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Module 2:
How the Female Mind
mind works


Women are not logical and their attraction is not linear

Understanding this is critical to your success. Giving women rational

reasons why they should be attracted to you will get you nowhere.

This is why women are not attracted to "nice guys. It would be logical
for them to be attracted to a nice guy. Women will even say that they
"want a nice guy. They say this because it seems logical. But that's not
really what they want.

Let's be more specific. In the office and at school, women can be

logical. But when it comes to attraction. When it comes to seduction,
women are not at all logical.

They are emotional.

Logical reasoning is linear (i.e., first you do A, then B, then C, etc).

Emotional reasoning is not linear.

Women are extremely logical. During the thinking process, women

follow patterns and are just as rational as men. But, they are
different on a biological level. They are different on a physical level.

They have a different role in the mating and relationship process,

and this different role has forced them to evolve a different survival
strategy. And this goes back before we are homo sapiens, and this is
the main cause of our sexual dimorphism; which means that women,
their bodies, are very different from men.


Pay attention:

A handsome guy with a good job, but no idea how to create a positive
emotional reaction in a woman, can give some girl the most logical
and methodical explanation of why he would be the best candidate
for her.

And she will sit there, bored to death, thinking about nothing more
than how she can stay away from this guy.

A less attractive guy, with no job, who sleeps on the basement couch,
but knows how to tear into a woman's soul with a damn tsunami of
fun, positive, challenging emotions, doesn't even need to show
interest in her. In fact, he can even joke about telling her he's not

And she will be fascinated by this guy. She will go to sleep thinking
about him. She will dream about him. And she will absolutely find a
way into his bedroom (or couch in this example) and fight other girls
to get there.

This is not a joke.

The reason it may seem like a joke is because it is not logical. There is
nothing logical about the picture I just painted for you. But that is the
way it is.

The conclusions of this section are as follows:

- When you talk to women, sometimes you must say things that are
not logical, especially at the beginning (you will see exactly how to
do this in the later examples). What you say may not be logical, but it
will be fun, positive, and challenging.


- When you talk to women, you won't get stuck in a logical order.
Fun, positive, challenging conversations can start anywhere, and
change from topic to topic regularly and without warning.

Women are attracted to guys who go after what they want

Running after what you want means that you are interested in the
world. You are not afraid to take risks. You have passions and

The more you go after what you want, the more attractive you
Going for what you want also means approaching it with confidence
and without hesitation. However, very important:

Conquering her cannot be the only thing you want. If that is all you
want, you will quickly become suffocating to her. So when you
approach her without hesitation, you need to subsequently give her
the feeling that you can (and very well could) walk away without

Everything is giving and taking. Pushing and pulling. Reaching out

and taking back. Having other interests, passions, and dreams, and
being able to express these things to her allows you to "stop" seeming
only interested in winning her over.


Women also think about sex all the time

Women are horny creatures. So are men. Society really tries hard to
convince you that this is not true. But it is 100% true.

A few months ago I was going home from a mentoring group. The
plane had just landed. I stood up, but of course the aisle was crowded
and I wasn't going anywhere. The guy in front of me wouldn't stand

So while I'm standing there waiting for all the slow people to move,
the guy in front of me picks up his phone, as everyone does.
He gets on his WhatsApp and sends "I'm home," to a woman. Okay I
probably shouldn't be spying on him, but whatever.

Then a message comes back. It didn't take long, but it made me smile
because it proved the point I'm always trying to explain to guys.

The message said, "Thank God because I need to give it to you with

The point is: women are horny. They are going to fuck someone.
Your job is to become the kind of man they choose over someone



What women want: A man with status and resources, who will stay
and spend those resources on her and her children.

It's primitive. As much as we'd like to believe otherwise, however,

these basic preferences-the product of evolution over thousands of
generations-are still very important decisions about who we choose
for partners, according to David M. Buss of the University of

Buss, a professor of psychology, has studied human mating behavior

extensively. With 50 collaborators from 37 cultures around the
world, he collected information on mating preferences from 10,047
people. Dozens of related studies followed.

"Much of what I have discovered about human mating is not good,"

Buss writes. "In the relentless pursuit of sexual goals, for example,
men and women belittle their rivals, cheat members of the opposite
sex, and even subvert their own mates."

The preference evolved from women choosing men who could best
help their family survive.

Although our sexual psychology is rooted in the primitive, Buss

emphasizes, this in no way means that we are "somehow doomed to
unchanging behavior." Mating behavior is flexible. Evolution has
provided us with a variety of ways to solve the problems of how to
mate successfully. One example is how we tend to choose partners
who have similar values and interests and belong to the same social


Well, obviously we stay alive, we reproduce and we eat, but on a

more complex level, I guess on a more sophisticated level, we have a
different survival strategy. What exactly does this mean? And what
is the main difference between male and female survival strategy,
from an emotional point of view?

Well, when we talk about survival, we are talking not only about the
individual, but also about the offspring, the children, the genetic
survival. It is the genes being passed from the parents to the
children... . And in a way, you can even see humans as shelters for
genes, and it's all about these genes being passed on.

For men, physical strength has always been very important for
survival. Women, on the other hand, have a different role, and
cannot depend on physical strength, brute force, in the way that
males do. What a female does for survival, since she cannot depend
on brute strength, you can see as joint strength, since her strength
comes from her association with other men and women.

So if you think about her offspring, if she has a child, she will need it
to survive. Since children cannot talk, she will develop an intuition
to know what he needs. And you will see this with mothers.

Women have developed a very high level of empathy, they

understand how others feel because they feel the same way. And this
is key to being able to create strong bonds, strong relationships; it's
almost like mind reading.


If you can feel how another person feels, you are putting yourself in
their place.

And this is extremely important for creating strong bonds and

harmony with the other person. This is also very important when
you have a crying baby, who can't talk, and you need to find out what
is wrong with him in order to help him.

And, if you think about it, it is also very important to find the best
partner, the man who will provide you with what you need as a
woman; not only good genes, but also a guy who will stay with you
after having sex with you and getting you pregnant.

In short, females are attracted to males who appear to have a good

gene for bearing children, so we need to behave and appear as such,
it is necessary to unconsciously attract a woman that the man
appears to have good genes.

And with the FBI's verbal and non-verbal techniques of

metapersuasion we are able to awaken these triggers in the female



Just like we want the hottest girl, but the hotter she is, the more
nervous we get about approaching her... just like THIS is a conflict
for men, women have conflicts too. But because our brains are
programmed differently, they are MUCH more intense for women.

You have to understand these conflicts if you want to be exceptional

with women. They are real, and women need to deal with them every
day. Women underestimate them - and they almost ASSUME that
men should know them too. That's why there is so much confusion
between the sexes.

That said, just being aware of these conflicts will put you ahead of
99% of the other guys she meets.

The 3 main conflicts are:

Age - Pleasure - Connection

Conflict of the Age:

Women are biologically programmed to have sex with the most

dominant, status-dominant guy they can find, so she'll spend a lot of
time analyzing the men she dates to find the best one - but there is
also societal pressure for her to be with a status-driven guy - and this
is downplayed if the girl is single for a long time.

This is why you will see older women with younger guys, and
becoming much more aggressive in dating and dating.


They go so far as to hit on men, as opposed to younger women, who

are likely to sit around waiting for men to approach them. This has
to do with their feeling that their time is running out....

With men - they actually get BETTER with age, more successful,
more traveled, they have more sexual experience. And they can have
children, especially now with Viagra, in their 70s or 80s.

She wants to spend time finding the best possible partner, but time is

Our research has shown that a woman will deal with the time
conflict in two different ways. This has to do with how many men a
woman dates at the same time. Here is a good analogy. Let's say a
company needs a new CEO, and they only have three months to get
him. They only have two different options. First, they can hire
several guys, watch them work in a test phase, and at the end of the
three months, choose the best one.

Or they can pick the first guy they find who has the potential to be
good enough and train him to be a good CEO after three months.


Neither is a perfect strategy, but with the short time, both options
are viable, with their own advantages and disadvantages.

With women - she will put a few guys to the test, and let them
compete to see who is the best in the long run. Or she will make a
quicker decision, choosing the first guy she feels has the potential to
invest all her time and energy into making him the perfect

Then she will TEST several guys at once or INVEST in one guy with

Women testers will date several guys at once, and create an

improved type of guy with characteristics from each of the guys she
dated. Women investors will take a guy and fix him up to make him

You have probably seen this with girls before - they will be
surrounded by several guys that they are dating in a certain way, or
she will have a boyfriend that they will try to fix.

Conflict of pleasure:

She wants to enjoy the physical pleasure and emotional intimacy of

sex-but sex in the past has caused emotional trauma and critical
judgment from society and her peers.

