Grade 9 Mary Jane Bathan: 4 Days (Week 1)

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School Del Remedio National High School Grade Level Grade 9

February 13, 2023 – February 17, 2023 Quarter
Teaching 4 days
12:00 – 5: 45 PM No. of Days (Week 1)

At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

A. Reflect on the speaker’s ideas
B. Share personal opinions on the ideas listened to
C. Form decisions based on ideas mentioned

A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning
Write the LC code for each


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. List of Learning
Resources for Development
and Engagement Activities


Daily Routine
-Greetings (Good afternoon class!)
-Prayer (Let’s pray first)
-Checking of Attendance
-Things to Remember while Reading and Listening
-Review of the past lesson
Preliminary Task.
Motivational Activity
A. INTRODUCTION Share Your Thoughts!
Learning Task 1

Today, we are going to have our lesson on factual information

and subjective content. Now, let’s start our lesson with a
conversation between two students. Let’s say a conversation
between your classmates. You are going to decide to which of
the characters you agree with and state your reason. For
instance, a conversation between Nena and Popoy. Let’s say
you are Nena who says that “I am into cold weather” while
Popoy says “I enjoy the summer season” so to which of these
characters do you agree more? Is it Nena who loves the cold
weather or Popoy who loves the summer season?
Now, complete or express your thought using this phrase: I
agree with ______ because…

1. I agree with Popoy because I love going to the beach

with my family during summer.
Now, let’s go to the second dialogue or conversation.
For example.
2. I agree with Clara because I also finish my tasks
during the night when I am less distracted.

In various occasions, you are asked to express your views or
opinions on particular matters. When you do this, your statements
may contain factual information or subjective content defined

Factual information are statements that can be verified or proven

to be true.
It can be tested by experimentation, observation, or research and
shown to be true or untrue.

Subjective content involves belief, judgment, feeling, opinion,

intuition, or emotion rather than factual information. It is
subjective or value judgement, and it cannot be proven OR
A reader should look for words that are clues OR QUALIFIERS
to statements of subjectivity like I FEEL, I THINK, I BELIEVE,
Take note that it may sometimes look like facts because of
professional or technical-sounding words.

Now, here are some examples of Factual Information and

Subjective Information.
1. F- In the early part of the last century, Pit Bulls were
known as “Nanny Dogs” (they were the breed of choice
among parents with young children)
O- Pit Bulls are the most dangerous dogs alive.
2. F- I have two cats named Tyson and Winter.
O- Tyson is more playful and charming than Winter.
3. F- Korean Dramas or KDRAMA are television series in
the Korean language, made in South Korea.
O- I think KDramas influenced Filipinos in their food
preferences, beauty standards, and interest in foreign
4. F- More than one million teenagers become pregnant
every year.
O- The government should increase spending for
preventing unwanted pregnancy.
5. Ostriches do not hide their head in the sand.
The ostriches’ eggs are worst than crocodile eggs.
Learning Task 2
Look at the following statements below and identify whether they
are Factual Information or Subjective Content. Use the table

Factual Information Subjective Content

1. Jose Rizal wrote Noli Me Tangere.

2. In my opinion, the government should extend additional
assistance to Filipinos who suffered from unemployment due to
the pandemic.
3. About 4.5 Filipinos have lost their jobs this year, with
unemployment rate at 10.4% - the highest in 15 years, the
government reported, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
4. Garnering 70% of the viewers’ vote, the finalist from Visayas
won the reality show.
5. For me, Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere is an eye opener that
helps us realize the ills of the society.
6. I believe the winner deserves victory due to his commendable
social skills when dealing with others.

A. DEVELOPMENT Giving Opinion

Useful Expression in Giving Opinions

1. As far as I know…
2. I agree with the opinion of…
3. I could be wrong, but…
4. I’d definitely say that…
5. I’d guess/imagine that…
6. I’d say that…
7. I’m absolutely certain that…
8. I’m fairly confident that…
9. I’m no expert (on this), but…
10. I’m positive that…
11. I’m pretty sure that…
12. It seems to me that…
13. It’s a complicated/difficult issue, but…
14. My (point of) view (on this) is…
15. Obviously…
16. Some people may disagree with me, but…
17. This is just my opinion, but…
18. Without a doubt…
19. You probably won’t agree, but…
20. I do believe/feel/think…

Learning Task 3
Read the video transcript of America’s President Barack Obama
which you can also find on pages 528-529 if you have your
English 9 LM. If you have internet access and gadget at home,
you may watch the video on this link:

Statements below are taken from President Obama’s address.

Identify which among the statements contain factual information
or subjective content. Write F for factual and S for subjective.
Write your answers on pad paper.

