Supporting Student Mental Health

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Supporting Students’ Go to oct-oeeo.


Mental Health
to see the complete
College advisory,
watch our video and
Positive mental health* enables good learning, yet one in five hear the audio version.
students experience a mental illness or concern each year.
Learn how you can support at-risk students.

1 Create a
Safe Space 2 Notice
the Signs 3 V
Listen &
 alidate students’ feelings
 U
 se language that avoids Look For: and hear their concerns.
stigmatizing mental illnesses.  c
 onstant worrying, frequent,
 A
 lways document and
 Notice who students socialize with. angry outbursts or mood swings
keep good records.
 W
 atch how your students are  s
 ignificant drops
 C
 onsult your principal or
functioning in school. in school marks
vice-principal frequently.
 a
 lack of energy
or motivation. REMEMBER: Seek help
Do not try to diagnose ailments
or propose treatment.

4 Know Who
to Inform
If a student is at risk of harm,
5 Consult
these Agencies
If you are unsure whether an action is appropriate, report to
act immediately according your supervisor. For additional information contact these agencies:
to your employer’s protocols.
As appropriate, involve:  A
 boriginal Health  School Mental Health ASSIST  C
 anadian Mental
Access Centres  S
 ick Kids’ Hospital, Centre Health Association
 parents/guardians  Centre
 for Addiction for Brain and Mental Health  O
 ntario Mental
 s
 chool board psychologists, and Mental Health  M
 ental Health Commission Health Association
social workers & school support team  C
 hildren’s Mental of Canada  O
 ntario Ministry
 e
 lders, knowledge keepers or Health Ontario  C
 hildren’s Hospital of Education
members of a faith community.  EdCan Network of Eastern Ontario 

The Realities Suicide 1.2 million

The 2nd leading cause children and youth are

2030 of death among teens. affected by mental illness.

The year the World Health Less than 20%
Organization says mental health receive appropriate
disorders will be the world’s of mental health problems begin treatment.
leading cause of disability. in childhood or adolescence.

*The capacity of each and all of us to feel, think and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy
life and deal with the challenges we face, as defined by The Public Health Agency of Canada.

Source: Ontario College of Teachers, 2018 Professional Advisory: Supporting Students’ Mental Health

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