This is why women will hit on you, kiss you, and let you put your
hand on her, but there is also an additional level of resistance right
before you start to have sex.


We know this is great for her, and we often don't understand the
hesitation, but she has an internal conflict about going through with

She wants to feel the emotional and physical pleasure of sex, but for
women, sex comes with consequences.

Although women love the fixed pleasure of sex, there are many
social consequences to that. Like being judged by men who don't see
them as potential wives if they do it too soon.

This is crucial - because if you like a girl, at some point you will want
to have sex with her. And this conflict explains what your mindset
about sex will be like. Specifically, how important are the reasons
why she will have sex with you, and also how she is thinking about
it. And I am sure that this is something you will want to know.

How a woman handles sexual conflict is key to her strategy, because

the strategy she chooses will drastically change her approach.

She loves sex and the emotional connection and physical pleasure
she gets from it - but sex has negative consequences, such as
emotional trauma and societal judgment. A woman will also deal
with sexual conflict in two different ways. And that has to do with
the importance of sex in her mind.


Here is an analogy.

Let's say you live in a house with two roommates. And there is one
last piece of cake in the refrigerator. You want the piece of cake, but
you don't want to be seen as the greedy or selfish guy who eats the
last piece. But your will prevails and you eat it anyway.

Now, let's say one of your roommates comes home and is annoyed
that the cake is missing. You basically have two choices. First - you
can deny it and pretend that you didn't eat the cake by saying, "I
don't know what happened, it wasn't me," or you can justify your
actions and say something like, "What's the matter? It's just a piece
of cake."

With women and sex, it's the same thing. If a woman has sex with a
guy - and then goes out with her friends and they ask about him, she
will deny it. She might say something like, "no, nothing has
happened yet. We're just hanging out." The second strategy would be
to justify her actions. She will say, "Yes, we did it, but it was because I
was drunk - and besides, sex is no big deal."

She will either NEGATE the sex event or JUSTIFY the reasons why it
happened, and she will think it was no big deal.

Deny or Justify.

Just to recap - women want the pleasure of sex, but there are social
consequences for this. Either they will block it out, or Deny that it
happened, or they will create excuses to Justify why it's okay.

This explains why some women end up sleeping with far fewer guys
than others.


Deniers pretend sex doesn't happen, repress their ideas about sex,
and make it hard for guys to have sex with them, and Justifiers just
see sex as meaningless, and let it happen a lot.

Family conflict:

Her biological programming has her supporting and caring for her
family and developing her feminine side, but our male-dominated
society encourages her to fulfill herself and increase her status and
career development if she can't find a man to support her.

This is why you will see successful women quitting their jobs or
taking an extended break when they have children. For example,
recently Nicole Kidman took a break from Hollywood to take care of
her children.

You won't see a man taking a break from work to take care of his
family - in fact, he works even MORE when he has more mouths to

She has a biological need to raise a family, but at the same time our
society forces her to be self-sufficient and independent.

How she sees her future, especially with regard to her relationships,
and what is expected of her in time will also play an important role
in her life. Because women are biologically developed to bear and
raise children, she has strong maternal instincts - but our society
pushes her to be independent, self-sufficient, and to work as hard as
a man to develop her career.


This is very important, because women will strongly favor one or the
other, and this is important for us because it will be an influence on
which types of men she finds attractive. And this determines how we
should approach her - so that we can align ourselves with her family
or her career.

She has strong biological needs to raise and support a family - but is
pressured by society to develop a career. A woman will deal with this
conflict in two very different ways, and it has to do with what she

Here is another analogy.

It is almost like a guy when he graduates from high school, when he

has the choice to stay in the town near his old friends, where it is safe
and familiar, or to choose to go to a good college, far away, where he
doesn't know anyone, but will receive a good education and have a
better chance of success.

You need to understand that for a woman this is NOT the same thing
as choosing to date and have sex than to work on your degree or
career. Most guys I know would choose dating without a second
thought over working. But you will find that women often have NO
difficulty prioritizing school or work over dating.


The reason for this is because for women, choosing to focus on

dating or on their career is a long-term choice. For example, if a
woman wanted to become a lawyer, that is a 5-7 year commitment.
This makes it difficult for her to have a baby. Not so for a guy - he can
leave a pregnant girl and then easily go back to work. Yes, they may
end up paying alimony, but this is not as disabling for men.

This is a uniquely female problem - it does not exist for men. This is
why just KNOWING and acknowledging this conflict is a huge
advantage, because most men don't even know it exists.

So, a woman will be a REALIST type if she needs to be self-sufficient

and career-focused, or she will be an IDEALIST if she prefers to
maintain her ideal image of being a housewife with a good husband
and children.

This explains why women will often be so polarized in their

decision-making processes. Realists focus on their careers almost to
the point of excluding dating, while Idealists cannot even think
about choosing a good career, because family is a high priority.





The Player is a combination of Tester, Denier and Idealist. She is like

an iceberg. There is much more to it than meets the surface, and it is
worth exploring! The Player is not always easy to recognize. That is
the issue with this girl. She doesn't show her emotions and tends to
keep her personal life secret. She usually dresses discreetly and stays
well connected to what is going on around her, but is more quiet. She
is not shy, but is definitely more observant than the Social Butterfly.

The Player protects herself for a good reason. Once you get past her
barriers, she will be sweet, kind, sexy and exciting. She has a lot to
offer, but this makes her unstable.
Before she lets her guard down, you have to take care that she
doesn't feel pressured or suffocated, and slowly show your romantic

We start with the Player because she is one of the most difficult and
common types that men encounter in their 20s. The challenge with
this type of woman is to quickly separate herself from the other guys
"in orbit", who are in the friendzone.

This means you need to make yourself attractive, sexually speaking,

quickly, without putting pressure on her...but at the same time you
need to create the perception of potential romance. This is
something bad guys do naturally, but it can be learned, and
perfected, once you understand the Player better.


Your Wishes:

The ideal man for a female player is fantastic, which is why she has a
hard time choosing a guy to stay with, or even to have sex with. But
remember, what a woman fantasizes about and how she acts, in the
flesh, are two very different things.

This woman needs the man more than he needs her. All the men in
her life are after her - they are one of her options. You will have more
luck with her if she thinks you are one of her options. Then she will
want you more than you want her, and you need to show that you
are seeing other women. But how do you get her interested, since she
has many other "substitutes"?

The answer lies in your ideal relationship. She wants a man who will
literally get her off the ground. We've all heard that saying before,
and it means different things to different women. But in the case of
the Player, you need to be the typical dominant, romantic stud who
saves her from her failed relationships.

She wants a man who will excite her, seduce her, pick her up,
dominate her, and leave her wanting more.

In short, she will be submissive. She will relax in body and mind, and
will allow you to use her as you please. This is why it is so tempting
and exciting to seek a Player, and also, why it is so difficult. The wall
is hard to climb, because the treasure is so attractive - the biggest
challenge for the man with the Player is his own impatience and


Your Desires:

How she gets what she wants:

The Player is like her male version, the Player. A Player has many
women in his sexual repertoire, and he gets something different
from all of them. In the same way, the Player has many men filling
many roles. But these roles can be simplified into two categories:
Mistress and Provider.

All women have two goals with their sexual partners. The first is to
get pregnant by a man with good genes - her best genetic choice. Her
second goal, which manifests itself as an unconscious primitive urge
- an instinct like that of a man who is attracted to a woman with
large breasts or wide hips - is to be with a man who has social status
and access to, or control over, valuable resources.

The Player achieves these goals using different men. While an

Investor will satisfy these urges with only one man, a Tester fulfills
her survival needs with more than one.

In the case of the Player, there is an emotional bond that prevents

almost every man she meets from reaching her heart. She is a
Denier, which means that she is very resistant to sex because it is so
emotionally meaningful to her. As a Tester, she "moves on," so it can
be difficult to develop a relationship to the point where she feels safe
to release her precious sexual side.


In addition, she often places limits, or tests to be able to slow down

the progress of a sexual relationship so that she can maintain her
power. For example, she might accuse the man of being a player to
put him on the defensive. Most men respond to this by becoming
docile and losing their power, thus falling into the No Sex Zone, or
"Friend Zone" as it is called.

In a way, she got what she wanted, superficially. But she was not
satisfied sexually, only comforted her ego.
As an Idealist, the Player believes that one day she will find her
Prince Charming. In a way, she is always looking for her Prince,
being passive and leaving a space for men to take the initiative. What
is ironic is that because she seems cold, this makes most men
apprehensive and lacking in confidence. She won't tell you what to
do - she just sits back and observes what kind of man you are.


Stage 1: Ignition

Two things happen when you approach a Player in the wrong way.
She will either ignore you completely, or let you talk with a listless
expression until you get tired and run out of things to say.

