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x2-16 limx-+4 x-4

2.Evaluate: limx-+co 2?3-8 B. 1/2
C. 2
D. 1/4
3. Find the 80 " derivative of y with respect to x for y = x80.
4. B. 80!x C. 80! D. infinityA.0
5. Find the 60'" derivative of y with respect to x for y = xe".
C. 60xex
A.xex D.(xex) 60 B. (x + 60)ex
5. Evaluate: limx-+4 x-2]
A. 2 B. - 2 C. 1 D. does not exist
6. The function
f(x) = x+1

Is defined for all x except x = - 1, since at x = - 1 both numerator and denominator vanish. Does limx->-1 f
(x) exist?
A. NO C. Maybe
B. Yes, 2 D. Yes, - 5
7. Evaluate: limx-0tanx-sinxsin3x
A. 0 B. 1/2
8. Evaluate: limx-+00In x2x
C. 1/3
D. 1/4
A.0 B. 1
C. oo
D. - 1
9. Evaluate: limx -, 1 (2 - x)tan **
A. e 27
B.O C. e 2/n
D. does not exist
10. Evaluate: limx-+0 1-ex
A. 1 B. O C. 3 D. - 1
11. Evaluate: limx-+005x+4
A. 0.6 B. 0.5 C. 0.4 D. 0.3
tan 2x-2 sin x
12. Evaluate: limx-+0 X3
A. 0 B. 3 C. oo D. does not exist
13. What is the derivative of y = xx?
14. A.xx Inx C. xx (x + Inx) B.xx (1 + Inx) D. x2x In(x + 1)
15. Find the second derivative ofy = xx.
A. xx(1 + Inx)2
B. xx-1 +xx(1 + Inx)
C. xx-1(1 + Inx)
D.xx-1 +xx(1 + Inx)2
15. Find y' if y = cos h2 x - sin h2 x
A. 2 cos 2x C. 2 sin h 2x
B. 1 D. 0
16. The functions f and g are differentiable for all x, f (g(x)) = x and g(f(x)) = x. If f(3) = 7 and f(3) = 11,
what are the values of g'(7)?
A. 1/9 C. 1/11 B. - 1/9 D. - 1/11
17. f, g, and H are functions such that H(x) = (fg)(x) and f(1)= 36, f'(-2) = 3, f'(1) = 4, g (1) = 9, g'(1) = - 1.
Determine the slope of the tangent line to the graph of H at x = 1.
A. 0 B. 1 . C. - 1 D. 2
18. The charge in coulombs that passes through a wire after t seconds is given by the function Q(t) = t3 -
2t2 + 5t + 2. determine the current at the end of 3s.
A.9A B. 20A
19.Differentiate D = 12x + 3
A.-4x3 - 4x - 5
B. 4x3 + 4x + 5
C. 11A D. 12A
3x - 2
4- x2
C. 2?3 - 3x + 5
D. - 2?3 + 3x - 5
20. Find the slope of r = tan0when0=1/4
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 21. Find the slope of the curve whose parametric equation is given by y = t3 + t2 + 1/+
and x = t4 + 3t2 when t = 1/2.
A. - 9/14 C. 3/14
B. 4/17 D. 8/17
22. Given the curve y2 = 5x - 1 at the point (1, - 2), find the equation of the tangent line to the curve.
A. 5x +4y +3=0 C. 3x + 4y + 5 = 0
B. 2x + 3y + 4 = 0 D. 5x + 3y + 1 = 0
23. What are the critical points of y = x3 - 3x2 + 4x + 5?
A. ( 1, 7), (2, 9) C. (-1, - 3), (-2, - 23)
B. (0, 5), (-3, - 61) D. does not exist
24. Find y' of x2 + 6xy - 4y2 = 0

