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4. In the equation y = ax- + bx + c, eliminate the arbitrary constants.

A. 2xdy - ydx = 0 C. y' - 3y' = 0

B. y'" = 0 D. y" = y' + y
5. Find the differential equation of the family of parabolas with vertex and focus on the x-axis.
A. yy" + (y')2 = 0 C. 2y" = 1
B. y'y"" - 3(y")2 = 0 D. 2x3y'=y(y2+3x2)
6. Solve the question (1 -x)y'=y2
A. y2 n|c(1 - x) + 1 C. y|n|c(1 - x) = 1
B. n|c(1 - x) = y D. In c(1-x) =y2
7. Solve the equation 2y dx = 3x dy when x=2 y =- 1
A. y = - x4/3 c. y = (*/2)2/3
B. y = x2/3 D. y = - (*/2)2/3
8. Solve the equation x'y'=4x2+7xy+2y2
A. x (y+2x) = c (y+x) C. x2 (y-2x ) = c (y+x )
B. x (y+2x) = c (y+x2) D. x"(y+2x)= c (y+x)
9. Solve the equation (y2 - 2xy + 6x)dx - (x2 - 2xy + 2)dy = 0
A. x2y - xy2 + 3?2 - 2y2 = c
B. x2y - xy2 + 3x2 - 2y = c
C. xy2 - x2y + 3x2 - 2y = c
D. xy2 - x2y + 3?2 - 2y = c
10. Find the general solution of y'=x-2y.
A. 2y = x5 + cx3 C. 4y=2x-1+ce-2x
B. 2(x+2)"1+c(x+2)-4 D. x = y2 - 1 +ce-y2
11. Find the particular solution of y' = x3 - 2xy when x = 1, y = 1.
A. 2y = x2 - 1 + 221-x2
B. 2y = (2x + 3)1/21n(2x + 3)
C. 2y = 2x - 1 + 2e-x2
D. 2y = (x + 3)1/21n(2x +3)
12. Find the general solution of (y - sin2 x)dx + sin x dy =
A. y(cosx - tan x) = cx2
B. y(cscx - cotx) = x - sin x + c C. y(cosx - tan x) = x - sin x + c
D. y(cscx - cotx) = cx2
13.The radius of the moon is roughly 1080 miles. The acceleration of gravity at the surface of the moon
is about 0.165g, where g is the acceleration of gravity at the surface of the earth. Determine the velocity
of escape for the moon.
A. 2 mi/s C. 2.5 mi/s
B. 3 mi/s D. 1.5 mi/s
14. A thermometer reading 18?F is brought into a room where the temperature is 70?F; 1 min. later the
thermometer readingis31?F.determine the temperature reading as a functionoftime in the room.
A.u= 70-25e-t C. u = 70 - 52 e-t
B.u= 70-52e-0.29t D. u = 70 - 25 e-0.25t
15.Therate ofpopulation growth of country is proportional tothe numberofinhabitants. If the population
of a certain countrynowis40million and 50 million in 10 years' time, whatwillbeits population 22 years
from now?
A.62.5 million C. 52.6million B.65.4 million D. 42.5 million
16. A certain radioactive substance has a half-life of 38 hrs. Find how long it takes for 90% of the
radioactivity to be dissipated.
A. 113 hr. C. 139 hr.
B. 126 hr. D. 103 hr.
17. A bacterial population B is known to have a rate of growth proportional to B itself. If between noon
and 2 P.M. the population triples, at what time, no controls being exerted, should B become 100 times
what it was at noon?
A. 8:00 PM C. 8:32 PM