To begin with, she is a Tester. So she doesn't want an intense and

direct approach. Talk about something simple, about the weather or
something she is doing. Do this with a friendly, almost platonic
energy. The important thing about a Player - is that she is a Denier
and a Tester, but she is constantly fantasizing in her mind about
what might happen.


The most effective way to get a Player interested in you is to tease

her. Avoid compliments unless she is very deserving. Be playful,
don't take her too seriously, and tease her a lot. If she makes an
attempt to appear cool or status conscious, tell her she's pretty.

Stage 2: Momentum:

Female players are used to men trying to seduce them with words.
They have heard it all before (as have most women, attractive or not).
Some women like a little sexuality and aggression.

The Player sees this kind of approach as predictable, i.e. unfunny,

simply because she is so used to it.

To build the ideal moment and get her really interested in you, you
need to appear unpredictable, and also, uninterested in your

So let's get her attention. The key here is a concept we teach at

DiCarlo Inc. called "Intrigue". Intrigue means that you have an
opinion or observation about a woman that will stimulate her
emotions, either positively or negatively.

For example, let's say she is wearing a dress that is almost identical
to another girl's. Let it be implied that you have noticed something
that will probably irritate her, but don't say what it is. "Gee, you'll be
annoyed if I tell you what I just saw, but don't worry, you're the


Another example: let's say you notice that she is thin, but she is
drinking beer, and you don't know how she can maintain this body
by drinking all night. You could simply say, "I don't know what you
do. You must know something these other girls don't."

It doesn't have to be anything fancy - just do it:

a) Focus on you, because you are talking about her, and

b) Make her puzzled by not saying whether your

opinion/observation is a compliment or not.

Stage 3: Connection

It is actually very easy to connect with Female Players, just because

other men are terrible at it. The main mindset here is not to try to
convince her to be sexual. On the other hand, don't try to be that
boring guy who talks about his career and goals in life. Keep things
light and fun. Talk about music, fun hobbies, adventures you've had

Better yet, make her talk. She is the quiet type, but once she is
relaxed, she will not stop talking. This is good news, because as I said
before, her Idealistic nature will take over and her fantasies about
you will seduce her. So the more you keep quiet, the better you will

This means that you should ask good questions. If she is talking
about work, ask why she likes her job, or what she would like to do.
Basic questions are "why did you do/think/say that?" and "how was
that for you?"


Body Language

Testers don't like it when a man gets too close. Do things like playing
pool, walking side by side, dancing... all without too much eye
Remember this when you are on a date with a female player. No
romantic candlelight dinners. Instead, go to a bar, play pool, and
watch the game.

Better yet, ask her to bring her friends to join you at a social event
(this can be as simple as watching the game at a bar). Testers are not
very tolerant of very romantic programs. They see it as pressure.

Freedom and fun are what make a player horny. This is what most
men like too, so don't try to impress her with romantic programs.
Include her in your life and keep things casual.


As a Neanderthal, she does not like more intense physical contact in

public. But when you are alone, you will do well by being persistent.
You don't lose points by trying to move on - she respects that in a

This is important, because it is crucial that you sleep with her

relatively early on, before you fall into the orbiting category like the
other men in your life.

As you get to know the Player, be more gentlemanly and subtle. Hold
her hands, touch her back and arms lightly... these are things that
excite her a lot. If she gets too excited, guess what? The Denier's
Barrier appears.


The most obvious clue to a Negator occurs, ironically, at the very

first kiss. Here's the clue. You move toward her lips, and she pulls
away slightly. She doesn't run or hit you or push you. She just turns
her head away. This doesn't mean "give up. It means, "try again, I
need you to persist because I am afraid.

The most obvious clue of a Denier occurs, ironically, in the very first
kiss. Here is the clue. You move toward her lips, and she pulls away
slightly. She doesn't run or hit you or push you. She just turns her
head away. This doesn't mean "give up. It means, "Try again, I need
you to persist because I'm scared.

Once you kiss a Negator, the gates will open if she likes your kiss.
Otherwise, she will put up heavy resistance, while a Justifier can
move on and try other things.

You can get many kinds of verbal resistance with the Player, but pay
attention to her body. She will show you, with her hips, sighs, and
general energy, that she wants more. Be attentive, be patient, and
treat your body as if it were sacred.




We all know the "party girl". She is the pretty, lively girl who talks to
everyone, including you, and then leaves you wanting more. Was she
flirting with you or is she like that with everyone? Guess what - all
the other men in the place are thinking the same thing.

Guess what else - she knows it.

The Social Butterfly is a combination of Tester, Justifier, and Idealist.

Her behavior lives up to her name. She is like a butterfly - beautiful,
attractive, and hard to catch - unless you know what you are doing.

As with all Testers, you need to separate yourself from the countless
other men who are after her. But the Social Butterfly is different
from the Player in her Justifier mentality. She accepts an aggressive
approach, as long as she doesn't feel that fucking her is a trophy for

If you can keep things fun and pressure-free, sex will be an almost
guaranteed outcome when you are alone with the Butterfly. But if
she feels that you see her as a conquest, and that you have some
sexual need in your attitude, she will run away.

Your wishes:

The biggest challenge men face with a Butterfly is that she likes to be
the chaser. She likes to be the one who chooses, and pursues her
man. The irony is that she ends up chasing the man who either a)
doesn't want her, or b) is not the "strong and silent" type, but rather
an insecure and immature man who just doesn't know what to say.


A Butterfly has such a strong need to reach the unreachable man that
she usually forces herself to think that this guy is much more
interesting than he really is. We can't control this thought, but we
can take advantage of it. We will talk more about this later. The
important thing to know is that the Butterfly is most attracted to
that which she cannot have.

When in a sexual relationship with a man, a Social Butterfly is a

horny devil. She wants to have sex all the time, everywhere. It's not
that she's horny all the time - it's the excitement of the novelty that
makes her horny. She heats up quickly, and cools down quickly. Her
attention doesn't last long, because she loves to be excited, and
nothing is more exciting than risks and novelty. Take advantage of
her impulsive nature, or get left behind.

When a Social Butterfly finds a guy she likes, it doesn't last long. Or
she gets married. This woman is impulsive. But, she is a woman, and
has feminine impulses to contribute and care. As long as you have a
strong Vision (a concept we will discuss in detail in the Attraction
Code and Dominant Sexual Power), and have Self-Control (i.e., be
dominant and not seek permission or guidance even at the subtlest
level from those around you), she will always be attracted to you.

Sometimes, letting something beautiful go is the best way to make

sure it will come back to you.

How she gets what she wants:

The Social Butterfly is more likely to sleep with a guy just because he
is hot. However, "hot" can mean many different things: well-dressed,
confident, nice smile, in command over other men, a nice abdomen,


This girl gets different things from different men, and loves the
novelty of stimulation. She likes to try different men for their kissing
styles, cock sizes, clothing and music styles, etc.

The only thing she doesn't like is being pressured about her feelings.
She loves romance, but doesn't like exaggerations and "deep
conversations". In a way, she is more down-to-earth, because she
realizes that you are not going to discover the secrets of life with a
stranger on your first date.

Be a guy she pursues and seem almost out of her reach. We'll show
you how to do this in the next section.

As a Justifier, the Butterfly is experienced sexually. Getting laid is

not something new to her. But a new position, or adding an element
of psychological domination are probably things she has never done
in her sexual life. Even if she has already done more naughty things
than you do with her, you at least will not fall into the boring
category. Chances are she can teach you something new. If this is the
case, go for it, or, again, stay behind.

A true Butterfly is usually in college or relatively young, and not

ready for a career or marriage. This is good news for you. But if she
commits to a guy, he'd better keep her interested. Otherwise, she
might cheat and leave the guy soon after. This is a woman that men
end up pursuing, and by doing so, they push her further away.
Clearly, you can see that separating yourself from other submissive
and boring men is crucial to catching a Butterfly.



Stage 1: Ignition

You can approach a Butterfly in any way you choose. Everything is

fun for her. Just don't be shy. The key here is, without a better way to
describe it, to have 100 percent commitment and exposure.

For example, if you are at a bar, you can make a toast with her. Or
you can compliment her hair. BUT, don't be too quiet or sexual at
first. Be happy, energetic, and do it (whatever that is) all the way.

This is the most powerful way to present dominance - basically a

lack of shyness - and is key to attracting a Social Butterfly.

Here are some tips for getting a Butterfly's attention in your


- Speak up;
- Stand close to her as if you already know her;
- Smile and look into her eyes when YOU are talking;
- Touch her in a dominant and playful way - when you hug her, lift
her slightly.


And here are some examples of what to say to break the ice:

- You see your tattoo: "Wow - nice tattoo. What's the story with it?"
- She's wearing a SeñorFrog t-shirt, "Wait a minute - I was in Cancun
last year too. Why didn't I see her?"
- Playing pool in a bar: "Nice shot. My team can beat you - losers buy
a round."


