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Ruler T’ai Chi Resources The Six Healing Sounds Sifu Fred Jennes

The Six Healing Sounds

As Taught By Master Mantak Chia
The Six Healing Sounds is a series of ancient Daoist exercises. They are based on the concept that the
five major Yin organ systems can be stimulated by sound and visualization. When correctly stimu-
lated, the organ will vent and cleanse itself, cooling itself down and ridding itself of toxins. The sixth
healing sound, the Triple Warmer (sanjiao), is added at the end of the practice as a smoothing mecha-
nism to balance the other six organ systems. While taught by many qigong masters over the centuries,
the set of exercises described in this paper comes to us from the contemporary Daoist master, Mantak
Chia, the illustrations of which have been excerpted from his 2009 publication by Destiny Books.

Ready Posture
Sit at the edge of a chair with your genitals unsupported.
Your legs are a hip-width apart, your feet solidly on the floor.
Your back is straight, shoulders relaxed, chest sunk.
Keep your eyes open.
Rest your hands on your thighs, palms up.

Organs: Lung-Large Intestine
Element: Metal
Color: White
Negative Emotions to vent: Sadness, Grief
Positive Emotions to emphasize: Righteousness,
Clarity of Thought

Organs: Kidney-Bladder
Element: Water
Color: Dark Blue-Black
Negative Emotions to vent: Fear
Positive Emotions to emphasize: Courage,Will

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Ruler T’ai Chi Resources The Six Healing Sounds Sifu Fred Jennes

Organs: Liver-Gallbladder
Element: Wood
Color: Green
Negative Emotions to vent: Anger, Aggression
Positive Emotions to emphasize: Kindness, Support

Organs: Heart-Small Intestine
Element: Fire
Color: Red
Negative Emotions to vent: Hatred, Jealousy
Positive Emotions to emphasize: Love, Joy

Organs: Spleen-Stomach
Element: Earth
Color: Yellow
Negative Emotions to vent: Worry, Obsession
Positive Emotions to emphasize: Compassion, Fairness

Triple Warmer (sanjiao)

Organs: The Fascia and Burning Spaces
Element: Fire
Color: Red
Toxins to dispel: Excess Dampness, Excess Fire
Positive Images to Visualize: Three Lamps or Flames—
Upper Small, Middle Medium, Lower Large
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Ruler T’ai Chi Resources The Six Healing Sounds Sifu Fred Jennes

How To Perform The Exercises

1. Begin each exercise in the Ready Posture.
2. Inhale and assume the posture for each respective sound. Make sure your eyes are open.
3. Exhale and make the sound subvocally—that is, let your breath make the sound but try not to vo-
calize it. As you exhale, breathe out the negative emotions associated with the organ(s) to vent them.
4. As you make the sound, feel the associated organ(s) being vibrated and cleansed.
5. Inhale and bring your arms back to the Ready Posture.
6. Then take a moment to breathe and picture each organ(s), its color, the positive emotions associated
with it.
7. Repeat Steps 2-6.

You should repeat each healing sound at least 3 times. If you wish to do more, repeat in multiples of
3; i.e. 6, 9, 12, etc.

1. With the exception of the Spleen sound, these exercises should be done on an empty stomach.
2. The Triple Warmer can be done either sitting up or lying down. If you want to stay awake upon
completion of this sound, do it sitting up. If you wish to go to sleep, do it lying down on the floor,
then get right into bed.
3. Make sure you do the sounds in the order listed. When performed properly, each sound is designed
to cause qi to flow in the correct direction from one organ system to the next.
4. If you have a particular health problem, you can do one sound more than the others to address the
imbalance associated with that particular organ. For example, if you have a respiratory infection in-
crease the repetitions of Lung sounds to cleanse and heal that organ.
5. If you don't have time to do all six sounds, just perform the Lung and Kidney exercises.

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