B. 8:23 PM D. 6:32 PM
18. A tank contains 80 gallons (gal) of pure water. A brine solution with 21b/gal of salt enters at 2
gal/min, and the wellstirred mixture leaves at the same, rate. Find the time at which the brine leaving
will contain 1 lb/gal of salt.
A. 26. 776 min C. 27.726 min
B. 27. 667 min D. 26.726 min
19. A tankcontains400liters offreshwater, Brine containing 0.3 kg/liter of salt runs into the tank at the
rate of 5 liters/minute. at 10 liters/minute. The mixture Find the kept maximum uniform amount by
stirring, of salt runs in theout tank A. 25 and min;the 26time kg required to reach C. the 35
maximum.min; 30kg B. 30 min; 28 kg D. 40 min; 30 kg
20. Find the wronskian function of ex,e", and e".
A. e?x C. 2?6x
B. 5e6x D.3e35x
21. At 1:00 PM, a thermometer reading 70?F is taken outside where the air temperature is -10?F (ten
below zero). At 1:02 PM, the reading is 26?F. At 1:05PM, the thermometer is taken back indoors, where
the air is at 70?F. What is the temperature reading at 1:09 PM?
A. 13?F C. 56?F
B. 23?F D. 65?F
22. Find the wronskian function of ex, cos x, and sin x.
A. 2px C. 3ex B. 2x D. e23x
23. Find the differential equation of the family curves: x3 - 3x2y = c.
24. A. ") dx= (x3 - c)/(3?2)
25. dy = (x3 + c)/(x2) dx
26. dy = (x3 + c)/(3x2) dx
27. O.@) = (x3 - c)/(x2)
28. Find the differential equation of the family of curves:
(x - 2)2 + (y + 1)2 = c2
A. ")/ dx = (x +2)/(y -1) B.")/ Jx = (-(x+2))/(y -1)
c.dy/ dx = (-(x - 2))/(y-1)
D.?y/ dx = (x - 2)/(y +1)
25. Solve the differential equation: dy "= x3 + 2x dx
A. y = x4 -x2+c
B.y = = 4x4 +x2 +c
y =x4+?2+c
y = = 1x4 x4 - x2 + C
26.Solvethe differential equation: dy/dx = 4 cos 6x
A. y = sin 6x + c C. y = 2/3 sin 6x + c
B.2y = sin 6x + c D. 2y = = sin 6x + c
27. Solvethe differential equation:dydx= x2+42
A. y = arctan (x/2) + c C. y = 2arctan (x) + c
B. y = arctan (x) + c D. y = arctan (x-2) + c
28. Find the particular equation of the differential equation:=_ `dx=3ex, when y = 6, and x = 0.
A. 3y = 3ex - 3 C. y = ex + 3 B. 3y = ex + 3 D. y = 3ex + 3
29. Find the particular equation of the differential equation:
= = 4y, when y = 3, and x = 0. dy
A. 4y = 3e4x C. y = 4e3x
B. 4y = 3e3x D. y = 3e4x
30. Find the particular equation of the differential equation:
" = 4 sin2 x , when y = 2, and x = ".
A. y = - 2 cos 2x C. y = 2sin 2x
B. y = 2 cos 2x D. y = - 2 sin 2x
31. Solve the equation: (3x2 - 2xy + 3y2)dx - 4xydy = 0
A. (y-x)(y + 3x)3 = cx3 C.(y+x)(y-3x) =cx3
B. (y +x)(y + 3x) = cx3 D. (y-x)(y-3x) = cx3
32. Solve the equation: xydx + (x2 + y2)dy = 0
A. y2(x2+ y2) = c C. y2 (2x2 - y2) = c