Stage 2: Momentum

It is not difficult to get a Butterfly's attention. The challenge is to

keep her attention. Your best chance is to find out what her interests
are. This may seem obvious, but most men blow it by asking
interview-style questions. Pay attention to her - she leaves clues
about her life. She will probably dress, talk or do something that is
interesting to her. Comment on it and make relationships.

She is a Tester, so always tease her. Even more than the Player, the
Social Butterfly responds powerfully to provocation. Just make sure
to get off at the right time, because this woman does not stop. Be
careful and lightly point out her blunders and mistakes. And, as
always, do it warmly-that's what makes the teasing work. Otherwise
you will just look mean and socially incompetent.

She may pull away to talk to other people, but this is her nature.
Don't take this as rejection. She won't forget about you. Bump into
her again and pick up where you left off - but don't start talking or
asking questions. Try something random, light-hearted, and fun -
tap her hand, or say, "My goodness - you again. What's the good
one?" with a big smile on her face.

Stage 3: Connection

This may not seem intuitive, but with a Tester, especially a Tester-
Justifier, finding a deep subject and talking about it a lot can have a
great effect. But keep the conversation light and positive (no
awkward silences).


Female testers usually have one or two interests that they hide. If
you can uncover these secrets, you'll separate yourself from the
other guys orbiting your vagina. And that's what matters to Testers -
to be the guy she chases, and not the guy who chases her.

So how do you use your interests to make her pursue you? It's not a
matter of letting her grab your leg. The real proof that she is
pursuing you is, for example, her saying things that she would not
normally reveal, and you, in response, offering more attention and
time. You NEED to show that your sexual interest is a reward.

The most powerful move with this girl is to connect deeply on a topic
or two, while Sewing (a skill we will teach in our Training), be
physically bold, and sleep with her as fast as you can. If you are alone
with her, use this as an opportunity to be more physical. If you miss
that opportunity, she will quickly move on. After sex, don't cuddle
and don't make any long-term plans. Don't try to be her new
boyfriend - that's what all the other guys do, and it's boring. Keep
things casual, and she will wonder why the hell you don't want her!

Body Language

Testers do not like sensual touches immediately, nor do they like a

lot of eye contact or proximity, unless it is for a different purpose
(like playing darts).


Deal with this woman as a man. You can win a lot as long as you are
in a good mood and have a playful energy. If you are dancing, guide
her body, spin her around.


If you are in a crowded place, lift her over your shoulder and move to
an empty spot. Set her down gently and continue the conversation as

Don't try to seduce her by touching her hair, neck, or face. Rather
move your whole body with one hand on her back, legs, or taking her
by the arm. Holding hands is very romantic and intimate at first.

Big, fun movements are exciting for her. Dance with her if you have
the opportunity. This girl loves to dance to forget her troubles and
get moving. A good dancer wins many points with this party girl.




The Romantic Hopeful is, in a way, old-fashioned. She dreams of the

perfect man coming into her life and makes grand plans with the
men she gets involved with.

For the Hopeful Romantic, the expectation of getting a long-term

relationship is the basis of everything. It's not that she needs a
boyfriend or husband - these are just socially constructed titles. You
need to go deeper to win her over and satisfy her emotional and
sexual needs.

Men usually have problems with a Romantic because they seem

insincere or "players". It's okay if you meet other women when
you're dating a Hopeful Romantic, but if you try to lie or hide it,
she'll lose all hope of a future with you, because for her,
relationships-whether platonic, romantic, or anything in between-
are based on honesty.

However, it may seem tempting to tell such a sentimental and

feminine woman that you are free and intend to stay that way. This
will take some doing.

Your Wishes:

The Hopeful Romantic usually wants a man who is patient, kind, and
sweet. But it is common to find this type of woman with a bully - a
biker, thug, or generally a tough guy. The reason for this is that she
needs emotional strength above all else.


Because she is very sensitive and emotional, this calls for the
opposite - a man who is not easily upset, cool-headed, and who takes
the offensive in confrontations. But any man who wants to be with
her needs to have at least a little empathy - enough to understand
her mood swings and comfort her. He knows that the kind of
comfort she needs is not in words, but in physical actions.

The Hopeful Romantic wants a man to save. She is attracted to the

mysterious, unattainable, unreachable, angry, depressed.... She
wants to lift a hard man out of misery. She wants to warm his heart
with her love. But remember - it is the challenge itself that is
attractive. Just as your hard-on doesn't go away, neither does your
desire for the conquest of men. Once you are tamed, she will look for
a new challenge.

If you can keep yourself as a challenge, a little out of reach, a little

out of her feminine influence, she will become an extremely docile
and warm shelter of emotional and sexual support.

How she gets what she wants

The Romantic Hopeful is an Investor, so she seeks sexual and

emotional satisfaction in one man, not several. When she meets an
interesting man, she immediately starts thinking about her future at
his side.

If she feels that he doesn't have the capacity to relate to her, she will
move on. But this is where things get complicated. A man who is
moody, wild, or living on the edge is actually a potential man,
because he is emotional and is not trying to win her over for sex.

When it comes to sex, a Romantic will play a passive role. But when
she is excited and won over, she responds in a powerful way.


Her challenge is to cope with her domestic and family nature - her
need to care for her children and loved ones - and society's pressures
to achieve status and material luxury. Think of the combination of a
Denier and an Idealist. The Denier will only let her guard down
when she feels she is with a man who will take care of her, and love
her (if not now, then someday).

But, as always, as soon as you appear needy, submissive, and weak,

she will lose the attraction and motivation to even give this
relationship a chance.

Conversation Phase 1: Ignition

As always with female Investors, it pays to be direct. And here's why:

either she has a man, or she wants one. If it's the first option, there's
a good chance he won't satisfy her sexually or emotionally. If it's the
second option - there you go. So, if you can pick up an Investor (a
skill I have acquired over the last few years), you know what to do to
get a 75% success rate. Unless you screw it up somehow or pick her
up at the worst time of the month.

"Direct" does not necessarily mean to say explicitly that you are
attracted to her. This can be shown through your eyes and body. Eye
contact is best taught in live training programs.

This creates sexual tension without the need to say much, but it
needs a lot of calibration. A good rule of thumb is to act as if your
eyes and her eyes are magnets - maintain eye contact a little more
than normal, but don't try to compete. "Direct" doesn't necessarily
mean explicitly saying that you are attracted to her. This can be
shown through your eyes and your body.


Eye contact is best taught in live training programs. This creates

sexual tension without the need to say much, but it needs a lot of
calibration. A good rule of thumb is to act as if your eyes and her eyes
are magnets - maintain eye contact a little more than normal, but
don't try to compete.

It is your interest that will capture her interest. With an Investor,

success and failure depend on you. She is ready - but she will quit if
you quit first. By quitting, I mean hiding behind a mask when you
are nervous, being extremely macho, or pretending to be super
detached, to the point of "not caring," or not having anything to talk


Create a "you and her against the world" dynamic as soon as

possible. This is easier than it sounds - find something in common
between you, and then make a joke about the rest of the
world/people who are different (and have a lower social status).

Keep your energy mature and dominant, which means you don't get
nervous or upset. Show that your emotions are stable and that you
are not affected by anything. Another tip is to draw attention to
something silly she is doing or wearing, but make sure you do this
with a caring, positive energy - this is the only way to make such
risky behavior work consistently.


Role playing and talking about things to do together in the future is

the best way to encourage her to get to know you. She's an Investor,
so she thinks long-term. She's an Idealist, so her worldview is based
on romance and fantasy. And as a Denier, she sees sex as a big
commitment - not a casual diversion. So show her that you're
interested in getting to know her, and that you're a guy who will
always be around.


The way to create a connection with a hopeful romantic is to indicate

that you have the romantic capacity in you, and that you had your
heart broken by a GIRL (not a woman), who did not appreciate or
value you. And now you have a wounded heart that needs to be

This approach can easily get into games and manipulations that we
do not advocate. However, it would be remiss not to mention how
easy it is to generate strong feelings in this type of woman simply by
abandoning all attempts to impress her influence on others.

Don't be afraid to be quiet and simply relax together, even in a

crowded bar. Comfortable silences are probably the best way to
create a spark with the Hopeful Romantic.

Body Language

Your initial body language makes a big difference in how an Investor

defines you. Don't try to look like a party guy. Don't be the drunk and
loud guy. Sincerity and authenticity attract Investors.


