIMV231M, are the only homozygote mutants reported
to date. 4.6.4. Findings in this work
The enzyme is not affected.
4.4.2. Severity in patients
Hemolytic anemia, neuromuscular impairment and increased sus- 4.6.5. Molecular context and predictions
ceptibility to infection. No patient has survived beyond the age of six. Residue 154 is located on the opposite side of the active site, in a
hydrophobic patch formed by residues L177, V154, W157 and V160
4.4.3. Previous experimental characterization (Supplementary Fig. 9). Most changes for a hydrophobic residue would
The molecular basis of the deficiency has been reported elsewhere have no effect on the enzyme, as is shown by conservative mutation
[5,28] and is caused by alterations in dimer stability, rather than on the V231M. Patients should not show any symptom or disease.
effects in catalytic activity.
4.7. I170V
4.4.4. Findings in this work
Thermal and dimeric stability are strongly affected (13.5 °C differ- 4.7.1. Occurrence
ence in Tm and the residual activity at 1 ng/mL is 32% lower compared Found in one case in a compound heterozygote together with the
to the WT enzyme). E104D mutation [25] [26].

4.4.5. Molecular context and predictions 4.7.2. Severity in patients

Residue 104 is located very close to the interface and forms a net- One patient with hemolytic anemia, but no muscular impairment
work of interactions with other highly conserved residues [26]. A model in Drosophila has shown behavioral abnormalities [30].
(Supplementary Fig. 7). Any greater change in this position would
compromise the stability of the enzyme, as is implied by the highly 4.7.3. Previous experimental characterization
conservative mutation E104D. This is worsened by the fact that the This mutant had very decreased activity in the patient (10% or less)
counterpart of this region in the other monomer is in close proximity. when compared to the wild type enzyme, and decreased activity

N. Cabrera et al. BBA - General Subjects 1862 (2018) 1401–1409

(around 30%) in a yeast model with a deleted endogenous TIM gene. In 4.9.4. Findings in this work
addition, the dimerization properties of this mutant were examined The mutation has moderate effects upon the kinetics (less than a
using a two-hybrid system in yeast, with a slight enhancement of the twofold decrease in the catalytic efficiency) and stability parameters
stability [28]. The mutation lowered Km and kcat values 20 and 30- (10 °C difference in the Tm value, but a relatively high residual activity
fold, respectively, and increased enzyme stability (Tm = 59.4 °C, com- value of 22.6% compared to 35.6% of the WT enzyme).
pared to 46.5 °C of the WT enzyme) [30].
4.9.5. Molecular context and predictions
4.7.4. Findings in this work Residue 240 is close to positions 41 and 231 (Supplementary Fig. 8).
Enzyme kinetics are moderately affected. The Km and the kcat va- A conservative change in this residue might have an effect on the sta-
lues decrease 15 and 25 times, respectively. However, the overall effi- bility and perhaps the catalytic performance of the enzyme because of
ciency of the enzyme is not strongly affected (less than twofold). The its vicinity with V231. The effect is indeed moderate for mutation
stability of the enzyme is unchanged. F240L and perhaps it would be more severe for mutation F240S in
combination with mutation E104D. We predict that the heterodimer
would be functional, but severely affected in its stability. The patient
4.7.5. Molecular context and predictions
might have limited survival in the presence of the heterodimers, with
Residue 170 is very close to the active site, in loop 6, which is im-
little contribution to the deficiency because of the F240S homodimers.
portant for catalysis (Supplementary Fig. 8). A non-conservative change
The combination of F240L with E145Stop is probably not functional as
in this residue might have a strong effect on the catalysis of the enzyme.
a heterodimer, but the F240L homodimer should be functional.
The effect is indeed moderate for mutation I170V, because the enzyme
Overall, it is clear that the perturbation of the stability of the qua-
also shows an increased substrate affinity. The structural basis of the
ternary structure may define some TIM deficiencies (mutations C41Y,
deficiency caused by this mutant has been analyzed in [30]. In com-
E104D) as well as disturbances mainly in kinetic parameters (mutations
bination with the E104D mutation, we predict that the heterodimer
I170V, V231M), effects in kinetics and stability (mutation G72A) or
should be functional, but with severe effects on its kinetic parameters
completely aberrant enzymes (mutation A62D) for others. Notably, this
and stability. Yet the patient with the hetero dimers does survive at
study is in general agreement with experimental studies dealing with
least until late childhood and, patients having homo dimers would
the in vitro characterization of one or several mutants [28]; [5]; [30].
probably not be severely affected.
Further studies will be needed to define the molecular effects of some
mutations, notably C41Y, as well as the effects seen in heterodimeric
4.8. V231M
constructions, which can be expected from the compound heterozygous
mutations found in most cases of this disease.
4.8.1. Occurrence
Homozygous mutation linked to clinical deficiency in two cases
Data accessibility
[31] [32]
The atomic coordinates and structure factors of mutant V231M of
4.8.2. Severity in patients human triosephosphate isomerase have been deposited in the Protein
Hemolytic anemia and neurological dysfunction. Data Bank (PDB) with the accession code 6C2G.

4.8.3. Previous experimental characterization Conflict of interests

The authors declare they have no conflict of interest.
4.8.4. Findings in this work
Enzyme kinetics are strongly affected. The Km increases nine-fold Authors' contributions
and the catalytic efficiency decreases accordingly. The crystal structure
of the mutant shows that the active site is perturbed and hinders the NC, ATL and RPM conceived and designed the experiments; NC,
binding of the substrate (Fig. 7). ATL, IGT and SEF performed the experiments; NC, ATL, IGT, SEF and
RPM analyzed the data; NC, ATL and RPM wrote the manuscript. All
authors gave final approval for publication.
4.8.5. Molecular context and predictions
Patients might have limited survival (and see above).
Transparency document

4.9. F240L
The Transparency document associated this article can be found, in
the online version.
4.9.1. Occurrence
Found in two brothers who are compound heterozygotes (E145Stop)
[33,34]; reviewed in [8]. A mutation in the same position (F240S), is
found in a compound heterozygote together with mutation E104D [35].
We thank Gloria Saab-Rincón, PhD and Leticia Olvera-Rodríguez,
BSc (Instituto de Biotecnología-UNAM, México) for providing the E. coli
4.9.2. Severity in patients Δtim-BL21-Gold (DE3) strain. We also thank Gabriel Del Río, PhD, who
Neurological symptoms for only one of the brothers with the F240 L kindly allowed the use of the Synergy MX equipment, María-Teresa
mutation and also for the patient with the F240S mutation. Lara-Ortiz, Jessica Díaz-Salazar, Beatriz Aguirre, Manuel Ortinez
Benavides, Aurey Galván Lobato and Unidad de Biología Molecular at
4.9.3. Previous experimental characterization Instituto de Fisiología Celular-UNAM (Dr. Laura Ongay and Guadalupe
Decreased catalytic activity [36]. In a yeast model with a deleted Codiz) for technical support.
TIM endogenous gene, this mutant showed the same activity as com- Use of the Advanced Photon Source, an Office of Science User
pared to the wild type enzyme [28]. In addition, the dimerization Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of
properties of this mutant were measured using a yeast two-hybrid Science by Argonne National Laboratory, was supported by the U.S.
system, and no effect was detected. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. Use of the LS-CAT

N. Cabrera et al. BBA - General Subjects 1862 (2018) 1401–1409

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