____1. There were no winners in this government shutdown.

____2. At a time when our economy needs more growth and more
jobs, the manufactured crises of these last few weeks actually
harmed jobs and growth.
____3. The Senate has already passed a bill with strong bipartisan
____4. First, we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach
to a responsible budget, one that grows our economy faster and
shrinks our long-term deficits further.
____5. Second, we should finish the job of fixing our broken
immigration system. There’s already a broad coalition across
America that’s behind this effort, from business leaders to faith
leaders to law enforcement. It would grow our economy.

Learning Task 4
Work with a partner. Tell whether the statement is a Factual
Information (F) or a Subjective Content (S). If it is a fact, write an
opinion related to the fact.
____1. The Philippines is an archipelago, or string of over 7,100
islands, in southeastern Asia.
____2. For me, the best colleges in San Pablo City are DLSP and
____3. There are too many people living in the planet.
____4. Honeybees are insects.
____5. The percentage of people who vote in the United States is
often very low.
____6. Everyone should visit the beach at least once every
____7. There are too many laws a person must follow.
____8. According to research, the internet has led many people to
become addicted to social media.
____9. There are over 34,000 dead from earthquake in Turkey and
Syria as of February 12, 2023, according to CNN.
____10. The sun is a star.

C.ENGAGEMENT Learning Task 5

This time, read an excerpt from President Manuel L. Quezon’s

speech. In your pad paper, write down three (3) statements
indicating factual information and three (3) statements expressing
subjective content from the speech.

[Radiocast from Malacañang Palace, Manila, on Rizal Day,

December 30, 1937]

My Fellow-Citizens:
It affords me an indescribable satisfaction to be able to
announce to you that on this the 41st anniversary of the
martyrdom of the founder and greatest exponent of Philippine
nationalism, I had the privilege of issuing, in pursuance of the
mandate of the Constitution and of existing law, an Executive
Order designating one of the native languages as the basis for the
national language of the Filipino people.

For over three hundred years that Spain exercised

sovereignty over the Philippines, Spanish was the official
language; nevertheless, when the United States took possession
and control of these Islands, Spanish had not become the common
language of our people. With the establishment of the American
régime, English became the official language of our country; but
despite the fact that English has been taught in all our public
schools for more than a generation, it has not become the language
of our people. Today there is not one language that is spoken and
understood by all the Filipinos, nor even by a majority of them,
which simply proves that while the teaching of a foreign language
may be imposed upon a people, it can never replace the native
tongue as a medium of national expression among the common
masses. This is because, as Rizal asserted, the national thought
takes its roots in a common language which develops and grows
with the progress of the nation. We may borrow for a time the
language of other peoples, but we cannot truly possess a national
language except through the adoption, development and use of
one of our own.
There was a time when it seemed that it would be
impossible for the Filipinos to agree that one of the native
languages be chosen as the national language, but at last we have
all realized that if we are willing to accept a foreign language as
the official language of the Philippines, with more reason we
should accept one of our own languages as the national language
of our common country. Without giving undue importance to the
role that a common language plays in the life of a people, we may
point to the fact that in the Orient the one nation which has made
the greatest progress and which has won a high place in the family
of nations, is the only nation that has one common language—
Japan. And every other nation which has attained the highest state
of culture, solidarity and power, both on the American continent
and in Europe, and even in Africa, is a nation that possesses a
common national language.
Today, with the adoption of Tagalog as the basis for the
national language of the Philippines, we have accomplished one of
the most cherished dreams of Rizal.
In no better way could we have honored his sacred
memory on this anniversary of his immolation to the cause of our
free nationhood.
I wish you all a Happy New Year.

Source: Official Gazette

D.ASSIMILATION Learning Task 6

Read the following sentences. Decide which is factual and which
is subjective. Write F for factual and S for subjective.
___ 1. Touching a spider is scary.
___ 2. Dancing is the most pleasant pastime.
___ 3. Abortion should be legal in most cases.
___ 4. Democracy is the greatest form of government.
___ 5. I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world.
___ 6. Z-nation was an entertaining show that should never been
___ 7. Break dancing is a style of dance that originated in New
York in the 1970s.

___ 8. There are a total of 208 different countries in the world and
there are 7 continents.
___ 9. The world is getting warmer over the years and that’s why
global warming has emerged.
___ 10. The periodic table is important for chemistry lessons and
118 different elements are included in the periodic table.

Reflect on what you learned on this lesson about factual information
and subjective content by completing the statements below.
V. REFLECTION 1. The aspect of the lesson I believe I learned most about is
(Reflection on the Type of Formative __________because…
Used for This Particular Lesson) 2. The task which I found the most challenging is
3. I realized that I can use the things I learned from this
lesson when…

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