That said, I should clarify the difference between sincerity and

pressure. No woman likes a man to get in her face and be too intense
at first. Relax your body and face, respect her personal space, and use
eye contact to show that you are focused on her. This will intrigue
her. More than the other guys, this woman will let go of any fashion
mistakes you make, because she will always look at your personality
and energy-she is trying to see what you will look like in the long


Let's take a look at the 3 Personality Factors of a Hopeful Romantic:

she is more interested in connection and authenticity than
excitement and novelty (I). She places a high value on sex and doesn't
like to rush intimacy (N). She has romantic ideals and wants to be

This combination can create a complicated dynamic. To be able to

win her over, you need to have a good touch - you need to protect
and lead her. However, don't go so far as to touch her too much, as
this shows that you just want to get laid. And, as with all Negotiators,
you'll have more leverage if you can get her to sleep with you
quickly, so touch is crucial.

Use lots of protective touches - move her out of the way, wipe her
blouse, brush her hair out of her face, and hold her hand when you
cross the street. Being attentive to her body and showing that you
care about her safety shows that you're not just there to get laid. You
are a guy who will last and be a part of her life, because you really




The interesting thing about Cinderella is that she is probably very

beautiful and dresses in a sexy, revealing way, but always with class
and maturity. She attracts attention, and knows what she is doing.
She wants to be as attractive as possible, so that she can win a great

If she doesn't have a man, she is looking for one. The irony is that
Cinderella is usually single. What adds another layer of irony is that
most men assume she has a boyfriend, because of her beauty, her
sexy and charming style, and her extremely feminine energy.

But Cinderella is usually the victim of many heartbreaks. She holds

her heart in her hand and lives in a world of hopes and ideals. She
puts up no barriers to sleeping with a man if she likes him. For her, it
makes a lot of sense to sleep with a man if she is sure that he won't
run away. She is very passionate and heats up quickly. Usually this
passion gets her into trouble, because she is prone to being fooled
with kind words and lets her emotions blind her need to choose the
best man in the long run.

If you can demonstrate that you have long-term potential, and that
you know how to sexually arouse a woman, you will do well with a
Cinderella. If you are sexually shy, or seem dishonest about liking
her as a person, she will cut you out of her life quickly.

Cinderella needs passion and hope for the future.


Your Desires:

Cinderella looks for a combination of strength and sensitivity in a

man. She is less concerned with an exciting or very social lifestyle.
She responds powerfully to the strong, silent type. She won't ignore
you when you reveal your dreams, fears and insecurities. Just don't
be more emotional or insecure than she is. She needs to feel a deeper
strength beneath your vulnerabilities.

As an Investor, she seeks a long-term relationship. This does not

mean that she cannot be a partner for casual sex. In fact, if you can
create an idea that your friendship can turn into something more
serious, she will have no problem sleeping with you without getting

She is a great girlfriend because she loves to have sex. She is

extremely sexual and will almost always be willing. Your biggest
challenge is to show that you are not with her just because of sex.
This will be one of the main reasons why you like her so much, but
you must show that your main reason for being with her is how
feminine she is, and how connected you feel to her.

How she gets what she wants:

Her strategy for finding a man depends on the time of the month,
and what she is going through in her life at that moment. Either she
stays home on Saturday night, or she is the girl in the club that all
the men are looking at but afraid to go talk to.

When she is feeling active, she dresses sexy and attracts as many
men as possible. She will then select and try to find the man with the
most potential to be a boyfriend. She is looking for chemistry and a
genuine interest in who she is as a person.


For Cinderella, sex is like the conversation that keeps the

relationship on track. It's natural, it's fun, and it's enjoyable. But, it
must be done with the right guy - not someone who will treat her
like a conquest and move on to the next woman. She will only let
loose with a guy she feels will stay with her.

Cinderella has an old-fashioned perspective on gender roles. She

expects the man to pay for the dates, at least at first, and she
imagines herself being a housewife when she finds the right guy to
marry. She is less concerned with status and achievement. She is a
caregiver, and cares for her loved ones through emotional support
and love.

Conversation Phase 1: Ignition

The best way to approach Cinderella is to be direct, honest and

humble. I have a certain trepidation with this guy, and I have had a
lot of success just saying that she is so beautiful that I can't even
think straight when I look at her. Any variation of this - where you
are being honest and direct, but not snippy or aggressive - is the
right mix to get her attention. A sincere compliment works very
well, but a "you're hot" is too generic. Try not to sound like a "player.
Make her think that you picked her out of a crowd.


Immediately after breaking the ice, ask questions about her life, and
relate them to your own experiences. Keep a good balance between
give and take, and keep your focus on how she thinks and feels about
the subject. Don't get too bogged down in rational stuff - her
Idealistic side gets bored with it. Talk about things that get her
excited, and show her what you like, too. She'll be interested to
realize that you want to get to know her in the long run.



This woman gets horny talking about sex, and loves a man who
matches her passion. She likes men who know how to turn her on
mentally, before physically. To really win this woman over, you need
to incorporate an element of sexuality into your conversation.
Obviously, it's good to do this within a few minutes.

Use innuendo to create sexual tension. Ask her to tell you one of her
secret places where she likes to be kissed. Ask her if she likes to have
her hair pulled. Tell her that you like how soft her skin is and how
you like to touch her. When you ask about her hobbies and interests,
ask her this way: "So what turns you on? What are you passionate

Body Language

Strong eye contact is important, but don't invade her personal space
at first. When you sense that she is interested, narrow the space and
create a bubble around the two of you with your focus.

A great way to turn her on is to follow her neckline with your eyes -
look at all the places you want to kiss her between her shoulders and
neck. Do this while she is talking, and then always return to her eyes.



A light touch on her arm or lower back is a good move at first. Let her
know that you are sexual, sensual, and know how to touch a woman.
This is very attractive and exciting.

As the interaction progresses, be very sensual. Run your fingers

down her forearm. Stir her hair. Hold her hands gently while you are
face to face and look into her eyes.

If you are dancing, move slowly - at half speed. Make her feel as if
the two of you are in a different world than the others.



Just like the other Deny-Testers, the Private Dancer has two sides to
her personality. There is the mysterious, yet innocent exterior. And
there is the passionate and sensitive woman inside. Only few can see
this hidden part of her.

She keeps herself protected because she is a giver. When a man is

special to her, she does everything to contribute to his life and keep
him happy. She needs to have this role in order to feel satisfied in a
relationship. And this is why she needs to be very selective with
whom she gets intimate. She doesn't want to give gifts to a guy who
doesn't deserve them.


Now, it may seem that this woman is more of an Investor,

considering the above description. In fact, she is such an extreme
Investor that she needs to be a Tester to protect herself. Some Testers
are like this because they are running away from their own
emotions. In this case, the Private Dancer, consciously or
subconsciously is afraid of being extremely attached to such a man
when she lets her guard down. So for now, she is just testing out
several different men.

If you get intimate with a Dancer, you will find that she loves to offer
sex. It is in her nature to help and contribute. If your relationship has
not yet become serious, she will still give. She will also take any
chance to cook for you, help you pick out your clothes, or anything
else she can do to help you. This is her Realistic nature - caring in
concrete ways.

This also means that she is practical, and keeps her emotions bottled
up most of the time. She is not very sentimental. She also expects
you to return this care that she offers you, so don't overdo it. She can
seem cool and carefree, and this can frustrate a guy who falls in love
with her and wants something more serious in the long run. But
otherwise, she is a great casual lover and friend.


Your wishes:

As a Tester, this woman is uncomfortable with too much intensity

and romance at first. She prefers to keep the conversation on
situational topics rather than being too personal. She also needs a
man who is persistent, but not too sexual or aggressive. Sexual
tension makes her apprehensive and she represses this side of her
over time. Again, this is a protective mechanism - there is certainly a
wild side to this woman.

She is very hot, but doesn't show it. Usually, this occurs due to a lack
of sexual confidence. It's not that she doesn't know what she is doing
- it's that she doesn't see herself as a sexual person. If you can boost
her confidence and build her sexual identity, she will be an
extremely skilled lover. She will learn how to do that special thing
with her hips, or that crazy move with her tongue that finishes you

As a Denier, her ability to please you with such skills makes her feel
close to you - only she knows what you like - hence the name
"Private Dancer".

Outside the bedroom (or wherever you are having sex), she will have
a caretaker role. She may sound cool and passionless, but this is not
the case. She thinks practically. If you try to get behind her when
she's cooking, she might stagger you, so that she can finish making
dinner. You know, if she got carried away, dinner would be ruined
and you would go hungry! So let her cook and take care of you, and
after dinner she'll show you a new trick she's learned to make you
hard as stone.


How she gets what she wants

The Private Dancer usually has many friends, because she can relate
to the male way of thinking. She hates drama and thinks that most
women are exaggerated. Because of this, she meets many men, and
has many men after her. There is something about her mysterious
personality that attracts men. And the fact that she can watch soccer
and not ask stupid questions makes her a great friend. If she is hot,
men will see her as the best in the world.