B.y2 (x2 - y2) = c D. y2 (2x2 + y2) = c

33. Obtain the general equation: 3(3x2 + y2)dx - xydy = 0
A. x3 = c(9x2 + y2) C. x3 = c(x2 - y2)
B.x3 = c(x2+ y2) D. x3 = c(9x2 - y2)
34.Obtainthegeneral equation: 2(2x2 + y2)dx - xydy = 0
A. x+ = c2(4x2 - y2) C. x3 = c2(4x2+ y 2)
B.x+ = c2(4x2 + y2) D. x3 = c2(4x2 - y2)
35. Obtain the general equation: x2y' = 4x2 + 7xy + 2y2
A. x2(y - 2x) = c(y - x) C. x(y - 2x) = c(y - x)
B.x2 ( y + 2x) = c(y + x ) D. x(y +2x) = c(y +x)
36. Obtain the general equation: (x2 + 2xy - 4y2)dx (x2- 8xy - 4y2)dy = 0
A. x2 + 4y2 = c(x + y) C. x2 - y2 = c(x - y)
B.x2 - 4y2 = c(x - y) D. x2 + y2 = c(x + y)
37.Obtain the general equation: (x2 + y2)dx + xydy = 0
A. 4x2(x2 + 2y2) = c4 C. x2 (x2 - 2y2) = c4
R. 4x2(x2 - 2y2) = c4 D. x2(x2 + 2y2) = c4
38. Obtain the general equation: v2dx + x(x + v)dv = 0
A . 0 3 = c(x - 20 ) C. xv2 = c(x + 2v)
B.v2 = c(x + 2v) D. xv3 = c(x - 2v)
39. Obtain the general equation: xdx + sin2 (/x) Lydx xdy] = 0
A. x In (*) - 2y + x sin (2) = 0
B. x In(2) + 2y + x sin ( 2 x) = 0
C. 4x In(2) - 2y + x sin27)( =0 x
D.4x In ) + 2y + x sin 2y= 0
40. Solve the differential equation: (xy2 + y - x)dx + x(xy + 1)dy = 0
A. x2y2 +x3y + y2 = c C. x2y2 + 2xy - x2 = c B.x2y + 2x2y2 - y2 = c D. x2y+2x2y2-x3y=c
41. Find the general equation of the differential equation: (x + y)dx + (x - y)dy = 0
A. x2 - 2xy + y2 = c C. x2 - 2xy - y2 = c
B.x2+ 2xy - y2 = c D. x2 + 2xy + y2 = c
42.Findthegeneralequation of the differential equation:
(2xy -3x2)dx + (x2 + y) dy = 0
A.x2y+x3 +4y2 = c C. x2y - x2 + ly 3 = c B.x2y+x3- = y2 = c D. x2y - x3 + 4y2 = c
43.Findthegeneral equation of the differential equation: (x-2y)dx + 2(y - x)dy = 0
A. x2 + 2y2 = 4xy + c C. x2 - 2y2 = xy + c B.x2+ 2y2 = xy + c D. x2 - 2y2 = 4xy + c
44.Find the general equation of the differential equation:
(12 - 2xy + 6x)dx - (x2 -. 2xy + 2)dy = 0
A.xy2-x2y + x2 - 2y = c
B.xy2 - x2y - 3x2 - 2y = c
C.xy2 + x2y - 3x2 + 2y = c
D.xy2 - x2y + 3x2 - 2y = c
45. Find the general equation of the differential equation:
(cos 2y - 3x2y2)dx - (cos 2y - 2x sin 2y - 2x3)dy = 0
A. - sin 2y + x cos 2y + x3y3 = c
B. - sin 2y + x cos 2y - x3y3 = c
C. - sin 2y + y cos 2y + x3y3 = c
D. - sin 2y - y cos 2y + x3y3 = c
46. Find the general equation of the differential equation:
(1+ y2 + xy2)dx + (x2y + y + 2xy)dy = 0
A. 2x - y2 (1 + x)2 = c C. 2x - y2 (1 - x)2 = c B.2x + y2 (1 + x)2 = c D. 2x + y2 (1 - x)2 = c
47. Find the general equation of the differential equation:
(2xy - tany)dx + (x2 - x sec2 y)dy = 0
A. x2y - x tan y = c C. x2y2 + x tan y = c
B. x2y + x tan y = c D. x2y - y tan y = c

48. Solve the differential equation: (2xy + x2 +x4)dx_

(1+x2)dy = 0
A. y = (1+x2)(x - arctan x) + c
B. x2y = x4 +c
C. y = (1+x2)(c+x - arctan x) D. xy2 = 2x+ + c
d3y 4d'y+y +6 = 0.
49. Solve the equation d x 3 dx2 dx
A. y = C,e-2x - c,ex - c3e-3x
B. y = Ce-2x + (22x + (2e-3x
C. y = Ge-x - c2e2x - (2e3x
D. y = Ce-x - C2e2x - cae3x
50. Find the generation of the differential equation:
(2D3 + 5D2 - 3D)y = 0
A. y = C1 + C2e-3x + (32 /2
B. y = C1 + 02e " + C32 /2
C. y = C1 - C2e-x - Cze"/2
D. y = C1 - c2e-3x - cze1/2
51. Find the general equation:dtdex 2 - 4x = 0
A. x = C1e2t - che-2t C. x = C1e2t +c,e-2t
B. x = C1e4t + c2e-4t D. x = C1e4t - c,e-4t
52. Solve the equationd2xdt 2- 9x = 0 with the condition that when t=0, x=0 and dx/dt=3.

A. x = sinh(3t) C. x = sinh - NIANIA(3t)

B. x = cosh(3t) D. x = cosh - (3t)
53. Given the differential equation: (D2 + 5D - 6)y = 0; when x=0, y=2 and y'=0. Find the value of y when
A. 36 B. 63 C. - 63 D. - 36
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Chapter 8: Differential Equations 54. Given the differential equation: (D2 + D - 6)y = 0; when x=0, y=3
and y' =- 1. Find the value of y when x=1.
A.18.9 B. 30.1 C. 19.8 D. 20.4
55. Find the homogeneous linear equation with real, constant coefficients that is satisfied by: y = 6 +
3xex - cosx.
A. (D5 - D4 + D3 - D2 + D)y = 0
B. (D5 - 2D4 + 2D3 - 2D2 + D)y = 0
C. (D5 - D4"- D3 - D2 - D)y = 0
D. (D5 - 204 - 203 - D2 - D)y = 0

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