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Lssr 3 Fill in the blanks with one word which best fits the context: The London Underground, the oldest underground train network in the world, _ was opened in 1863 and it is the third | longest subway system in the world. There are eleven lines, 270 stations and Over 400 iN km of track. The London Underground eal overa Billion passengers Mihai) year, or about 3 million ever of the stations are over 60 meters Below the surface but 55% o| it. The subways can usually be used 3 ac Y day. Some f the tracks run Sam. and 16 midnight but some lines stay open the night on special occasions, like New Year's Eve. Although during the weekday rush the stations are sometimes overcrowded, the trains usually run time. The stations are also equipped with Wi-Fi access to make journeys as comfortable as The of the London Underground isa red circle with a blue bar. The safety of the system is very good but the London Underground also faces environmental problems because the water of the Thames is, constantly on the rise and thousands of cubic metres of water must be pumped out of some of the underground stations every day. {Complete the second sentence so thatit has a similar meaning tothe first one using the word given in brackets. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. 4. I don’t know who the writer of this novel is. (has) don’t know who this novel, 2. John finds Chemistry easier than Maths. (not) Maths Chemistry for John. %, We arrived at the railway station too late. (already) The train the time we arrived at the railway station. . They are building a sandcastle at the moment. (being) A sandcastle at the moment. 5. The dog will bite if you threaten it. (unless) The dog threaten it &. He finds smoking in the street very strange. (used to) He in the street. 3 He was too sleepy to finish his homework. (that) eee he couldn't finish his homework 8. My brother has never swum in a swimming pool, (time) This is my brother has swum in a swimming pool ! We could not enter this shop with our dog. (allowed) We were enter this shop with our dog. His house is near the biggest cathedral in the city. (from) Hishoure the biggest cathedral in the city ML Use the words in brackets to form a word that fits in the gap: °. Teachers should encourage the children’s (Science) interests. Qt (able) me to solve the problem sooner than I have expected 3. If |were you, | wouldn’t go there. But it’s your (choose), 4 For what you have done for me, I'll always be very. (thank) toyoul ‘5. The bump on his forehead was very (notice) &. He couldn't be helped because he couldn't give any (describe) of the person who had entered his house. 2. For a while we couldn't afford to buy many things because my parents were both femploy). 8. 1am sure that it was he who stole my pen yesterday, but unfortunately thave no (prove). % (short) of money makes people very unhappy. 0. (fortune) he has been feeling worse and worse for a few days. QW. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: 4, Do you like a bar of chocolate? 2. Where is post office? 3, Please explain me how | can get to the nearest bus station, 4, In life, you cannot have all what you like 5. My teacher wants that we be less talkative during the classes, 6, The gold never loses all of its value. 3 You are a very good driver, as your father. 8, she gota better mark although she made more mistakes than me. 9, lam goingtoloose my patience fyoudon’ttellme the truth atonce. 3, Who knows who's straw hat is this? 18 vu. Choose the correct answer: 3. None of them was interested his story. a) in b) on ¢) about 2. You shouldn’t go out on bad weather. a) so b) such ¢) such a ..Can anyone tell me which of the two is ? a) the best b) the better ) the good 4 ! There's a car coming! a) Look into b) Look after ¢} Look out 5. Don't It’s not so difficult to do this! a) give b) give up ©) give back ©. When she told me what had happened, felt realy a) confuse b) confusing ¢) confused % Summer holiday is biggest joy. a) children’s b) childrens’ ) children ©. When | have to leave the town I ask my neighbour to my puppy. a) look up ) look for ¢) look after ‘. Let’s go there and solve the problem, ? a) let us ) shall we <) dowe 3. They kept on entered the classroom, a) talking b) talk, although the teacher had already ¢) to talk VIM. Some of the lines in this text ar which should not be there. If the line i a word which should not be there, @ correct and some contain a word 's correct puta tick (V). If the