Although she's not a prude, she doesn't get too excited talking about
sex, and may even lose interest if you try to make sexual innuendos
or ask her about her sex life. This is the part she keeps guarded until
the right guy pushes her boundaries and makes her open up. This
requires you to keep a balance, not try to force yourself on her
sexually, and show her that the two of you can do things together
outside the bedroom.

She is independent and career-driven, at least until she is ready to

start a family (usually in her early 30s).

She has her own life and hobbies. But she loves to contribute to hers,
as long as she feels appreciated. Never ignore this woman, because
she probably has many other options. If she is beautiful, she has
many other men fighting for her attention. The only problem is that
they are all wanting to take care of her, take her to dinner, spoil her.
She doesn't want that. This is her job - to pamper her man. If a man
won't let her do this, she won't be satisfied. If you can understand
this, you will be successful with the Private Dancer.


Conversation Phase 1: Ignition

The best way to approach a Tester, as mentioned earlier, is to make a

comment about something in the environment. If you compliment
her, do not talk about her body. While you can tell an Investor that
you love how her dress matches her curves, a Tester would be very
uncomfortable hearing this. Especially a TNR - she doesn't want to
see herself as a sexual person in general - just with that special guy.

However, non-sexual compliments are fine. If she has a nice T-shirt,

for example, just tell her, "I like your style" and slap her hand.

In contrast to Idealists, she doesn't need to be teased to feel

interested in you. The Dancer doesn't want to chase, but to succeed
together. If you can do something as a team, this will separate you
from the other men around you. Invite her to play pool on the same
team (against another couple), or have her get the bartender's
attention, and in return you buy a round for both of you (let her buy
the next round - don't be the guy who buys her drinks - remember,
this is not what she wants).


The Private Dancer can talk about anything. She is like one of your
friends - any random subject is valid. Just don't be too psychological.
Some women love to explore how people think. For a Realist,
concrete subjects are more interesting - travel, work, school, sports,
her dog, etc.


The main way to build a moment with the Dancer is to NOT say
anything sexual. This helps her feel at ease. Most men mess this up.
She will respect you more if you can treat her like a person first - a
colleague and partner. So to summarize - interact, keep things
moving, do something physical if possible, and cut out all sexual


The Private Dancer responds powerfully to the "We" mentality.

Create a dynamic where you two are a team, and whatever you are
doing, succeed at it. Role-playing is not as effective because it is just
fantasy. Actually DOING something where you and she are working
together is much more powerful - remember, she's a Realist.

Also, having a few "episodes" will give her the sense that the two of
you have been through a lot. While an Investor wants depth, a Tester
wants variety. Another way to think of it is: a Tester would love to sit
on a couch in silence, sipping her Martini, while the two of you share
your deepest passions.

A Tester wants to get up and do something concrete and physical

WITH you. And she probably drinks beer.


Body Language

You can usually see a trend with the Private Dancer: physical
teamwork, not sexual.

This means you need to be objective. But this can be counter

productive. A good leader knows when to delegate. Usually the best
way to lead and be dominant with a Private Dancer is to give her a
job to do. Asking for submission early on is a great way to start.
But you need to do this in a confident manner. Speak loudly, stand
up straight, and talk as if you expect people to listen. When you ask
her for something, look her in the eye. Don't be bossy - act as if you
are making the decision for the good of "the team.


As with all Deniers, an aggressive, sexual touch is not advised. But as

a Tester, she needs an element of physicality to keep her stimulated
(you shouldn't let a Tester get bored!).

Very light touches on her back to guide her, or any kind of protective
touch are fine. For example, a group of people are walking near her,
gently pull her close so that she doesn't bump into someone.

Dancing is fine too, as long as she doesn't notice your erection

behind her. Keep a small space and twirl her around. This makes her
feel beautiful and boosts her sexual confidence in a seemingly non-
sexual way.




The Seductress is a Tester, Justifier, Realist. This combination makes

her a very confident, sexual, and independent woman. She is a Diva -
not in the dramatic sense (she is well balanced) - but in the sense that
she is strong, sexy and has a presence that intimidates many men.
This is good news for all the men reading this, because you can move
forward with confidence. Just understanding her and knowing how
to deal with is very attractive, as she sees most men as weak and
insecure. This is very frustrating for her, as she is very horny, but
also very career focused. She doesn't have time to deal with egos. In a
way, her attitude scares away the weak.

If you can keep cool, not be emotionally needy, and take care of her
needs sexually, she will be a wild woman - one of the best you will

BUT, if you get annoyed when she is too busy to see you, or if you
seem nervous when you are talking to her, she will move on to
someone else. She is not the kind of woman you can win back. As
soon as she notices a weakness, she will leave, and she will never see
you the same way again.

This doesn't mean that she is cold. She just needs a man. You don't
need to be super confident, or a stud in bed. You just need to stay
cool, and be generous in bed. If you are inexperienced, this type of
woman loves to teach you how to be pleasured.


When we talk about strength, we are not talking about looking

macho or acting as if you have no flaws. This behavior is generated
by insecurity, and she can see it from afar. In fact, admitting your
faults and being comfortable with them shows more strength - and
recognition. It's sexier to approach it as a new experience - don't
bring your move list into the bedroom. Explore her and find out
what specifically drives her crazy.

Your desires

Note that most of this relationship is sex-oriented. This is because

she doesn't have time for other things. She is probably not looking
for anything serious and thinks that dating is bullshit. She wants a
man who will be her friend, her partner, respect her time, admire
her intelligence and talent, and fuck her when she needs it. Not a bad
job description...

Ironically, this is the best way to end up in a serious relationship

with her. And the terms of the relationship will be ideal if you are a
guy who is on his own path and has goals in career and life. She will
not demand a lot of your time. Mutual respect for each other's goals
is the basis for a long-term relationship.

She wants to seduce you continuously. She feels powerful when she
can use her beauty, energy, and skill to turn you on. She likes to
pursue you all the time, but not like a schoolgirl. Seducing a man is
how she gets her power. Throughout the week, she will need to
improve her ego, and she will need to feel sexy. She goes crazy when
a man is thirsty for her, not because he is just horny, but because of
something she did to make him that way. We have great techniques
to get her in that state.


How she gets what she wants

The Seductress is surrounded by horny men. She is sexy and

confident, and men throw themselves on top of her. This is boring.
She enjoys the attention to some extent - it is better to be desired
than unwanted. But she is looking for a man who is a challenge.

The degree of pursuit here is different from the Player and the Social
Butterfly. You don't have to provoke her. You don't have to play any
games. By staying calm and talking to her like a normal person (no
singing, or buying drinks), you will seem like a challenge simply by
being different (from all the other clowns who are after her). She will
usually show interest in you at this point. She has no problem taking
the lead when she wants something (you).

The Seductress has no problem with sex. Her confidence in her

ability to seduce and satisfy a man removes any fear of looking easy
or slutty. She is not a slut, she is a Seductress. A slut sleeps with men
for attention. She sleeps with men because she likes it. A slut is used.
A seductress uses men! As Charlie Sheen would say, that's hot.


The Seductress may at some point want a family, but she knows that
nowadays a woman cannot depend on a man to take care of her. She
believes in being independent and paying her own bills. She
probably won't be satisfied at home, even after having children. But,
as with all women, she has the need to take care of her man in order
to strengthen their bond. She does this by helping him in practical
ways (Realist). She can help him make professional contacts to
improve his business. She probably knows a lot of people and has a
lot of influence in her field.

Let her help you, challenge her to seduce you, never lose patience,
and treat her with respect.

Conversation Phase 1: Ignition

An aggressive approach won't work. But a confident approach will.

Remember what I said about confidence. She has seen it all, and she
knows the difference between a performance and real emotional
stability. She knows the difference between boldness and security.

This means that you should be very down-to-earth and casual in

your approach. She will wonder why you are not at her feet like
other men. My favorite way to approach this type of woman is to
give a sincere compliment, but in a way that shows that I am used to
beauty and this is no big deal.

For example, try looking into her eyes and saying in a non-gallant
way, "you look beautiful tonight". Maintain eye contact for a while
longer, and look away.

Pretty? BEAUTIFUL? I just look GOOD? Who is this guy?



As I said, it's easy to create the Seductress' interest for two reasons.
First, she loves to chase, to seduce - it's how she gets her power.
Second, all the other guys are throwing themselves at her feet. So it's
just a matter of not doing that. She will naturally want to conquer

She interprets a man's dominance by seeing how comfortable he is

with making fun of himself (and her, but on a smaller level). Talk
openly about your goals, failures, interests, and silly childhood
memories, and your most recent embarrassing moment. And ask
about hers, too. Keep the topic about passions, goals, and the
mistakes that make us human.

