Test 1bilingv

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Babylon, , (1) of the cities || founded by King Nimrod, is also the city | where is set the story of the Tower of Babel, located in Shinar, in ancient Mesopotamia, (2) the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. At that time, all the people dj) (the descendants of Noah) spoke one } (3). One day, they decided to build a city with a tower that would “reach to the heavens”. Their biggest ..... (4) had been to make a name for themselves, to be .....(5) God and also to prevent the people svosseneee (6) being scattered*. Their pride and arrogance angered God to such an extent ... + (7) He immediately punished the : (8) by making them speak different languages. He. (9) such a decision for them not to be able to communicate and work : . (10) in building the tower. *scatter = a risipi, a imprastia, a dispersa {l. Correct the mistakes in the following text: The history of the Tower of Pisa begins in 1173, but it’s construction was interupted several times because of wars, debt and also because of the solutions the engineers tryed to find in order to stop the lean. Due to poor quality of the soil (clay* and sand mud) that the architects didn’t take in to account, in 1178 the building began to lean towards the southeast, just after the completion of the three floor. After this, the construction of the tower was stoped. After 100 years, they began the construction of the next four floors which were build skew* to compensate for the angle and only in 1372 they managed to complete the bell tower. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most famous building in the world, very important four the tourism industry of Pisa and this is the reason why the Italian Government decided too begin its consolidation in 4 1990. In December 2001, the tower was declared stable and safe for 300 years and it was reopened for public access. 1 - a: 3. 4. Dees ee Ts 8. 9. 10. . *clay mud = noroi argilos *skew = oblic (i. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line: 4. The Seven . oso. of the Ancient World is the first known list of the most remarkable creations of classical antiquity. WONDERFUL 2. Do you agree with the ... of people from one place to another? MOVE 8. | notice some in our opinions. DIFFERENT 4, \ tried a of things but nothing worked. VARIOUS 5. If you don’t have the 1 to communicate in English, you can’t get this job. ABLE , His words couldn’t be by anyone. PRODUCE % We weren’t surprised to find out that he was saved by his dog. FAITH 8. The way in which he acted made all of us laugh. CHILD 9, Her sadness and : could easily be read on her face. HAPPY 10. Try to be : in everything you do! SUCCEED fv, Complete the spaces with: the, a/an/the zero article (-). ‘VJohnis ... good man: he’s always there where you need him. 2. | think my brother is best man for this kind of job. 3. poem was written by my best friend. 4. 'm tired. I'm going to bed. 5. Do you go to. church every Sunday? 8. | loved being at .. university. 7, David has been waiting for his relatives for more than ».. hour. &. | first saw giraffe when | went on a trip to the zoo to Bucharest. 5 % Nove cheese very much. J. Did you like cheese in the fridge? ‘J2. | go swimming two days week. 92. Look at sky to see how beautiful _ moon is behind clouds. 8. dogs are faithful animals. 94. Mary is studying to be ....... . lawyer. 15. Smiths are going to spend their holiday in Japan. Circle the correct answer: 4], My cousin lives in the USA and he has never visited a/an European Country. 2, My little sister is so/such funny! She always makes me laugh. 8. I'd like to buy this blouse but | have a little/few/little money on me. I can lend you a little/a few/few dollars if you want. 4, My neighbours have a son and a daughter: the former is a teacher, the later/latter is a nurse. §. Have you read Mihail Sadoveanu’s latest/last book? 6. Can | have some/any packets of biscuits, please? 2, Look at those beautiful calfs/calves on that field! 8. The worst/worse thing was that | lost all my money. 9, These persons/people have been on strike since yesterday morning. ©. How many/much water do you usually drink a day? Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense: ‘. Last year he .......... for money in the subway station. (sing) 2. He's extremely happy becausehe.... vos scccee his driving licence. (just/get) 38. F i or some time nowhe everyone in the village that he will be their mayor. (tell) 4, His father for New York tomorrow morning to discuss the matter with some investors, (leave) 5. I'm sad because | ~ asleep when | try to watch a good movie. (always/fall) @, 'm sure one day! the lottery and’my whole life will change! (win) back home, she heard some strange 7 As she steps behind her. (walk) 8... Soci . when they moved to this flat? (anyone/remember) 9, When we arrived, the film . (already/begin) JO. It 45 __.. for two hours when we reached the hotel. (rain) Vil. Turn the following sentences into reported speech: 4. “How does your mother earn her living?”, the policeman asked the little boyseeee anaes evan I.A 2, “Did you hear about that terrible accident in our town?”, my mother asked Mary. 3. “The earth moves round the sun”, the Geography teacher told us. &, “Have you ever had the chance to visit London?”, the English teacher asked his students. ... ‘6 “ think ne dacettior will never save end da ible: 6.