linehas write the word at the end of the line. PANCAKE Day 20 ot ‘ued uth 294 BunypIn}> 19s ‘uosde 404 Ul YDsny> a4 OF Ues pue SaxesUEd BUNFELL Sem ays aYYM I10q BUINIYS ay) pueay AdUIO Jo UeWom egypt Ul ‘YoRIpen 01 BuipsoDzy ‘a11ysweYsUIyINg UI ADUIO Ie apejd soyey a2es ayeaued snowe) ysour ay) “uns Aatf Se axeDUed ay2 Bulddly pue a Ul axeIUEd oxOO © YIM Ued BULAy © BuIALIe9 “Issy duy| UIYSIUY BY 0} 198 OF S1 ade a4 Jo 190/40 a4, “saxeaued Buss03 390235 uMop aves 'ssap AdUE, UI UBYO ‘ajdoad YR Jo suaqUINU 982) ‘keg ayedueg uo Yn) 94) U) “OW Jey? a2UIS ap ALBA paBUeYD aney pUe saUUIYI pue J0I49H ‘240 auie>9q Aaya ‘Buryoo> yauD14 Jo o9uaNYUI AUR JapUN ‘AuMUDD YaUDDIYBIO o¥A Jo BuILUIIOG ay ay epon ave Aaya ueU J992149 19 apt € B!9m Aa ING AsMUOD LUDDY ayp UI poreadde sayeoued Buea jo ALo}siy 941 1491 Jo aouounsqe axp SuLInp ino UoppIqs0y 910M YoIUM BBD ue soying ‘HW 30 54205 Aue dn ulsn Jo Aem e se a10m Aayp asneaaq sayeaued yea ajdoad tuaym Aep aya sia! asnedoq Aeq axeaueg palie> uaaq ose s| AEP D4L “SUIS Ie SS9JUOD, 0% Suyuea ALLYS,, PAOM Ys2U3 PIO Ue WO.) SAWOD ,2noAYS,, "IUD Jo ers BYR pue AepsaUpaM SV 940}09 Aep au si Aepsony ayeoued 10 Aepson, anoIYS Se UMOUY O5Ie ‘AEP a¥eDUEg 21 K. Read the text below and decide which word (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. The education system in the UK is (2) into four main parts, primary education, secondary education, further education and higher education. Children in the UK have to legally (2) primary and secondary education which runs from about 5 years old (3) the student is 16 years old. The education system in the UK is also split into “yey stages” which breaks down (4) follows: + Key Stage 1: 5 to 7 years old + Key Stage 2: 7 to 11 years old + Key Stage 3: 11 to 14 years old + Key Stage 4: 14 to 16 years old Generally key stages 1 and 2 will be undertaken (5) primary school and at 11 years old a student will move onto secondary school and (6) key stages 3 and 4, Students are (7lat the end of each stage. The most (8) assessment occurs atage 16 when students pursue their GCSE’ oF General Certificate of Secondary Education, Once students complete their GCSE's they have the and 80 into the working world, (9) to go onto further education (10) potential higher education, or finish school and ( 1. Acompleted 8. divided C.accomplished D, done 2 Ago 8. study Gattend D. organize 3 Aunt B. when while D. so 4. Aas B. such that D. like 5. Aon Bat into D. for 6 Aupgrade —B. discover find Da finish 7. A asked B. questioned _C. searched D. assessed 8. A-main B. exciting G.important unforgettable 3. A.present 8. choice Cait D. occasion 10. A. then 8. than C.that D. through Te: roughout. 6 ROU. 7. ON. 8. posi Te eae. 2 a3: above ween 5: OOH le 9. symbol, 10. leve! ML dont iow wh hewn ti noel 2. Maths is nat as easy as Chemisty f0F20N stay station 3. Te tran had already left the time we artved at 1 4A sandcastie being bul by them atthe 5: The dog wine unless you eaten 6. He is not used to smoking in the ste = aes sleepy that he couldn't finish his hoes as an 8 Ths the frat me my brother has swum in si 8. wewere not alowed to entrhis sop with ou dom. 1 from the biggest cathedral in the city. 1 seniie 2. erebes 3. shoe, han Sota. 6 dere 7. unemployed. 8. proof 8. shortage. 10. Unfortunately IM. 1 Do Would 2 pst fice >the pst ofc. 2. explain me ->explin ome 4. what —> that. 5. wants that we be > wants us to be. 6, The gold -> Gold. 7. a5 —> ik 8. me» .9, loose -> lose. 10. who's -» whose. 1. hasn't finished. 2. had been, 3. were, 4. was cutting. 5. had not argued. 6, woulg become. 7. am tasting. 8. has.9. has been twittering. 10. had been hanging, Vi. 4. hard. 2. well. 3. badly. 4. heavily. 5. good. 6, lately. 7. fast. 8. happy. 9. deeph, 10. Hardly Vi 4. in. 2. such, 3, the better. 4, Look out. 5. give up. 6. confused. 7. children’s, 8 look after 9. shall we. 10, talking Vill 2.7.2. ¥.3. been. 4. as. 5. out. 6, ¥.7. more. 8. V.9. the. 10. v. 1% 1 better. 2, latter. 3. hotter. 4 further. 5. easier 6 worst. 7. driest. less. 9 ltr 20, best 1. worse. 12. most delicious, 13, older, eldereldest. 14. lat. 25. longe, More, 26. latest. 17. most 18. farthest, 38. farther. 20, more interesting X1.8.2.C3.A4.A5,B. 10.4 TesT 4 2. Who is the tunnel ‘operated by? 5. Where can be cars, loaded out half an hour? 7. What broke out? 8. Who has used the tunnel to get to Grea 9. How long dd the thicd big fire laces 10-Wihy were over 2000 passengers trapped inthe tunnel? t Britain? u“

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