One more thing - and this requires a bit of experience to cultivate -

take your attention away at key moments. Sense when the average
guy (the old you) would try to advance or try to say something
seductive, and instead look away and relax your body. We'll talk
about this later.


The best subject to talk about with the Seductress is sex. And this is
where you show who you really are. While the average man gets
extremely excited discussing sex with a woman, you remain cool.
She is always analyzing you. There are some things she is looking

She wants to make sure that you have a good tool for the job. You
don't have to be a porn star, being average, or even below average
will do, as long as you know how to use it. For her, a man who brags
shows overcompensation. But if you can laugh at yourself, that
means you are safe...which indicates that you are confident about
what you can offer her sexually.


She needs to know that you have energy. So don't wear yourself out.
Don't show that you are overly interested in her. Don't laugh or get
too excited about sex. Talk about having sex with women as if you
were talking about the weather - no, forget that - your favorite team.
And here's why.

She wants a man who is passionate. It's no fun to give pleasure to

someone who is insensitive. And it's no fun to think that your lover
is just going through the motions. She needs to know that once you
turn him on, you will be an animal. Show this by discussing sex,
goals, and everything else with enthusiasm.

Note the difference between being turned on and being in love. If you
tell her about how you love to see a woman's ass wiggle when you
fuck her from behind, talk about it with energy and excitement. But
give no indication that you plan to do this with her. She will WANT
to receive your passion, and she will want to MAKE you give it to her
(and she gets wonderfully frustrated as to why you haven't done this

The last thing she is looking for is a submissive. Men are selfish - she
knows this because she has had many of them. She doesn't need you
to be an expert at Greek kissing, but she needs to know that you're
going to blow her body away, because she's sexy and she deserves it!


Body Language

One word: mysterious. When you make eye contact, hold it for a
little longer than would be "platonic" or polite. Then look away. It is
as if you are saying in this brief moment, "You want me".

Keep a calm, slightly mischievous look on your face, as if you know

something that no one knows, and you are holding back a secret
smile. You know she's a sex kitten and she's itching to get her claws
on you.

Find that distance between close and personal, and distant and
disinterested. Stay there. She is very attentive and aware of your
body and proximity. In that middle zone where the electricity

Don't get caught looking at her ass or breasts. She finds it boring. She
knows that good foreplay starts elsewhere. Let her catch you looking
at your neck, your lips, your wild, wavy hair. Think about how much
you would love to take them. She can see it in your eyes.

Why isn't he moving forward? I know he wants me...doesn't he? I'll

have to work with this one!


Keep your touch light and subtle. She is a very physical woman and
would certainly let you touch her. But that would break the tension.
A man who understands sexual tension, and can handle the
electricity in the air is very sexy to the Seductress. She is dying to
seduce you and find out what you like in bed.


Treat her touch as a tease. Occasionally touch her hand. If you're

close to her (in a crowded bar or club), let your crotch press against
her hip or buttock for a brief moment. If you talk to her by looking
into her eyes, make sure she feels your breath on her neck. Any
incidental touch on her breasts or ass is extremely exciting, as long
as you don't overdo it, because then you give yourself away.

Smell her subtly, but don't say anything. She can feel it.



The Knower, like the other Deniers we have examined, has an

interesting contrast. She is extremely selective, and also has a very
practical and careful approach to dating. This may seem like a
challenge for most men . The difficulty created by the Knower is
balanced by her tending to see sex as a reward for her non-sexual

So with the other Denier-Realist, she is a giver. She sees her time
with you as a gift that she cannot give to just anyone. You need to be
special, because as a Negator, sex is special (for a Justifier, sex is fun).
But in contrast to the Private Dancer (TNR), she tends to be invested
in her relationship with you. A Tester will hold back and protect her
emotions. An Investor will jump in headfirst and contribute heavily
to the relationship, emotionally and in other ways.


The challenge is that once she lets you get close and she starts
sleeping with you, she will probably become very attached. This is
common with the Investor-Denier types. The good news is that her
Realist side understands that getting too attached can push you
away. She's not wrong when it comes to men - she knows that a man
needs freedom, and if she can keep her desire to get attached at a
healthy level, you'll see her value in no time.

She doesn't like to chase a man. She wants to be chased and get her
foot off the ground (I+N). Since she is a Denier, this can be done
sexually, as sex is sacred and has an emotional charge. So when you
sleep with the Knower, she will feel much closer to you.

This explains why she is so prone to the dynamic of gaining sex from
you. Sex equals emotional connection. And that is what she is after.
As a Realist and an Investor, she tends to work to contribute, to
invest in very practical and concrete ways. Translating, you will
never have to work to gain sex or try to seduce her. She seduces

An example to illustrate:

She prepares a great meal for you. You clean your plate, tell her how
good the food was, and start kissing her neck. You have a good sex,
and hug her afterwards, telling her how well she treats you. Her sex
was your reward for being a good woman.


Another example:

You were out of town on business. Before you get on the plane to go
home, you call her to tell her that you had a long weekend, and that
you need her to come relax with you because you miss her energy.
Note the phrase "needs her". This is what motivates her. She sits
behind you and massages your back while you watch your game. You
lie on your back and she begins to massage your chest. You tell her
how good she is at it. She gives you a slow, loving blowjob, and you
fuck her like you haven't seen her in years. She's earned it.

Your desires

Her ideal man is one who needs her. She needs a man she can help,
care for, and even save. It's not for him, it's for her. She needs to do
this. This means that it is absolutely crucial that she not only feels
needed, but also appreciated. You don't need to do many things for
her. Small gestures are fine, but more than anything, she needs to
hear the words, "You are so good to me," "I miss you," "You are the
most loving woman I have ever met."

It can be easy to take advantage of such a woman. She may seem

flexible. She probably won't speak up if she is upset that you are
seeing other women. She is more likely to tell herself that one day
you will choose to be only with her. But don't think for a second that
she doesn't get hurt when she spends the night making you feel
good, and then you don't call the next day.


Don't get me wrong - she loves taking care of you. But this makes her
vulnerable to the pain of not getting that back. This does NOT mean
that she needs you to be her boyfriend or commit exclusively to her.
Labels and obligations do not motivate Realists. She just needs to
know that you appreciate her, that you will not abandon her, and
that you are thinking of her. Calling her your girlfriend doesn't
replace all of these things.

As long as she can be the caring, helpful woman she wants to be

around you, and you appreciate her for it, she won't mind keeping
things casual and open. Obviously, she'll be very happy to be your
only woman, if that's what you want.

How she gets what she wants

The Acquaintance is looking for a long-term prospect. Not a

boyfriend, necessarily, but a man who is interested in her as a
person, not just for sex. This ensures that you are a part of her life
after she sleeps with you. As a Denier, it is this part, "sleeping with
you" that is crucial in the situation. She has the Realist perspective
on men, so she knows that if she sleeps with you too quickly, she will
be devalued by you. This will ruin her chance of gaining your

This is the type of woman most prone to cry after sex, because this is
something very emotional for her. If you put sex as something you
earn from her, she will feel that you have lost your power. If you put
sex as something you give her because she has earned it, you will
bypass her fear of looking easy and cheap.

Sex itself is an investment, as is all the time she spends with you. She
feels vulnerable sexually. You need to build her sexual confidence so
that she feels she has some power, and doesn't feel like a helpless


If you can get her to initiate sex, and do things to turn you on, she
will start to feel empowered. But don't forget that she sees the
relationship through the eyes of an Investor. Everything she does,
even seducing you, is an investment she can't take back.

In contrast to her emotional sensitivity is the fact that she has a

career, works hard, and probably has financial independence. She is
not looking for men to support her. She can do that on her own. She
wants ONE MAN who will look up to her. At the same time, she
understands that we are no longer in the 1950s, and that most
relationships start out casual and light. She probably doesn't mind
keeping an open relationship, although she may be uncomfortable
with it at first. Basically, this woman maintains a balance between
Investor-Denier and Realist.

Conversation Phase 1: Ignition

A direct and sincere compliment is a great way to approach the

Knower. She wants to know that you are focused on her and that you
have chosen her, among others. If you say something too sexual,
she'll think you're a manipulator, trying to get laid (she's a Denier,
and most Deniers have a cynical view of men's sexual intentions).

Be as specific as possible - talk about something she is wearing, or

something she has clearly made an effort to do when getting ready to
go out. If you're approaching her on the street or in a coffee shop, say
that you haven't been able to take your eyes off her since you saw
her. But then quickly move on to less romantic conversation before
she gets uncomfortable with the sexual tension.



