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Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel

Founded in 1993
Level 1 Accredited - PACUCOA
Area E, Sapang Palay CSJDM Bulacan
Recognized by DepEd, TESDA, and CHED


NAME: _________________________________ Course and Section: ______________________

Read and follow the instruction as you do this art. Take a 3-min time lapse video, and photos of the done art.
Submit in the classroom.

Theme: 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'

Art Activity: Collage. In this activity you’ll have an option to create a collage using words and pictures to show
the clutter or mess in their lives or they will choose images that they find soothing, relaxing or even meditative
and combine them to create a collage based on the given theme.

A collage is a work of art composed of numerous materials. Originating from the French word “coller”,
meaning “to glue”, the collage allows you to experiment with a wide range of materials to achieve amazing end
results. (How to Make a Collage, 2018).
An oslo paper, old fashion or news magazines, newsprint, photographs or electronic images, art papers,
Elmer’s glue, foils, tapes, scissors, marker, ribbons, beads, feathers (any available decorative/pre design stuffs)
1. Collect the materials needed for making a paper collage.
2. Use cut-outs from magazines or newsprint.
3. Make use of different foils or tapes. Use colored tapes.
4. Use photographs. Cutting images from old magazines/photographs can give your collage a retro feel.
5. Fold, cut, or tear the paper into different shapes. You can use scissors to make different shapes.
6. Cut out a whole picture, an identifiable part, or just enough to evoke texture, color, or feeling.
7. To make a word, cut out letters from source which use different fonts.
8. Follow the assigned theme given to you (e.g. a collage of clutter or a calming images).
9. Consider adding designs like ribbons, beads, feathers, etc.
10. Assemble the pieces before you glue them.

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