“'m fe Gas & Pre this saeincth, a dad hija iene a “What's eee and ohare do you ne from?, ha sedans 8. “When did you find out that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius?”, father asked his son. . 9, “Can you hear what the teacher is saying?, John asked one of his classmates. ©. “Don’t tell me what to do!”, he told me. ‘Vill. Complete the second sen the first one: tence so that it has the same Meaning, sy 9, I'm sorry I can’t come to your birthday party. wish | 2, We went ona We went ona picnic 3, My brother is not interest Collecting coins 4, We were all surprised to find 0 out such a mysterious thing. picnic despite being very tired. ed in collecting coins. TO isi ates RNS: §. This blouse is more expensive than | have ered This blouse 6. It is essential that she tells us the truth, She @ He should have mended the car before we went on fold The car 8. | bought these cheese when | was canter years old. 9. The last time | saw a good film was two years ago. 30, It isn’t necessary to go shopping today. You 1X. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences: ‘J. We are looking forward ......... ie - you soon. a) to see b) to seeing c) seeing d) see 2. Mary often has dinner in arestaurant, 0. aoey _ bic bjis it <) isn’t it d) doesn’t she ace Y verre “s- Money has been stolen must go to the police z wae think it wi iin bay sj wnase ee i sate a take an umbrella in case it _.... 5. | don’t believe hi eae ee ieee im because he has told Us to0 a... a) many ee ¢) lots of d) little 6. | think it will be Bill who will win because he dances very poesene b) well c) bad d) best a) good % This museum has become a tourist attraction for those visit our town. a) who b) which c) that d) whom 8. Her uncle has come back home after a year’s absence. a) already b) yet c) just d) ever 9, ...... Monday morning he is expected to become the headmaster of our school. a) In b) For c)- d) On JO. He felt it was ..., -o.. time she bought a new car. a) high b) big c) much d) enough X%. Ask questions for the underlined words: ‘J. The man was asked to give up smoking but he would not. . She must have watered the flowers twice a day for them to have grown so tall. 8. He needed my car for another two days. &,.My brother always eats pancakes when he reaches this place. 5. When | looked out of the window, the wind was blowing hard and it was raining heavily. 6. Mary's family moved to this city twenty years ago. 2 My mother used to hurry up when she hada job to do. 8. Then he spotted a rattlesnake creeping in the grass towards him. 9. Yesterday, he swore to tell us the truth one day. 4. He decided to take a bath in a river which was three meters deep. ca ish. 5. like. 6. fro! I t, vi. vil. Vill. m. 7. that. 8. people. 9. made. 10. together “tried. 4. in to = into. 5. three = thi = interrupted. 3. tryed = tried. 4. in to i! npeeaueee third, s. 2 interupted = intel” vere built. 8. building = buildings. 9. four (the stopped. 7. were en )= for. 10.100 (beBi") = D.ety 5. ability. 6. reproduced. 7 fathy Lone. 2. on. 3. language. 4. W 1. it’s 6. stoped tourism industry 1. Wonders. 2. movement. 3. differ 8. childish. 9. unhappiness. 20. successful, 1.a.2. the. 3. The. 4.-. 5.-. 6.— 7. an. 8. a. 9.~ 14, a. 15. The. . calves. 8. worst. 9. people. 10. much, 2.2 230-3 te afew 6 atten 5 at 6 tte gam alway falling. G wil Win, 2. sang, 2. has just got. 3. has been telling, dy begun. 10. had been raini 7. was walking. 8. does anyone remember. 9. had already 4 ie : ae ng. 1. The policeman asked the little boy how his mother eines e ae ae 2. My mother asked Mary if she had heard about that terrible acci ‘own, 3. The Geography teacher told us that the earth moves rou nd the sun. s 4. The English teacher asked his students if they had ever had the chance to visit London, 5. Linda complained that her daughter would never save money. 6. My dad told John that he was paying a visit to his lawyer that afternoon. 7. He asked me what my name was and where | came from. 8. Father asked his son when he had found out that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. 9. John asked one of his classmates if he could hear what the teacher was saying. 10. He told me not to tell him what to do. 1. | wish | could come to your birthday party. 2. We went on a picnic even though we were feeling very tired, 3. Collecting coins does not interest my brother. 4. To our surprise we found out a mysterious thing. 5. This blouse is not as cheap as | expected. 6. She must tell us the truth! 7. The car should have been mended before we went on holiday. 8. | have had these shoes since | was eighteen years old, 9. haven't seen a good film for two years. 10. You don’t have to go shopping today, 1.b.2.d.3.6.4.d.5.a.6.b.7.a,.8.c.9.d.10.a, 1, What was the man asked? 2 ae een must she have watered the flowers? . iB did he need your car? Swat waste wen pees? cere wane seed ob a ‘esnake creeping? 9. When did he Swear to te ell you th im 10. How deep was the river? ne 10. the. 11. a. 12. the, the, the. 13,~, 72

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