This woman has goals, and is proud of the fact that she can support
herself, or is going to college for a career she is passionate about. Ask
about this, and share your passions. Talking about work and study is
not boring to a Realis t, as long as you focus on how she thinks, and
share how you think. This is what an Investor is looking for - she
wants to get to know you, and she wants you to get to know her. That
way, she can decide if there is a future for the two of you. That's
pretty straightforward.


Do something physical together where you are on the same team or

have a common goal. This is a good way to be physical without being
too sexual (Denier). This also shows long-term potential, because
you make a good team (Investor). And, as a Realist, doing concrete
activities (rather than exploring ideas and role-playing) matches
your world view of what a relationship should be like. We'll talk
more about this in the subsection "Touch"

Another great way to connect with a Knower is by talking about how

the two of you can contribute to each other's lives. For example, if
you've read a book on sales and she's involved in marketing, tell her
what you learned. If she has an area of expertise that you find
interesting, ask her to teach you what she knows.

The interaction may seem a bit platonic at times during the first few
conversations, but as long as you are straightforward about being
attracted to her at first, she will see it as something that leads to a
romantic outcome. Be patient, but once you are alone with her, don't
miss any opportunity to take things to the next level.


Body Language

Strong eye contact is necessary with the Investors. But don't flirt too
much with the Deniers. Look her right in the eye when you speak,
and when she speaks. She is probably more quiet - and not a party
girl full of energy. The Knower is usually intelligent and creative - an
artistic type. She may feel like an outsider, or different from
everyone else. She will be less likely to break free and do silly things.

Adapt to this with very relaxed, unassuming body language. You are
interested in her, but there is no pressure. As you get to know her,
she will feel invested. There is no need to rush. No fancy chants or
overconfident posturing. If she senses that you are pretending to be
someone else, she will rule out the possibility of a real relationship
and will avoid any further contact with you.


Keep the touches light and occasional. As always, be protective. But

don't be clingy. Use your touch for practical reasons. Touching her
just because you like to touch her is very sexual in nature.

Brushing dirt off her blouse, taking off your coat for her, pulling her
close when people walk by, and holding her hand to go to another
area are all good ideas. But again, DO NOT BE GRUDGEFUL. The
main mistake men make with this type of woman is to LOOK at her
hands when they are touching her. Don't do this. She will
immediately see you as trying to put your hand on her.




The Modern Woman is a nice girl. She is independent, probably has

a good job or ambitious goals, and she sees dating as fun. She loves
men, but she doesn't take it too seriously unless she feels there is a
reason for it. Basically, she has a very healthy and realistic approach
to dealing with men.

She hopes one day to find a man to have a long-term relationship

with. She may even have a boyfriend at the moment. But she is also
comfortable with casual fun. If she is not in a relationship, she
probably has some "friends" with whom she regularly has sex. Most
commonly, she has a "friend" with whom she has had sex for some
time. This is good news for you, because she is not exclusive, and is
therefore willing to try someone new, at least for now.

However, remember that she is an Investor, and if she likes a guy,

she will want to focus on him and develop the relationship. If she is
dissatisfied sexually, she is very open to offering a chance. If she is
satisfied, but not exclusively committed to a guy, she will be open to
going out with you to see if there is more chemistry than she
currently has.

She may sound too good to be true-she is well-balanced, rational,

sexual, and not overly promiscuous-but we find that the Modern
Woman is relatively common. More and more women are thinking
this way these days - especially women in their twenties who have
some experience with dating. In 2010, almost all women have a bit of
Modern Woman in them.


Your desires

The Modern Woman wants a man with goals, a strong sex drive, and
who likes her for who she is as a person. You don't have to be rich,
super successful, or smart. You just need to be going somewhere in
life, and have your things in order. You don't have to be very
attractive or great in bed. But you should be in decent shape, and
dress reasonably well. In bed, you should strive to make her
satisfied, and she does the same.

The things that drive them apart the most are:

1.Selfishness-she has a lot of self-esteem and will not put up with a

guy who doesn't value her or treat her with respect.

2. Lack of direction-why would she want to be in a relationship with

a man who is not going anywhere?

3. Need-if she's attractive, she has men begging for sex. If she is nice
and confident, she also has men begging to be her boyfriend. She has
goals, a job/college, and she doesn't have time to take care of other


If you are a quiet guy, she has no reason NOT to sleep with you. This
is fun, and as long as you use protection, why not? Usually your
relationships begin as a friendship with casual sex. If there is sexual
chemistry and your life paths are not too different, this friendship
can develop into something more.

How she gets what she wants

If she is single and horny, she will make herself available. She will
dress sexy, go out with girls, and if she is she will get in a position to
be approached. She will try various activities to meet men and
socialize, such as volunteer and charity work, sports clubs, joining a
gym, dance classes, etc. Not only is she improving herself, but she
can find a man she really likes. And even if he's not the right guy, she
can still get good sex with him!

She doesn't mind sleeping with a man relatively quickly. But she has
a low tolerance for selfishness. She doesn't like to be used. She wants
a man who treats her body well. If you can provide a pleasurable
experience the first time, she will want to do it again. This does not
mean that you have to have the performance of a porn star. For the
Modern Woman, good sex is about being attentive to her body and
her responses, being generous, and keeping the energy fun and
positive. Make her feel sexy, don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.

In the end, she wants to meet the right guy, if she hasn't already. She
may start to worry about this as she approaches her 30s. But she has
plenty of things in her life to feel good about, whether she has a
serious boyfriend or not.


One thing you must remember here - and this is true for all women -
dishonesty kills attraction. Not only does it mean she can't trust you,
it is insulting and makes you look weak. The Modern Woman wants
you to be a Modern Man. Be honest about who you are and what you
want. There is a chance that she is not much different, and that she
will accept any term in the relationship, as long as she can have fun
too. Most men are dishonest and manipulative with women because
they don't understand them. By being honest and authentic when
dealing with women, you will appear bold, confident, and well-
informed about the opposite sex.

Conversation Phase 1: Ignition

As a Justifier, the Modern Woman is interested in your sexual

potential, and also in your level of confidence. The best way to show
both is to be direct and honest in your approach. She likes to know
that you have chosen her - for an Investor, your interest in her is

A specific compliment works well, or just say that you think she's
beautiful (or pretty, or killer... just don't say "hot" - that's too generic
and childish). A comment or joke or question works well too, but
look into her eyes as you say it.

It's not hard to approach this type of woman, because she likes to
meet men! You can sometimes find one who is in a bad mood or just
not interested. That's okay, there are plenty of others out there.
Shake off the dust and continue with the process.



The Investor-Justifier combination makes this woman fun to talk to.

She likes to talk about sex and responds well to flirting. She can
probably hold a deeper conversation. The best way to get her
attention is to ask what she thinks about the subject. For example, if
she says she is a nurse, ask why she got into this field.

If she is going out with her friends, ask what they are celebrating and
find out how they met. Have some interesting questions ready. Ask
about something fun she has done recently, or something she would
like to do in the future. Talk about music - music is an important part
of Modern Woman's life. What does she listen to when she is
working out? When she is relaxing? What are her new favorites?


Connecting with the Modern Woman occurs naturally, as long as

you are curious about her, and balance your interest in her by
showing who you are. The most attractive element in this interaction
is chemistry, and this occurs when two people are being real with
each other.

This may seem simple and obvious, but most men are NOT like this
with attractive women. So, you get a lot of points just for being
different. Tell stories about your life, talk about your goals, what you
like about women and people in general, and don't hide from sexual


Body Language

The best way to have great body language is to a) relax your body and
b) look happy. This does not mean sloppy. Just loosen up and be
comfortable. Looking happy does not mean walking around with a
big smile. It means smiling, laughing, and having a calm and
pleasant facial expression.

Again - this sounds very basic, but most men look nervous and
hostile in the presence of attractive women. Look at guys who hang
out with attractive women - they look relaxed and happy. It's not
complicated, but it is extremely effective.

Dressing well and taking care of yourself is also important. Look

clean, and wear modern clothes. Choose colors that go well with
your skin (This is key with all women.)


Try to keep your touch as a reward for your personality. It's all about
timing. If she says something funny or interesting, show that she has
impressed you by touching her arm or back. This is crucial with
Female Investors. Remember that Testers like to be touched because
the situation calls for it. With Female Investors, the reason for you to
touch is precisely her.

She is a Justifier, which means that she is already very sexual. And
for a woman, good sex is about foreplay. And good foreplay is about
sensuality and attention. So when you touch the Modern Woman,
have a gentle, but appreciative energy. Not too light or shy, but not
too aggressive and rough. She likes to be touched.


You can also have her touch you. Ask her to scratch your back, or
hold your hand while you take her to another area. She likes to hold
hands, she likes men's bodies, and she likes to be led in moderation.
As always, use protection as a reason to touch her.

She is confident and independent, but she still needs to feel safe and
loved in the presence of a man.


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