A. (x + 3y) / (4y-3x) C. (4y - 3x) / (x + 3y)

B. (x - 3y) / (4y-3x) D. (4y + 3x) / (x + 3y)
25. Determine the coefficients of the equation y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d so that it will have a slope of 9 at (-
1, - 4), a critical point at x = 2, and a point of infection at x = 1.
A. y = x3 + 3?2 - x - 1
B. y = x3 - 3x2
C. y = 3x2 - x2
D. y = x3 + 3?2 +x + 1
26. Find the second derivative of y = In Inx
A. - (1 + In x)/x In x
B. - (1 + In x)/x2 In x
C. - (1 - In x)/x In x D. - (1 + Inx)/x2In2 x
27. What is the derivative of using x sin y - y cos x = 5?
A. (sin y + y sin x) / (cos x - x cos y )
B. (cos y + x sin y) / (sin x - y cos x)
C. (cos y + y sin x) / (cos x + y cos x)
D. (cos x + sin x) / ( cos x - sin y)
28. Find the equation of the normal line to x2 + y2 = 1 at the point (2, 1).
A. y = 2x C. 2x + 3y = 3
B. x = 2y D. 2x + y = 5
29. An ellipse with center at the origin passes through the point (4, 3). Find its equation if its area is a
A. 2?2 + y3 = 41 C. 16?2 + 9y2 = 288
B. 9?2 + 16y2 = 288 D. 9?2 + 4y2 = 180
30. The sides of a triangle are measured to be 30m and 45m and to include a 30? angle. The
possible error in measuring the first side is 0.15m and in the other 0.20m, while the possible error in
measuring the angle is 30'. Find approximately the greatest possible error in the computed area and the
relative error.
31. A. 2.64%
32. C. 4.62%
33. B. 6.42%
34. D. 2.46
35. Three sides of an isosceles trapezoid are each a mm long.
Find the length of the fourth side for maximum area.
A. 29 B. a/2 C. 3a D. a/3
32. Find the radius of curvature at any point curve, y + In cos x = 0.
A. cos x B. 1.5707
C. secx D. 1
23.Whatis the x- intercept of the tangent line to the curve
9x2 1/2+ 25y2 - B. 225 2 = 0 at (0, C. 3)?3 D. no x-intercept
34.For the curve y = Inx, find the point where the radius of curvature is a minimum.
A.(0.347, - 0.707) C. (-0.707, 0.347)
B.(-0.347,0.707) D. (0.707, - 0.347)
35.In triangle ABC, the angle 9 is decreasing at the rate of 2?/sec. Find how fast the area and the
perimeter of the triangle are changing when 0 = 30?.
A. - 0.56 m?/s, 0.10 m/s B. - 0.56 m2/ s, - 0.10 m/s
c. 0.56 m?/s, 0.10 m/s
D. 0.56 m/s, - 0.10 m/s
36. The cylindrical tank shown, with radius of 0.5m, contains water. As water is drawn out the depth
decreases at the rate of 5 cm/sec. How fast is the width of the water surface changing when the depth
of water is 0.8m?
A. 3.75 cm/s B. 3.57 cm/s C. 7.14 cm/s
D. 7.50 cm/s
37. Find the acute angle of intersection of the parabolas y= x2- 2x - 3 and y =- x2 - 6x - 3. A. 36.03? C.
B. 44.12? D. 11.8?
38.Determine thediameter of a closed cylindrical tank having a volume of 11.3 cm3 to obtain a minimum
surface area.
A. 2.561 cm C. 2.432 cm
B. 2.110 cm D. 3.122 cm
39. Water is flowing in a conical cistern at the rate of 8 m3/ min. If the height of the inverted cone is
12m and the radius of its circular opening is 6m. How fast is the water rising when the water is 4m in
A. 0.36 m/min
C. 0.44 m/min
B. 0.64 m/min
D. 0.56 m/min
40. Find the slope of
the curve x2
+ y2 - 6x + 10y + 5 = 0
A. 1/3
C. 3/4
B. 2/5
D. 1/5
41. Find the center of the circle of curvature of the parabola y = x2 at the point (1, 1)
A. (-2, 4) C. (-4, 7/2)
B. (7/2, - 4) D. (4, - 2)
42. Find the center of curvature of the ellipse 3x2 + y2 = 12 at the point (1, 3).
43. A. (-0.5, 1.5)
44. C. (-1.5, 0.5)
45. B. (0.5, 1.5)
46. D. (-0.5, - 1.5)
47. Find the second derivative of y with respect to x for 4?2 + 8y2 = 36.
A .-9 C. 4y3
B. -D. - 4y3
44. Find the derivative with respect to x y = -1 1
1-u' l+x
A. - 1/x C. 1/x2
B. - 1/x2 D. 2/x
45. The figure shows a field which is a square of side
27.44 m. A player on second base runs toward third base at
rateof6m/s.Howfastishisdistance from home plate
the whenhe is half-way to third base? changing
A.-6.28m/s 3rd Base - 2nd Base
C.-6.82m/s 27.44m/D
HomeBaseist Base
46. At a certain instant the three dimensions of a rectangular parallel piped are 150 mm, 200mm,
250mm and these are increasing at the rates of 5 mm/s, 4 mm/s, and 3 mm/s, respectively. How fast is
the volume changing?
A. 940, 000 mm3/s
B. 490, 000 mm3/s
C.860, 000 mm3/s
D. 340, 000 mm3/s
47. A weight W is attached to a rope 12m long and the rope is passed over a pulley P 6m above the
ground. The end E of the rope is pulled along the ground at the rate of 1.2 m/s. How fast is the weight
rising when the end of the rope has moved away 3m?
A. 0.735 m/s B. 0.753 m/s C. 0.573 m/s
D. 0.537 m/s
48. A piece of wire, 360 mm long, is cut in two, one part being bent in the shape of an equilateral
triangle and the other in the form of a circle. Find the lengths of these two pieces of wire if the sum of
their areas is to be a minimum.
A. 218.463 mm, 141.537 mm
B. 193.435 mm, 166.565 mm
C. 123.471 mm, 236.529 mm
D. 224.355 mm, 135.645 mm
49. What is the y-intercept of the normal line to the curve y = 3x3 - 4x2 + x - 2 when x = - 1?
50. A. - 10.0556
51. C. 11.223
52. B. 11.222
53. D. - 13.441
54. Find the equation of the diameter of the ellipse
25?2 + 4y2 = 100 which bisects chords having a slope of 1/2.
A. 25x + 2y = 0 B. 50x - 3y = 0
25x + 4y = 0
30x - 5y = 0

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